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-- Name: passenger; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
CREATE TABLE public.passenger (
passengerid integer NOT NULL,
survived double precision,
pclass integer,
name text,
sex text,
age double precision,
sibsp integer,
parch integer,
ticket text,
fare double precision,
cabin text,
embarked text,
wikiid double precision,
name_wiki text,
age_wiki double precision,
hometown text,
boarded text,
destination text,
lifeboat text,
body text,
class integer
-- Data for Name: passenger; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: -
COPY public.passenger (passengerid, survived, pclass, name, sex, age, sibsp, parch, ticket, fare, cabin, embarked, wikiid, name_wiki, age_wiki, hometown, boarded, destination, lifeboat, body, class) FROM stdin;
1 0 3 Braund, Mr. Owen Harris male 22 1 0 A/5 21171 7.25 \N S 691 Braund, Mr. Owen Harris 22 Bridgerule, Devon, England Southampton Qu'Appelle Valley, Saskatchewan, Canada \N \N 3
2 1 1 Cumings, Mrs. John Bradley (Florence Briggs Thayer) female 38 1 0 PC 17599 71.2833 C85 C 90 Cumings, Mrs. Florence Briggs (née Thayer) 35 New York, New York, US Cherbourg New York, New York, US 4 \N 1
3 1 3 Heikkinen, Miss. Laina female 26 0 0 STON/O2. 3101282 7.925 \N S 865 Heikkinen, Miss Laina 26 Jyväskylä, Finland Southampton New York City 14? \N 3
4 1 1 Futrelle, Mrs. Jacques Heath (Lily May Peel) female 35 1 0 113803 53.1 C123 S 127 Futrelle, Mrs. Lily May (née Peel) 35 Scituate, Massachusetts, US Southampton Scituate, Massachusetts, US D \N 1
5 0 3 Allen, Mr. William Henry male 35 0 0 373450 8.05 \N S 627 Allen, Mr. William Henry 35 Birmingham, West Midlands, England Southampton New York City \N \N 3
6 0 3 Moran, Mr. James male \N 0 0 330877 8.4583 \N Q 785 Doherty, Mr. William John (aka "James Moran") 22 Cork, Ireland Queenstown New York City \N \N 3
7 0 1 McCarthy, Mr. Timothy J male 54 0 0 17463 51.8625 E46 S 200 McCarthy, Mr. Timothy J. 54 Dorchester, Massachusetts, US Southampton Dorchester, Massachusetts, US \N 175MB 1
8 0 3 Palsson, Master. Gosta Leonard male 2 3 1 349909 21.075 \N S 1108 Pålsson, Master Gösta Leonard 2 Bjuv, Skåne, Sweden Southampton Chicago, Illinois, US \N \N 3
9 1 3 Johnson, Mrs. Oscar W (Elisabeth Vilhelmina Berg) female 27 0 2 347742 11.1333 \N S 902 Johnson, Mrs. Elisabeth Vilhelmina (née Berg) 26 St. Charles, Illinois, US Southampton St. Charles, Illinois, US 15 \N 3
10 1 2 Nasser, Mrs. Nicholas (Adele Achem) female 14 1 0 237736 30.0708 \N C 520 Nassr Allah, Mrs. Adal (née Akim)[62][77] 14 Zahlé, Lebanon, Ottoman Empire Cherbourg Cleveland, Ohio, US ? \N 2
11 1 3 Sandstrom, Miss. Marguerite Rut female 4 1 1 PP 9549 16.7 G6 S 1193 Sandström, Miss Marguerite Rut 4 Motala, Östergötland, Sweden Southampton San Francisco, US 13 \N 3
12 1 1 Bonnell, Miss. Elizabeth female 58 0 0 113783 26.55 C103 S 35 Bonnell, Miss Elizabeth 61 Youngstown, Ohio, US Southampton Youngstown, Ohio, US 8 \N 1
13 0 3 Saundercock, Mr. William Henry male 20 0 0 A/5. 2151 8.05 \N S 1196 Saundercock, Mr. William Henry 19 St Austell, Cornwall, England Southampton New York City \N \N 3
14 0 3 Andersson, Mr. Anders Johan male 39 1 5 347082 31.275 \N S 632 Andersson, Mr. Anders Johan 39 Kisa, Östergötland, Sweden Southampton Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada \N \N 3
15 0 3 Vestrom, Miss. Hulda Amanda Adolfina female 14 0 0 350406 7.8542 \N S 1286 Veström, Miss Hulda Amanda Adolfina 14 Salmunds, Gotland, Sweden Southampton Los Angeles, US \N \N 3
16 1 2 Hewlett, Mrs. (Mary D Kingcome) female 55 0 0 248706 16 \N S 446 Hewlett, Mrs. Mary Dunbar (née Kingcome) 56 Lucknow, British India, UK[note 3] Southampton Rapid City, South Dakota, US 13 \N 2
17 0 3 Rice, Master. Eugene male 2 4 1 382652 29.125 \N Q 1151 Rice, Master Eugene Francis 2 Athlone, Westmeath, Ireland Queenstown Spokane, Washington, US \N \N 3
18 1 2 Williams, Mr. Charles Eugene male \N 0 0 244373 13 \N S 604 Williams, Mr. Charles Eugene 23 Harrow, London, England Southampton Chicago, Illinois, US 14 \N 2
19 0 3 Vander Planke, Mrs. Julius (Emelia Maria Vandemoortele) female 31 1 0 345763 18 \N S 1280 Vanderplancke, Mrs. Emelie Maria (née Vandemoortele) 31 Pittem, Belgium Southampton Fremont, Ohio, US \N \N 3
20 1 3 Masselmani, Mrs. Fatima female \N 0 0 2649 7.225 \N C 1053 Muslamani, Mrs. Fatimah 22 Tebnine, Lebanon Cherbourg Michigan City, Indiana, US C \N 3
21 0 2 Fynney, Mr. Joseph J male 35 0 0 239865 26 \N S 416 Fynney, Mr. Joseph J. 35 Liverpool, Merseyside, England, UK Southampton Montreal, Quebec, Canada \N 322M 2
22 1 2 Beesley, Mr. Lawrence male 34 0 0 248698 13 D56 S 346 Beesley, Mr. Lawrence 34 London, England, UK Southampton Toronto, Ontario, Canada 13 \N 2
23 1 3 McGowan, Miss. Anna "Annie" female 15 0 0 330923 8.0292 \N Q 1014 McGowan, Miss Anna F. "Annie" 16 Massbrook, Mayo, Ireland Queenstown Chicago, Illinois, US 13 \N 3
24 1 1 Sloper, Mr. William Thompson male 28 0 0 113788 35.5 A6 S 261 Sloper, Mr. William Thompson 28 New Britain, Connecticut, US Southampton New Britain, Connecticut, US 7 \N 1
25 0 3 Palsson, Miss. Torborg Danira female 8 3 1 349909 21.075 \N S 1105 Pålsson, Miss Torborg Danira 8 Bjuv, Skåne, Sweden Southampton Chicago, Illinois, US \N \N 3
26 1 3 Asplund, Mrs. Carl Oscar (Selma Augusta Emilia Johansson) female 38 1 5 347077 31.3875 \N S 649 Asplund, Mrs. Selma Augusta Emilia (née Johansson) 38 Alseda, Småland, Sweden Southampton Worcester, Massachusetts, US 15 \N 3
27 0 3 Emir, Mr. Farred Chehab male \N 0 0 2631 7.225 \N C 1205 Shihab, Mr. Amir Faris 25 Hadath, Lebanon Cherbourg New York City \N \N 3
28 0 1 Fortune, Mr. Charles Alexander male 19 3 2 19950 263 C23 C25 C27 S 118 Fortune, Mr. Charles Alexander 19 Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada Southampton Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada \N \N 1
29 1 3 O'Dwyer, Miss. Ellen "Nellie" female \N 0 0 330959 7.8792 \N Q 1086 O'Dwyer, Miss Ellen "Nellie" 25 Limerick, Limerick, Ireland Queenstown New York City ? \N 3
30 0 3 Todoroff, Mr. Lalio male \N 0 0 349216 7.8958 \N S 1258 Todoroff, Mr. Lalio 23 Unknown, Bulgaria Southampton Chicago, Illinois, US \N \N 3
31 0 1 Uruchurtu, Don. Manuel E male 40 0 0 PC 17601 27.7208 \N C 302 Uruchurtu, Don Manuel E. 40 Mexico City, Mexico Cherbourg Mexico City, Mexico \N \N 1
194 1 2 Navratil, Master. Michel M male 3 1 1 230080 26 F2 S 522 Navratil, Master Michel Marcel 3 Nice, France Southampton New York City D \N 2
32 1 1 Spencer, Mrs. William Augustus (Marie Eugenie) female \N 1 0 PC 17569 146.5208 B78 C 275 Spencer, Mrs. Marie Eugénie (née Demougeot) 45 New York, New York, US Cherbourg New York, New York, US 6 \N 1
33 1 3 Glynn, Miss. Mary Agatha female \N 0 0 335677 7.75 \N Q 826 Glynn, Miss Mary Agatha 19 Killaloe, Clare, Ireland Queenstown Washington, DC, US 13 \N 3
34 0 2 Wheadon, Mr. Edward H male 66 0 0 C.A. 24579 10.5 \N S 600 Wheadon, Mr. Edward H. 66 Guernsey, Channel Islands Southampton Edgewood, Rhode Island, US \N \N 2
35 0 1 Meyer, Mr. Edgar Joseph male 28 1 0 PC 17604 82.1708 \N C 202 Meyer, Mr. Edgar Joseph 28 New York, New York, US Cherbourg New York, New York, US \N \N 1
36 0 1 Holverson, Mr. Alexander Oskar male 42 1 0 113789 52 \N S 163 Holverson, Mr. Alexander Oskar 42 New York, New York, US Southampton New York, New York, US \N 38MB 1
37 1 3 Mamee, Mr. Hanna male \N 0 0 2677 7.2292 \N C 998 Mamee, Mr. Hanna 20 Tripoli, Lebanon Cherbourg Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US 15 \N 3
38 0 3 Cann, Mr. Ernest Charles male 21 0 0 A./5. 2152 8.05 \N S 712 Cann, Mr. Ernest Charles 21 Penwithick, Cornwall, England Southampton New York City \N \N 3
39 0 3 Vander Planke, Miss. Augusta Maria female 18 2 0 345764 18 \N S 1281 Vanderplancke, Miss Augusta Maria 18 Zwevezele, Belgium Southampton Fremont, Ohio, US \N \N 3
40 1 3 Nicola-Yarred, Miss. Jamila female 14 1 0 2651 11.2417 \N C 1071 Niqula-Yarid, Miss Jamilah 14 El-Hakour, Lebanon Cherbourg Jacksonville, Florida, US C \N 3
41 0 3 Ahlin, Mrs. Johan (Johanna Persdotter Larsson) female 40 1 0 7546 9.475 \N S 619 Ahlin, Mrs. Johanna Persdotter (née Larsson) 40 Göteborg, Västergötland, Sweden Southampton Akeley, Minnesota, US \N \N 3
42 0 2 Turpin, Mrs. William John Robert (Dorothy Ann Wonnacott) female 27 1 0 11668 21 \N S 581 Turpin, Mrs. Dorothy Ann (née Wonnacott) 27 Plymouth, Devon, England Southampton Salt Lake City, Utah, US \N \N 2
43 0 3 Kraeff, Mr. Theodor male \N 0 0 349253 7.8958 \N C 946 Kraeff, Mr. Theodor \N Vetren, Bulgaria Cherbourg Madison, Wisconsin, US \N \N 3
44 1 2 Laroche, Miss. Simonne Marie Anne Andree female 3 1 2 SC/Paris 2123 41.5792 \N C 487 Laroche, Miss Simoné Marie Anne Andrée 3 Paris, France Cherbourg Cap-Haïtien, Haiti 14 \N 2
45 1 3 Devaney, Miss. Margaret Delia female 19 0 0 330958 7.8792 \N Q 778 Devaney, Miss Margaret Delia 19 Kilmacowen, Sligo, Ireland Queenstown New York City C \N 3
46 0 3 Rogers, Mr. William John male \N 0 0 S.C./A.4. 23567 8.05 \N S 1159 Rogers, Mr. William John 29 Pontardawe, West Glamorgan, Wales Southampton New York City \N \N 3
47 0 3 Lennon, Mr. Denis male \N 1 0 370371 15.5 \N Q 968 Lennon, Mr. Denis 20 Ballymahon, Longford, Ireland Queenstown New York City \N \N 3
48 1 3 O'Driscoll, Miss. Bridget female \N 0 0 14311 7.75 \N Q 1085 O'Driscoll, Miss Bridget 24 Ballydehob, Cork, Ireland Queenstown Jersey City, New Jersey, US D \N 3
49 0 3 Samaan, Mr. Youssef male \N 2 0 2662 21.6792 \N C 1191 Sa'maan, Mr. Youssef Omar "Joseph" 16 Hardîne, Lebanon Cherbourg Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, US \N \N 3
50 0 3 Arnold-Franchi, Mrs. Josef (Josefine Franchi) female 18 1 0 349237 17.8 \N S 645 Arnold-Franchi, Mrs. Josefine (née Franchi) 18 Altdorf, Uri, Switzerland Southampton New Glarus, Wisconsin, US \N \N 3
51 0 3 Panula, Master. Juha Niilo male 7 4 1 3101295 39.6875 \N S 1112 Panula, Master Juha Niilo 7 Ylihärmä, South Ostrobothnia, Finland Southampton Coal Center, Pennsylvania, US \N \N 3
52 0 3 Nosworthy, Mr. Richard Cater male 21 0 0 A/4. 39886 7.8 \N S 1076 Nosworthy, Mr. Richard Cater 21 Newton Abbot, Devon, England Southampton Buffalo, New York, US \N \N 3
53 1 1 Harper, Mrs. Henry Sleeper (Myna Haxtun) female 49 1 0 PC 17572 76.7292 D33 C 148 Harper, Mrs. Myna (née Haxtun) 49 New York, New York, US Cherbourg New York, New York, US 3 \N 1
54 1 2 Faunthorpe, Mrs. Lizzie (Elizabeth Anne Wilkinson) female 29 1 0 2926 26 \N S 603 Wilkinson, Miss Elizabeth Anne (alias Mrs. Elizabeth Faunthorpe) 29 Manchester, England Southampton Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US 16 \N 2
55 0 1 Ostby, Mr. Engelhart Cornelius male 65 0 1 113509 61.9792 B30 C 220 Ostby, Mr. Engelhart Cornelius 64 Providence, Rhode Island, US Southampton Providence, Rhode Island, US \N 234MB 1
56 1 1 Woolner, Mr. Hugh male \N 0 0 19947 35.5 C52 S 324 Woolner, Mr. Hugh 45 London, England, UK Southampton New York, New York, US D \N 1
57 1 2 Rugg, Miss. Emily female 21 0 0 C.A. 31026 10.5 \N S 559 Rugg, Miss Emily 21 Guernsey, Channel Islands Southampton Wilmington, Delaware, US 12 \N 2
58 0 3 Novel, Mr. Mansouer male 28.5 0 0 2697 7.2292 \N C 1075 Nofal, Mr. Mansur 20 Kafr Mishki, Lebanon Cherbourg Ottawa, Ontario, Canada \N 181MB 3
59 1 2 West, Miss. Constance Mirium female 5 1 2 C.A. 34651 27.75 \N S 598 West, Miss Constance Mirium 4 Bournemouth, Dorset, England Southampton Gainesville, Florida, US 10 \N 2
60 0 3 Goodwin, Master. William Frederick male 11 5 2 CA 2144 46.9 \N S 835 Goodwin, Master William Frederick 13 Fulham, England Southampton Niagara Falls, New York, US \N \N 3
61 0 3 Sirayanian, Mr. Orsen male 22 0 0 2669 7.2292 \N C 1209 Sirkanian, Mr. Arsun 22 Kiğı, Turkey Cherbourg Brantford, Ontario, Canada \N \N 3
62 1 1 Icard, Miss. Amelie female 38 0 0 113572 80 B28 \N 284 and maid, Miss Amelie "Amelia" Icard 38 New York, New York, US Southampton New York, New York, US 6 \N 1
63 0 1 Harris, Mr. Henry Birkhardt male 45 1 0 36973 83.475 C83 S 149 Harris, Mr. Henry Birkhardt 45 New York, New York, US Southampton New York, New York, US \N \N 1
64 0 3 Skoog, Master. Harald male 4 3 2 347088 27.9 \N S 1218 Skoog, Master Harald 5 Hällekis, Västergötland, Sweden Southampton Iron Mountain, Michigan, US \N \N 3
65 0 1 Stewart, Mr. Albert A male \N 0 0 PC 17605 27.7208 \N C 282 Stewart, Mr. Albert A. 54 Cincinnati, Ohio, US Cherbourg Gallipolis, Ohio, US \N \N 1
66 1 3 Moubarek, Master. Gerios male \N 1 1 2661 15.2458 \N C 1045 Mubarik, Master Gerios 7 Hardîne, Lebanon Cherbourg Houtzdale, Pennsylvania, US C \N 3
67 1 2 Nye, Mrs. (Elizabeth Ramell) female 29 0 0 C.A. 29395 10.5 F33 S 527 Nye, Mrs. Elizabeth (née Ramell) 29 East Orange, New Jersey, US Southampton East Orange, New Jersey, US 11 \N 2
68 0 3 Crease, Mr. Ernest James male 19 0 0 S.P. 3464 8.1583 \N S 746 Crease, Mr. Ernest James 19 Bristol, Avon, England Southampton Cleveland, Ohio, US \N \N 3
69 1 3 Andersson, Miss. Erna Alexandra female 17 4 2 3101281 7.925 \N S 639 Andersson, Miss Erna Alexandra 17 Kullaa, Finland Southampton New York City D \N 3
70 0 3 Kink, Mr. Vincenz male 26 2 0 315151 8.6625 \N S 942 Kink, Mr. Vincenz 26 Zürich, Switzerland Southampton Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US \N \N 3
71 0 2 Jenkin, Mr. Stephen Curnow male 32 0 0 C.A. 33111 10.5 \N S 470 Jenkin, Mr. Stephen Curnow 32 St. Ives, Cornwall, England Southampton Houghton, Michigan, US \N \N 2
72 0 3 Goodwin, Miss. Lillian Amy female 16 5 2 CA 2144 46.9 \N S 833 Goodwin, Miss Lillian Amy 16 Fulham, England Southampton Niagara Falls, New York, US \N \N 3
73 0 2 Hood, Mr. Ambrose Jr male 21 0 0 S.O.C. 14879 73.5 \N S 458 Hood, Mr. Ambrose Jr. 21 Fritham, Hampshire, England Southampton Manitoba, Canada \N \N 2
74 0 3 Chronopoulos, Mr. Apostolos male 26 1 0 2680 14.4542 \N C 724 Chronopoulos, Mr. Apostolos 26 Agios Sostis, Peloponnese, Greece Cherbourg New York City \N \N 3
75 1 3 Bing, Mr. Lee male 32 0 0 1601 56.4958 \N S 960 Lee, Mr. Bing 32 Hong Kong, China Southampton New York City C \N 3
76 0 3 Moen, Mr. Sigurd Hansen male 25 0 0 348123 7.65 F G73 S 1033 Moen, Mr. Sigurd Hansen 25 Bergen, Norway Southampton Minneapolis, Minnesota, US \N 309M 3
77 0 3 Staneff, Mr. Ivan male \N 0 0 349208 7.8958 \N S 1229 Staneff, Mr. Ivan 23 Debnevo, Troyan, Bulgaria Southampton Chicago, Illinois, US \N \N 3
78 0 3 Moutal, Mr. Rahamin Haim male \N 0 0 374746 8.05 \N S 1043 Moutal, Mr. Rahamin Haim 28 London, England Southampton New York City \N \N 3
79 1 2 Caldwell, Master. Alden Gates male 0.83 0 2 248738 29 \N S 366 Caldwell, Master Alden Gates 0.83 Bangkok, Siam Southampton Roseville, Illinois, US 13 \N 2
80 1 3 Dowdell, Miss. Elizabeth female 30 0 0 364516 12.475 \N S 786 Dowdell, Miss Elizabeth 31 New York City, New York, US Southampton New York City 13 \N 3
81 0 3 Waelens, Mr. Achille male 22 0 0 345767 9 \N S 1288 Waelens, Mr. Achille 22 Ruiselede, West Flanders, Belgium Southampton Stanton, Ohio, US \N 140MB 3
82 1 3 Sheerlinck, Mr. Jan Baptist male 29 0 0 345779 9.5 \N S 1199 Scheerlinck, Mr. Jean Baptiste 29 Haaltert, East Flanders, Belgium Southampton Detroit, Michigan, US 11 \N 3
83 1 3 McDermott, Miss. Brigdet Delia female \N 0 0 330932 7.7875 \N Q 1011 McDermott, Miss Bridget Delia 31 Lahardane, Mayo, Ireland Queenstown Chicago, Illinois, US 13 \N 3
84 0 1 Carrau, Mr. Francisco M male 28 0 0 113059 47.1 \N S 55 Carrau, Mr. Francisco M. 31 Montevideo, Uruguay Southampton Montevideo, Uruguay \N \N 1
85 1 2 Ilett, Miss. Bertha female 17 0 0 SO/C 14885 10.5 \N S 464 Ilett, Miss Bertha 17 Jersey, Channel Islands Southampton Atlanta, Georgia, US ? \N 2
86 1 3 Backstrom, Mrs. Karl Alfred (Maria Mathilda Gustafsson) female 33 3 0 3101278 15.85 \N S 664 Backström, Mrs. Maria Mathilda (née Gustafsson)[62][80] 33 Kotka, Finland Southampton New York City D \N 3
87 0 3 Ford, Mr. William Neal male 16 1 3 W./C. 6608 34.375 \N S 817 Ford, Mr. William Neal Thomas 16 Rotherfield, East Sussex, England Southampton Essex County, New Jersey, US \N \N 3
88 0 3 Slocovski, Mr. Selman Francis male \N 0 0 SOTON/OQ 392086 8.05 \N S 1221 Slocovski, Mr. Selman Francis 20 London, England Southampton New York City \N \N 3
89 1 1 Fortune, Miss. Mabel Helen female 23 3 2 19950 263 C23 C25 C27 S 117 Fortune, Miss Mabel Helen 23 Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada Southampton Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada 10 \N 1
90 0 3 Celotti, Mr. Francesco male 24 0 0 343275 8.05 \N S 719 Celotti, Mr. Francesco 24 Milan[83], Italy Southampton New York City \N \N 3
91 0 3 Christmann, Mr. Emil male 29 0 0 343276 8.05 \N S 723 Christmann, Mr. Emil 29 London, England Southampton New York City \N \N 3
92 0 3 Andreasson, Mr. Paul Edvin male 20 0 0 347466 7.8542 \N S 642 Andreasson, Mr. Paul Edvin 20 Kalfsnäs, Småland, Sweden Southampton Chicago, Illinois, US \N \N 3
93 0 1 Chaffee, Mr. Herbert Fuller male 46 1 0 W.E.P. 5734 61.175 E31 S 69 Chaffee, Mr. Hubert Fuller 46 Amenia, North Dakota, US Southampton Amenia, North Dakota, US \N \N 1
94 0 3 Dean, Mr. Bertram Frank male 26 1 2 C.A. 2315 20.575 \N S 770 Dean, Mr. Bertram Frank 25 Bartley Farm, Hampshire, England Southampton Wichita, Kansas, US \N \N 3
95 0 3 Coxon, Mr. Daniel male 59 0 0 364500 7.25 \N S 745 Coxon, Mr. Daniel 59 London, England Southampton Merrill, Wisconsin, US \N \N 3
96 0 3 Shorney, Mr. Charles Joseph male \N 0 0 374910 8.05 \N S 1207 Shorney, Mr. Charles Joseph 22 Heron's Ghyll, East Sussex, England Southampton New York, US \N 240{?}MB 3
97 0 1 Goldschmidt, Mr. George B male 71 0 0 PC 17754 34.6542 A5 C 133 Goldschmidt, Mr. George B. 71 New York, New York, US Cherbourg New York, New York, US \N \N 1
98 1 1 Greenfield, Mr. William Bertram male 23 0 1 PC 17759 63.3583 D10 D12 C 140 Greenfield, Mr. William Bertram 23 New York, New York, US Cherbourg New York, New York, US 7 \N 1
99 1 2 Doling, Mrs. John T (Ada Julia Bone) female 34 0 1 231919 23 \N S 400 Doling, Mrs. Ada Julia (née Bone) 34 Southampton, Hampshire, England, UK Southampton New York City ? \N 2
100 0 2 Kantor, Mr. Sinai male 34 1 0 244367 26 \N S 472 Kantor, Mr. Sinai 34 Vitebsk, Russian Empire Southampton Bronx, New York, US \N 283MB 2
101 0 3 Petranec, Miss. Matilda female 28 0 0 349245 7.8958 \N S 1130 Petranec, Miss Matilda 28 Vagovina, Croatia Southampton Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, US \N \N 3
102 0 3 Petroff, Mr. Pastcho ("Pentcho") male \N 0 0 349215 7.8958 \N S 1132 Petroff, Mr. Pastcho 29 Belish, Troyan, Bulgaria Southampton Chicago, Illinois, US \N \N 3
103 0 1 White, Mr. Richard Frasar male 21 0 1 35281 77.2875 D26 S 309 White, Mr. Richard Frasar 21 Brunswick, Maine, US Southampton Brunswick, Maine, US \N 169MB 1
104 0 3 Johansson, Mr. Gustaf Joel male 33 0 0 7540 8.6542 \N S 897 Johansson, Mr. Gustaf Joel 33 Bäckebo, Småland, Sweden Southampton Cheyenne, North Dakota, US \N 285MB 3
