A collection of test programs and examples for the Spin Semiconductor FV-1 reverb IC. Connect a scope directly to FV-1 DA outputs to monitor test results.
On program change, all registers, accumulators and delay memory locations are initialised with 0.0. DACs are held at 0.0 for about 18ms, then the program starts, DACs are ramped up during the first few samples.
Skip flags combine by AND: "Perform skip if all flagged conditions are met." When flags are clear, all flagged conditions are met regardless of the content of ACC, and an unconditional skip is performed.
ADDR_PTR, DACR & DACL do not allow read access.
Instruction cho rdal uses condition flags to register LFO and to select read from COS. Other cho flags have no impact on rdal output.
0: Output 0.0 to DACL.
Result: DAC outputs ~1.7V
1: Output maximum value to DACL
Result: DAC outputs ~3.1V
2: Output minimum value to DACL
Result: DAC Outputs ~0.3V
3: Check copy to and from REG
Output: DACL is max for PASS, min for FAIL
Result: PASS, wrax/ldax yield same result
4: Check REG initial value
Output: REG initial value is written to DACL
Result: REG is initialised with 0.0
5: Check PACC initial value
Output: PACC initial value is written to DACL
Result: PACC is initialised with 0.0
6: Check ACC initial value
Output: ACC initial value is written to DACL
Result: ACC is initialied with 0.0
7: Check delay initial value
Output: Delay content is written to DACL
Result: Whole delay line is initialised with 0.0
0: Check ACC persistence.
Output: DACL is max for PASS, min for FAIL
Result: ACC persists OK
1: Check ACC as delay element
Output: DACL varies from min to max for PASS
Result: Output steadily increases OK
2: Check PACC persistence
Output: DACL is max for PASS, min for FAIL
Result: PACC persists OK
3: Check REG persistence
Output: DACL varies from min to max for PASS
Result: REG persists OK
4: Check DAC holds last written value on program change
Result: DAC is muted for about 18ms then output returns to last written value
5: Check DAC persistence within program
ADCL is transferred to DACL if POT0 is > ~0.5, otherwise DACL is not written.
Result: DAC holds last written value
6: ADC multiple reads return same value
Output: DACL is max if ADCL is exactly same, min if different.
Result: ADC returns same value throughout program
7: DAC multiple writes output only last written
Output: DACL is written with min, then overwritten with max
Result: DAC outputs last written value in program
0: Unconditional SKP
Output: ADCL is written to DACL if no skip is performed, else output 0.0
Result: skp with flags=0 performs unconditional skip
1: All SKP flags set
Output: ADCL is written to DACL if no skip is performed, else output 0.0
Result: skp with flags=0x1f never skips
2: Zero crossing flag combinations
Output: Test mode is written to DACR, zero crossings are written to DACL
Result: RUN,GEZ,NEG combine with ZRC. ZRO does not combine
3: Skip on Zero & Sign
Results: Skip flags combine by AND:
- NEG : skips
- NEG|ZRO : does not skip
- NEG|ZRO|GEZ : does not skip
- ZRO : skips
- ZRO|GEZ : skips but only on ZERO
- NEG|GEZ : does not skip
- GEZ : skips
4: Check LFO raw outputs
Result: SIN LFO varies over full range -1.0 to 1.0. RMP LFO varies over range 0.0 to 0.5
5: Check SIN interpolation values
Result: SIN interpolation varies smoothly over range 0.0 to 1.0
6: Check RMP crossfade value
Result: Crossfade coefficient varies smoothly over range 0.0 to 1.0
7: Check RMP interpolation values
Result: RMP interpolation varies smoothly over range 0.0 to 1.0 as with SIN interploation
0: SKP past end of program
Result: Skp to end of program
1: Negative ADDR_PTR
Result: Sign bit is ignored, address bits 0x7fff00 used directly
2: Check CHO rdal,SIN flags
Result: For SIN LFO, REG flag must be set, otherwise no output is provided, and flags COMPC, COMPA are ignored.
