We are using behave python package which is BDD (behaviour-driven development) for e2e testing and uses tests written in a natural language style, backed up by Python code.
To run end-to-end test scenarios, you need to meet the following prerequisites.
- Python 2.7+
- Also need python-dev package, too
- pip
- virtualenv (optional)
- To isolate the test environment from other dev environment on your local
- Docker
- Docker-compose
- You can't use docker-compose which has been installed on the distribution by default.
All scripts to run the end-2-end test are included https://github.com/nekia/fabric-block-archiving-testenv.git.
vagrant@ubuntu:~$ mkdir ~/dev
vagrant@ubuntu:~$ cd ~/dev
vagrant@ubuntu:~/dev$ git clone https://github.com/nekia/fabric-block-archiving-testenv.git
vagrant@ubuntu:~/dev$ cd fabric-block-archiving-testenv
In the following demo, a simple Hyperledger Fabric network is actually deployed on your local environment. You need to setup to enable some Hyperledger Fabric binaries (cryptogen, configtxgen) on your local.
vagrant@ubuntu:~/dev/fabric-block-archiving-testenv$ export PATH=~/go/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric/.build/bin:$PATH
You need to install some python packages required for end-to-end testing via pip. If you don't use virualenv, you can skip the first 2 steps of the followings.
vagrant@ubuntu:~/dev/fabric-block-archiving-testenv$ virtualenv e2e-test
vagrant@ubuntu:~/dev/fabric-block-archiving-testenv$ . e2e-test/bin/activate
(e2e-test) vagrant@ubuntu:~/dev/fabric-block-archiving-testenv$ cd feature/
(e2e-test) vagrant@ubuntu:~/dev/fabric-block-archiving-testenv/feature$ pip install -r requirements.txt
By running the following command, the next some steps are automatically processed.
- Generating artifacts and credentials of Hyperledger Fabric network for every test scenario
- Launching Hyperledger Fabric network (2 organizations, 2 peers for each)
- Invoking a chaincode several times for generating blocks
- Validating block archiving status of each peer
- Verifying block data consisitency from genesis block to the latest one on each peer
# Sanity check
(e2e-test) vagrant@ubuntu:~/dev/fabric-block-archiving-testenv/feature$ behave -t @dev -k blockArchiving.feature
# Full test (It takes about about 20 min to complete)
(e2e-test) vagrant@ubuntu:~/dev/fabric-block-archiving-testenv/feature$ behave -k blockArchiving.feature
1 feature passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped
5 scenarios passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped
191 steps passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped, 0 undefined
Took 18m21.142s
vagrant@ubuntu:~/dev/fabric-block-archiving-testenv/feature$ deactivate