105 0 3 Gustafsson, Mr. Anders Vilhelm male 37 2 0 3101276 7.925 \N S 843 Gustafsson, Mr. Anders Vilhelm 37 Ruotsinpyhtää, Finland Southampton New York City \N 98MB 3
106 0 3 Mionoff, Mr. Stoytcho male 28 0 0 349207 7.8958 \N S 1027 Mihoff, Mr. Stoytcho 28 Gumostnik, Lovec, Bulgaria Southampton Chicago, Illinois, US \N \N 3
107 1 3 Salkjelsvik, Miss. Anna Kristine female 21 0 0 343120 7.65 \N S 1186 Salkjelsvik, Miss Anna Kristine 21 Ålesund, Møre og Romsdal, Norway Southampton Proctor, Minnesota, US C \N 3
108 1 3 Moss, Mr. Albert Johan male \N 0 0 312991 7.775 \N S 1041 Moss, Mr. Albert Johan 29 Bergen, Norway Southampton New York City B \N 3
109 0 3 Rekic, Mr. Tido male 38 0 0 349249 7.8958 \N S 1144 Rekić, Mr. Tido 38 Bosanska Krupa, Bosnia Southampton Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, US \N \N 3
110 1 3 Moran, Miss. Bertha female \N 1 0 371110 24.15 \N Q 1037 Moran, Miss Bertha Bridget 28 Askeaton, Limerick, Ireland Queenstown Brooklyn, New York, US 16 \N 3
111 0 1 Porter, Mr. Walter Chamberlain male 47 0 0 110465 52 C110 S 231 Porter, Mr. Walter Chamberlain 46 Worcester, Massachusetts, US Southampton Worcester, Massachusetts, US \N 207MB 1
112 0 3 Zabour, Miss. Hileni female 14.5 1 0 2665 14.4542 \N C 884 Jabbour, Miss Hileni 16 Unknown, Syria Cherbourg New York City \N 328MM 3
113 0 3 Barton, Mr. David John male 22 0 0 324669 8.05 \N S 676 Barton, Mr. David John 22 Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England Southampton New York City \N \N 3
114 0 3 Jussila, Miss. Katriina female 20 1 0 4136 9.825 \N S 915 Jussila, Miss Katriina 20 Paavola, Northern Ostrobothnia, Finland Southampton New York City \N \N 3
115 0 3 Attalah, Miss. Malake female 17 0 0 2627 14.4583 \N C 659 Atta Allah, Miss Malakah 17 Beirut, Lebanon Cherbourg New York City \N \N 3
116 0 3 Pekoniemi, Mr. Edvard male 21 0 0 STON/O 2. 3101294 7.925 \N S 1124 Pekoniemi, Mr. Edvard Johannes 21 Heinola, Finland Southampton New York City \N \N 3
117 0 3 Connors, Mr. Patrick male 70.5 0 0 370369 7.75 \N Q 735 Connors, Mr. Patrick John 61 Charleville, Cork, Ireland Queenstown New York City \N 171MB 3
118 0 2 Turpin, Mr. William John Robert male 29 1 0 11668 21 \N S 580 Turpin, Mr. William John Robert 29 Plymouth, Devon, England Southampton Salt Lake City, Utah, US \N \N 2
119 0 1 Baxter, Mr. Quigg Edmond male 24 0 1 PC 17558 247.5208 B58 B60 C 24 Baxter, Mr. Quigg Edmond 24 Montreal, Quebec, Canada Cherbourg Montreal, Quebec, Canada \N \N 1
120 0 3 Andersson, Miss. Ellis Anna Maria female 2 4 2 347082 31.275 \N S 638 Andersson, Miss Ellis Anna Maria 2 Kisa, Östergötland, Sweden Southampton Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada \N \N 3
121 0 2 Hickman, Mr. Stanley George male 21 2 0 S.O.C. 14879 73.5 \N S 449 Hickman, Mr. Stanley George 20 Fritham, Hampshire, England Southampton The Pas, Manitoba, Canada \N \N 2
122 0 3 Moore, Mr. Leonard Charles male \N 0 0 A4. 54510 8.05 \N S 1036 Moore, Mr. Leonard Charles 19 Kingston upon Thames, London, England Southampton Hoboken, New Jersey, US \N \N 3
123 0 2 Nasser, Mr. Nicholas male 32.5 1 0 237736 30.0708 \N C 519 Nassr Allah, Mr. Niqula Khalil 28 Zahlé, Lebanon, Ottoman Empire[note 7] Cherbourg Cleveland, Ohio, US \N 43MB 2
124 1 2 Webber, Miss. Susan female 32.5 0 0 27267 13 E101 S 590 Webber, Miss Susan 37 Bude, Cornwall, England Southampton Hartford, Connecticut, US 12 \N 2
125 0 1 White, Mr. Percival Wayland male 54 0 1 35281 77.2875 D26 S 308 White, Mr. Percival Wayland 54 Brunswick, Maine, US Southampton Brunswick, Maine, US \N \N 1
126 1 3 Nicola-Yarred, Master. Elias male 12 1 0 2651 11.2417 \N C 1072 Niqula-Yarid, Master Ilyas 12 El-Hakour, Lebanon Cherbourg Jacksonville, Florida, US C \N 3
127 0 3 McMahon, Mr. Martin male \N 0 0 370372 7.75 \N Q 1016 McMahon, Mr. Martin 20 Craghbrien, Clare, Ireland Queenstown New York City \N \N 3
128 1 3 Madsen, Mr. Fridtjof Arne male 24 0 0 C 17369 7.1417 \N S 993 Madsen, Mr. Fridtjof Arne 24 Trondheim, Norway Southampton Brooklyn, New York, US 13 \N 3
129 1 3 Peter, Miss. Anna female \N 1 1 2668 22.3583 F E69 C 703 Butrus-Youssef, Miss Marianna 2 Sar'al, Syria[81] Cherbourg Detroit, Michigan, US C \N 3
130 0 3 Ekstrom, Mr. Johan male 45 0 0 347061 6.975 \N S 796 Ekström, Mr. Johan 45 Effington Rut, South Dakota, US Southampton Effington Rut, South Dakota, US \N \N 3
131 0 3 Drazenoic, Mr. Jozef male 33 0 0 349241 7.8958 \N C 788 Draženović, Mr. Jozef 33 Hrastelnica, Croatia Cherbourg New York City \N 51MB 3
132 0 3 Coelho, Mr. Domingos Fernandeo male 20 0 0 SOTON/O.Q. 3101307 7.05 \N S 726 Coelho, Mr. Domingos Fernandes 20 Funchal, Madeira Islands, Portugal Southampton New York City \N \N 3
133 0 3 Robins, Mrs. Alexander A (Grace Charity Laury) female 47 1 0 A/5. 3337 14.5 \N S 1158 Robins, Mrs. Grace Charity (née Laury) 47 St Austell, Cornwall, England Southampton Yonkers, New York, US \N 7MB 3
134 1 2 Weisz, Mrs. Leopold (Mathilde Francoise Pede) female 29 1 0 228414 26 \N S 592 Weisz, Mrs. Mathilde Françoise (née Pëde) 37 Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, England Southampton Montreal, Quebec, Canada 10 \N 2
135 0 2 Sobey, Mr. Samuel James Hayden male 25 0 0 C.A. 29178 13 \N S 571 Sobey, Mr. Samuel James Hayden 25 Porthallow, Cornwall, England Southampton Houghton, Michigan, US \N \N 2
136 0 2 Richard, Mr. Emile male 23 0 0 SC/PARIS 2133 15.0458 \N C 552 Richard, Mr. Emile Philippe 23 Paris, France Cherbourg Montreal, Quebec, Canada \N \N 2
137 1 1 Newsom, Miss. Helen Monypeny female 19 0 2 11752 26.2833 D47 S 216 Newsom, Miss Helen Monypeny 19 New York, New York, US Southampton New York, New York, US 5 \N 1
138 0 1 Futrelle, Mr. Jacques Heath male 37 1 0 113803 53.1 C123 S 126 Futrelle, Mr. Jacques Heath 37 Scituate, Massachusetts, US Southampton Scituate, Massachusetts, US \N \N 1
139 0 3 Osen, Mr. Olaf Elon male 16 0 0 7534 9.2167 \N S 1103 Osén, Mr. Olaf Elon 16 Hedesunda, Gävleborg, Sweden Southampton Mitchell, South Dakota, US \N \N 3
140 0 1 Giglio, Mr. Victor male 24 0 0 PC 17593 79.2 B86 C 142 and valet, Mr. Victor Giglio 24 Paris, France Cherbourg New York, New York, US \N \N 1
141 0 3 Boulos, Mrs. Joseph (Sultana) female \N 0 2 2678 15.2458 \N C 696 Bulus, Mrs. Sultanah (née Rizq) 40 Unknown, Lebanon Cherbourg Kent, British Columbia, Canada \N \N 3
142 1 3 Nysten, Miss. Anna Sofia female 22 0 0 347081 7.75 \N S 1077 Nysten, Miss Anna Sofia 22 Kisa, Östergötland, Sweden Southampton Hackensack, New Jersey, US 13 \N 3
143 1 3 Hakkarainen, Mrs. Pekka Pietari (Elin Matilda Dolck) female 24 1 0 STON/O2. 3101279 15.85 \N S 850 Hakkarainen, Mrs. Elin Matilda (née Dolck) 24 Helsinki, Finland Southampton Monessen, Pennsylvania, US 15 \N 3
144 0 3 Burke, Mr. Jeremiah male 19 0 0 365222 6.75 \N Q 699 Burke, Mr. Jeremiah 19 Glanmire, Cork, Ireland Queenstown Charlestown, US \N \N 3
145 0 2 Andrew, Mr. Edgardo Samuel male 18 0 0 231945 11.5 \N S 329 Andrew, Mr. Edgar Samuel 17 San Ambrosio, Córdoba, Argentina Southampton Trenton, New Jersey, US \N \N 2
146 0 2 Nicholls, Mr. Joseph Charles male 19 1 1 C.A. 33112 36.75 \N S 525 Nicholls, Mr. Joseph Charles "Joe" 19 St. Ives, Cornwall, England Southampton Houghton, Michigan, US \N 101MB 2
147 1 3 Andersson, Mr. August Edvard ("Wennerstrom") male 27 0 0 350043 7.7958 \N S 1293 Wennerström, Mr. August Edvard Andersson 27 Malmö, Skåne, Sweden Southampton Chicago, Illinois, US A \N 3
148 0 3 Ford, Miss. Robina Maggie "Ruby" female 9 2 2 W./C. 6608 34.375 \N S 818 Ford, Miss Robina Maggie 7 Rotherfield, East Sussex, England Southampton Essex County, New Jersey, US \N \N 3
149 0 2 Navratil, Mr. Michel ("Louis M Hoffman") male 36.5 0 2 230080 26 F2 S 521 Navratil, Mr. Michel (alias Louis M. Hoffman) 32 Nice, France Southampton New York City \N 15MB 2
150 0 2 Byles, Rev. Thomas Roussel Davids male 42 0 0 244310 13 \N S 362 Byles, Father Thomas Roussel Davids 42 London, England Southampton Jacksonville, Florida, US \N \N 2
151 0 2 Bateman, Rev. Robert James male 51 0 0 S.O.P. 1166 12.525 \N S 338 Bateman, Reverend Robert James 51 Jacksonville, Florida, US Southampton Jacksonville, Florida, US \N 174MB 2
152 1 1 Pears, Mrs. Thomas (Edith Wearne) female 22 1 0 113776 66.6 C2 S 226 Pears, Mrs. Edith (née Wearne) 22 Isleworth, London, England, UK Southampton New York, New York, US 8 \N 1
153 0 3 Meo, Mr. Alfonzo male 55.5 0 0 A.5. 11206 8.05 \N S 1024 Meo-Martino, Mr. Alfonzo 48 Bournemouth, Dorset, England Southampton Washington, DC, US \N 201MB 3
154 0 3 van Billiard, Mr. Austin Blyler male 40.5 0 2 A/5. 851 14.5 \N S 1269 Van Billiard, Mr. Austin Blyler 35 London, England Southampton North Wales, Pennsylvania, US \N 255MB 3
155 0 3 Olsen, Mr. Ole Martin male \N 0 0 Fa 265302 7.3125 \N S 1095 Olsen, Mr. Ole Martin 27 Sunnhordland, Norway Southampton Broderick, Canada \N \N 3
156 0 1 Williams, Mr. Charles Duane male 51 0 1 PC 17597 61.3792 \N C 322 Williams, Mr. Charles Duane 51 Geneva, Switzerland Cherbourg Radnor, Pennsylvania, US \N \N 1
157 1 3 Gilnagh, Miss. Katherine "Katie" female 16 0 0 35851 7.7333 \N Q 825 Gilnagh, Miss Mary Katherine "Katie" 17 Esker, Longford, Ireland Queenstown New York City 16 \N 3
158 0 3 Corn, Mr. Harry male 30 0 0 SOTON/OQ 392090 8.05 \N S 740 Corn, Mr. Henry "Harry" 30 London, England Southampton New York City \N \N 3
159 0 3 Smiljanic, Mr. Mile male \N 0 0 315037 8.6625 \N S 1222 Smiljanić, Mr. Jakob Mile 37 Pisac, Croatia Southampton New York City \N \N 3
160 0 3 Sage, Master. Thomas Henry male \N 8 2 CA. 2343 69.55 \N S 1184 Sage, Master Thomas Henry 4 Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, England Southampton Jacksonville, Florida, US \N \N 3
161 0 3 Cribb, Mr. John Hatfield male 44 0 1 371362 16.1 \N S 747 Cribb, Mr. John Hatfield 44 Bournemouth, Dorset, England Southampton Newark, New Jersey, US \N \N 3
162 1 2 Watt, Mrs. James (Elizabeth "Bessie" Inglis Milne) female 40 0 0 C.A. 33595 15.75 \N S 588 Watt, Mrs. Elizabeth Inglis "Bessie" (née Milne) 40 Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, Scotland Southampton Portland, Oregon, US 9 \N 2
163 0 3 Bengtsson, Mr. John Viktor male 26 0 0 347068 7.775 \N S 678 Bengtsson, Mr. Johan Viktor 26 Fridhemsberg, Halland, Sweden Southampton Monee, Illinois, US \N \N 3
164 0 3 Calic, Mr. Jovo male 17 0 0 315093 8.6625 \N S 708 Čalić, Mr. Jovo 17 Brezik, Croatia Southampton Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, US \N \N 3
165 0 3 Panula, Master. Eino Viljami male 1 4 1 3101295 39.6875 \N S 1114 Panula, Master Eino Viljami 1 Ylihärmä, South Ostrobothnia, Finland Southampton Coal Center, Pennsylvania, US \N \N 3
166 1 3 Goldsmith, Master. Frank John William "Frankie" male 9 0 2 363291 20.525 \N S 829 Goldsmith, Master Frank John William 9 Strood, Kent, England Southampton Detroit, Michigan, US C \N 3
167 1 1 Chibnall, Mrs. (Edith Martha Bowerman) female \N 0 1 113505 55 E33 S 75 Chibnall, Mrs. Edith Martha Bowerman (née Barber) 48 St Leonards-on-Sea, East Sussex, England, UK Southampton New York, New York, US 6 \N 1
168 0 3 Skoog, Mrs. William (Anna Bernhardina Karlsson) female 45 1 4 347088 27.9 \N S 1215 Skoog, Mrs. Anna Bernhardina (née Karlsson) 43 Hällekis, Västergötland, Sweden Southampton Iron Mountain, Michigan, US \N \N 3
169 0 1 Baumann, Mr. John D male \N 0 0 PC 17318 25.925 \N S 22 Baumann, Mr. John D. 60 New York, New York, US Cherbourg New York, New York, US \N \N 1
170 0 3 Ling, Mr. Lee male 28 0 0 1601 56.4958 \N S 979 Ling, Mr. Lee 24 Hong Kong, China Southampton New York City \N \N 3
171 0 1 Van der hoef, Mr. Wyckoff male 61 0 0 111240 33.5 B19 S 303 Van der Hoef, Mr. Wyckoff 61 Brooklyn, New York, US Belfast Brooklyn, New York, US \N 245MB 1
172 0 3 Rice, Master. Arthur male 4 4 1 382652 29.125 \N Q 1150 Rice, Master Arthur 4 Athlone, Westmeath, Ireland Queenstown Spokane, Washington, US \N \N 3
173 1 3 Johnson, Miss. Eleanor Ileen female 1 1 1 347742 11.1333 \N S 904 Johnson, Miss Eleanor Ileen 1 St. Charles, Illinois, US Southampton St. Charles, Illinois, US 15 \N 3
174 0 3 Sivola, Mr. Antti Wilhelm male 21 0 0 STON/O 2. 3101280 7.925 \N S 1212 Sivola, Mr. Antti Vilhelmi 21 Mountain Home, Idaho, US Southampton Mountain Home, Idaho, US \N \N 3
175 0 1 Smith, Mr. James Clinch male 56 0 0 17764 30.6958 A7 C 263 Smith, Mr. James Clinch 56 Paris, France Cherbourg Long Island, New York, US \N \N 1
176 0 3 Klasen, Mr. Klas Albin male 18 1 1 350404 7.8542 \N S 944 Klasén, Mr. Klas Albin 18 Grimshut, Småland, Sweden Southampton New York City \N \N 3
177 0 3 Lefebre, Master. Henry Forbes male \N 3 1 4133 25.4667 \N S 965 Lefebvre, Master Henri Franck-Marie-Joseph 5 Liévin, Pas-de-Calais, France Southampton Mystic, Iowa, US \N \N 3
178 0 1 Isham, Miss. Ann Elizabeth female 50 0 0 PC 17595 28.7125 C49 C 169 Isham, Miss Ann Elizabeth 50 Chicago, Illinois, US Cherbourg Chicago, Illinois, US \N \N 1
179 0 2 Hale, Mr. Reginald male 30 0 0 250653 13 \N S 430 Hale, Mr. Reginald 30 Auburn, New York, US Southampton Auburn, New York, US \N 75MB 2
180 0 3 Leonard, Mr. Lionel male 36 0 0 LINE 0 \N S 970 Leonard, Mr. Lionel 36 New York City, New York, US Southampton New York City \N \N 3
181 0 3 Sage, Miss. Constance Gladys female \N 8 2 CA. 2343 69.55 \N S 1183 Sage, Miss Constance Gladys 7 Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, England Southampton Jacksonville, Florida, US \N \N 3
182 0 2 Pernot, Mr. Rene male \N 0 0 SC/PARIS 2131 15.05 \N C 143 and chauffeur, Mr. René Pernot[59] 39 Paris, France Cherbourg New York, New York, US \N \N 1
183 0 3 Asplund, Master. Clarence Gustaf Hugo male 9 4 2 347077 31.3875 \N S 651 Asplund, Master Clarence Gustaf Hugo 9 Alseda, Småland, Sweden Southampton Worcester, Massachusetts, US \N \N 3
184 1 2 Becker, Master. Richard F male 1 2 1 230136 39 F4 S 345 Becker, Master Richard Frederick 1 Guntur, Madras Province, British India Southampton Benton Harbor, Michigan, US 11 \N 2
185 1 3 Kink-Heilmann, Miss. Luise Gretchen female 4 0 2 315153 22.025 \N S 940 Kink, Miss Luise Gretchen 4 Zürich, Switzerland Southampton Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US 2 \N 3
186 0 1 Rood, Mr. Hugh Roscoe male \N 0 0 113767 50 A32 S 239 Rood, Mr. Hugh Roscoe 38 Seattle, Washington, US Southampton Seattle, Washington, US \N \N 1
187 1 3 O'Brien, Mrs. Thomas (Johanna "Hannah" Godfrey) female \N 1 0 370365 15.5 \N Q 1080 O'Brien, Mrs. Johanna "Hannah" (née Godfrey) 26 Pallasgreen, Limerick, Ireland Queenstown New York City ? \N 3
188 1 1 Romaine, Mr. Charles Hallace ("Mr C Rolmane") male 45 0 0 111428 26.55 \N S 238 Romaine, Mr. Charles Hallance (alias C. Rolmane) 45 New York, New York, US Southampton New York, New York, US 9 \N 1
189 0 3 Bourke, Mr. John male 40 1 1 364849 15.5 \N Q 684 Bourke, Mr. John 42 Carrowskehine, Mayo, Ireland Queenstown Chicago, Illinois, US \N \N 3
190 0 3 Turcin, Mr. Stjepan male 36 0 0 349247 7.8958 \N S 1266 Turčin, Mr. Stjepan 36 Bratina, Croatia Southampton Youngstown, Ohio, US \N \N 3
191 1 2 Pinsky, Mrs. (Rosa) female 32 0 0 234604 13 \N S 541 Pinsky, Mrs. Rosa 21 Brooklyn, New York, US Southampton Brooklyn, New York, US 9 \N 2
192 0 2 Carbines, Mr. William male 19 0 0 28424 13 \N S 369 Carbines, Mr. William 19 St. Ives, Cornwall, England Southampton Houghton, Michigan, US \N 18MB 2
193 1 3 Andersen-Jensen, Miss. Carla Christine Nielsine female 19 1 0 350046 7.8542 \N S 631 Andersen-Jensen, Miss Carla Christine 19 Eskilstrup, Denmark Southampton Portland, Oregon, US 16 \N 3
195 1 1 Brown, Mrs. James Joseph (Margaret Tobin) female 44 0 0 PC 17610 27.7208 B4 C 44 Brown, Mrs. Margaret (née Tobin) 44 Denver, Colorado, US Cherbourg Denver, Colorado, US 6 \N 1
196 1 1 Lurette, Miss. Elise female 58 0 0 PC 17569 146.5208 B80 C 276 and maid, Miss Eugenie Elise Lurette 59 New York, New York, US Cherbourg New York, New York, US 6 \N 1
197 0 3 Mernagh, Mr. Robert male \N 0 0 368703 7.75 \N Q 1025 Mernagh, Mr. John Robert 26 Ballywilliam, Wexford, Ireland Queenstown Chicago, Illinois, US \N \N 3
198 0 3 Olsen, Mr. Karl Siegwart Andreas male 42 0 1 4579 8.4042 \N S 1093 Olsen, Mr. Karl Siegwart Andreas 42 Trondheim, Norway Southampton Brooklyn, New York, US \N \N 3
199 1 3 Madigan, Miss. Margaret "Maggie" female \N 0 0 370370 7.75 \N Q 992 Madigan, Miss Margaret "Maggie" 21 Askeaton, Limerick, Ireland Queenstown New York City 15 \N 3
200 0 2 Yrois, Miss. Henriette ("Mrs Harbeck") female 24 0 0 248747 13 \N S 607 Yvois, Miss Henriette 24 Paris, France Southampton Montreal, Quebec, Canada \N \N 2
201 0 3 Vande Walle, Mr. Nestor Cyriel male 28 0 0 345770 9.5 \N S 1283 Van de Walle, Mr. Nestor Cyriel 28 Westrozebeke, Belgium Southampton New York City \N \N 3
202 0 3 Sage, Mr. Frederick male \N 8 2 CA. 2343 69.55 \N S 1179 Sage, Mr. Frederick 16 Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, England Southampton Jacksonville, Florida, US \N \N 3
203 0 3 Johanson, Mr. Jakob Alfred male 34 0 0 3101264 6.4958 \N S 895 Johanson, Mr. Jakob Alfred 34 Munsala, Finland Southampton Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada \N 143MB 3
204 0 3 Youseff, Mr. Gerious male 45.5 0 0 2628 7.225 \N C 1310 Youssef, Mr. Gerios (Sam'aan) 45 Hardîne, Lebanon Cherbourg Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, US \N \N 3
205 1 3 Cohen, Mr. Gurshon "Gus" male 18 0 0 A/5 3540 8.05 \N S 727 Cohen, Mr. Gershon "Gus" 18 London, England Southampton Brooklyn, New York, US 12 \N 3
206 0 3 Strom, Miss. Telma Matilda female 2 0 1 347054 10.4625 G6 S 1239 Ström, Miss Thelma Matilda Wilhelmina 2 Indiana Harbor, Indiana, US Southampton Indiana Harbor, Indiana, US \N \N 3
207 0 3 Backstrom, Mr. Karl Alfred male 32 1 0 3101278 15.85 \N S 663 Backström, Mr. Karl Alfred 32 Kotka, Finland Southampton New York City \N \N 3
208 1 3 Albimona, Mr. Nassef Cassem male 26 0 0 2699 18.7875 \N C 622 Al-Muna, Mr. Nasif Qasim 26 Fredericksburg, Virginia, US Cherbourg Fredericksburg, Virginia, US 15 \N 3
209 1 3 Carr, Miss. Helen "Ellen" female 16 0 0 367231 7.75 \N Q 741 Corr, Miss Helen 16 Corglass, Longford, Ireland Queenstown New York City 16 \N 3
210 1 1 Blank, Mr. Henry male 40 0 0 112277 31 A31 C 34 Blank, Mr. Henry 39 Glen Ridge, New Jersey, US Cherbourg Glen Ridge, New Jersey, US 7 \N 1
211 0 3 Ali, Mr. Ahmed male 24 0 0 SOTON/O.Q. 3101311 7.05 \N S 625 Ali, Mr. Ahmed 24 Buenos Aires, Argentina Southampton New York City \N \N 3
212 1 2 Cameron, Miss. Clear Annie female 35 0 0 F.C.C. 13528 21 \N S 367 Cameron, Miss Clear Annie 35 London, England, UK Southampton Mamaronek, New York, US 14 \N 2
213 0 3 Perkin, Mr. John Henry male 22 0 0 A/5 21174 7.25 \N S 1126 Perkin, Mr. John Henry 22 Holsworthy, Devon, England Southampton Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada \N \N 3
214 0 2 Givard, Mr. Hans Kristensen male 30 0 0 250646 13 \N S 428 Givard, Mr. Hans Kristensen 30 Kølsen, Vorde Sogn, Denmark Southampton San Francisco, California, US \N 305MB 2