3: Check CHO rdal,RMP flags
Result: REG must be set as with SIN lfo and all flags are ignored.
4: Invalid WLDR
Result: Invalid frequency is accepted and works as expected.
5: Read from DACL
Result: DACL reads as 0.0
6: Read back ADDR_PTR
Result: ADDR_PTR reads as 0.0
7: Write to ADCL
Result: Write to ADCL does not change read value
- 0: Register 0x08
- 1: Register 0x09
- 2: Register 0x0a
- 3: Register 0x0b
- 4: Register 0x0c
- 5: Register 0x0d
- 6: Register 0x0e
- 7: Register 0x0f
Reads from registers 0x08 - 0x0f return the same value as ACC.
- 0: Register 0x13
- 1: Register 0x19
- 2: Register 0x1a
- 3: Register 0x1b
- 4: Register 0x1c
- 5: Register 0x1d
- 6: Register 0x1e
- 7: Register 0x1f
Reads from registers 0x13, 0x19 - 0x0f return the same value as ACC.
0: Measure delay error
Result: Floating point appears to have one bit of sign, three bits of exponent and 10 bits of value. Max error is roughly 13 bits at full scale, about 0.1% across signal range.
1: Check double delay error fix
Result: Error is reduced below 3 bits - compare DACR on program 0 to program 1. Note: Negative error values indicate exact comparison after fetch.
2: Delay address servo from POT
Ramp servos with slight lag.
3: Delay address servo from ADC
Ramp servos with slight lag.
4: LFO cho sof,... output
Result: Without flags, cho,sof outputs the k interpolation value
5: Interpolated delay read
Signal is frequency modulated as expected
6: Crossfade with ramp LFO
Signal is faded in and out as expected
7: Frequency shift example
Test of example from AN-0001
0: Raw LFO output
Result: cho RDAL uses cho flags to choose COS output from SIN LFO
1: Windowed Sinc FIR Lowpass
2: Random FIR
Despite limited accuracy of filter tap multipliers, FIRs work quite well.
3: Hold DACL and DACR at +1.0 for next test init
4: Program start delay
DACL and DACR are held at 0.0 for ~18ms on program change. The program is started, then one sample later the DACs start updating with program content (Confirmed due to DAC being ramped up)
5: SOF clipping order
Guard bits in multiplier retain overflow until after offset is applied
6: RDAX clipping order
Guard bits in multiplier retain overflow until after accumulate
7: RDFX clipping order
Guard bits in multiplier retain overflow until after final accumulate
0: raw log
Output: Take log of an LFO and output to DACR.
1: raw exp
Output: Take exp of an LFO and output to DACR.
2: exp log cancellation
Test cancellation of terms: 2**(log(x)) = x within the limits of the FV-1.
Result: With sign correction, exp/log cancells as expected.
3: log gain
Add a DC offset to log(x) for gain: y = 2**(log(x) + gain)
Result: POT0 gives gain factor of roughly 0.00001 to 65535.0.
4: log powers
Multiply log(x) by a DC offset for powers x**(y)
5: 1/x
Compute the special case 1/x using y=2**(-log(x))
Result: all output values are saturated since abs(y) >= 1.0 for all x
6: square root
Compute the special case sqrt(x) using y=2**(0.5*log(x))
7: division
Compute x/y using 2**(log(x) - log(y))
DF-I order 2,3 delay lines
DF-I order 2,3 registers
TDF-I order 2,3 delay lines
TDF-II order 2,3 delay lines
DF-I order 2,3 registers
DF-II order 2,3 registers
TDF-I order 2,3 registers
TDF-II order 2,3 registers
To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighbouring rights to this software to the public domain worldwide. This software is distributed without any warranty.
- FV-1 assembler: https://github.com/ndf-zz/asfv1
- Dervish: http://gbiswell.myzen.co.uk/dervish/Readme_First.html
- Spin Semiconductor: http://spinsemi.com/