Retrieve general user information.
- The id of the user (required).
A JSON dict containing user information, if such user is found.
"id_user" : 1, // ID of the user
"firstname" : "Rick", // Firstname of the user
"lastname" : "Astley", // Lastname of the user
"promotion_year" : 2017, // Year of the first year at the IUT
"join_date" : "2007-03-29 12:42:42", // Join date, in UTC
"score" : 75, // Global score of the user
"count_easy" : 13, // Amount of 'easy' (1) achievements completed
"count_normal" : 9, // Amount of 'normal' (2) achievements completed
"count_hard" : 8, // Amount of 'hard' (3) achievements completed
"count_hardcore" : 5, // Amount of 'hardcore' (4) achievements completed
"count_impossible" : 0, // Amount of 'impossible' (5) achievements completed
"global_rank" : 42, // Global rank of the user
"year_rank" : 42, // User's rank among the others in their class (promotion_year)
"completed_achievements" : [ // IDs of the completed achievements by the user
1, 20, 42, 69, ...
Retrieve general achievement information.
- The id of the achievement (required).
A JSON dict containing achievement information, if such achievement is found.
"id_achievement" : 1, // ID of the achievement
"name" : "Never Gonna Give You Up", // Name of the achievement (short)
"lore" : "We'll never gonna let you down", // Description of the achievement (long)
"difficulty" : 5, // Difficulty: 1 - Easy, 2 - Normal, 3 - Hard, 4 - Hardcore, 5 - Impossible
"auto_complete" : 0, // Is auto-completed when all childs are completed: 1 - true, 0 - false
"childs" : [ // IDs of the childs of the achievement
2, 3, 42, 69, ...
Retrieve information about leaderboard.
- The year of the leaderboard. Optional, default is global leaderboard.
A JSON dict containing leaderboard information, and the users on the leaderboard.
"year" : 0, // Year of the leadboard. 0 if global leaderboard
"users" : [{ // Users in the leaderboard, order by their score
"id_user" : 1, // ID of the user
"name" : "Rick Astley", // Name of the user (firstname + lastname)
"promotion_year" : "2017", // Year of first year at the IUT
"score" : 42, // Total score
}, { ... }, ...]