215 0 3 Kiernan, Mr. Philip male \N 1 0 367229 7.75 \N Q 936 Kiernan, Mr. Philip 22 Aughnacliffe, Longford, Ireland Queenstown Jersey City, New Jersey, US \N \N 3
216 1 1 Newell, Miss. Madeleine female 31 1 0 35273 113.275 D36 C 214 Newell, Miss Madeleine 31 Lexington, Massachusetts, US Cherbourg Lexington, Massachusetts, US 6 \N 1
217 1 3 Honkanen, Miss. Eliina female 27 0 0 STON/O2. 3101283 7.925 \N S 875 Honkanen, Miss Eliina 27 Saarijärvi, Finland Southampton New York City ? \N 3
218 0 2 Jacobsohn, Mr. Sidney Samuel male 42 1 0 243847 27 \N S 465 Jacobsohn, Mr. Sidney Samuel 40 London, England Southampton Montreal, Quebec, Canada \N \N 2
219 1 1 Bazzani, Miss. Albina female 32 0 0 11813 76.2917 D15 C 46 and maid, Miss Albina Bazzani 36 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US Cherbourg Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US 8 \N 1
220 0 2 Harris, Mr. Walter male 30 0 0 W/C 14208 10.5 \N S 437 Harris, Mr. Walter 30 London, England Southampton New York City \N \N 2
221 1 3 Sunderland, Mr. Victor Francis male 16 0 0 SOTON/OQ 392089 8.05 \N S 1240 Sunderland, Mr. Victor Francis 20 London, England Southampton Cleveland, Ohio, US B \N 3
222 0 2 Bracken, Mr. James H male 27 0 0 220367 13 \N S 351 Bracken, Mr. James H. 29 Lake Arthur, New Mexico, US Southampton Lake Arthur, New Mexico, US \N \N 2
223 0 3 Green, Mr. George Henry male 51 0 0 21440 8.05 \N S 839 Green, Mr. George Henry 40 Dorking, Surrey, England Southampton Lead, South Dakota, US \N \N 3
224 0 3 Nenkoff, Mr. Christo male \N 0 0 349234 7.8958 \N S 1065 Nenkoff, Mr. Christo 22 Unknown, Bulgaria Southampton Coon Rapids, Iowa, US \N \N 3
225 1 1 Hoyt, Mr. Frederick Maxfield male 38 1 0 19943 90 C93 S 166 Hoyt, Mr. Frederick Maxfield 35 New York, New York, US Southampton Stamford, Connecticut, US D \N 1
226 0 3 Berglund, Mr. Karl Ivar Sven male 22 0 0 PP 4348 9.35 \N S 679 Berglund, Mr. Karl Ivar Sven 22 Firtby, Finland Southampton New York City \N \N 3
227 1 2 Mellors, Mr. William John male 19 0 0 SW/PP 751 10.5 \N S 510 Mellors, Mr. William John 19 Chelsea, London, England Southampton Long Island, New York, US B \N 2
228 0 3 Lovell, Mr. John Hall ("Henry") male 20.5 0 0 A/5 21173 7.25 \N S 985 Lovell, Mr. John Hall ("Henry") 20 Northlew, Devon, England Southampton New York City \N \N 3
229 0 2 Fahlstrom, Mr. Arne Jonas male 18 0 0 236171 13 \N S 410 Fahlstrøm, Mr. Arne Joma 18 Oslo, Norway Southampton Bayonne, New Jersey, US \N \N 2
230 0 3 Lefebre, Miss. Mathilde female \N 3 1 4133 25.4667 \N S 963 Lefebvre, Miss Mathilde Franck-Marie-Joseph 12 Liévin, Pas-de-Calais, France Southampton Mystic, Iowa, US \N \N 3
231 1 1 Harris, Mrs. Henry Birkhardt (Irene Wallach) female 35 1 0 36973 83.475 C83 S 150 Harris, Mrs. Irene (née Wallach) 35 New York, New York, US Southampton New York, New York, US D \N 1
232 0 3 Larsson, Mr. Bengt Edvin male 29 0 0 347067 7.775 \N S 958 Larsson, Mr. Bengt Edvin 29 Nyköping, Södermanland, Sweden Southampton Hartford, Connecticut, US \N \N 3
233 0 2 Sjostedt, Mr. Ernst Adolf male 59 0 0 237442 13.5 \N S 567 Sjöstedt, Mr. Ernst Adolf 30 Hjo, Västergötland, Sweden Southampton Sault Ste Marie, Michigan, US 10 \N 2
234 1 3 Asplund, Miss. Lillian Gertrud female 5 4 2 347077 31.3875 \N S 653 Asplund, Miss Lillian Gertrud 5 Alseda, Småland, Sweden Southampton Worcester, Massachusetts, US 15 \N 3
235 0 2 Leyson, Mr. Robert William Norman male 24 0 0 C.A. 29566 10.5 \N S 493 Leyson, Mr. Robert William Norman 25 London, England Southampton New York City \N 108MB 2
236 0 3 Harknett, Miss. Alice Phoebe female \N 0 0 W./C. 6609 7.55 \N S 860 Harknett, Miss Alice Phoebe 21 Thornton Heath, London, England Southampton New London, Connecticut, US \N \N 3
237 0 2 Hold, Mr. Stephen male 44 1 0 26707 26 \N S 456 Hold, Mr. Stephen 44 Porthoustock, Cornwall, England Southampton Sacramento, California, US \N \N 2
238 1 2 Collyer, Miss. Marjorie "Lottie" female 8 0 2 C.A. 31921 26.25 \N S 385 Collyer, Miss Marjorie Charlotte "Lottie" 8 Bishopstoke, Hampshire, England Southampton Payette, Idaho, US 14 \N 2
239 0 2 Pengelly, Mr. Frederick William male 19 0 0 28665 10.5 \N S 536 Pengelly, Mr. Frederick William 19 Gunnislake, Cornwall, England Southampton Butte, Montana, US \N \N 2
240 0 2 Hunt, Mr. George Henry male 33 0 0 SCO/W 1585 12.275 \N S 463 Hunt, Mr. George Henry 33 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US Southampton Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US \N \N 2
241 0 3 Zabour, Miss. Thamine female \N 1 0 2665 14.4542 \N C 885 Jabbour, Miss Tamini 19 Unknown, Syria Cherbourg New York City \N \N 3
242 1 3 Murphy, Miss. Katherine "Kate" female \N 1 0 367230 15.5 \N Q 1050 Murphy, Miss Catherine "Kate" 18 Aghnacliffe, Longford, Ireland Queenstown Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US 16 \N 3
243 0 2 Coleridge, Mr. Reginald Charles male 29 0 0 W./C. 14263 10.5 \N S 380 Coleridge, Mr. Reginald Charles 29 London, England Southampton Detroit, Michigan, US \N \N 2
244 0 3 Maenpaa, Mr. Matti Alexanteri male 22 0 0 STON/O 2. 3101275 7.125 \N S 994 Mäenpää, Mr. Matti Alexanteri 22 Kauhajoki, Finland Southampton Sudbury, Ontario, Canada \N \N 3
245 0 3 Attalah, Mr. Sleiman male 30 0 0 2694 7.225 \N C 658 Attala, Mr. Sleiman 30 Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Cherbourg Ottawa, Ontario, Canada \N \N 3
246 0 1 Minahan, Dr. William Edward male 44 2 0 19928 90 C78 Q 205 Minahan, Dr. William Edward 44 Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, US Southampton Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, US \N 230MB 1
247 0 3 Lindahl, Miss. Agda Thorilda Viktoria female 25 0 0 347071 7.775 \N S 973 Lindahl, Miss Agda Thorilda Viktoria 25 Stockholm, Sweden Southampton Saranac Lake, New York, US \N \N 3
248 1 2 Hamalainen, Mrs. William (Anna) female 24 0 2 250649 14.5 \N S 431 Hämäläinen, Mrs. Anna (Anna Hamlin) 24 Detroit, Michigan, US Southampton Detroit, Michigan, US 4 \N 2
249 1 1 Beckwith, Mr. Richard Leonard male 37 1 1 11751 52.5542 D35 S 26 Beckwith, Mr. Richard Leonard 37 New York, New York, US Southampton New York, New York, US 5 \N 1
250 0 2 Carter, Rev. Ernest Courtenay male 54 1 0 244252 26 \N S 370 Carter, Father Ernest Courtenay 54 London, England, UK Southampton New York City \N \N 2
251 0 3 Reed, Mr. James George male \N 0 0 362316 7.25 \N S 1143 Reed, Mr. James George 19 Penarth, Glamorgan, Wales Southampton New York City \N \N 3
252 0 3 Strom, Mrs. Wilhelm (Elna Matilda Persson) female 29 1 1 347054 10.4625 G6 S 1238 Ström, Mrs. Elna Matilda (née Persson) 29 Indiana Harbor, Indiana, US Southampton Indiana Harbor, Indiana, US \N \N 3
253 0 1 Stead, Mr. William Thomas male 62 0 0 113514 26.55 C87 S 278 Stead, Mr. William Thomas 62 London, England, UK Southampton New York, New York, US \N \N 1
254 0 3 Lobb, Mr. William Arthur male 30 1 0 A/5. 3336 16.1 \N S 982 Lobb, Mr. William Arthur 30 Scranton, Pennsylvania, US Southampton Scranton, Pennsylvania, US \N \N 3
255 0 3 Rosblom, Mrs. Viktor (Helena Wilhelmina) female 41 0 2 370129 20.2125 \N S 1161 Rosblom, Mrs. Helena Wilhelmina 41 Suistamo, Finland Southampton Astoria, Oregon, US \N \N 3
256 1 3 Touma, Mrs. Darwis (Hanne Youssef Razi) female 29 0 2 2650 15.2458 \N C 1263 Touma, Mrs. Hanna Youssef (née Razi) 27 Tibnin, Lebanon Cherbourg Dowagiac, Michigan, US C \N 3
257 1 1 Thorne, Mrs. Gertrude Maybelle female \N 0 0 PC 17585 79.2 \N C 300 Thorne, Mrs. Gertrude Maybelle (née McMinn) 37 New York, New York, US Cherbourg New York, New York, US D \N 1
258 1 1 Cherry, Miss. Gladys female 30 0 0 110152 86.5 B77 S 73 Cherry, Miss Gladys 30 London, England, UK Southampton Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada 8 \N 1
259 1 1 Ward, Miss. Anna female 35 0 0 PC 17755 512.3292 \N C 51 and maid, Miss Annie Moore Ward 38 Germantown, Pennsylvania, US Cherbourg Germantown, Pennsylvania, US 3 \N 1
260 1 2 Parrish, Mrs. (Lutie Davis) female 50 0 1 230433 26 \N S 535 Parrish, Mrs. Lutie Davis (née Temple) 60 Woodford County, Kentucky, US Southampton Woodford County, Kentucky, US 12 \N 2
261 0 3 Smith, Mr. Thomas male \N 0 0 384461 7.75 \N Q 1223 Smyth, Mr. Thomas 26 Caltra, Galway, Ireland Queenstown Hammond, Indiana, US \N \N 3
262 1 3 Asplund, Master. Edvin Rojj Felix male 3 4 2 347077 31.3875 \N S 654 Asplund, Master Edvin Rojj Felix 3 Alseda, Småland, Sweden Southampton Worcester, Massachusetts, US 15 \N 3
263 0 1 Taussig, Mr. Emil male 52 1 1 110413 79.65 E67 S 291 Taussig, Mr. Emil 52 New York, New York, US Southampton New York, New York, US \N \N 1
264 0 1 Harrison, Mr. William male 40 0 0 112059 0 B94 S 172 and secretary, Mr. William Henry Harrison 45 Wallasey, Merseyside, England, UK Southampton New York, New York, US \N 110MB 1
265 0 3 Henry, Miss. Delia female \N 0 0 382649 7.75 \N Q 870 Henry, Miss Bridget Delia 23 Clonown, Roscommon, Ireland Queenstown Boston, Massachusetts, US \N \N 3
266 0 2 Reeves, Mr. David male 36 0 0 C.A. 17248 10.5 \N S 548 Reeves, Mr. David 36 Slinfold, West Sussex, England Southampton New York City \N \N 2
267 0 3 Panula, Mr. Ernesti Arvid male 16 4 1 3101295 39.6875 \N S 1110 Panula, Mr. Ernesti Arvid 16 Ylihärmä, South Ostrobothnia, Finland Southampton Coal Center, Pennsylvania, US \N \N 3
268 1 3 Persson, Mr. Ernst Ulrik male 25 1 0 347083 7.775 \N S 1127 Persson, Mr. Ernst Ulrik 25 Stockholm, Uppland, Sweden Southampton Indianapolis, Indiana, US 15 \N 3
269 1 1 Graham, Mrs. William Thompson (Edith Junkins) female 58 0 1 PC 17582 153.4625 C125 S 136 Graham, Mrs. Edith Ware (née Junkins) 59 Greenwich, Connecticut, US Southampton Greenwich, Connecticut, US 3 \N 1
270 1 1 Bissette, Miss. Amelia female 35 0 0 PC 17760 135.6333 C99 S 311 and maid, Miss Amelia Mayo "Nellie" Bessette 39 New York, New York, US Cherbourg New York, New York, US 8 \N 1
271 0 1 Cairns, Mr. Alexander male \N 0 0 113798 31 \N S 58 and valet, Mr. Alexander Cairns 28 Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, US Southampton Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, US \N \N 1
272 1 3 Tornquist, Mr. William Henry male 25 0 0 LINE 0 \N S 1262 Törnquist, Mr. William Henry 25 Sundbyberg, Sweden Southampton New York City 15 \N 3
273 1 2 Mellinger, Mrs. (Elizabeth Anne Maidment) female 41 0 1 250644 19.5 \N S 508 Mellinger, Mrs. Elizabeth Anne (née Maidment) 41 Wimbledon, London, England Southampton Bennington, Vermont, US 14 \N 2
274 0 1 Natsch, Mr. Charles H male 37 0 1 PC 17596 29.7 C118 C 212 Natsch, Mr. Charles 36 Brooklyn, New York, US Cherbourg Brooklyn, New York, US \N \N 1
275 1 3 Healy, Miss. Hanora "Nora" female \N 0 0 370375 7.75 \N Q 862 Healy, Miss Hanora (Nora) 29 Athenry, Galway, Ireland Queenstown New York City 16 \N 3
276 1 1 Andrews, Miss. Kornelia Theodosia female 63 1 0 13502 77.9583 D7 S 11 Andrews, Miss Kornelia Theodosia 62 Hudson, New York, US Cherbourg Hudson, New York, US 10 \N 1
277 0 3 Lindblom, Miss. Augusta Charlotta female 45 0 0 347073 7.75 \N S 974 Lindblom, Miss Augusta Charlotta 45 Stockholm, Sweden Southampton Stratford, Connecticut, US \N \N 3
278 0 2 Parkes, Mr. Francis "Frank" male \N 0 0 239853 0 \N S 534 Parkes, Mr. Francis "Frank"[60] 18 Belfast, Ireland Belfast New York City \N \N 2
279 0 3 Rice, Master. Eric male 7 4 1 382652 29.125 \N Q 1149 Rice, Master Frederick Thomas "Eric" 7 Athlone, Westmeath, Ireland Queenstown Spokane, Washington, US \N \N 3
280 1 3 Abbott, Mrs. Stanton (Rosa Hunt) female 35 1 1 C.A. 2673 20.25 \N S 609 Abbott, Mrs. Rhoda Mary (née Hunt) 39 East Providence, Rhode Island, US Southampton East Providence, Rhode Island, US A \N 3
281 0 3 Duane, Mr. Frank male 65 0 0 336439 7.75 \N Q 791 Dwan, Mr. Frank 65 Bunmahon, Waterford, Ireland Queenstown Morris Plains, New Jersey, US \N \N 3
282 0 3 Olsson, Mr. Nils Johan Goransson male 28 0 0 347464 7.8542 \N S 1097 Olsson, Mr. Nils Johan Göransson 28 Eslöv, Skåne, Sweden Southampton New York City \N \N 3
283 0 3 de Pelsmaeker, Mr. Alfons male 16 0 0 345778 9.5 \N S 769 de Pelsmaeker, Mr. Alfons 16 Heldergem, Haaltert, East Flanders, Belgium Southampton Gladstone, Michigan, US \N \N 3
284 1 3 Dorking, Mr. Edward Arthur male 19 0 0 A/5. 10482 8.05 \N S 784 Dorking, Mr. Edward Arthur 18 Liss, Hampshire, England Southampton Oglesby, Illinois, US B \N 3
285 0 1 Smith, Mr. Richard William male \N 0 0 113056 26 A19 S 266 Smith, Mr. Richard William 57 Streatham, London, England, UK Southampton New York, New York, US \N \N 1
286 0 3 Stankovic, Mr. Ivan male 33 0 0 349239 8.6625 \N C 1230 Stanković, Mr. Ivan 33 Galdovo, Croatia Cherbourg New York City \N \N 3
287 1 3 de Mulder, Mr. Theodore male 30 0 0 345774 9.5 \N S 768 de Mulder, Mr. Theodoor 36 Aspelare, East Flanders, Belgium Southampton Detroit, Michigan, US 11 \N 3
288 0 3 Naidenoff, Mr. Penko male 22 0 0 349206 7.8958 \N S 1058 Naidenoff, Mr. Penko 22 Gumostnik, Lovech, Bulgaria Southampton Chicago, Illinois, US \N \N 3
289 1 2 Hosono, Mr. Masabumi male 42 0 0 237798 13 \N S 459 Hosono, Mr. Masabumi 41 Tokyo, Japan Southampton Tokyo, Japan 10 \N 2
290 1 3 Connolly, Miss. Kate female 22 0 0 370373 7.75 \N Q 734 Connolly, Miss Katherine "Kate" 22 Cortrasna, Cavan, Ireland Queenstown New York City 13 \N 3
291 1 1 Barber, Miss. Ellen "Nellie" female 26 0 0 19877 78.85 \N S 68 and maid, Miss Ellen "Nellie" Barber 26 London, England, UK Southampton New York, New York, US 6 \N 1
292 1 1 Bishop, Mrs. Dickinson H (Helen Walton) female 19 1 0 11967 91.0792 B49 C 31 Bishop, Mrs. Helen (née Walton)[62][65] 19 Dowagiac, Michigan, US Cherbourg Dowagiac, Michigan, US 7 \N 1
293 0 2 Levy, Mr. Rene Jacques male 36 0 0 SC/Paris 2163 12.875 D C 492 Levy, Mr. René Jacques 36 Montreal, Quebec, Canada Cherbourg Montreal, Quebec, Canada \N \N 2
294 0 3 Haas, Miss. Aloisia female 24 0 0 349236 8.85 \N S 846 Haas, Miss Aloisia 24 Altdorf, Uri, Switzerland Southampton Chicago, Illinois, US \N \N 3
295 0 3 Mineff, Mr. Ivan male 24 0 0 349233 7.8958 \N S 1029 Mineff, Mr. Ivan 24 Unknown, Bulgaria Southampton Coon Rapids, Iowa, US \N \N 3
296 0 1 Lewy, Mr. Ervin G male \N 0 0 PC 17612 27.7208 \N C 185 Lewy, Mr. Ervin G. 31 Chicago, Illinois, US Cherbourg Chicago, Illinois, US \N \N 1
297 0 3 Hanna, Mr. Mansour male 23.5 0 0 2693 7.2292 \N C 854 Hanna, Mr. Mansur 35 Kfar Mechi, Syria Cherbourg Ottawa, Ontario, Canada \N 188MB 3
298 0 1 Allison, Miss. Helen Loraine female 2 1 2 113781 151.55 C22 C26 S 7 Allison, Miss Helen Loraine 2 Montreal, Quebec, Canada Southampton Montreal, Quebec, Canada \N \N 1
299 1 1 Saalfeld, Mr. Adolphe male \N 0 0 19988 30.5 C106 S 253 Saalfeld, Mr. Adolphe 47 Manchester, England, UK Southampton New York, New York, US 3 \N 1
300 1 1 Baxter, Mrs. James (Helene DeLaudeniere Chaput) female 50 0 1 PC 17558 247.5208 B58 B60 C 23 Baxter, Mrs. Hélène (née de Lanaudière-Chaput) 50 Montreal, Quebec, Canada Cherbourg Montreal, Quebec, Canada 6 \N 1
301 1 3 Kelly, Miss. Anna Katherine "Annie Kate" female \N 0 0 9234 7.75 \N Q 930 Kelly, Miss Anna Katherine 20 Cuilmullagh, Mayo, Ireland Queenstown Chicago, Illinois, US 16 \N 3
302 1 3 McCoy, Mr. Bernard male \N 2 0 367226 23.25 \N Q 1010 McCoy, Mr. Bernard 24 Carrickatane, Tyrone, Ireland Queenstown Brooklyn, New York, US 16 \N 3
303 0 3 Johnson, Mr. William Cahoone Jr male 19 0 0 LINE 0 \N S 906 Johnson, Mr. William Cahoone Jr. 19 Hawthorne, New Jersey, US Southampton New York City \N \N 3
304 1 2 Keane, Miss. Nora A female \N 0 0 226593 12.35 E101 Q 476 Keane, Miss Nora Agnes 46 Castleconnell, Limerick, Ireland[note 1] Queenstown Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, US 10 \N 2
305 0 3 Williams, Mr. Howard Hugh "Harry" male \N 0 0 A/5 2466 8.05 \N S 1300 Williams, Mr. Howard Hugh "Harry" 28 Guernsey, Channel Islands, Channel Islands Southampton New York City \N \N 3
306 1 1 Allison, Master. Hudson Trevor male 0.92 1 2 113781 151.55 C22 C26 S 8 Allison, Master Hudson Trevor 0.92 Montreal, Quebec, Canada Southampton Montreal, Quebec, Canada 11 \N 1
307 1 1 Fleming, Miss. Margaret female \N 0 0 17421 110.8833 \N C 298 and maid, Miss Margaret Fleming 42 Haverford, Pennsylvania, US Cherbourg Haverford, Pennsylvania, US 4 \N 1
308 1 1 Penasco y Castellana, Mrs. Victor de Satode (Maria Josefa Perez de Soto y Vallejo) female 17 1 0 PC 17758 108.9 C65 C 228 Peñasco y Castellana, Mrs. Maria Josefa (née Perez de Soto y Vallejo) 22 Madrid, Spain Cherbourg New York, New York, US 8 \N 1
309 0 2 Abelson, Mr. Samuel male 30 1 0 P/PP 3381 24 \N C 327 Abelson, Mr. Samuel 30 Russia Cherbourg New York, New York, US \N \N 2
310 1 1 Francatelli, Miss. Laura Mabel female 30 0 0 PC 17485 56.9292 E36 C 106 and secretary, Miss Laura Mabel Francatelli 31 London, England, UK Cherbourg New York, New York, US 1 \N 1
311 1 1 Hays, Miss. Margaret Bechstein female 24 0 0 11767 83.1583 C54 C 156 Hays, Miss Margaret Bechstein 24 New York, New York, US Cherbourg New York, New York, US 7 \N 1
312 1 1 Ryerson, Miss. Emily Borie female 18 2 2 PC 17608 262.375 B57 B59 B63 B66 C 250 Ryerson, Miss Emily Borie 18 Cooperstown, New York, US Cherbourg Cooperstown, New York, US 4 \N 1
313 0 2 Lahtinen, Mrs. William (Anna Sylfven) female 26 1 1 250651 26 \N S 483 Lahtinen, Mrs. Anna Amelia (née Sylfvén) 26 Minneapolis, Minnesota, US Southampton Minneapolis, Minnesota, US \N \N 2
314 0 3 Hendekovic, Mr. Ignjac male 28 0 0 349243 7.8958 \N S 868 Hendeković, Mr. Ignjac 28 Vagovina, Croatia Southampton Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, US \N 306MB 3
315 0 2 Hart, Mr. Benjamin male 43 1 1 F.C.C. 13529 26.25 \N S 438 Hart, Mr. Benjamin 47 Ilford, Essex, England Southampton Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada \N \N 2
316 1 3 Nilsson, Miss. Helmina Josefina female 26 0 0 347470 7.8542 \N S 1070 Nilsson, Miss Helmina Josefina 26 Ramkvilla, Småland, Sweden Southampton Joliet, Illinois, US 13 \N 3
317 1 2 Kantor, Mrs. Sinai (Miriam Sternin) female 24 1 0 244367 26 \N S 473 Kantor, Mrs. Miriam (née Sternin) 24 Vitebsk, Russian Empire Southampton Bronx, New York, US 12 \N 2
318 0 2 Moraweck, Dr. Ernest male 54 0 0 29011 14 \N S 515 Moraweck, Dr. Ernest 54 Frankfort, Kentucky, US Southampton Frankfort, Kentucky, US \N \N 2
319 1 1 Wick, Miss. Mary Natalie female 31 0 2 36928 164.8667 C7 S 315 Wick, Miss Mary Natalie 31 Youngstown, Ohio, US Southampton Youngstown, Ohio, US 8 \N 1
320 1 1 Spedden, Mrs. Frederic Oakley (Margaretta Corning Stone) female 40 1 1 16966 134.5 E34 C 270 Spedden, Mrs. Margaretta Corning (née Stone) 39 Tuxedo Park, New York, US Cherbourg Tuxedo Park, New York, US 3 \N 1
321 0 3 Dennis, Mr. Samuel male 22 0 0 A/5 21172 7.25 \N S 777 Dennis, Mr. Samuel 22 Week St Mary, Cornwall, England Southampton Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada \N \N 3
322 0 3 Danoff, Mr. Yoto male 27 0 0 349219 7.8958 \N S 759 Danoff, Mr. Yoto 27 Unknown, Bulgaria Southampton Chicago, Illinois, US \N \N 3
