remember to comment this line if you are using slurm schedular
the datasets are stored in the Data
directory in text format, e.g. ml.txt
the index of users and items starts at 1, and the id should be both continuous.
each line indicates an interaction: user_id item_id
for any single user, the order of the interacted items should be preserved. But the order between different users could be mixed.
1 2
1 5
1 1
2 1
2 2
1 7
the config file config.json
is all you need to change
dataset part
load_processed_dataset: the dataset you put in the `Data` will be processed into .pkl,
you can load it for saving time. true or false, e.g. false
processed_dataset_path: absolute path, e.g. "C:processed/ml.pkl"
dataloader_random_seed: float, default=0.0
train_batch_size: batch size, e.g. 64
val_batch_size: batch size, e.g. 64
test_batch_size: batch size, e.g. 64
prop_sliding_window: propotion of the sliding window step, if the input seq is exceeding the max_len,
you can use a sliding window to generate a sequence of input. default: 0.1,
if you don't want this sliding windown, set this parameter as -1.0.
worker_number: for multi-processer, usually it could be 4 times #cpu core you have
train_negative_sampler_code: popular or random, e.g. "popular"
train_negative_sample_size: for bert and sas, this is unused, set as 0
train_negative_sampling_seed: 0
test_negative_sampler_code: popular or random, e.g. "popular"
test_negative_sample_size: default: 100
test_negative_sampling_seed: 0
training part
mode: train or test, e.g. "train"
test_model_path: absolute path, e.g. "C://model//my_model.pth"
resume_path: absolute path, e.g. "C://model//check_point_model.pth"
device: cpu or cuda, default: "cpu"
num_gpu: default: 1
device_idx: note: this is a string, you can type "0", or "0, 1, 2"
optimizer: "Adam" or "SGD"
lr: learning rate, e.g. 0.001
weight_decay: l2 regularization, e.g. 0.01
decay_step: decay step for StepLR, e.g. 15
gamma: Gamma for StepLR, e.g. 0.1
num_epochs: number of epochs for training, e.g. 100
log_period_as_iter: after every certain number of iterations, the model weight will be saved as checkpoint
metric_ks: ks for Metric@k, there are 3 types of metric: MRR, NDCG and HIT, e.g. [10, 20, 50]
best_metric: Metric for determining the best model, e.g. "NDCG@10"
show_process_bar: show the processing bar when training or testing, true or false, e.g.false
model part
model_code: bert or sas
bert_max_len: Length of sequence for bert, e.g. 200
bert_hidden_units: Size of hidden vectors, e.g. 64
bert_num_blocks: number of transformer layers, e.g. 2
bert_num_heads: number of heads for multi-attention, e.g. 2
bert_dropout: used for transformer blocks
bert_hidden_dropout: used for hidden unit layers
sas_max_len : Length of sequence for sas, e.g. 200
sas_hidden_units: Size of hidden vectors, e.g. 64
sas_num_blocks: number of transformer layers, e.g. 2
sas_heads: number of heads for multi-attention, e.g. 2
sas_dropout: dropout rate, e.g. 0.2
l2_emb: normalization, e.g. 0.0
experiment_dir: where you want to put you trained model and log info in, e.g. "experiments"
experiment_description: default: "test"
dataset_name: the dataset filename you put in the `Data` dir, e.g. "ml.txt"
this is the config you can edit for bert4rec&sas4rec
put your dataset into the Data
dir, make sure the format meet the requirement.
edit the config.json
install Essential Package.
pip install -r requirements.txt
you can also config the parameters in the command line. they will overwrite the config.json
python --mode=test
you can select the config file in the command line
python --config_file=config1.json
python --config_file=config2.json
don't forget to change test_model_path
and resume_path
in the config.json
when used
after you finishing the training, you can check your directory, by default it is experiment
it looks like this
- test_bert_2021-03-28_0
- logs
- tensorboard_visualization
- models
- test_bert_2021-03-28_1
the weight state dict is saved at models
dir, used for test or resume training
to see the metrics changes during the training, first open cmd in the logs
dir (Windows)
then type the command
tensorboard --logdir=tensorboard_visualization
then it may return
logs>tensorboard --logdir=tensorboard_visualization
TensorFlow installation not found - running with reduced feature set.
Serving TensorBoard on localhost; to expose to the network, use a proxy or pass --bind_all
TensorBoard 2.4.1 at http://localhost:6006/ (Press CTRL+C to quit)
open http://localhost:6006/
in the browser