COA (Conservation Opportutity Areas)
First, /huc12_state
loads big geojson HUC12 for drawing results of model.
COA tab uses large tables.
COA and Data tabs are using the HUC12 GeoJSON. (maybe)
All the MapBox layers are in Setup tab.
Setup tab:
- Data Layers are from Data tab and ???
- AOI Layers are from AOI tab
- huc12s is selected HUC12s
- Selection is a circle or polygon created by the user
- Boundaries from Mapbox
- Background from Mapbox
Radio buttons generated in PHP.
sgcn = species of greatest conservation need
Now only nsppwrc_sgcn column is used.
User: Analyze tab > Details > Preview
Code: model.preview_map()
AOI (Area of Interest)
Uploaded in AOI tab > Shapefile upload, then it creates custom polygon.
If the Shapefile has more than one polygon and has a DBF which has
column named name
, them it uses batch functions, so that the report
has more than one entry and uses that name.
Records for each user-selected AOI.
Table "aoi_results"
Column | Type | Description
pk | integer | AOI identifier used in the application
identifier | character(32) | hash?
huc12s | text | comma separted list of HUC12s
description | text |
date | date | day of creation
x_max | numeric(15,13) | bbox
x_min | numeric(15,13) |
y_min | numeric(15,13) |
y_max | numeric(15,13) |
permalink | character(100) | created at the beginning based on server URL and pk
huc12s_5k | text | doughnut shape buffer without AOI
huc12s_12k | text | doughnut shape buffer without AOI
After Submit button, /wps/map is called with GET parameters which
specify the threats. Server returns JSON with number of threats for each
HUC12 which is the last item in the list of each HUC12 and is set as an
attribute of GeoJSON. The colors are managed in symbolsLookup_model
On the server side, the number threats is counted all the way in