323 1 2 Slayter, Miss. Hilda Mary female 30 0 0 234818 12.35 \N Q 568 Slayter, Miss Hilda Mary 30 Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada Queenstown Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada 13 \N 2
324 1 2 Caldwell, Mrs. Albert Francis (Sylvia Mae Harbaugh) female 22 1 1 248738 29 \N S 365 Caldwell, Mrs. Sylvia Mae (née Harbaugh) 28 Bangkok, Siam Southampton Roseville, Illinois, US 13 \N 2
325 0 3 Sage, Mr. George John Jr male \N 8 2 CA. 2343 69.55 \N S 1177 Sage, Mr. George John 19 Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, England Southampton Jacksonville, Florida, US \N \N 3
326 1 1 Young, Miss. Marie Grice female 36 0 0 PC 17760 135.6333 C32 C 326 Young, Miss Marie Grice 36 New York, New York, US Cherbourg New York, New York, US 8 \N 1
327 0 3 Nysveen, Mr. Johan Hansen male 61 0 0 345364 6.2375 \N S 1078 Nysveen, Mr. Johan Hansen 61 Øyer, Norway Southampton Grand Forks, North Dakota, US \N \N 3
328 1 2 Ball, Mrs. (Ada E Hall) female 36 0 0 28551 13 D S 336 Ball, Mrs. Ada E. (née Hall) 36 Bristol, Avon, England Southampton Jacksonville, Florida, US 10 \N 2
329 1 3 Goldsmith, Mrs. Frank John (Emily Alice Brown) female 31 1 1 363291 20.525 \N S 828 Goldsmith, Mrs. Emily Alice (née Brown) 31 Strood, Kent, England Southampton Detroit, Michigan, US C \N 3
330 1 1 Hippach, Miss. Jean Gertrude female 16 0 1 111361 57.9792 B18 C 161 Hippach, Miss Jean Gertrude 17 Chicago, Illinois, US Cherbourg Chicago, Illinois, US 4 \N 1
331 1 3 McCoy, Miss. Agnes female \N 2 0 367226 23.25 \N Q 1008 McCoy, Miss Catherine Agnes 29 Carrickatane, Tyrone, Ireland Queenstown Brooklyn, New York, US 16 \N 3
332 0 1 Partner, Mr. Austen male 45.5 0 0 113043 28.5 C124 S 224 Partner, Mr. Austin 40 Tolworth, London, England, UK Southampton Toronto, Ontario, Canada \N 166MB 1
333 0 1 Graham, Mr. George Edward male 38 0 1 PC 17582 153.4625 C91 S 135 Graham, Mr. George Edward 38 Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada Southampton Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada \N 147MB 1
334 0 3 Vander Planke, Mr. Leo Edmondus male 16 2 0 345764 18 \N S 1282 Vanderplancke, Mr. Leo Edmondus 15 Zwevezele, Belgium Southampton Fremont, Ohio, US \N \N 3
335 1 1 Frauenthal, Mrs. Henry William (Clara Heinsheimer) female \N 1 0 PC 17611 133.65 \N S 121 Frauenthal, Mrs. Clara (née Heinsheimer) 42 London, England, UK Southampton New York, New York, US 5 \N 1
336 0 3 Denkoff, Mr. Mitto male \N 0 0 349225 7.8958 \N S 775 Denkoff, Mr. Mitto 30 Unknown, Bulgaria Southampton Coon Rapids, Iowa, US \N \N 3
337 0 1 Pears, Mr. Thomas Clinton male 29 1 0 113776 66.6 C2 S 225 Pears, Mr. Thomas Clinton 29 Isleworth, London, England, UK Southampton New York, New York, US \N \N 1
338 1 1 Burns, Miss. Elizabeth Margaret female 41 0 0 16966 134.5 E40 C 273 and nurse, Miss Elizabeth Margaret Burns 41 Tuxedo Park, New York, US Cherbourg Tuxedo Park, New York, US 3 \N 1
339 1 3 Dahl, Mr. Karl Edwart male 45 0 0 7598 8.05 \N S 751 Dahl, Mr. Charles Edwart 45 Adelaide, South Australia, Australia Southampton Fingal, North Dakota, US 15 \N 3
340 0 1 Blackwell, Mr. Stephen Weart male 45 0 0 113784 35.5 T S 33 Blackwell, Mr. Stephen Weart 45 Trenton, New Jersey, US Southampton Trenton, New Jersey, US \N \N 1
341 1 2 Navratil, Master. Edmond Roger male 2 1 1 230080 26 F2 S 523 Navratil, Master Edmond Roger 2 Nice, France Southampton New York City D \N 2
342 1 1 Fortune, Miss. Alice Elizabeth female 24 3 2 19950 263 C23 C25 C27 S 116 Fortune, Miss Alice Elizabeth 24 Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada Southampton Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada 10 \N 1
343 0 2 Collander, Mr. Erik Gustaf male 28 0 0 248740 13 \N S 381 Collander, Mr. Erik Gustaf 27 Helsinki, Finland, Russian Empire[note 6] Southampton Ashtabula, Ohio, US \N \N 2
344 0 2 Sedgwick, Mr. Charles Frederick Waddington male 25 0 0 244361 13 \N S 561 Sedgwick, Mr. Charles Frederick Waddington 25 Liverpool, Merseyside, England Southampton Minatitlán, Veracruz, Mexico \N \N 2
345 0 2 Fox, Mr. Stanley Hubert male 36 0 0 229236 13 \N S 413 Fox, Mr. Stanley Hubert 38 Rochester, New York, US Southampton Rochester, New York, US \N 236MB 2
346 1 2 Brown, Miss. Amelia "Mildred" female 24 0 0 248733 13 F33 S 4 and cook, Miss Amelia Mary "Mildred" Brown[59] 18 London, England, UK Southampton Montreal, Quebec, Canada 11 \N 1
347 1 2 Smith, Miss. Marion Elsie female 40 0 0 31418 13 \N S 570 Smith, Miss Marion Elsie 39 Basingstoke, Hampshire, England Southampton Washington, DC US 9 \N 2
348 1 3 Davison, Mrs. Thomas Henry (Mary E Finck) female \N 1 0 386525 16.1 \N S \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N
349 1 3 Coutts, Master. William Loch "William" male 3 1 1 C.A. 37671 15.9 \N S 743 Coutts, Master William Loch "Willie" 9 London, England Southampton Brooklyn, New York, US 2 \N 3
350 0 3 Dimic, Mr. Jovan male 42 0 0 315088 8.6625 \N S 780 Dimić, Mr. Jovan 42 Ostrovica, Croatia Southampton Red Lodge, Montana, US \N \N 3
351 0 3 Odahl, Mr. Nils Martin male 23 0 0 7267 9.225 \N S 1090 Ödahl, Mr. Nils Martin 23 Örsjö, Kalmar, Sweden Southampton Peoria, Illinois, US \N \N 3
352 0 1 Williams-Lambert, Mr. Fletcher Fellows male \N 0 0 113510 35 C128 S 181 Lambert-Williams, Mr. Fletcher Fellows 43 London, England, UK Southampton Newark, New Jersey, US \N \N 1
353 0 3 Elias, Mr. Tannous male 15 1 1 2695 7.2292 \N C 799 Elias Nasrallah, Mr. Tannous 17 Kafr Mishki, Lebanon Cherbourg Ottawa, Ontario, Canada \N \N 3
354 0 3 Arnold-Franchi, Mr. Josef male 25 1 0 349237 17.8 \N S 644 Arnold-Franchi, Mr. Josef 25 Altdorf, Uri, Switzerland Southampton New Glarus, Wisconsin, US \N \N 3
355 0 3 Yousif, Mr. Wazli male \N 0 0 2647 7.225 \N C 1291 Wazni, Mr. Yousif Ahmed 25 Tebnin, Lebanon Cherbourg New York City \N \N 3
356 0 3 Vanden Steen, Mr. Leo Peter male 28 0 0 345783 9.5 \N S 1273 Van den Steen, Mr. Leo Peter 28 Haaltert, Belgium Southampton New York City \N \N 3
357 1 1 Bowerman, Miss. Elsie Edith female 22 0 1 113505 55 E33 S 38 Bowerman, Miss Elsie Edith 22 St Leonards-on-Sea, East Sussex, England, UK Southampton New York, New York, US 6 \N 1
358 0 2 Funk, Miss. Annie Clemmer female 38 0 0 237671 13 \N S 415 Funk, Miss Annie Clemmer 38 Janjgir-Champa, British India, UK[note 3] Southampton Bally, Pennsylvania, US \N \N 2
359 1 3 McGovern, Miss. Mary female \N 0 0 330931 7.8792 \N Q 1013 McGovern, Miss Mary 22 Corlough, Cavan, Ireland Queenstown New York City 13 \N 3
360 1 3 Mockler, Miss. Helen Mary "Ellie" female \N 0 0 330980 7.8792 \N Q 1032 Mockler, Miss Ellen Mary 23 Currafarry, Galway, Ireland Queenstown New York City 16 \N 3
361 0 3 Skoog, Mr. Wilhelm male 40 1 4 347088 27.9 \N S 1214 Skoog, Mr. Wilhelm Johansson 40 Hällekis, Västergötland, Sweden Southampton Iron Mountain, Michigan, US \N \N 3
362 0 2 del Carlo, Mr. Sebastiano male 29 1 0 SC/PARIS 2167 27.7208 \N C 396 del Carlo, Mr. Sebastiano 29 Montecarlo, Lucca, Tuscany, Italy Cherbourg Chicago, Illinois, US \N 295MB 2
363 0 3 Barbara, Mrs. (Catherine David) female 45 0 1 2691 14.4542 \N C 673 Barbarah, Mrs. Katarin Dawud 45 Kafr Mishki, Lebanon Cherbourg Ottawa, Ontario, Canada \N \N 3
364 0 3 Asim, Mr. Adola male 35 0 0 SOTON/O.Q. 3101310 7.05 \N S 647 Asim, Mr. Adola 35 Buenos Aires, Argentina Southampton New York City \N \N 3
365 0 3 O'Brien, Mr. Thomas male \N 1 0 370365 15.5 \N Q 1079 O'Brien, Mr. Thomas 27 Pallasgreen, Limerick, Ireland Queenstown Chicago, Illinois, US \N \N 3
366 0 3 Adahl, Mr. Mauritz Nils Martin male 30 0 0 C 7076 7.25 \N S 617 Adahl, Mr. Mauritz Nils Martin 30 Asarum, Småland, Sweden Southampton Brooklyn, New York, US \N 72MB 3
367 1 1 Warren, Mrs. Frank Manley (Anna Sophia Atkinson) female 60 1 0 110813 75.25 D37 C 306 Warren, Mrs. Anna Sophia (née Atkinson) 60 Portland, Oregon, US Cherbourg Portland, Oregon, US 5 \N 1
368 1 3 Moussa, Mrs. (Mantoura Boulos) female \N 0 0 2626 7.2292 \N C 1042 Moussa, Mrs. Mantoura 35 Hardîne, Lebanon Cherbourg Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, US ? \N 3
369 1 3 Jermyn, Miss. Annie female \N 0 0 14313 7.75 \N Q 892 Jermyn, Miss Annie Jane 26 Ballydehob, Cork, Ireland Queenstown East Lynn, Massachusetts, US D \N 3
370 1 1 Aubart, Mme. Leontine Pauline female 24 0 0 PC 17477 69.3 B35 C 19 Aubart, Mrs. Léontine Pauline[63] 24 Paris, France Cherbourg New York, New York, US 9 \N 1
371 1 1 Harder, Mr. George Achilles male 25 1 0 11765 55.4417 E50 C 144 Harder, Mr. George Achilles 25 New York, New York, US Cherbourg New York, New York, US 5 \N 1
372 0 3 Wiklund, Mr. Jakob Alfred male 18 1 0 3101267 6.4958 \N S 1295 Wiklund, Mr. Jakob Alfred 18 Vaasa, Finland Southampton Montreal, Quebec, Canada \N 314 3
373 0 3 Beavan, Mr. William Thomas male 19 0 0 323951 8.05 \N S 677 Beavan, Mr. William Thomas 18 Fillingham, Lincolnshire, England Southampton Russell, US \N \N 3
374 0 1 Ringhini, Mr. Sante male 22 0 0 PC 17760 135.6333 \N C 312 and manservant, Mr. Sante Righini 22 New York, New York, US Cherbourg New York, New York, US \N 232MB 1
375 0 3 Palsson, Miss. Stina Viola female 3 3 1 349909 21.075 \N S 1107 Pålsson, Miss Stina Viola 3 Bjuv, Skåne, Sweden Southampton Chicago, Illinois, US \N \N 3
376 1 1 Meyer, Mrs. Edgar Joseph (Leila Saks) female \N 1 0 PC 17604 82.1708 \N C 203 Meyer, Mrs. Leila (née Saks) 25 New York, New York, US Cherbourg New York, New York, US 6 \N 1
377 1 3 Landergren, Miss. Aurora Adelia female 22 0 0 C 7077 7.25 \N S 954 Landergren, Miss Aurora Adelia 22 Karlshamn, Blekinge, Sweden Southampton New York City 13 \N 3
378 0 1 Widener, Mr. Harry Elkins male 27 0 2 113503 211.5 C82 C 320 Widener, Mr. Harry Elkins 27 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US Southampton Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US \N \N 1
379 0 3 Betros, Mr. Tannous male 20 0 0 2648 4.0125 \N C 680 Betros, Mr. Tannous 20 Zgharta, Lebanon Cherbourg Waterbury, Connecticut, US \N \N 3
380 0 3 Gustafsson, Mr. Karl Gideon male 19 0 0 347069 7.775 \N S 845 Gustafsson, Mr. Karl Gideon 19 Myren, Synnerby, Västergötland, Sweden Southampton Aberdeen, South Dakota, US \N \N 3
381 1 1 Bidois, Miss. Rosalie female 42 0 0 PC 17757 227.525 \N C 17 and maid, Miss Rosalie Bidois 46 New York, New York, US Cherbourg New York, New York, US 4 \N 1
382 1 3 Nakid, Miss. Maria ("Mary") female 1 0 2 2653 15.7417 \N C 1057 Nackid, Miss Maria 1 Zgharta, Lebanon Cherbourg Waterbury, Connecticut, US C \N 3
383 0 3 Tikkanen, Mr. Juho male 32 0 0 STON/O 2. 3101293 7.925 \N S 1256 Tikkanen, Mr. Juho 32 Pielavesi, Finland Southampton New York City \N \N 3
384 1 1 Holverson, Mrs. Alexander Oskar (Mary Aline Towner) female 35 1 0 113789 52 \N S 164 Holverson, Mrs. Mary Aline (née Towner) 35 New York, New York, US Southampton New York, New York, US 8 \N 1
385 0 3 Plotcharsky, Mr. Vasil male \N 0 0 349227 7.8958 \N S 1136 Plotcharsky, Mr. Vasil 27 Unknown, Bulgaria Southampton Tulsa, Oklahoma, US \N \N 3
386 0 2 Davies, Mr. Charles Henry male 18 0 0 S.O.C. 14879 73.5 \N S 391 Davies, Mr. Charles Henry 21 Lyndhurst, Hampshire, England Southampton Eden, Manitoba, Canada \N \N 2
387 0 3 Goodwin, Master. Sidney Leonard male 1 5 2 CA 2144 46.9 \N S 838 Goodwin, Master Sidney Leslie 1 Fulham, England Southampton Niagara Falls, New York, US \N 4MB[84] 3
388 1 2 Buss, Miss. Kate female 36 0 0 27849 13 \N S 360 Buss, Miss Kate 36 Sittingbourne, Kent, England Southampton San Francisco, US 9 \N 2
389 0 3 Sadlier, Mr. Matthew male \N 0 0 367655 7.7292 \N Q 1172 Sadlier, Mr. Matthew 20 Mohill, Leitrim, Ireland Queenstown Lakewood Township, New Jersey, US \N \N 3
390 1 2 Lehmann, Miss. Bertha female 17 0 0 SC 1748 12 \N C 489 Lehmann, Miss Bertha 17 Lotzwil, Switzerland Cherbourg Central City, Iowa, US 12 \N 2
391 1 1 Carter, Mr. William Ernest male 36 1 2 113760 120 B96 B98 S 57 Carter, Mr. William Ernest 36 Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, US Southampton Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, US C \N 1
392 1 3 Jansson, Mr. Carl Olof male 21 0 0 350034 7.7958 \N S 887 Jansson, Mr. Carl Olof 21 Örebro, Sweden Southampton Swedeburg, Nebraska, US A \N 3
393 0 3 Gustafsson, Mr. Johan Birger male 28 2 0 3101277 7.925 \N S 844 Gustafsson, Mr. Johan Birger 28 Ruotsinpyhtää, Finland Southampton New York City \N \N 3
394 1 1 Newell, Miss. Marjorie female 23 1 0 35273 113.275 D36 C 215 Newell, Miss Marjorie Anne 23 Lexington, Massachusetts, US Cherbourg Lexington, Massachusetts, US 6 \N 1
395 1 3 Sandstrom, Mrs. Hjalmar (Agnes Charlotta Bengtsson) female 24 0 2 PP 9549 16.7 G6 S 1192 Sandström, Mrs. Agnes Charlotta (née Bengtsson) 24 Motala, Östergötland, Sweden Southampton San Francisco, US 13 \N 3
396 0 3 Johansson, Mr. Erik male 22 0 0 350052 7.7958 \N S 896 Johansson, Mr. Erik 22 Frostensmåla, Småland, Sweden Southampton St. Paul, Minnesota, US \N 156MB 3
397 0 3 Olsson, Miss. Elina female 31 0 0 350407 7.8542 \N S 1096 Olsson, Miss Elina 31 Södra Brantevik, Sweden Southampton St. Paul, Minnesota, US \N \N 3
398 0 2 McKane, Mr. Peter David male 46 0 0 28403 26 \N S 507 McKane, Mr. Peter David 46 Guernsey, Channel Islands Southampton Rochester, New York, US \N \N 2
399 0 2 Pain, Dr. Alfred male 23 0 0 244278 10.5 \N S 531 Pain, Dr. Alfred "Alf" 23 Hamilton, Ontario, Canada Southampton Hamilton, Ontario, Canada \N \N 2
400 1 2 Trout, Mrs. William H (Jessie L) female 28 0 0 240929 12.65 \N S 578 Trout, Mrs. Jessie L. 26 Columbus, Ohio, US Southampton Columbus, Ohio, US 9 \N 2
401 1 3 Niskanen, Mr. Juha male 39 0 0 STON/O 2. 3101289 7.925 \N S 1074 Niskanen, Mr. Juha 39 Kivijärvi, Finland Southampton Boston, Massachusetts, US 9 \N 3
402 0 3 Adams, Mr. John male 26 0 0 341826 8.05 \N S 618 Adams, Mr. John 26 Bournemouth, Dorset, England Southampton La Porte City, Iowa, US \N 103MB 3
403 0 3 Jussila, Miss. Mari Aina female 21 1 0 4137 9.825 \N S 916 Jussila, Miss Mari Aina 21 Paavola, Northern Ostrobothnia, Finland Southampton New York City \N \N 3
404 0 3 Hakkarainen, Mr. Pekka Pietari male 28 1 0 STON/O2. 3101279 15.85 \N S 849 Hakkarainen, Mr Pekka Pietari 28 Helsinki, Finland Southampton Monessen, Pennsylvania, US \N \N 3
405 0 3 Oreskovic, Miss. Marija female 20 0 0 315096 8.6625 \N S 1102 Orešković, Miss Marija 20 Konjsko Brdo, Croatia Southampton Chicago, Illinois, US \N \N 3
406 0 2 Gale, Mr. Shadrach male 34 1 0 28664 21 \N S 418 Gale, Mr. Shadrach 33 Harrowbarrow, Cornwall, England Southampton Clear Creek, Colorado, US \N \N 2
407 0 3 Widegren, Mr. Carl/Charles Peter male 51 0 0 347064 7.75 \N S 1294 Widegren, Mr. Carl Peter 51 Algutsrum, Kalmar, Sweden Southampton New York City \N \N 3
408 1 2 Richards, Master. William Rowe male 3 1 1 29106 18.75 \N S 554 Richards, Master William Rowe 3 Penzance, Cornwall, England Southampton Akron, Ohio, US 4 \N 2
409 0 3 Birkeland, Mr. Hans Martin Monsen male 21 0 0 312992 7.775 \N S 681 Birkeland, Mr. Hans Martin Monsen 21 Bremnes, Norway Southampton New York City \N \N 3
410 0 3 Lefebre, Miss. Ida female \N 3 1 4133 25.4667 \N S 966 Lefebvre, Miss Ida Franck-Marie-Joseph 3 Liévin, Pas-de-Calais, France Southampton Mystic, Iowa, US \N \N 3
411 0 3 Sdycoff, Mr. Todor male \N 0 0 349222 7.8958 \N S 1200 Sdycoff, Mr. Theodor 42 Unknown, Bulgaria Southampton Chicago, Illinois, US \N \N 3
412 0 3 Hart, Mr. Henry male \N 0 0 394140 6.8583 \N Q 861 Hart, Mr. Henry John 27 Ballysadare, Sligo, Ireland Queenstown Boston, Massachusetts, US \N \N 3
413 1 1 Minahan, Miss. Daisy E female 33 1 0 19928 90 C78 Q 207 Minahan, Miss Daisy E. 33 Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, US Southampton Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, US 14 \N 1
414 0 2 Cunningham, Mr. Alfred Fleming male \N 0 0 239853 0 \N S 390 Cunningham, Mr. Alfred Fleming[60] 21 Belfast, Ireland Belfast New York City \N \N 2
415 1 3 Sundman, Mr. Johan Julian male 44 0 0 STON/O 2. 3101269 7.925 \N S 1241 Sundman, Mr. Johan Julian 44 Munsala, Finland Southampton Cheyenne, Wyoming, US 15 \N 3
416 0 3 Meek, Mrs. Thomas (Annie Louise Rowley) female \N 0 0 343095 8.05 \N S 1022 Meek, Mrs. Anna "Annie" Louise Rowley 31 Penarth, Glamorgan, Wales Southampton New York City \N \N 3
417 1 2 Drew, Mrs. James Vivian (Lulu Thorne Christian) female 34 1 1 28220 32.5 \N S 404 Drew, Mrs. Lulu Thorne (née Christian) 34 Greenport, New York, US Southampton Greenport, New York, US 10 \N 2
418 1 2 Silven, Miss. Lyyli Karoliina female 18 0 2 250652 13 \N S 564 Silvén, Miss Lyyli Karolina 17 Tornio, Finland, Russian Empire[note 6] Southampton Minneapolis, Minnesota, US 16 \N 2
419 0 2 Matthews, Mr. William John male 30 0 0 28228 13 \N S 503 Matthews, Mr. William John 30 St Austell, Cornwall, England Southampton La Salle, Illinois, US \N \N 2
420 0 3 Van Impe, Miss. Catharina female 10 0 2 345773 24.15 \N S 1276 Van Impe, Miss Catharina 10 Kerksken, Belgium Southampton Detroit, Michigan, US \N \N 3
421 0 3 Gheorgheff, Mr. Stanio male \N 0 0 349254 7.8958 \N C 823 Gheorgheff, Mr. Stanio \N Unknown, Bulgaria Cherbourg Butte, Montana, US \N \N 3
422 0 3 Charters, Mr. David male 21 0 0 A/5. 13032 7.7333 \N Q 721 Charters, Mr. David 28 Ballinalee, Longford, Ireland Queenstown New York City \N \N 3
423 0 3 Zimmerman, Mr. Leo male 29 0 0 315082 7.875 \N S 1314 Zimmermann, Mr. Leo 29 Todtmoos, Germany Southampton Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada \N \N 3
424 0 3 Danbom, Mrs. Ernst Gilbert (Anna Sigrid Maria Brogren) female 28 1 1 347080 14.4 \N S 757 Danbom, Mrs. Anna Sigrid Maria (née Brogren) 28 Göteborg, Västergötland, Sweden Southampton Stanton, Iowa, US \N \N 3
425 0 3 Rosblom, Mr. Viktor Richard male 18 1 1 370129 20.2125 \N S 1162 Rosblom, Mr. Viktor Rickard 18 Suistamo, Finland Southampton Astoria, Oregon, US \N \N 3
426 0 3 Wiseman, Mr. Phillippe male \N 0 0 A/4. 34244 7.25 \N S 1304 Wiseman, Mr. Phillippe 54 London, England Southampton Quebec City, Quebec, Canada \N \N 3
427 1 2 Clarke, Mrs. Charles V (Ada Maria Winfield) female 28 1 0 2003 26 \N S 378 Clarke, Mrs. Ada Maria 28 Netley Abbey, Hampshire, England Southampton San Francisco, California, US 14 \N 2
428 1 2 Phillips, Miss. Kate Florence ("Mrs Kate Louise Phillips Marshall") female 19 0 0 250655 26 \N S 540 Phillips, Miss Kate Florence (alias Mrs. Kate Marshall)[10][78] 19 Birmingham, Worcester, England Southampton Los Angeles, US 11 \N 2
429 0 3 Flynn, Mr. James male \N 0 0 364851 7.75 \N Q 809 Flynn, Mr. James 28 Cuilkillew, Mayo, Ireland Queenstown New York City \N \N 3
430 1 3 Pickard, Mr. Berk (Berk Trembisky) male 32 0 0 SOTON/O.Q. 392078 8.05 E10 S 1135 Pickard, Mr. Berk (Trembisky) 32 Warsaw, Poland Southampton San Francisco, US 9 \N 3
431 1 1 Bjornstrom-Steffansson, Mr. Mauritz Hakan male 28 0 0 110564 26.55 C52 S 32 Björnström-Steffanson, Mr. Mauritz Håkan 28 Stockholm, Sweden Southampton Washington, DC, US D \N 1
432 1 3 Thorneycroft, Mrs. Percival (Florence Kate White) female \N 1 0 376564 16.1 \N S 1255 Thorneycroft, Mrs. Florence Kate (née Stears) 32 Maidstone, Kent, England Southampton Clinton, New York, US 10 \N 3
433 1 2 Louch, Mrs. Charles Alexander (Alice Adelaide Slow) female 42 1 0 SC/AH 3085 26 \N S 496 Louch, Mrs. Alice Adelaide (née Slow) 42 Weston-super-Mare, North Somerset, England Southampton New York City 14 \N 2
434 0 3 Kallio, Mr. Nikolai Erland male 17 0 0 STON/O 2. 3101274 7.125 \N S 917 Kallio, Mr. Nikolai Erlantti 17 Kauhajoki, Finland Southampton Sudbury, Ontario, Canada \N \N 3
435 0 1 Silvey, Mr. William Baird male 50 1 0 13507 55.9 E44 S 258 Silvey, Mr. William Baird 50 Duluth, Minnesota, US Cherbourg Duluth, Minnesota, US \N \N 1
436 1 1 Carter, Miss. Lucile Polk female 14 1 2 113760 120 B96 B98 S 62 Carter, Miss Lucile Polk 13 Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, US Southampton Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, US 4 \N 1
437 0 3 Ford, Miss. Doolina Margaret "Daisy" female 21 2 2 W./C. 6608 34.375 \N S 815 Ford, Miss Dollina Margaret 20 Rotherfield, East Sussex, England Southampton Essex County, New Jersey, US \N \N 3
438 1 2 Richards, Mrs. Sidney (Emily Hocking) female 24 2 3 29106 18.75 \N S 553 Richards, Mrs. Emily (née Hocking) 23 Penzance, Cornwall, England Southampton Akron, Ohio, US 4 \N 2
439 0 1 Fortune, Mr. Mark male 64 1 4 19950 263 C23 C25 C27 S 113 Fortune, Mr. Mark 64 Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada Southampton Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada \N \N 1
440 0 2 Kvillner, Mr. Johan Henrik Johannesson male 31 0 0 C.A. 18723 10.5 \N S 481 Kvillner, Mr. Johan Henrik Johannesson 31 Trollhättan, Västergötland, Sweden Southampton Arlington, Virginia, US \N 165MB 2
441 1 2 Hart, Mrs. Benjamin (Esther Ada Bloomfield) female 45 1 1 F.C.C. 13529 26.25 \N S 439 Hart, Mrs. Esther Ada (née Bloomfield) 48 Ilford, Essex, England Southampton Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada 14 \N 2
442 0 3 Hampe, Mr. Leon male 20 0 0 345769 9.5 \N S 851 Hampe, Mr. Léon Jérome 19 Westrozebeke, Belgium Southampton Detroit, Michigan, US \N \N 3
443 0 3 Petterson, Mr. Johan Emil male 25 1 0 347076 7.775 \N S 1134 Pettersson, Mr. Johan Emil 25 Västermo, Södermanland, Sweden Southampton Chicago, Illinois, US \N \N 3
444 1 2 Reynaldo, Ms. Encarnacion female 28 0 0 230434 13 \N S 551 Reynaldo, Miss Encarnación 28 Marbella, Spain Southampton New York City 9 \N 2
445 1 3 Johannesen-Bratthammer, Mr. Bernt male \N 0 0 65306 8.1125 \N S 894 Johannesen, Mr. Bernt Johannes 29 Avaldsnes, Stavanger, Norway Southampton New York City 13 \N 3
446 1 1 Dodge, Master. Washington male 4 0 2 33638 81.8583 A34 S 99 Dodge, Master Washington, Jr. 4 San Francisco, California, US Southampton San Francisco, California, US 5 \N 1
447 1 2 Mellinger, Miss. Madeleine Violet female 13 0 1 250644 19.5 \N S 509 Mellinger, Miss Madeleine Violet 13 Wimbledon, London, England Southampton Bennington, Vermont, US 14 \N 2
448 1 1 Seward, Mr. Frederic Kimber male 34 0 0 113794 26.55 \N S 256 Seward, Mr. Frederic Kimber 34 New York, New York, US Southampton New York, New York, US 7 \N 1
449 1 3 Baclini, Miss. Marie Catherine female 5 2 1 2666 19.2583 \N C 670 Baqlini, Miss Mariya Katarin 5 Ḑuhūr ash Shuwayr, Lebanon Cherbourg Brooklyn, New York, US C \N 3
450 1 1 Peuchen, Major. Arthur Godfrey male 52 0 0 113786 30.5 C104 S 230 Peuchen, Major Arthur Godfrey 52 Toronto, Ontario, Canada Southampton Toronto, Ontario, Canada 6 \N 1
451 0 2 West, Mr. Edwy Arthur male 36 1 2 C.A. 34651 27.75 \N S 596 West, Mr. Edwy Arthur 36 Bournemouth, Dorset, England Southampton Gainesville, Florida, US \N \N 2
452 0 3 Hagland, Mr. Ingvald Olai Olsen male \N 1 0 65303 19.9667 \N S 847 Hagland, Mr. Ingvald Olai Olsen 28 Skaare, Haugesund, Norway Southampton Belmar, New Jersey, US \N \N 3
453 0 1 Foreman, Mr. Benjamin Laventall male 30 0 0 113051 27.75 C111 C 112 Foreman, Mr. Benjamin Laventall 30 New York, New York, US Southampton New York, New York, US \N \N 1
454 1 1 Goldenberg, Mr. Samuel L male 49 1 0 17453 89.1042 C92 C 131 Goldenberg, Mr. Samuel L. 47 Paris, France Cherbourg New York, New York, US 5 \N 1
455 0 3 Peduzzi, Mr. Joseph male \N 0 0 A/5 2817 8.05 \N S 1123 Peduzzi, Mr. Giuseppe 24 London, England Southampton New York City \N \N 3
456 1 3 Jalsevac, Mr. Ivan male 29 0 0 349240 7.8958 \N C 886 Jalševac, Mr. Ivan 29 Topolovac, Croatia Cherbourg Galesburg, Illinois, US 15 \N 3
457 0 1 Millet, Mr. Francis Davis male 65 0 0 13509 26.55 E38 S 204 Millet, Mr. Francis Davis 65 East Bridgewater, Massachusetts, US Cherbourg East Bridgewater, Massachusetts, US \N 249MB 1
458 1 1 Kenyon, Mrs. Frederick R (Marion) female \N 1 0 17464 51.8625 D21 S 177 Kenyon, Mrs. Marion (née Stauffer)[62][68] 31 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US Southampton Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US 8 \N 1
459 1 2 Toomey, Miss. Ellen female 50 0 0 F.C.C. 13531 10.5 \N S 576 Toomey, Miss Ellen Mary 48 Indianapolis, Indiana, US Southampton Indianapolis, Indiana, US 9 \N 2
460 0 3 O'Connor, Mr. Maurice male \N 0 0 371060 7.75 \N Q 1083 O'Connor, Mr. Maurice 16 Boherbue, Cork, Ireland Queenstown New York City \N \N 3
461 1 1 Anderson, Mr. Harry male 48 0 0 19952 26.55 E12 S 10 Anderson, Mr. Harry 47 New York, New York, US Southampton New York, New York, US 3 \N 1
462 0 3 Morley, Mr. William male 34 0 0 364506 8.05 \N S 1039 Morley, Mr. William 34 Petworth, West Sussex, England Southampton New York City \N \N 3
463 0 1 Gee, Mr. Arthur H male 47 0 0 111320 38.5 E63 S 128 Gee, Mr. Arthur H. 47 St Annes-on-Sea, Lancashire, England, UK Southampton Mexico City, Mexico \N 275MB 1
464 0 2 Milling, Mr. Jacob Christian male 48 0 0 234360 13 \N S 512 Milling, Mr. Jacob Christian 48 Odense, Denmark Southampton Oregon, Wisconsin, US \N 271MB 2
465 0 3 Maisner, Mr. Simon male \N 0 0 A/S 2816 8.05 \N S 996 Maisner, Mr. Simon 34 London, England Southampton New York City \N \N 3
466 0 3 Goncalves, Mr. Manuel Estanslas male 38 0 0 SOTON/O.Q. 3101306 7.05 \N S 802 Estanislau, Mr. Manuel Gonçalves 37 Calheta, Madeira, Portugal Southampton New York City \N \N 3
467 0 2 Campbell, Mr. William male \N 0 0 239853 0 \N S 368 Campbell, Mr. William Henry[60] 21 Belfast, Ireland Belfast New York City \N \N 2
468 0 1 Smart, Mr. John Montgomery male 56 0 0 113792 26.55 \N S 262 Smart, Mr. John Montgomery 56 Kildale, North Yorkshire, England, UK Southampton New York, New York, US \N \N 1
469 0 3 Scanlan, Mr. James male \N 0 0 36209 7.725 \N Q 1198 Scanlan, Mr. James 22 Rathkeale, Limerick, Ireland Queenstown New York City \N \N 3
470 1 3 Baclini, Miss. Helene Barbara female 0.75 2 1 2666 19.2583 \N C 672 Baqlini, Miss Hileni Barbarah 0.75 Ḑuhūr ash Shuwayr, Lebanon Cherbourg Brooklyn, New York, US C \N 3
471 0 3 Keefe, Mr. Arthur male \N 0 0 323592 7.25 \N S 927 Keefe, Mr. Arthur 39 Rahway, New Jersey, US Southampton Rahway, New Jersey, US A 332O 3
472 0 3 Cacic, Mr. Luka male 38 0 0 315089 8.6625 \N S 705 Čačić, Mr. Luka 38 Široka Kula, Croatia Southampton Chicago, Illinois, US \N \N 3
473 1 2 West, Mrs. Edwy Arthur (Ada Mary Worth) female 33 1 2 C.A. 34651 27.75 \N S 597 West, Mrs. Ada Mary (née Worth)[62][79] 33 Bournemouth, Dorset, England Southampton Gainesville, Florida, US 10 \N 2
474 1 2 Jerwan, Mrs. Amin S (Marie Marthe Thuillard) female 23 0 0 SC/AH Basle 541 13.7917 D C 471 Jerwan, Mrs. Marie Marthe (née Thuillard) 23 New York City Southampton New York City 11 \N 2
475 0 3 Strandberg, Miss. Ida Sofia female 22 0 0 7553 9.8375 \N S 1235 Strandberg, Miss Ida Sofia 22 Turku, Finland Southampton New York City \N \N 3
476 0 1 Clifford, Mr. George Quincy male \N 0 0 110465 52 A14 S 79 Clifford, Mr. George Quincy 40 Stoughton, Massachusetts, US Southampton Stoughton, Massachusetts \N \N 1
477 0 2 Renouf, Mr. Peter Henry male 34 1 0 31027 21 \N S 549 Renouf, Mr. Peter Henry 33 Elizabeth, New Jersey, US Southampton Elizabeth, New Jersey, US \N \N 2
478 0 3 Braund, Mr. Lewis Richard male 29 1 0 3460 7.0458 \N S 690 Braund, Mr. Lewis Richard 29 Bridgerule, Devon, England Southampton Qu'Appelle Valley, Saskatchewan, Canada \N \N 3
479 0 3 Karlsson, Mr. Nils August male 22 0 0 350060 7.5208 \N S 922 Karlsson, Mr. Nils August 22 Örebro, Sweden Southampton Palmer, Massachusetts, US \N \N 3
480 1 3 Hirvonen, Miss. Hildur E female 2 0 1 3101298 12.2875 \N S 872 Hirvonen, Miss Hildur Elisabeth 2 Taalintehdas, Finland Southampton Monessen, Pennsylvania, US 15 \N 3
481 0 3 Goodwin, Master. Harold Victor male 9 5 2 CA 2144 46.9 \N S 837 Goodwin, Master Harold Victor 10 Fulham, England Southampton Niagara Falls, New York, US \N \N 3
482 0 2 Frost, Mr. Anthony Wood "Archie" male \N 0 0 239854 0 \N S 414 Frost, Mr. Anthony Wood "Archie"[60] 37 Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK Belfast New York City \N \N 2
483 0 3 Rouse, Mr. Richard Henry male 50 0 0 A/5 3594 8.05 \N S 1165 Rouse, Mr. Richard Henry 50 Sittingbourne, Kent, England Southampton Cleveland, Ohio, US \N \N 3
484 1 3 Turkula, Mrs. (Hedwig) female 63 0 0 4134 9.5875 \N S 1268 Turkula, Mrs. Hedvig 63 Jalasjärvi, Southern Ostrobothnia, Finland Southampton Hibbing, Minnesota, US 15 \N 3
485 1 1 Bishop, Mr. Dickinson H male 25 1 0 11967 91.0792 B49 C 30 Bishop, Mr. Dickinson H. "Dick" 25 Dowagiac, Michigan, US Cherbourg Dowagiac, Michigan, US 7 \N 1
486 0 3 Lefebre, Miss. Jeannie female \N 3 1 4133 25.4667 \N S 964 Lefebvre, Miss Jeannie Franck-Marie-Joseph 8 Liévin, Pas-de-Calais, France Southampton Mystic, Iowa, US \N \N 3
487 1 1 Hoyt, Mrs. Frederick Maxfield (Jane Anne Forby) female 35 1 0 19943 90 C93 S 167 Hoyt, Mrs. Jane Anne (née Forby) 31 New York, New York, US Southampton Stamford, Connecticut, US D \N 1
488 0 1 Kent, Mr. Edward Austin male 58 0 0 11771 29.7 B37 C 175 Kent, Mr. Edward Austin 58 Buffalo, New York, US Cherbourg Buffalo, New York, US \N 258MB 1
489 0 3 Somerton, Mr. Francis William male 30 0 0 A.5. 18509 8.05 \N S 1226 Somerton, Mr. Francis William 30 Greatfield, Cheltenham, England Southampton Canastota, New York, US \N \N 3
490 1 3 Coutts, Master. Eden Leslie "Neville" male 9 1 1 C.A. 37671 15.9 \N S 744 Coutts, Master Neville Leslie 3 London, England Southampton Brooklyn, New York, US 2 \N 3
491 0 3 Hagland, Mr. Konrad Mathias Reiersen male \N 1 0 65304 19.9667 \N S 848 Hagland, Mr. Konrad Mathias Reiersen 19 Skaare, Haugesund, Norway Southampton Belmar, New Jersey, US \N \N 3
492 0 3 Windelov, Mr. Einar male 21 0 0 SOTON/OQ 3101317 7.25 \N S 1302 Windeløv, Mr. Einar 21 Cape Town, South Africa Southampton New York City \N \N 3
493 0 1 Molson, Mr. Harry Markland male 55 0 0 113787 30.5 C30 S 209 Molson, Mr. Harry Markland 55 Montreal, Quebec, Canada Southampton Montreal, Quebec, Canada \N \N 1
494 0 1 Artagaveytia, Mr. Ramon male 71 0 0 PC 17609 49.5042 \N C 14 Artagaveytia, Mr. Ramon 71 Buenos Aires, Argentina Cherbourg New York, New York, US \N 22MB 1
495 0 3 Stanley, Mr. Edward Roland male 21 0 0 A/4 45380 8.05 \N S 1232 Stanley, Mr. Edward Rowland 21 Swanage, England Southampton Cleveland, Ohio, US \N \N 3
496 0 3 Yousseff, Mr. Gerious male \N 0 0 2627 14.4583 \N C 1309 Youssef, Mr. Gerios (Abi Saab) 26 Hardîne, Lebanon Cherbourg Youngstown, Ohio, US \N 312M 3
497 1 1 Eustis, Miss. Elizabeth Mussey female 54 1 0 36947 78.2667 D20 C 108 Eustis, Miss Elizabeth Mussey 54 Brookline, Massachusetts, US Cherbourg Brookline, Massachusetts, US 4 \N 1
498 0 3 Shellard, Mr. Frederick William male \N 0 0 C.A. 6212 15.1 \N S 1204 Shellard, Mr. Frederick William Blainey 55 Bristol, Avon, England Southampton Troy, New York, US \N \N 3
499 0 1 Allison, Mrs. Hudson J C (Bessie Waldo Daniels) female 25 1 2 113781 151.55 C22 C26 S 5 Allison, Mrs. Bessie Waldo (née Daniels) 25 Montreal, Quebec, Canada Southampton Montreal, Quebec, Canada \N \N 1
500 0 3 Svensson, Mr. Olof male 24 0 0 350035 7.7958 \N S 1245 Svensson, Mr. Olof 24 Björkeberga, Skåne, Sweden Southampton New York City \N \N 3
501 0 3 Calic, Mr. Petar male 17 0 0 315086 8.6625 \N S 709 Čalić, Mr. Petar 17 Brezik, Croatia Southampton Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, US \N \N 3
502 0 3 Canavan, Miss. Mary female 21 0 0 364846 7.75 \N Q 710 Canavan, Miss Mary 22 Tonacrick, Clare, Ireland Queenstown Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US \N \N 3
503 0 3 O'Sullivan, Miss. Bridget Mary female \N 0 0 330909 7.6292 \N Q 1089 O'Sullivan, Miss Bridget Mary 21 Glenduff, Kerry, Ireland Queenstown New York City \N \N 3
504 0 3 Laitinen, Miss. Kristina Sofia female 37 0 0 4135 9.5875 \N S 950 Laitinen, Miss Kristiina Sofia 37 Helsinki, Finland Southampton New York City \N \N 3
505 1 1 Maioni, Miss. Roberta female 16 0 0 110152 86.5 B79 S 184 and maid, Miss Roberta Elizabeth Mary "Cissy" Maioni[69] 20 Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Southampton Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada 8 \N 1
506 0 1 Penasco y Castellana, Mr. Victor de Satode male 18 1 0 PC 17758 108.9 C65 C 227 Peñasco y Castellana, Mr. Victor 24 Madrid, Spain Cherbourg New York, New York, US \N \N 1
507 1 2 Quick, Mrs. Frederick Charles (Jane Richards) female 33 0 2 26360 26 \N S 545 Quick, Mrs. Jane (née Richards) 33 Plymouth, Devon, England Southampton Detroit, Michigan, US 11 \N 2
508 1 1 Bradley, Mr. George ("George Arthur Brayton") male \N 0 0 111427 26.55 \N S 41 Brereton, Mr. George Andrew (alias George A. Brayton) 37 Los Angeles, California, US Southampton Los Angeles, California, US 9 \N 1
509 0 3 Olsen, Mr. Henry Margido male 28 0 0 C 4001 22.525 \N S 1092 Olsen, Mr. Henry Margido 28 Bergen, Norway Southampton New York City \N 173MB 3
510 1 3 Lang, Mr. Fang male 26 0 0 1601 56.4958 \N S 956 Lang, Mr. Fang 26 Hong Kong, China Southampton New York City 14 \N 3
511 1 3 Daly, Mr. Eugene Patrick male 29 0 0 382651 7.75 \N Q 755 Daly, Mr. Eugene Patrick 29 Athlone, Westmeath, Ireland Queenstown New York City B \N 3
512 0 3 Webber, Mr. James male \N 0 0 SOTON/OQ 3101316 8.05 \N S 1292 Webber, Mr. James 66 San Francisco, US Southampton San Francisco, US \N \N 3
513 1 1 McGough, Mr. James Robert male 36 0 0 PC 17473 26.2875 E25 S 201 McGough, Mr. James Robert 35 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US Southampton Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US 7 \N 1
514 1 1 Rothschild, Mrs. Martin (Elizabeth L. Barrett) female 54 1 0 PC 17603 59.4 \N C 244 Rothschild, Mrs. Elizabeth Jane Anne (née Barrett) 54 New York, New York, US Cherbourg New York, New York, US 6 \N 1
515 0 3 Coleff, Mr. Satio male 24 0 0 349209 7.4958 \N S 729 Coleff, Mr. Fotio 24 Debnevo, Troyan, Bulgaria Southampton Chicago, Illinois, US \N \N 3
516 0 1 Walker, Mr. William Anderson male 47 0 0 36967 34.0208 D46 S 304 Walker, Mr. William Anderson 48 East Orange, New Jersey, US Southampton East Orange, New Jersey, US \N \N 1
517 1 2 Lemore, Mrs. (Amelia Milley) female 34 0 0 C.A. 34260 10.5 F33 S 491 Lemore, Mrs. Amelia "Milley" (née Hunt) 34 Chicago, Illinois, US Southampton Chicago, Illinois, US 14 \N 2
518 0 3 Ryan, Mr. Patrick male \N 0 0 371110 24.15 \N Q 1168 Ryan, Mr. Patrick 29 Askeaton, Limerick, Ireland Queenstown Bronx, New York, US \N \N 3
519 1 2 Angle, Mrs. William A (Florence "Mary" Agnes Hughes) female 36 1 0 226875 26 \N S 332 Angle, Mrs. Florence Agnes "Mary" (née Hughes) 36 Warwick, Warwickshire, England Southampton New York City 11 \N 2
520 0 3 Pavlovic, Mr. Stefo male 32 0 0 349242 7.8958 \N S 1117 Pavlović, Mr. Štefo 32 Vagovina, Croatia Southampton Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, US \N \N 3
521 1 1 Perreault, Miss. Anne female 30 0 0 12749 93.5 B73 S 155 and maid, Miss Mary Anne Perreault 33 Montreal, Quebec, Canada Southampton Montreal, Quebec, Canada 3 \N 1
522 0 3 Vovk, Mr. Janko male 22 0 0 349252 7.8958 \N S 1287 Vovk, Mr. Janko 21 Jesenice, Slovenia Southampton St. Joseph, Minnesota, US \N \N 3
523 0 3 Lahoud, Mr. Sarkis male \N 0 0 2624 7.225 \N C 949 Lahoud Ishaq Mowad, Mr. Sarkis 30 Zgharta, Lebanon Cherbourg Waterbury, Connecticut, US \N \N 3
524 1 1 Hippach, Mrs. Louis Albert (Ida Sophia Fischer) female 44 0 1 111361 57.9792 B18 C 160 Hippach, Mrs. Ida Sophia (née Fischer) 44 Chicago, Illinois, US Cherbourg Chicago, Illinois, US 4 \N 1
525 0 3 Kassem, Mr. Fared male \N 0 0 2700 7.2292 \N C 612 Abd al-Khaliq, Mr. Farid Qasim Husayn 18 Shana, Lebanon Cherbourg New York City \N \N 3
526 0 3 Farrell, Mr. James male 40.5 0 0 367232 7.75 \N Q 805 Farrell, Mr. James "Jim" 25 Killoe, Longford, Ireland Queenstown New York City \N 68MB 3
527 1 2 Ridsdale, Miss. Lucy female 50 0 0 W./C. 14258 10.5 \N S 557 Ridsdale, Miss Lucy 50 London, England Southampton Marietta, Ohio, US 13 \N 2
528 0 1 Farthing, Mr. John male \N 0 0 PC 17483 221.7792 C95 S 286 and valet, Mr. John Farthing 57 New York, New York, US Southampton New York, New York, US \N \N 1
529 0 3 Salonen, Mr. Johan Werner male 39 0 0 3101296 7.925 \N S 1187 Salonen, Mr. Johan Verner 39 Aberdeen, Washington, US Southampton Aberdeen, Washington, US \N \N 3
530 0 2 Hocking, Mr. Richard George male 23 2 1 29104 11.5 \N S 452 Hocking, Mr. Richard George 23 Akron, Ohio, US Southampton Akron, Ohio, US \N \N 2
531 1 2 Quick, Miss. Phyllis May female 2 1 1 26360 26 \N S 547 Quick, Miss Phyllis May 2 Plymouth, Devon, England Southampton Detroit, Michigan, US 11 \N 2
532 0 3 Toufik, Mr. Nakli male \N 0 0 2641 7.2292 \N C 1059 Nakli-Khoury, Mr. Toufik 17 Hardîne, Lebanon Cherbourg New York City \N \N 3
533 0 3 Elias, Mr. Joseph Jr male 17 1 1 2690 7.2292 \N C 798 Elias, Mr. Joseph Jr. 15 Kafr Mishki, Lebanon Cherbourg Ottawa, Ontario, Canada \N \N 3
534 1 3 Peter, Mrs. Catherine (Catherine Rizk) female \N 0 2 2668 22.3583 \N C 701 Butrus-Youssef, Mrs. Katarin (née Rizk) 24 Sar'al, Syria Cherbourg Detroit, Michigan, US C \N 3
535 0 3 Cacic, Miss. Marija female 30 0 0 315084 8.6625 \N S 706 Čačić, Miss Marija 30 Široka Kula, Croatia Southampton Chicago, Illinois, US \N \N 3
536 1 2 Hart, Miss. Eva Miriam female 7 0 2 F.C.C. 13529 26.25 \N S 440 Hart, Miss Eva Miriam 7 Ilford, Essex, England Southampton Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada 14 \N 2
537 0 1 Butt, Major. Archibald Willingham male 45 0 0 113050 26.55 B38 S 47 Butt, Major Archibald Willingham 46 Washington, DC, US Southampton Washington, DC, US \N \N 1
538 1 1 LeRoy, Miss. Bertha female 30 0 0 PC 17761 106.425 \N C 102 and maid, Miss Berthe Leroy 27 Minneapolis, Minnesota, US Cherbourg Minneapolis, Minnesota, US 2 \N 1
539 0 3 Risien, Mr. Samuel Beard male \N 0 0 364498 14.5 \N S 1155 Risien, Mr. Samuel Beard 69 Deal, Kent, England Southampton Groesbeck, Texas, US \N \N 3
540 1 1 Frolicher, Miss. Hedwig Margaritha female 22 0 2 13568 49.5 B39 C 125 Frölicher-Stehli, Miss Hedwig Margaritha 22 Zürich, Switzerland Cherbourg New York, New York, US 5 \N 1
541 1 1 Crosby, Miss. Harriet R female 36 0 2 WE/P 5735 71 B22 S 88 Crosby, Miss Harriette Rebecca 39 Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US Southampton Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US 7 \N 1
542 0 3 Andersson, Miss. Ingeborg Constanzia female 9 4 2 347082 31.275 \N S 635 Andersson, Miss Ingeborg Constanzia 9 Kisa, Östergötland, Sweden Southampton Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada \N \N 3
543 0 3 Andersson, Miss. Sigrid Elisabeth female 11 4 2 347082 31.275 \N S 634 Andersson, Miss Sigrid Elisabeth 11 Kisa, Östergötland, Sweden Southampton Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada \N \N 3
544 1 2 Beane, Mr. Edward male 32 1 0 2908 26 \N S 339 Beane, Mr. Edward 32 New York City Southampton New York City 13 \N 2
545 0 1 Douglas, Mr. Walter Donald male 50 1 0 PC 17761 106.425 C86 C 100 Douglas, Mr. Walter Donald 50 Minneapolis, Minnesota, US Cherbourg Minneapolis, Minnesota, US \N 62MB 1
546 0 1 Nicholson, Mr. Arthur Ernest male 64 0 0 693 26 \N S 217 Nicholson, Mr. Arthur Ernest 64 Shanklin, Isle of Wight, England, UK Southampton New York, New York, US \N 263MB 1
547 1 2 Beane, Mrs. Edward (Ethel Clarke) female 19 1 0 2908 26 \N S 340 Beane, Mrs. Ethel (née Clarke) 19 Norwich, Norfolk, England Southampton New York City 13 \N 2
548 1 2 Padro y Manent, Mr. Julian male \N 0 0 SC/PARIS 2146 13.8625 \N C 530 Padron Manent, Mr. Julian 26 Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain Cherbourg Havana, Cuba 9 \N 2
549 0 3 Goldsmith, Mr. Frank John male 33 1 1 363291 20.525 \N S 827 Goldsmith, Mr. Frank John 33 Strood, Kent, England Southampton Detroit, Michigan, US \N \N 3
550 1 2 Davies, Master. John Morgan Jr male 8 1 1 C.A. 33112 36.75 \N S 393 Davies, Master John Morgan Jr. 8 St. Ives, Cornwall, England, UK Southampton Houghton, Michigan, US 14 \N 2
551 1 1 Thayer, Mr. John Borland Jr male 17 0 2 17421 110.8833 C70 C 299 Thayer, Mr. John Borland "Jack" III 17 Haverford, Pennsylvania, US Cherbourg Haverford, Pennsylvania, US B \N 1
552 0 2 Sharp, Mr. Percival James R male 27 0 0 244358 26 \N S 562 Sharp, Mr. Percival James 27 London, England, UK Southampton New York City \N \N 2
553 0 3 O'Brien, Mr. Timothy male \N 0 0 330979 7.8292 \N Q 1081 O'Brien, Mr. Timothy 21 Drimoleague, Cork, Ireland Queenstown New York City \N \N 3
554 1 3 Leeni, Mr. Fahim ("Philip Zenni") male 22 0 0 2620 7.225 \N C 629 Al-Zainni, Mr. Fahim Ruhanna 22 Toula, Lebanon Cherbourg Dayton, Ohio, US 6 \N 3
555 1 3 Ohman, Miss. Velin female 22 0 0 347085 7.775 \N S 1091 Öhman, Miss Velin 22 Mariestad, Västergötland, Sweden Southampton Chicago, Illinois, US C \N 3
556 0 1 Wright, Mr. George male 62 0 0 113807 26.55 \N S 325 Wright, Mr. George 62 Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada Southampton Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada \N \N 1
557 1 1 Duff Gordon, Lady. (Lucille Christiana Sutherland) ("Mrs Morgan") female 48 1 0 11755 39.6 A16 C 105 Duff Gordon, Lucy Christiana, Lady (née Sutherland) 48 London, England, UK Cherbourg New York, New York, US 1 \N 1
558 0 1 Robbins, Mr. Victor male \N 0 0 PC 17757 227.525 \N C \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N
559 1 1 Taussig, Mrs. Emil (Tillie Mandelbaum) female 39 1 1 110413 79.65 E67 S 292 Taussig, Mrs. Tillie (née Mandelbaum) 39 New York, New York, US Southampton New York, New York, US 8 \N 1
560 1 3 de Messemaeker, Mrs. Guillaume Joseph (Emma) female 36 1 0 345572 17.4 \N S 767 De Messemaeker, Mrs. Anna (née de Becker) 36 Tampico, Montana, US Southampton Tampico, Montana, US 13 \N 3
561 0 3 Morrow, Mr. Thomas Rowan male \N 0 0 372622 7.75 \N Q 1040 Morrow, Mr. Thomas Rowan 30 Rathfriland, Down, Ireland Queenstown Gleichen, Alberta, Canada \N \N 3
562 0 3 Sivic, Mr. Husein male 40 0 0 349251 7.8958 \N S 1211 Sivić, Mr. Husein 40 Bosanska Krupa, Bosnia Southampton Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, US \N \N 3
563 0 2 Norman, Mr. Robert Douglas male 28 0 0 218629 13.5 \N S 526 Norman, Mr. Robert Douglas 28 Glasgow, Scotland Southampton Houghton, Michigan, US \N 287MB 2
564 0 3 Simmons, Mr. John male \N 0 0 SOTON/OQ 392082 8.05 \N S 1208 Simmons, Mr. John 39 Leigh, Kent, England Southampton New York City \N \N 3
565 0 3 Meanwell, Miss. (Marion Ogden) female \N 0 0 SOTON/O.Q. 392087 8.05 \N S 1020 Meanwell, Mrs. Mary Ann 63 Eastbourne, East Sussex, England Southampton New York City \N \N 3
566 0 3 Davies, Mr. Alfred J male 24 2 0 A/4 48871 24.15 \N S 762 Davies, Mr. Alfred John 24 West Bromwich, Staffordshire, England Southampton Pontiac, Michigan, US \N \N 3
567 0 3 Stoytcheff, Mr. Ilia male 19 0 0 349205 7.8958 \N S 1234 Stoytcheff, Mr. Ilia 19 Gumostnik, Lovec, Bulgaria Southampton Chicago, Illinois, US \N \N 3
568 0 3 Palsson, Mrs. Nils (Alma Cornelia Berglund) female 29 0 4 349909 21.075 \N S 1104 Pålsson, Mrs. Alma Cornelia (née Berglund) 29 Bjuv, Skåne, Sweden Southampton Chicago, Illinois, US \N 206MB 3
569 0 3 Doharr, Mr. Tannous male \N 0 0 2686 7.2292 \N C 750 Dahir, Mr. Tannous 28 Beirut, Lebanon Cherbourg Youngstown, Ohio, US \N \N 3
570 1 3 Jonsson, Mr. Carl male 32 0 0 350417 7.8542 \N S 912 Jonsson, Mr. Carl 32 Kalfsnäs, Småland, Sweden Southampton Huntley, Illinois, US 15 \N 3
571 1 2 Harris, Mr. George male 62 0 0 S.W./PP 752 10.5 \N S 436 Harris, Mr. George 62 London, England Southampton New York City 15 \N 2
572 1 1 Appleton, Mrs. Edward Dale (Charlotte Lamson) female 53 2 0 11769 51.4792 C101 S 13 Appleton, Mrs. Charlotte Lane (née Lamson) 53 New York, New York, US Southampton New York, New York, US 2 \N 1
573 1 1 Flynn, Mr. John Irwin ("Irving") male 36 0 0 PC 17474 26.3875 E25 S 111 Flynn, Mr. John Irwin 36 Brooklyn, New York, US Southampton Brooklyn, New York, US 5 \N 1
574 1 3 Kelly, Miss. Mary female \N 0 0 14312 7.75 \N Q 931 Kelly, Miss Mary 22 Castlepollard, Westmeath, Ireland Queenstown New York City D \N 3
575 0 3 Rush, Mr. Alfred George John male 16 0 0 A/4. 20589 8.05 \N S 1166 Rush, Mr. Alfred George John 16 Strood, Kent, England Southampton Detroit, Michigan, US \N \N 3
576 0 3 Patchett, Mr. George male 19 0 0 358585 14.5 \N S 1116 Patchett, Mr. George 19 Wollaston, Northamptonshire, England Southampton Kitchener, Ontario, Canada \N \N 3
577 1 2 Garside, Miss. Ethel female 34 0 0 243880 13 \N S 419 Garside, Miss Ethel 34 Liverpool, Merseyside, England Southampton Brooklyn, New York, US 12 \N 2
578 1 1 Silvey, Mrs. William Baird (Alice Munger) female 39 1 0 13507 55.9 E44 S 259 Silvey, Mrs. Alice (née Munger) 39 Duluth, Minnesota, US Cherbourg Duluth, Minnesota, US 11 \N 1
579 0 3 Caram, Mrs. Joseph (Maria Elias) female \N 1 0 2689 14.4583 \N C 714 Caram, Mrs. Maria (née Elias) 18 Kfar Mechi, Syria Cherbourg Ottawa, Ontario, Canada \N \N 3
580 1 3 Jussila, Mr. Eiriik male 32 0 0 STON/O 2. 3101286 7.925 \N S 914 Jussila, Mr. Eiriik 32 Elimäki, Finland Southampton Monessen, Pennsylvania, US 15 \N 3
581 1 2 Christy, Miss. Julie Rachel female 25 1 1 237789 30 \N S 376 Christy, Miss Rachel Julie Cohen 25 London, England, UK Southampton Montreal, Quebec, Canada 12 \N 2
582 1 1 Thayer, Mrs. John Borland (Marian Longstreth Morris) female 39 1 1 17421 110.8833 C68 C 297 Thayer, Mrs. Marian Longsteth (née Morris) 39 Haverford, Pennsylvania, US Cherbourg Haverford, Pennsylvania, US 4 \N 1
583 0 2 Downton, Mr. William James male 54 0 0 28403 26 \N S 402 Douton, Mr. William Joseph 55 Rochester, New York, US Southampton Rochester, New York, US \N \N 2
584 0 1 Ross, Mr. John Hugo male 36 0 0 13049 40.125 A10 C 242 Ross, Mr. John Hugo 36 Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada Southampton Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada \N \N 1
585 0 3 Paulner, Mr. Uscher male \N 0 0 3411 8.7125 \N C 1139 Pullner, Mr. Uscher 16 Unknown, Unknown Cherbourg New York City \N \N 3
586 1 1 Taussig, Miss. Ruth female 18 0 2 110413 79.65 E68 S 293 Taussig, Miss Ruth 18 New York, New York, US Southampton New York, New York, US 8 \N 1
587 0 2 Jarvis, Mr. John Denzil male 47 0 0 237565 15 \N S 467 Jarvis, Mr. Denzil John 47 Stoneygate, Leicestershire, England Southampton New York City \N \N 2
588 1 1 Frolicher-Stehli, Mr. Maxmillian male 60 1 1 13567 79.2 B41 C 123 Frölicher, Mr. Maximilian Josef 60 Zürich, Switzerland Cherbourg New York, New York, US 5 \N 1
589 0 3 Gilinski, Mr. Eliezer male 22 0 0 14973 8.05 \N S 824 Gilinski, Mr. Eliezer 22 Abercynon, Glamorgan, Wales Southampton Chicago, Illinois, US \N 47MB 3
590 0 3 Murdlin, Mr. Joseph male \N 0 0 A./5. 3235 8.05 \N S 1049 Murdlin, Mr. Joseph 22 London, England Southampton New York City \N \N 3
591 0 3 Rintamaki, Mr. Matti male 35 0 0 STON/O 2. 3101273 7.125 \N S 1153 Rintamäki, Mr. Matti 35 Kyyny, Finland Southampton Sudbury, Ontario, Canada \N \N 3
592 1 1 Stephenson, Mrs. Walter Bertram (Martha Eustis) female 52 1 0 36947 78.2667 D20 C 281 Stephenson, Mrs. Martha (née Eustis) 52 Paris, France Cherbourg Haverford, Pennsylvania, US 4 \N 1
593 0 3 Elsbury, Mr. William James male 47 0 0 A/5 3902 7.25 \N S 800 Elsbury, Mr. William James 47 Taunton, Somerset, England Southampton Gurnee, Illinois, US \N \N 3
594 0 3 Bourke, Miss. Mary female \N 0 2 364848 7.75 \N Q 686 Bourke, Miss Mary 40 Carrowskehine, Mayo, Ireland Queenstown Chicago, Illinois, US \N \N 3
595 0 2 Chapman, Mr. John Henry male 37 1 0 SC/AH 29037 26 \N S 373 Chapman, Mr. John Henry 36 Liskeard, Cornwall, England Southampton Spokane, Washington, US \N 17MB 2
596 0 3 Van Impe, Mr. Jean Baptiste male 36 1 1 345773 24.15 \N S 1274 Van Impe, Mr. Jean-Baptiste 36 Kerksken, Belgium Southampton Detroit, Michigan, US \N \N 3
597 1 2 Leitch, Miss. Jessie Wills female \N 0 0 248727 33 \N S 490 Leitch, Miss Jessie Wills 31 London, England Southampton Chicago, Illinois, US 11 \N 2
598 0 3 Johnson, Mr. Alfred male 49 0 0 LINE 0 \N S 901 Johnson, Mr. Alfred 49 Millwood, England Southampton New York City \N \N 3
599 0 3 Boulos, Mr. Hanna male \N 0 0 2664 7.225 \N C 853 Hanna, Mr. Bulus 18 Kfar Mechi, Syria Cherbourg Ottawa, Ontario, Canada \N \N 3
600 1 1 Duff Gordon, Sir. Cosmo Edmund ("Mr Morgan") male 49 1 0 PC 17485 56.9292 A20 C 104 Duff Gordon, Sir Cosmo Edmund 49 London, England, UK Cherbourg New York, New York, US 1 \N 1
601 1 2 Jacobsohn, Mrs. Sidney Samuel (Amy Frances Christy) female 24 2 1 243847 27 \N S 466 Jacobsohn, Mrs. Amy Frances Christy (née Cohen) 24 London, England Southampton Montreal, Quebec, Canada 12 \N 2
602 0 3 Slabenoff, Mr. Petco male \N 0 0 349214 7.8958 \N S 1220 Slabenoff, Mr. Peko 42 Unknown, Bulgaria Southampton New York City \N \N 3
603 0 1 Harrington, Mr. Charles H male \N 0 0 113796 42.4 \N S 211 and valet, Mr. Charles Henry Harrington 37 Washington, DC, US Southampton Washington, DC, US \N \N 1
604 0 3 Torber, Mr. Ernst William male 44 0 0 364511 8.05 \N S 1260 Törber, Mr. Ernst Wilhelm 44 Unknown, Germany Southampton New York City \N \N 3
605 1 1 Homer, Mr. Harry ("Mr E Haven") male 35 0 0 111426 26.55 \N C 165 Homer, Mr. Harry (alias E. Haven) 40 Indianapolis, Indiana, US Southampton Indianapolis, Indiana, US 15 \N 1
606 0 3 Lindell, Mr. Edvard Bengtsson male 36 1 0 349910 15.55 \N S 975 Lindell, Mr. Edvard Bengtsson 36 Helsingborg, Skåne, Sweden Southampton Hartford, Connecticut, US A \N 3
607 0 3 Karaic, Mr. Milan male 30 0 0 349246 7.8958 \N S 919 Karajić, Mr. Milan 30 Vagovina, Croatia Southampton Youngstown, Ohio, US \N \N 3
608 1 1 Daniel, Mr. Robert Williams male 27 0 0 113804 30.5 \N S 92 Daniel, Mr. Robert Williams 27 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US Southampton Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US 3 \N 1
609 1 2 Laroche, Mrs. Joseph (Juliette Marie Louise Lafargue) female 22 1 2 SC/Paris 2123 41.5792 \N C 486 Laroche, Mrs. Juliette Marie Louise (née Lafargue)[62][75] 22 Paris, France Cherbourg Cap-Haïtien, Haiti 14 \N 2
610 1 1 Shutes, Miss. Elizabeth W female 40 0 0 PC 17582 153.4625 C125 S 138 and governess, Miss Elizabeth Weed Shutes 40 Greenwich, Connecticut, US Southampton Greenwich, Connecticut, US 3 \N 1
611 0 3 Andersson, Mrs. Anders Johan (Alfrida Konstantia Brogren) female 39 1 5 347082 31.275 \N S 633 Andersson, Mrs. Alfrida Konstantia (née Brogren) 39 Kisa, Östergötland, Sweden Southampton Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada \N \N 3
612 0 3 Jardin, Mr. Jose Neto male \N 0 0 SOTON/O.Q. 3101305 7.05 \N S 888 Jardim, Mr. José Neto 21 Calheta, Madeira, Portugal Southampton New York City \N \N 3
613 1 3 Murphy, Miss. Margaret Jane female \N 1 0 367230 15.5 \N Q 1051 Murphy, Miss Margaret Jane "Maggie/Mary" 25 Fostragh, Longford, Ireland Queenstown Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US 16 \N 3
614 0 3 Horgan, Mr. John male \N 0 0 370377 7.75 \N Q 876 Horgan, Mr. John 22 Unknown, Ireland Queenstown New York City \N \N 3
615 0 3 Brocklebank, Mr. William Alfred male 35 0 0 364512 8.05 \N S 693 Brocklebank, Mr. William Alfred 35 Broomfield, Essex, England Southampton New York City \N \N 3
616 1 2 Herman, Miss. Alice female 24 1 2 220845 65 \N S 444 Herman, Miss Alice 24 Yeovil, Somerset, England Southampton Bernardsville, New Jersey, US 9 \N 2
617 0 3 Danbom, Mr. Ernst Gilbert male 34 1 1 347080 14.4 \N S 756 Danbom, Mr. Ernst Gilbert 34 Göteborg, Västergötland, Sweden Southampton Stanton, Iowa, US \N 197MB 3
618 0 3 Lobb, Mrs. William Arthur (Cordelia K Stanlick) female 26 1 0 A/5. 3336 16.1 \N S 983 Lobb, Mrs. Cordelia K. (née Stanlick) 26 Scranton, Pennsylvania, US Southampton Scranton, Pennsylvania, US \N 55MB 3
619 1 2 Becker, Miss. Marion Louise female 4 2 1 230136 39 F4 S 344 Becker, Miss Marion Louise 4 Guntur, Madras Province, British India Southampton Benton Harbor, Michigan, US 11 \N 2
620 0 2 Gavey, Mr. Lawrence male 26 0 0 31028 10.5 \N S 421 Gavey, Mr. Laurence 26 Guernsey, Channel Islands Southampton Elizabeth, New Jersey, US \N \N 2
621 0 3 Yasbeck, Mr. Antoni male 27 1 0 2659 14.4542 \N C 1306 Yasbak, Mr. Antun 27 Unknown, Lebanon Cherbourg Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, US \N \N 3
622 1 1 Kimball, Mr. Edwin Nelson Jr male 42 1 0 11753 52.5542 D19 S 178 Kimball, Mr. Edwin Nelson Jr. 42 Boston, Massachusetts, US Southampton Boston, Massachusetts, US 5 \N 1
623 1 3 Nakid, Mr. Sahid male 20 1 1 2653 15.7417 \N C 1055 Nackid, Mr. Sahid 20 Zgharta, Lebanon Cherbourg Waterbury, Connecticut, US C \N 3
624 0 3 Hansen, Mr. Henry Damsgaard male 21 0 0 350029 7.8542 \N S 858 Hansen, Mr. Henry Damsgaard 21 Copenhagen, Denmark Southampton Racine, Wisconsin, US \N 69MB 3
625 0 3 Bowen, Mr. David John "Dai" male 21 0 0 54636 16.1 \N S 687 Bowen, Mr. David John "Dai" 20 Treherbert, Glamorgan, Wales Southampton New York City \N \N 3
626 0 1 Sutton, Mr. Frederick male 61 0 0 36963 32.3208 D50 S 289 Sutton, Mr. Frederick 61 Haddonfield, New Jersey, US Southampton Haddonfield, New Jersey, US \N 46MB 1
627 0 2 Kirkland, Rev. Charles Leonard male 57 0 0 219533 12.35 \N Q 478 Kirkland, Reverend Charles Leonard 52 Glasgow, Scotland Queenstown Tuxford, Saskatchewan, Canada \N \N 2
628 1 1 Longley, Miss. Gretchen Fiske female 21 0 0 13502 77.9583 D9 S 191 Longley, Miss Gretchen Fiske 21 Hudson, New York, US Cherbourg Hudson, New York, US 10 \N 1
629 0 3 Bostandyeff, Mr. Guentcho male 26 0 0 349224 7.8958 \N S 683 Bostandyeff, Mr. Guentcho 26 Unknown, Bulgaria Southampton Chicago, Illinois, US \N \N 3
630 0 3 O'Connell, Mr. Patrick D male \N 0 0 334912 7.7333 \N Q 1082 O'Connell, Mr. Patrick Denis 17 Kingwilliamstown, Cork, Ireland Queenstown New York City \N \N 3
631 1 1 Barkworth, Mr. Algernon Henry Wilson male 80 0 0 27042 30 A23 S 21 Barkworth, Mr. Algernon Henry Wilson 47 Hessle, East Yorkshire, England, UK Southampton New York, New York, US B \N 1
632 0 3 Lundahl, Mr. Johan Svensson male 51 0 0 347743 7.0542 \N S 987 Lundahl, Mr. Johan Svensson 51 Fyrnan, Småland, Sweden Southampton Spokane, Washington, US \N \N 3
633 1 1 Stahelin-Maeglin, Dr. Max male 32 0 0 13214 30.5 B50 C 277 Stähelin-Maeglin, Dr. Max 32 Basel, Switzerland Southampton New York, New York, US 3 \N 1
634 0 1 Parr, Mr. William Henry Marsh male \N 0 0 112052 0 \N S 223 Parr, Mr. William Henry Marsh[60] 29 Belfast, Ireland, UK Belfast New York, New York, US \N \N 1
635 0 3 Skoog, Miss. Mabel female 9 3 2 347088 27.9 \N S 1217 Skoog, Miss Mabel 9 Hällekis, Västergötland, Sweden Southampton Iron Mountain, Michigan, US \N \N 3
636 1 2 Davis, Miss. Mary female 28 0 0 237668 13 \N S 394 Davis, Miss Mary 28 London, England, UK Southampton Tottenville, New York, US 13 \N 2
637 0 3 Leinonen, Mr. Antti Gustaf male 32 0 0 STON/O 2. 3101292 7.925 \N S 967 Leinonen, Mr. Antti Gustaf 32 Valitaipale, Finland Southampton New York City \N \N 3
638 0 2 Collyer, Mr. Harvey male 31 1 1 C.A. 31921 26.25 \N S 383 Collyer, Mr. Harvey 31 Bishopstoke, Hampshire, England Southampton Payette, Idaho, US \N \N 2
639 0 3 Panula, Mrs. Juha (Maria Emilia Ojala) female 41 0 5 3101295 39.6875 \N S 1109 Panula, Mrs. Maija Emelia Abrahamintytar (née Ketola-Ojala) 41 Ylihärmä, South Ostrobothnia, Finland Southampton Coal Center, Pennsylvania, US \N \N 3
640 0 3 Thorneycroft, Mr. Percival male \N 1 0 376564 16.1 \N S 1254 Thorneycroft, Mr. Percival Thomas 36 Maidstone, Kent, England Southampton Clinton, New York, US \N \N 3
641 0 3 Jensen, Mr. Hans Peder male 20 0 0 350050 7.8542 \N S 889 Jensen, Mr. Hans Peder 20 Eskilstrup, Denmark Southampton Portland, Oregon, US \N \N 3
642 1 1 Sagesser, Mlle. Emma female 24 0 0 PC 17477 69.3 B35 C 20 and maid, Miss Emma Sägesser 24 Paris, France Cherbourg New York, New York, US 9 \N 1
643 0 3 Skoog, Miss. Margit Elizabeth female 2 3 2 347088 27.9 \N S 1219 Skoog, Miss Margit Elizabeth 2 Hällekis, Västergötland, Sweden Southampton Iron Mountain, Michigan, US \N \N 3
644 1 3 Foo, Mr. Choong male \N 0 0 1601 56.4958 \N S 722 Cheong, Mr. Foo 32 Hong Kong, China Southampton New York City C \N 3
645 1 3 Baclini, Miss. Eugenie female 0.75 2 1 2666 19.2583 \N C 671 Baqlini, Miss Eujini 4 Ḑuhūr ash Shuwayr, Lebanon Cherbourg Brooklyn, New York, US C \N 3
646 1 1 Harper, Mr. Henry Sleeper male 48 1 0 PC 17572 76.7292 D33 C 146 Harper, Mr. Henry Sleeper 48 New York, New York, US Cherbourg New York, New York, US 3 \N 1
647 0 3 Cor, Mr. Liudevit male 19 0 0 349231 7.8958 \N S 739 Čor, Mr. Liudevit 19 Kricina, Croatia Southampton Great Falls, Montana, US \N \N 3
712 0 1 Klaber, Mr. Herman male \N 0 0 113028 26.55 C124 S 180 Klaber, Mr. Herman 45 Portland, Oregon, US Southampton Portland, Oregon, US \N \N 1
648 1 1 Simonius-Blumer, Col. Oberst Alfons male 56 0 0 13213 35.5 A26 C 260 Simonius-Blumer, Colonel Alfons 56 Basel, Switzerland Southampton New York, New York, US 3 \N 1
649 0 3 Willey, Mr. Edward male \N 0 0 S.O./P.P. 751 7.55 \N S 1299 Willey, Mr. Edward 18 Market Drayton, Shropshire, England Southampton Schenectady, New York, US \N \N 3
650 1 3 Stanley, Miss. Amy Zillah Elsie female 23 0 0 CA. 2314 7.55 \N S 1231 Stanley, Miss Amy Zillah Elsie 24 Wallingford, Oxfordshire, England Southampton New Haven, Connecticut, US C \N 3
651 0 3 Mitkoff, Mr. Mito male \N 0 0 349221 7.8958 \N S 1031 Mitkoff, Mr. Mito 23 Unknown, Bulgaria Southampton Chicago, Illinois, US \N \N 3
652 1 2 Doling, Miss. Elsie female 18 0 1 231919 23 \N S 401 Doling, Miss Elsie 19 Southampton, Hampshire, England, UK Southampton New York City ? \N 2
653 0 3 Kalvik, Mr. Johannes Halvorsen male 21 0 0 8475 8.4333 \N S 918 Kalvik, Mr. Johannes Halvorsen 21 Etnesjøen, Hordaland Fylke, Norway Southampton Story City, Iowa, US \N \N 3
654 1 3 O'Leary, Miss. Hanora "Norah" female \N 0 0 330919 7.8292 \N Q 1088 O'Leary, Miss Hanora "Nora" 16 Kingwilliamstown, Cork, Ireland Queenstown New York City 13 \N 3
655 0 3 Hegarty, Miss. Hanora "Nora" female 18 0 0 365226 6.75 \N Q 864 Hegarty, Miss Hanora "Nora" 18 Whitechurch, Cork, Ireland Queenstown Charlestown, US \N \N 3
656 0 2 Hickman, Mr. Leonard Mark male 24 2 0 S.O.C. 14879 73.5 \N S 448 Hickman, Mr. Leonard Mark 24 Fritham, Hampshire, England Southampton Eden, Manitoba, Canada \N \N 2
657 0 3 Radeff, Mr. Alexander male \N 0 0 349223 7.8958 \N S 1140 Radeff, Mr. Alexander 27 Unknown, Bulgaria Southampton Chicago, Illinois, US \N \N 3
658 0 3 Bourke, Mrs. John (Catherine) female 32 1 1 364849 15.5 \N Q 685 Bourke, Mrs. Catherine (née McHugh) 32 Carrowskehine, Mayo, Ireland Queenstown Chicago, Illinois, US \N \N 3
659 0 2 Eitemiller, Mr. George Floyd male 23 0 0 29751 13 \N S 408 Eitemiller, Mr. George Floyd 23 London, England, UK Southampton Detroit, Michigan, US \N \N 2
660 0 1 Newell, Mr. Arthur Webster male 58 0 2 35273 113.275 D48 C 213 Newell, Mr. Arthur Webster 58 Lexington, Massachusetts, US Cherbourg Lexington, Massachusetts, US \N 122MB 1
661 1 1 Frauenthal, Dr. Henry William male 50 2 0 PC 17611 133.65 \N S 120 Frauenthal, Dr. Henry William 49 London, England, UK Southampton New York, New York, US 5 \N 1
662 0 3 Badt, Mr. Mohamed male 40 0 0 2623 7.225 \N C 666 Badt, Mr. Mohamed 40 Tripoli, Lebanon Cherbourg New York City \N \N 3
663 0 1 Colley, Mr. Edward Pomeroy male 47 0 0 5727 25.5875 E58 S 80 Colley, Mr. Edward Pomeroy 37 Dublin, Ireland, UK[note 1] Southampton Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada \N \N 1
664 0 3 Coleff, Mr. Peju male 36 0 0 349210 7.4958 \N S 730 Coltcheff, Mr. Peju 36 Gumostnik, Lovec, Bulgaria Southampton Chicago, Illinois, US \N \N 3
665 1 3 Lindqvist, Mr. Eino William male 20 1 0 STON/O 2. 3101285 7.925 \N S 977 Lindqvist, Mr. Eino William 20 Taalintehdas, Finland Southampton Monessen, Pennsylvania, US 15 \N 3
666 0 2 Hickman, Mr. Lewis male 32 2 0 S.O.C. 14879 73.5 \N S 447 Hickman, Mr. Lewis 30 Fritham, Hampshire, England Southampton The Pas, Manitoba, Canada \N 256MB 2
667 0 2 Butler, Mr. Reginald Fenton male 25 0 0 234686 13 \N S 361 Butler, Mr. Reginald Fenton 25 Southsea, Hampshire, England Southampton New York City \N 97MB 2
668 0 3 Rommetvedt, Mr. Knud Paust male \N 0 0 312993 7.775 \N S 1160 Rommetvedt, Mr. Knud Paust 49 Hogstad, Norway Southampton New York City \N \N 3
669 0 3 Cook, Mr. Jacob male 43 0 0 A/5 3536 8.05 \N S 736 Cook, Mr. Jacob (Kukk, Mr. Jakob?) 43 Unknown (Estonia?), Russia (Estonia?) Southampton New York City \N \N 3
670 1 1 Taylor, Mrs. Elmer Zebley (Juliet Cummins Wright) female \N 1 0 19996 52 C126 S 295 Taylor, Mrs. Juliet Cummins (née Wright) 48 London, England, UK Southampton East Orange, New Jersey, US 5 \N 1
671 1 2 Brown, Mrs. Thomas William Solomon (Elizabeth Catherine Ford) female 40 1 1 29750 39 \N S 356 Brown, Mrs. Elizabeth Catherine (née Ford) 40 Cape Town, South Africa, UK Southampton Seattle, Washington, US 14 \N 2
672 0 1 Davidson, Mr. Thornton male 31 1 0 F.C. 12750 52 B71 S 93 Davidson, Mr. Thornton 31 Montreal, Quebec, Canada Southampton Montreal, Quebec, Canada \N \N 1
673 0 2 Mitchell, Mr. Henry Michael male 70 0 0 C.A. 24580 10.5 \N S 513 Mitchell, Mr. Henry Michael 71 Guernsey, Channel Islands Southampton Toledo, Ohio, US \N \N 2
674 1 2 Wilhelms, Mr. Charles male 31 0 0 244270 13 \N S 602 Whilems, Mr. Charles 32 London, England Southampton New York City 9 \N 2
675 0 2 Watson, Mr. Ennis Hastings male \N 0 0 239856 0 \N S 587 Watson, Mr. Ennis Hastings[60] 15 Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK Belfast New York City \N \N 2
676 0 3 Edvardsson, Mr. Gustaf Hjalmar male 18 0 0 349912 7.775 \N S 794 Edvardsson, Mr. Gustaf Hjalmar 18 Tofta, Uppland, Sweden Southampton Joliet, Illinois, US \N \N 3
677 0 3 Sawyer, Mr. Frederick Charles male 24.5 0 0 342826 8.05 \N S 1197 Sawyer, Mr. Frederick Charles 33 Basingstoke, Hampshire, England Southampton Halley, Michigan, US \N 284MB 3
678 1 3 Turja, Miss. Anna Sofia female 18 0 0 4138 9.8417 \N S 1267 Turja, Miss Anna Sofiia 18 Oulainen, Oulu, Finland Southampton Ashtabula, Ohio, US 15 \N 3
679 0 3 Goodwin, Mrs. Frederick (Augusta Tyler) female 43 1 6 CA 2144 46.9 \N S 832 Goodwin, Mrs. Augusta (née Tyler) 43 Fulham, England Southampton Niagara Falls, New York, US \N \N 3
1008 \N 3 Thomas, Mr. John male \N 0 0 2681 6.4375 \N C 1251 Thomas, Mr. John 34 Unknown, Unknown Cherbourg Columbus, Ohio, US \N \N 3
680 1 1 Cardeza, Mr. Thomas Drake Martinez male 36 0 1 PC 17755 512.3292 B51 B53 B55 C 52 Cardeza, Mr. Thomas Drake Martinez 36 Germantown, Pennsylvania, US Cherbourg Germantown, Pennsylvania, US 3 \N 1
681 0 3 Peters, Miss. Katie female \N 0 0 330935 8.1375 \N Q 1128 Peters, Miss Catherine "Katie" 26 Cahir, Tipperary, Ireland Queenstown New York City \N \N 3
682 1 1 Hassab, Mr. Hammad male 27 0 0 PC 17572 76.7292 D49 C 147 and dragoman, Mr. Hammad Hassab 27 Cairo, Egypt Cherbourg New York, New York, US 3 \N 1
683 0 3 Olsvigen, Mr. Thor Anderson male 20 0 0 6563 9.225 \N S 1099 Olsvingen, Mr. Thor Andersen 20 Vikersund, Norway Southampton Carneron, US \N 89MB 3
684 0 3 Goodwin, Mr. Charles Edward male 14 5 2 CA 2144 46.9 \N S 834 Goodwin, Mr. Charles Edward 14 Fulham, England Southampton Niagara Falls, New York, US \N \N 3
685 0 2 Brown, Mr. Thomas William Solomon male 60 1 1 29750 39 \N S 355 Brown, Mr. Thomas William Solomon 60 Cape Town, South Africa, UK[note 4] Southampton Seattle, Washington, US \N \N 2
686 0 2 Laroche, Mr. Joseph Philippe Lemercier male 25 1 2 SC/Paris 2123 41.5792 \N C 485 Laroche, Mr. Joseph Philippe Lemercier 25 Paris, France Cherbourg Cap-Haïtien, Haiti \N \N 2
687 0 3 Panula, Mr. Jaako Arnold male 14 4 1 3101295 39.6875 \N S 1111 Panula, Mr. Jaakko Arnold 15 Ylihärmä, South Ostrobothnia, Finland Southampton Coal Center, Pennsylvania, US \N \N 3
688 0 3 Dakic, Mr. Branko male 19 0 0 349228 10.1708 \N S 753 Dakić, Mr. Branko 19 Gornji Miholjac, Croatia Southampton New York City \N \N 3
689 0 3 Fischer, Mr. Eberhard Thelander male 18 0 0 350036 7.7958 \N S 807 Fischer, Mr. Eberhard Thelander 18 Björkeberga, Skåne, Sweden Southampton New York City \N \N 3
690 1 1 Madill, Miss. Georgette Alexandra female 15 0 1 24160 211.3375 B5 S 193 Madill, Miss Georgette Alexandra 16 St Louis, Missouri, US Southampton St Louis, Missouri, US 2 \N 1
691 1 1 Dick, Mr. Albert Adrian male 31 1 0 17474 57 B20 S 95 Dick, Mr. Albert Adrian 31 Calgary, Alberta, Canada Southampton Calgary, Alberta, Canada 3 \N 1
692 1 3 Karun, Miss. Manca female 4 0 1 349256 13.4167 \N C 924 Karun, Miss Manca ("Anna") 4 Milje, Slovenia Southampton Galesburg, Illinois, US 15 \N 3
693 1 3 Lam, Mr. Ali male \N 0 0 1601 56.4958 \N S 952 Lam, Mr. Ali 37 Hong Kong, China Southampton New York City C \N 3
694 0 3 Saad, Mr. Khalil male 25 0 0 2672 7.225 \N C 1171 Saad, Mr. Khalil 25 Kfar Mechi, Syria Cherbourg Ottawa, Ontario, Canada \N \N 3
695 0 1 Weir, Col. John male 60 0 0 113800 26.55 \N S 307 Weir, Colonel John 59 New York, New York, US Southampton New York, New York, US \N \N 1
696 0 2 Chapman, Mr. Charles Henry male 52 0 0 248731 13.5 \N S 372 Chapman, Mr. Charles Henry 52 Bronx, New York, US Southampton Bronx, New York, US \N 130MB 2
697 0 3 Kelly, Mr. James male 44 0 0 363592 8.05 \N S 929 Kelly, Mr. James 44 Leixlip, Kildare, Ireland Queenstown New Haven, Connecticut, US \N \N 3
698 1 3 Mullens, Miss. Katherine "Katie" female \N 0 0 35852 7.7333 \N Q 1047 Mullen, Miss Katherine "Katie" 19 Esker, Longford, Ireland Queenstown New York City 16 \N 3
699 0 1 Thayer, Mr. John Borland male 49 1 1 17421 110.8833 C68 C 296 Thayer, Mr. John Borland II 49 Haverford, Pennsylvania, US Cherbourg Haverford, Pennsylvania, US \N \N 1
700 0 3 Humblen, Mr. Adolf Mathias Nicolai Olsen male 42 0 0 348121 7.65 F G63 S 878 Humblen, Mr. Adolf Mathias Nicolai Olsen 42 Borgund, Møre og Romsdal, Norway Southampton Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US \N \N 3
701 1 1 Astor, Mrs. John Jacob (Madeleine Talmadge Force) female 18 1 0 PC 17757 227.525 C62 C64 C 16 Astor, Mrs. Madeleine Talmage (née Force)[61][62] 18 New York, New York, US Cherbourg New York, New York, US 4 \N 1
702 1 1 Silverthorne, Mr. Spencer Victor male 35 0 0 PC 17475 26.2875 E24 S 257 Silverthorne, Mr. Spencer Victor 35 St Louis, Missouri, US Southampton St Louis, Missouri, US 5 \N 1
703 0 3 Barbara, Miss. Saiide female 18 0 1 2691 14.4542 \N C 674 Barbarah, Miss Saidah 12 Kafr Mishki, Lebanon Cherbourg Ottawa, Ontario, Canada \N \N 3
704 0 3 Gallagher, Mr. Martin male 25 0 0 36864 7.7417 \N Q 820 Gallagher, Mr. Martin 29 Caltra, Galway, Ireland Queenstown New York City \N \N 3
705 0 3 Hansen, Mr. Henrik Juul male 26 1 0 350025 7.8542 \N S 857 Hansen, Mr. Henrik Juul 26 Holeby, Storstrøm, Denmark Southampton Racine, Wisconsin, US \N \N 3
706 0 2 Morley, Mr. Henry Samuel ("Mr Henry Marshall") male 39 0 0 250655 26 \N S 516 Morley, Mr. Henry Samuel (alias Mr. Henry Marshall) 38 Birmingham, Worcester, England Southampton Los Angeles, US \N \N 2
707 1 2 Kelly, Mrs. Florence "Fannie" female 45 0 0 223596 13.5 \N S 477 Kelly, Miss Florence "Fannie" 45 London, England Southampton New York City 9 \N 2
708 1 1 Calderhead, Mr. Edward Pennington male 42 0 0 PC 17476 26.2875 E24 S 48 Calderhead, Mr. Edward Pennington 42 New York, New York, US Southampton New York, New York, US 5 \N 1
709 1 1 Cleaver, Miss. Alice female 22 0 0 113781 151.55 \N S 9 and nurse, Miss Alice Catherine Cleaver 22 London, England, UK Southampton Montreal, Quebec, Canada 11 \N 1
710 1 3 Moubarek, Master. Halim Gonios ("William George") male \N 1 1 2661 15.2458 \N C 1046 Mubarik, Master Halim Gonios 4 Hardîne, Lebanon Cherbourg Houtzdale, Pennsylvania, US C \N 3
711 1 1 Mayne, Mlle. Berthe Antonine ("Mrs de Villiers") female 24 0 0 PC 17482 49.5042 C90 C 198 Mayné, Miss Bertha Antonine 24 Brussels, Belgium Cherbourg Montreal, Quebec, Canada 6 \N 1
713 1 1 Taylor, Mr. Elmer Zebley male 48 1 0 19996 52 C126 S 294 Taylor, Mr. Elmer Zebley 48 London, England, UK Southampton East Orange, New Jersey, US 5 \N 1
714 0 3 Larsson, Mr. August Viktor male 29 0 0 7545 9.4833 \N S 957 Larsson, Mr. August Viktor 29 Stamford, Connecticut, US Southampton Stamford, Connecticut, US \N \N 3
715 0 2 Greenberg, Mr. Samuel male 52 0 0 250647 13 \N S 429 Greenberg, Mr. Samuel 52 Bronx, New York, US Southampton Bronx, New York, US \N 19MB 2
716 0 3 Soholt, Mr. Peter Andreas Lauritz Andersen male 19 0 0 348124 7.65 F G73 S 1225 Søholt, Mr. Peter Andreas Lauritz Andersen 19 Ålesund, Møre og Romsdal, Norway Southampton Minneapolis, Minnesota, US \N \N 3
717 1 1 Endres, Miss. Caroline Louise female 38 0 0 PC 17757 227.525 C45 C 18 and nurse, Miss Caroline Louise Endres 39 New York, New York, US Cherbourg New York, New York, US 4 \N 1
718 1 2 Troutt, Miss. Edwina Celia "Winnie" female 27 0 0 34218 10.5 E101 S 579 Troutt, Miss Edwina Celia "Winnie" 27 Bath, Somerset, England Southampton Auburndale, Florida, US 16 \N 2
719 0 3 McEvoy, Mr. Michael male \N 0 0 36568 15.5 \N Q 1012 McEvoy, Mr. Michael 19 Dublin, Ireland Queenstown New York City \N \N 3
720 0 3 Johnson, Mr. Malkolm Joackim male 33 0 0 347062 7.775 \N S 905 Johnson, Mr. Malkolm Joackim 33 Minneapolis, Minnesota, US Southampton Minneapolis, Minnesota, US \N 37MB 3
721 1 2 Harper, Miss. Annie Jessie "Nina" female 6 0 1 248727 33 \N S 435 Harper, Miss Annie Jessie "Nina" 6 London, England Southampton Chicago, Illinois, US 11 \N 2
722 0 3 Jensen, Mr. Svend Lauritz male 17 1 0 350048 7.0542 \N S 891 Jensen, Mr. Svend Lauritz 17 Eskilstrup, Denmark Southampton Portland, Oregon, US \N \N 3
723 0 2 Gillespie, Mr. William Henry male 34 0 0 12233 13 \N S 427 Gillespie, Mr. William Henry 34 Abbeyleix, Laois, Ireland[note 1] Southampton Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada \N \N 2
724 0 2 Hodges, Mr. Henry Price male 50 0 0 250643 13 \N S 455 Hodges, Mr. Henry Price 50 Southampton, Hampshire, England Southampton Boston, Massachusetts, US \N 149MB 2
725 1 1 Chambers, Mr. Norman Campbell male 27 1 0 113806 53.1 E8 S 71 Chambers, Mr. Norman Campbell 27 New York, New York, US Southampton New York, New York, US 5 \N 1
726 0 3 Oreskovic, Mr. Luka male 20 0 0 315094 8.6625 \N S 1101 Orešković, Mr. Luka 20 Konjsko Brdo, Croatia Southampton Chicago, Illinois, US \N \N 3
727 1 2 Renouf, Mrs. Peter Henry (Lillian Jefferys) female 30 3 0 31027 21 \N S 550 Renouf, Mrs. Lillian "Lily" (née Jefferys) 30 Elizabeth, New Jersey, US Southampton Elizabeth, New Jersey, US 12 \N 2
728 1 3 Mannion, Miss. Margareth female \N 0 0 36866 7.7375 \N Q 1000 Mannion, Miss Margaret 28 Caltra, Galway, Ireland Queenstown New York City 16 \N 3
729 0 2 Bryhl, Mr. Kurt Arnold Gottfrid male 25 1 0 236853 26 \N S 358 Bryhl, Mr. Kurt Arnold Gottfrid 25 Skara, Västergötland, Sweden Southampton Rockford, Illinois, US \N \N 2
730 0 3 Ilmakangas, Miss. Pieta Sofia female 25 1 0 STON/O2. 3101271 7.925 \N S 882 Ilmakangas, Miss Pieta Sofia 25 Paavola, Northern Ostrobothnia, Finland Southampton New York City \N \N 3
731 1 1 Allen, Miss. Elisabeth Walton female 29 0 0 24160 211.3375 B5 S 1 Allen, Miss Elizabeth Walton 29 St Louis, Missouri, US Southampton St Louis, Missouri, US 2 \N 1
732 0 3 Hassan, Mr. Houssein G N male 11 0 0 2699 18.7875 \N C 879 Husayn, Master Husayn Mahumud 11 Fredericksburg, Virginia, US Cherbourg Fredericksburg, Virginia, US \N \N 3
733 0 2 Knight, Mr. Robert J male \N 0 0 239855 0 \N S 479 Knight, Mr. Robert J.[60] 39 Belfast, Ireland Belfast New York City \N \N 2
734 0 2 Berriman, Mr. William John male 23 0 0 28425 13 \N S 348 Berriman, Mr. William John 23 St. Ives, Cornwall, England Southampton Calumet, Michigan, US \N \N 2
735 0 2 Troupiansky, Mr. Moses Aaron male 23 0 0 233639 13 \N S 577 Troupiansky, Mr. Moses Aaron 23 London, England Southampton New York City \N \N 2
736 0 3 Williams, Mr. Leslie male 28.5 0 0 54636 16.1 \N S 1301 Williams, Mr. Leslie 28 Tonypandy, Glamorgan, Wales Southampton New York City \N 14MB 3
737 0 3 Ford, Mrs. Edward (Margaret Ann Watson) female 48 1 3 W./C. 6608 34.375 \N S 814 Ford, Mrs. Margaret Ann (née Watson) 48 Rotherfield, East Sussex, England Southampton Essex County, New Jersey, US \N \N 3
738 1 1 Lesurer, Mr. Gustave J male 35 0 0 PC 17755 512.3292 B101 C 53 and valet, Mr. Gustave J. Lesueur 35 Germantown, Pennsylvania, US Cherbourg Germantown, Pennsylvania, US 3 \N 1
739 0 3 Ivanoff, Mr. Kanio male \N 0 0 349201 7.8958 \N S 883 Ivanoff, Mr. Kanio 20 Malka Ribnya, Troyan, Bulgaria Southampton Chicago, Illinois, US \N \N 3
740 0 3 Nankoff, Mr. Minko male \N 0 0 349218 7.8958 \N S 1061 Nankoff, Mr. Minko 32 Unknown, Bulgaria Southampton Chicago, Illinois, US \N \N 3
741 1 1 Hawksford, Mr. Walter James male \N 0 0 16988 30 D45 S 151 Hawksford, Mr. Walter James 45 Kingston, Surrey, England, UK Southampton New York, New York, US 3 \N 1
742 0 1 Cavendish, Mr. Tyrell William male 36 1 0 19877 78.85 C46 S 66 Cavendish, Mr. Tyrell William 36 London, England, UK Southampton New York, New York, US \N 172MB 1
743 1 1 Ryerson, Miss. Susan Parker "Suzette" female 21 2 2 PC 17608 262.375 B57 B59 B63 B66 C 249 Ryerson, Miss Susan Parker "Suzette" 21 Cooperstown, New York, US Cherbourg Cooperstown, New York, US 4 \N 1
744 0 3 McNamee, Mr. Neal male 24 1 0 376566 16.1 \N S 1017 McNamee, Mr. Neal 27 Convoy, Donegal, Ireland, England Southampton Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US \N \N 3
745 1 3 Stranden, Mr. Juho male 31 0 0 STON/O 2. 3101288 7.925 \N S 1236 Strandén, Mr. Juho Niilonpoika 31 Muljula, Kitee, Finland Southampton Duluth, Minnesota, US 9 \N 3
746 0 1 Crosby, Capt. Edward Gifford male 70 1 1 WE/P 5735 71 B22 S 86 Crosby, Captain Edward 70 Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US Southampton Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US \N 269MB 1
747 0 3 Abbott, Mr. Rossmore Edward male 16 1 1 C.A. 2673 20.25 \N S 610 Abbott, Mr. Rossmore Edward 16 East Providence, Rhode Island, US Southampton East Providence, Rhode Island, US \N \N 3
748 1 2 Sinkkonen, Miss. Anna female 30 0 0 250648 13 \N S 566 Sinkkonen, Miss Anna 30 Turku, Finland, Russian Empire[note 6] Southampton Brighton, Boston, Massachusetts, US 10 \N 2
749 0 1 Marvin, Mr. Daniel Warner male 19 1 0 113773 53.1 D30 S 196 Marvin, Mr. Daniel Warner 18 New York, New York, US Southampton New York, New York, US \N \N 1
750 0 3 Connaghton, Mr. Michael male 31 0 0 335097 7.75 \N Q 732 Connaghton, Mr. Michael 31 Brooklyn, New York, US Queenstown Brooklyn, New York, US \N \N 3
751 1 2 Wells, Miss. Joan female 4 1 1 29103 23 \N S 594 Wells, Miss Joan 4 Heamoor, Cornwall, England Southampton Akron, Ohio, US 14 \N 2
752 1 3 Moor, Master. Meier male 6 0 1 392096 12.475 E121 S 1035 Moor, Master Meier 7 Unknown, Russia Southampton Chicago, Illinois, US 14 \N 3
753 0 3 Vande Velde, Mr. Johannes Joseph male 33 0 0 345780 9.5 \N S 1272 Van de Velde, Mr. Johannes Josef 35 Denderhoutem, Belgium Southampton New York City \N \N 3
754 0 3 Jonkoff, Mr. Lalio male 23 0 0 349204 7.8958 \N S 911 Jonkoff, Mr. Lalju 23 Gumostnik, Lovec, Bulgaria Southampton Chicago, Illinois, US \N \N 3
755 1 2 Herman, Mrs. Samuel (Jane Laver) female 48 1 2 220845 65 \N S 443 Herman, Mrs. Jane (née Laver) 48 Yeovil, Somerset, England Southampton Bernardsville, New Jersey, US 9 \N 2
756 1 2 Hamalainen, Master. Viljo male 0.67 1 1 250649 14.5 \N S 432 Hämäläinen, Master Viljo Unto Johannes (William Hamlin) 1 Detroit, Michigan, US Southampton Detroit, Michigan, US 4 \N 2
757 0 3 Carlsson, Mr. August Sigfrid male 28 0 0 350042 7.7958 \N S 716 Carlsson, Mr. August Sigfrid 24 Dagsås, Halland, Sweden Southampton Tower, Minnesota, US \N \N 3
758 0 2 Bailey, Mr. Percy Andrew male 18 0 0 29108 11.5 \N S 334 Bailey, Mr. Percy Andrew 18 Penzance, Cornwall, England Southampton Akron, Ohio, US \N \N 2
759 0 3 Theobald, Mr. Thomas Leonard male 34 0 0 363294 8.05 \N S 1247 Theobald, Mr. Thomas Leonard 34 Strood, Kent, England Southampton Detroit, Michigan, US \N 176MB 3
760 1 1 Rothes, the Countess. of (Lucy Noel Martha Dyer-Edwards) female 33 0 0 110152 86.5 B77 S 183 Leslie, Lucy Noël Martha, Countess of Rothes (née Dyer-Edwardes) 34 Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Southampton Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada 8 \N 1
761 0 3 Garfirth, Mr. John male \N 0 0 358585 14.5 \N S 821 Garfirth, Mr. John 21 Wollaston, Northamptonshire, England Southampton Kitchener, Ontario, Canada \N \N 3
762 0 3 Nirva, Mr. Iisakki Antino Aijo male 41 0 0 SOTON/O2 3101272 7.125 \N S 1073 Nirva, Mr. Iisakki Antino Äijö 41 Kauhajoki, Finland Southampton Sudbury, Ontario, Canada \N \N 3
763 1 3 Barah, Mr. Hanna Assi male 20 0 0 2663 7.2292 \N C 852 Hanna, Mr. Borak Suleiman 27 Hardîne, Lebanon Cherbourg Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, US 15 \N 3
764 1 1 Carter, Mrs. William Ernest (Lucile Polk) female 36 1 2 113760 120 B96 B98 S 60 Carter, Mrs. Lucile (née Polk) 36 Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, US Southampton Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, US 4 \N 1
765 0 3 Eklund, Mr. Hans Linus male 16 0 0 347074 7.775 \N S 795 Eklund, Mr. Hans Linus 16 Kårberg, Örebro, Sweden Southampton Jerome Junction, Arizona, US \N \N 3
766 1 1 Hogeboom, Mrs. John C (Anna Andrews) female 51 1 0 13502 77.9583 D11 S 162 Hogeboom, Mrs. Anna Louisa (née Andrews) 51 Hudson, New York, US Cherbourg Hudson, New York, US 10 \N 1
767 0 1 Brewe, Dr. Arthur Jackson male \N 0 0 112379 39.6 \N C 42 Brewe, Dr. Arthur Jackson 45 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US Cherbourg Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US \N \N 1
768 0 3 Mangan, Miss. Mary female 30.5 0 0 364850 7.75 \N Q 999 Mangan, Miss Mary 32 Carrowkehine, Mayo, Ireland Queenstown Chicago, Illinois, US \N 61MB 3
769 0 3 Moran, Mr. Daniel J male \N 1 0 371110 24.15 \N Q 1038 Moran, Mr. Daniel James 27 Askeaton, Limerick, Ireland Queenstown Brooklyn, New York, US \N \N 3
770 0 3 Gronnestad, Mr. Daniel Danielsen male 32 0 0 8471 8.3625 \N S 840 Grønnestad, Mr. Daniel Danielsen 32 Bokn, Norway Southampton Portland, North Dakota, US \N \N 3
771 0 3 Lievens, Mr. Rene Aime male 24 0 0 345781 9.5 \N S 972 Lievens, Mr. René Gustave Aimé 24 Haaltert, Belgium Southampton Detroit, Michigan, US \N \N 3
772 0 3 Jensen, Mr. Niels Peder male 48 0 0 350047 7.8542 \N S 890 Jensen, Mr. Niels Peder "Rasmus" 48 Portland, Oregon, US Southampton Portland, Oregon, US \N \N 3
773 0 2 Mack, Mrs. (Mary) female 57 0 0 S.O./P.P. 3 10.5 E77 S 497 Mack, Mrs. Mary (née Lacy) 57 Southampton, Hampshire, England Southampton New York City \N 52MB 2
774 0 3 Elias, Mr. Dibo male \N 0 0 2674 7.225 \N C 797 Elias, Mr. Dibo 29 Unknown, Lebanon Cherbourg New York City \N \N 3
775 1 2 Hocking, Mrs. Elizabeth (Eliza Needs) female 54 1 3 29105 23 \N S 451 Hocking, Mrs. Elizabeth "Eliza" (née Neads) 54 Penzance, Cornwall, England Southampton Akron, Ohio, US 4 \N 2
776 0 3 Myhrman, Mr. Pehr Fabian Oliver Malkolm male 18 0 0 347078 7.75 \N S 1054 Myhrman, Mr. Pehr Fabian Oliver Malkolm 18 Kristinehamn, Värmland, Sweden Southampton Chicago, Illinois, US \N \N 3
777 0 3 Tobin, Mr. Roger male \N 0 0 383121 7.75 F38 Q 1257 Tobin, Mr. Roger 20 Cahir, Tipperary, Ireland Queenstown New York City \N \N 3
778 1 3 Emanuel, Miss. Virginia Ethel female 5 0 0 364516 12.475 \N S 801 Emanuel, Miss Virginia Ethel 6 New York City, New York, US Southampton New York City 13 \N 3
779 0 3 Kilgannon, Mr. Thomas J male \N 0 0 36865 7.7375 \N Q 937 Kilgannon, Mr. Thomas 22 Currafarry, Galway, Ireland Queenstown New York City \N \N 3
780 1 1 Robert, Mrs. Edward Scott (Elisabeth Walton McMillan) female 43 0 1 24160 211.3375 B3 S 235 Robert, Mrs. Elisabeth Walton (née McMillan) 43 St Louis, Missouri, US Southampton St Louis, Missouri, US 2 \N 1
781 1 3 Ayoub, Miss. Banoura female 13 0 0 2687 7.2292 \N C 661 Ayyub Dahir, Miss Bannurah 15 Beirut, Lebanon Cherbourg Owen Sound, Ontario, Canada C \N 3
782 1 1 Dick, Mrs. Albert Adrian (Vera Gillespie) female 17 1 0 17474 57 B20 S 96 Dick, Mrs. Vera (née Gillespie) 17 Calgary, Alberta, Canada Southampton Calgary, Alberta, Canada 3 \N 1
783 0 1 Long, Mr. Milton Clyde male 29 0 0 113501 30 D6 S 190 Long, Mr. Milton Clyde 29 Springfield, Massachusetts, US Southampton Springfield, Massachusetts, US \N 126MB 1
784 0 3 Johnston, Mr. Andrew G male \N 1 2 W./C. 6607 23.45 \N S 907 Johnston, Mr. Andrew Emslie 35 Thornton Heath, London, England Southampton New London, Connecticut, US \N \N 3
785 0 3 Ali, Mr. William male 25 0 0 SOTON/O.Q. 3101312 7.05 \N S 626 Ali, Mr. William 25 Buenos Aires, Argentina Southampton New York City \N 79MB 3
786 0 3 Harmer, Mr. Abraham (David Lishin) male 25 0 0 374887 7.25 \N S 981 Livshin, Mr. David ("Abraham Harmer") 25 Manchester, England Southampton Montreal, Quebec, Canada \N \N 3
787 1 3 Sjoblom, Miss. Anna Sofia female 18 0 0 3101265 7.4958 \N S 1213 Sjöblom, Miss Anna Sofiia 18 Munsala, Finland Southampton Olympia, Washington, US 16 \N 3
788 0 3 Rice, Master. George Hugh male 8 4 1 382652 29.125 \N Q 1148 Rice, Master George Hugh 8 Athlone, Westmeath, Ireland Queenstown Spokane, Washington, US \N \N 3
789 1 3 Dean, Master. Bertram Vere male 1 1 2 C.A. 2315 20.575 \N S 772 Dean, Master Bertram Vere 1 Bartley Farm, Hampshire, England Southampton Wichita, Kansas, US 10 \N 3
790 0 1 Guggenheim, Mr. Benjamin male 46 0 0 PC 17593 79.2 B82 B84 C 141 Guggenheim, Mr. Benjamin 46 Paris, France Cherbourg New York, New York, US \N \N 1
791 0 3 Keane, Mr. Andrew "Andy" male \N 0 0 12460 7.75 \N Q 926 Keane, Mr. Andrew "Andy" 23 Athenry, Galway, Ireland Queenstown Auburndale, Florida, US \N \N 3
792 0 2 Gaskell, Mr. Alfred male 16 0 0 239865 26 \N S 420 Gaskell, Mr. William Alfred 18 Liverpool, Merseyside, England Southampton Montreal, Quebec, Canada \N \N 2
793 0 3 Sage, Miss. Stella Anna female \N 8 2 CA. 2343 69.55 \N S 1176 Sage, Miss Stella Anne 20 Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, England Southampton Jacksonville, Florida, US \N \N 3
794 0 1 Hoyt, Mr. William Fisher male \N 0 0 PC 17600 30.6958 \N C 168 Hoyt, Mr. William Fisher 42 New York, New York, US Cherbourg New York, New York, US 14 [66][67] 1
795 0 3 Dantcheff, Mr. Ristiu male 25 0 0 349203 7.8958 \N S 760 Dantcheff, Mr. Ristju 25 Terziysko, Troyan, Bulgaria Southampton Chicago, Illinois, US \N \N 3
796 0 2 Otter, Mr. Richard male 39 0 0 28213 13 \N S 528 Otter, Mr. Richard 39 Middleburg Heights, Ohio, US Southampton Middleburg Heights, Ohio, US \N \N 2
797 1 1 Leader, Dr. Alice (Farnham) female 49 0 0 17465 25.9292 D17 S 182 Leader, Dr. Alice (née Farnham) 49 New York, New York, US Southampton New York, New York, US 8 \N 1
798 1 3 Osman, Mrs. Mara female 31 0 0 349244 8.6833 \N S 668 Banski, Mrs. Mara (née Osman) 31 Vagovina, Croatia Southampton Steelton, Pennsylvania, US ? \N 3
799 0 3 Ibrahim Shawah, Mr. Yousseff male 30 0 0 2685 7.2292 \N C 1202 Shawah, Mr. Yousseff Ibrahim 33 Beirut, Lebanon Cherbourg New York City \N \N 3
800 0 3 Van Impe, Mrs. Jean Baptiste (Rosalie Paula Govaert) female 30 1 1 345773 24.15 \N S 1275 Van Impe, Mrs. Rosalie Paula (née Govaert) 30 Kerksken, Belgium Southampton Detroit, Michigan, US \N \N 3
801 0 2 Ponesell, Mr. Martin male 34 0 0 250647 13 \N S 542 Ponesell, Mr. Martin 34 Southampton, Hampshire, England Southampton New York City \N \N 2
802 1 2 Collyer, Mrs. Harvey (Charlotte Annie Tate) female 31 1 1 C.A. 31921 26.25 \N S 384 Collyer, Mrs. Charlotte Annie (née Tate) 31 Bishopstoke, Hampshire, England Southampton Payette, Idaho, US 14 \N 2
803 1 1 Carter, Master. William Thornton II male 11 1 2 113760 120 B96 B98 S 63 Carter, Master William Thornton II 11 Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, US Southampton Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, US 4 \N 1
804 1 3 Thomas, Master. Assad Alexander male 0.42 0 1 2625 8.5167 \N C 1250 Tannous, Master As'ad Iskandar Fa'ud 0.42 Hardîne, Lebanon Cherbourg Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania, US 16 \N 3
805 1 3 Hedman, Mr. Oskar Arvid male 27 0 0 347089 6.975 \N S 863 Hedman, Mr. Oskar Arvid 27 St. Paul, Minnesota, US Southampton St. Paul, Minnesota, US 15 \N 3
806 0 3 Johansson, Mr. Karl Johan male 31 0 0 347063 7.775 \N S 898 Johansson, Mr. Karl Johan 31 Duluth, Minnesota, US Southampton Duluth, Minnesota, US \N \N 3
807 0 1 Andrews, Mr. Thomas Jr male 39 0 0 112050 0 A36 S 12 Andrews, Mr. Thomas[60] 39 Belfast, Ireland, UK Belfast New York, New York, US \N \N 1
808 0 3 Pettersson, Miss. Ellen Natalia female 18 0 0 347087 7.775 \N S 1133 Pettersson, Miss Ellen Natalia 18 Stockholm, Uppland, Sweden Southampton Iron Mountain, Michigan, US \N \N 3
809 0 2 Meyer, Mr. August male 39 0 0 248723 13 \N S 511 Meyer, Mr. August 31 Harrow, London, England Southampton New York City \N \N 2
810 1 1 Chambers, Mrs. Norman Campbell (Bertha Griggs) female 33 1 0 113806 53.1 E8 S 72 Chambers, Mrs. Bertha (née Griggs) 32 New York, New York, US Southampton New York, New York, US 5 \N 1
811 0 3 Alexander, Mr. William male 26 0 0 3474 7.8875 \N S 623 Alexander, Mr. William 23 Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England Southampton Albion, Michigan, US \N \N 3
812 0 3 Lester, Mr. James male 39 0 0 A/4 48871 24.15 \N S 971 Lester, Mr. James 39 West Bromwich, Staffordshire, England Southampton Pontiac, Michigan, US \N \N 3
813 0 2 Slemen, Mr. Richard James male 35 0 0 28206 10.5 \N S 569 Slemen, Mr. Richard James 35 Landrake, Cornwall, England Southampton Nashua, New Hampshire, US \N \N 2
814 0 3 Andersson, Miss. Ebba Iris Alfrida female 6 4 2 347082 31.275 \N S 636 Andersson, Miss Ebba Iris Alfrida 6 Kisa, Östergötland, Sweden Southampton Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada \N \N 3
815 0 3 Tomlin, Mr. Ernest Portage male 30.5 0 0 364499 8.05 \N S 1259 Tomlin, Mr. Ernest Portage 22 Portage la Prairie, Manitoba, Canada Southampton Des Moines, Iowa, US \N 50MB 3
816 0 1 Fry, Mr. Richard male \N 0 0 112058 0 B102 S 171 and valet, Mr. John Richard Fry 39 Liverpool, Merseyside, England, UK Southampton New York, New York, US \N \N 1
817 0 3 Heininen, Miss. Wendla Maria female 23 0 0 STON/O2. 3101290 7.925 \N S 866 Heininen, Miss Wendla Maria 23 Turku, Finland Southampton New York City \N 8MB 3
818 0 2 Mallet, Mr. Albert male 31 1 1 S.C./PARIS 2079 37.0042 \N C 499 Mallet, Mr. Albert 31 Montreal, Quebec, Canada Cherbourg Montreal, Quebec, Canada \N \N 2
819 0 3 Holm, Mr. John Fredrik Alexander male 43 0 0 C 7075 6.45 \N S 873 Holm, Mr. Johan Fredrik Alexander 43 Karlshamn, Blekinge, Sweden Southampton New York City \N \N 3
820 0 3 Skoog, Master. Karl Thorsten male 10 3 2 347088 27.9 \N S 1216 Skoog, Master Karl Thorsten 11 Hällekis, Västergötland, Sweden Southampton Iron Mountain, Michigan, US \N \N 3
821 1 1 Hays, Mrs. Charles Melville (Clara Jennings Gregg) female 52 1 1 12749 93.5 B69 S 154 Hays, Mrs. Clara Jennings (née Grigg) 52 Montreal, Quebec, Canada Southampton Montreal, Quebec, Canada 3 \N 1
822 1 3 Lulic, Mr. Nikola male 27 0 0 315098 8.6625 \N S 986 Lulić, Mr. Nikola 29 Konjsko Brdo, Croatia Southampton Chicago, Illinois, US 15 \N 3
823 0 1 Reuchlin, Jonkheer. John George male 38 0 0 19972 0 \N S 233 Reuchlin, The Honourable Mr. Johan George 38 Rotterdam, The Netherlands Southampton New York, New York, US \N \N 1
824 1 3 Moor, Mrs. (Beila) female 27 0 1 392096 12.475 E121 S 1034 Moor, Mrs. Beila 29 Unknown, Russia Southampton Chicago, Illinois, US 14 \N 3
825 0 3 Panula, Master. Urho Abraham male 2 4 1 3101295 39.6875 \N S 1113 Panula, Master Urho Abraham 2 Ylihärmä, South Ostrobothnia, Finland Southampton Coal Center, Pennsylvania, US \N \N 3
826 0 3 Flynn, Mr. John male \N 0 0 368323 6.95 \N Q 810 Flynn, Mr. John 42 Clonbur, Galway, Ireland Queenstown Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US \N \N 3
827 0 3 Lam, Mr. Len male \N 0 0 1601 56.4958 \N S 953 Lam, Mr. Len 23 Hong Kong, China Southampton New York City \N \N 3
828 1 2 Mallet, Master. Andre male 1 0 2 S.C./PARIS 2079 37.0042 \N C 501 Mallet, Master André Clément 1 Montreal, Quebec, Canada Cherbourg Montreal, Quebec, Canada 10 \N 2
829 1 3 McCormack, Mr. Thomas Joseph male \N 0 0 367228 7.75 \N Q 1007 McCormack, Mr. Thomas Joseph 19 Bayonne, New Jersey, US Queenstown Guttenberg, New Jersey, US 15 \N 3
830 1 1 Stone, Mrs. George Nelson (Martha Evelyn) female 62 0 0 113572 80 B28 \N 283 Stone, Mrs. Martha Evelyn (née Stevens) 62 New York, New York, US Southampton New York, New York, US 6 \N 1
831 1 3 Yasbeck, Mrs. Antoni (Selini Alexander) female 15 1 0 2659 14.4542 \N C 1307 Yasbak, Mrs. Silanah Fa'ud (née Iskandar) 15 Unknown, Lebanon Cherbourg Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, US C \N 3
832 1 2 Richards, Master. George Sibley male 0.83 1 1 29106 18.75 \N S 555 Richards, Master Sibley George 0.75 Penzance, Cornwall, England Southampton Akron, Ohio, US 4 \N 2
833 0 3 Saad, Mr. Amin male \N 0 0 2671 7.2292 \N C 1170 Saad, Mr. Amin 30 Tebnine, Lebanon Cherbourg New York City \N \N 3
834 0 3 Augustsson, Mr. Albert male 23 0 0 347468 7.8542 \N S 660 Augustsson, Mr. Albert 23 Krakoryd, Småland, Sweden Southampton Bloomington, Indiana, US \N \N 3
835 0 3 Allum, Mr. Owen George male 18 0 0 2223 8.3 \N S 628 Allum, Mr. Owen George 15 Southall, London, England Southampton New York City \N 259MB 3
836 1 1 Compton, Miss. Sara Rebecca female 39 1 1 PC 17756 83.1583 E49 C 82 Compton, Miss Sara Rebecca 39 Lakewood, New Jersey, US Cherbourg Lakewood, New Jersey, US 14 \N 1
837 0 3 Pasic, Mr. Jakob male 21 0 0 315097 8.6625 \N S 1115 Pašič, Mr. Jakov 21 Streklevac, Slovenia Southampton Aurora, Illinois, US \N \N 3
838 0 3 Sirota, Mr. Maurice male \N 0 0 392092 8.05 \N S 1210 Sirota, Mr. Maurice 20 London, England Southampton New York City \N \N 3
839 1 3 Chip, Mr. Chang male 32 0 0 1601 56.4958 \N S 720 Chang, Mr. Chip 32 Hong Kong, China Southampton New York City C \N 3
840 1 1 Marechal, Mr. Pierre male \N 0 0 11774 29.7 C47 C 195 Maréchal, Mr. Pierre, Sr. 28 Paris, France Cherbourg New York, New York, US 7 \N 1
841 0 3 Alhomaki, Mr. Ilmari Rudolf male 20 0 0 SOTON/O2 3101287 7.925 \N S 624 Alhomäki, Mr. Ilmari Rudolf 19 Salo, Finland Southampton Astoria, Oregon, US \N \N 3
842 0 2 Mudd, Mr. Thomas Charles male 16 0 0 S.O./P.P. 3 10.5 \N S 517 Mudd, Mr. Thomas Charles 16 Huntingfield, Suffolk, England Southampton New York City \N \N 2
843 1 1 Serepeca, Miss. Augusta female 30 0 0 113798 31 \N C 61 and maid, Miss Auguste Serreplan 30 Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, US Southampton Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, US 4 \N 1
844 0 3 Lemberopolous, Mr. Peter L male 34.5 0 0 2683 6.4375 \N C 989 Lymperopoulus, Mr. Panagiotis K. 30 Áyios Sóstis, Greece Cherbourg Stamford, Connecticut US \N 196MB 3
845 0 3 Culumovic, Mr. Jeso male 17 0 0 315090 8.6625 \N S 749 Čulumović, Mr. Jeso 17 Lipova Glavica, Croatia Southampton Hammond, Indiana, US \N \N 3
846 0 3 Abbing, Mr. Anthony male 42 0 0 C.A. 5547 7.55 \N S 608 Abbing, Mr. Anthony 40 Cincinnati, Ohio, US Southampton Cincinnati, Ohio, US \N \N 3
847 0 3 Sage, Mr. Douglas Bullen male \N 8 2 CA. 2343 69.55 \N S 1178 Sage, Mr. Douglas Bullen 18 Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, England Southampton Jacksonville, Florida, US \N \N 3
848 0 3 Markoff, Mr. Marin male 35 0 0 349213 7.8958 \N C 1003 Markoff, Mr. Marin 35 Gumostnik, Lovec, Bulgaria Southampton Chicago, Illinois, US \N \N 3
849 0 2 Harper, Rev. John male 28 0 1 248727 33 \N S 434 Harper, The Reverend John 39 London, England Southampton Chicago, Illinois, US \N \N 2
850 1 1 Goldenberg, Mrs. Samuel L (Edwiga Grabowska) female \N 1 0 17453 89.1042 C92 C 132 Goldenberg, Mrs. Nella (née Wiggins) 40 Paris, France Cherbourg New York, New York, US 5 \N 1
851 0 3 Andersson, Master. Sigvard Harald Elias male 4 4 2 347082 31.275 \N S 637 Andersson, Master Sigvard Harald Elias 4 Kisa, Östergötland, Sweden Southampton Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada \N \N 3
852 0 3 Svensson, Mr. Johan male 74 0 0 347060 7.775 \N S 1243 Svensson, Mr. Johan 74 Reftele, Småland, Sweden Southampton Effington Rut, South Dakota, US \N \N 3
853 0 3 Boulos, Miss. Nourelain female 9 1 1 2678 15.2458 \N C 698 Bulus, Miss Nur-al-Ayn 7 Unknown, Lebanon Cherbourg Kent, British Columbia, Canada \N \N 3
854 1 1 Lines, Miss. Mary Conover female 16 0 1 PC 17592 39.4 D28 S 189 Lines, Miss Mary Conover 16 Paris, France Cherbourg Hanover, New Hampshire, US 9 \N 1
855 0 2 Carter, Mrs. Ernest Courtenay (Lilian Hughes) female 44 1 0 244252 26 \N S 371 Carter, Mrs. Lilian (née Hughes) 45 London, England, UK Southampton New York City \N \N 2
856 1 3 Aks, Mrs. Sam (Leah Rosen) female 18 0 1 392091 9.35 \N S 620 Aks, Mrs. Leah (née Rosen) 18 London, England Southampton Norfolk, Virginia, US 13 \N 3
857 1 1 Wick, Mrs. George Dennick (Mary Hitchcock) female 45 1 1 36928 164.8667 \N S 314 Wick, Mrs. Mary (née Hitchcock) 45 Youngstown, Ohio, US Southampton Youngstown, Ohio, US 8 \N 1
858 1 1 Daly, Mr. Peter Denis male 51 0 0 113055 26.55 E17 S 91 Daly, Mr. Peter Dennis 51 Lima, Peru Southampton Lima, Peru A \N 1
859 1 3 Baclini, Mrs. Solomon (Latifa Qurban) female 24 0 3 2666 19.2583 \N C 669 Baqlini, Mrs. Mariyam Latifa (née Qurban) 24 Ḑuhūr ash Shuwayr, Lebanon Cherbourg Brooklyn, New York, US C \N 3
860 0 3 Razi, Mr. Raihed male \N 0 0 2629 7.2292 \N C 1142 Razi, Mr. Raihed 30 Tebnine, Lebanon Cherbourg New York City \N \N 3
861 0 3 Hansen, Mr. Claus Peter male 41 2 0 350026 14.1083 \N S 855 Hansen, Mr. Claus Peter 41 Racine, Wisconsin, US Southampton Racine, Wisconsin, US \N \N 3
862 0 2 Giles, Mr. Frederick Edward male 21 1 0 28134 11.5 \N S 424 Giles, Mr. Frederick Edward 20 Porthleven, Cornwall, England Southampton Camden, New Jersey, US \N \N 2
863 1 1 Swift, Mrs. Frederick Joel (Margaret Welles Barron) female 48 0 0 17466 25.9292 D17 S 290 Swift, Mrs. Margaret Welles (née Barron) 46 New York, New York, US Southampton New York, New York, US 8 \N 1
864 0 3 Sage, Miss. Dorothy Edith "Dolly" female \N 8 2 CA. 2343 69.55 \N S 1180 Sage, Miss Dorothy Florence "Dolly" 14 Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, England Southampton Jacksonville, Florida, US \N \N 3
865 0 2 Gill, Mr. John William male 24 0 0 233866 13 \N S 426 Gill, Mr. John William 24 Clevedon, North Somerset England Southampton New York City \N 155MB 2
866 1 2 Bystrom, Mrs. (Karolina) female 42 0 0 236852 13 \N S 363 Byström, Miss Karolina 42 New York City Southampton New York City ? \N 2
867 1 2 Duran y More, Miss. Asuncion female 27 1 0 SC/PARIS 2149 13.8583 \N C 407 Duran y More, Miss Asunción 27 Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain Cherbourg Havana, Cuba 12 \N 2
868 0 1 Roebling, Mr. Washington Augustus II male 31 0 0 PC 17590 50.4958 A24 S 237 Roebling, Mr. Washington Augustus II 31 Trenton, New Jersey, US Southampton Trenton, New Jersey, US \N \N 1
869 0 3 van Melkebeke, Mr. Philemon male \N 0 0 345777 9.5 \N S 1277 Van Melkebeke, Mr. Philemon Edmund 23 Haaltert, East Flanders, Belgium Southampton Detroit, Michigan, US \N \N 3
870 1 3 Johnson, Master. Harold Theodor male 4 1 1 347742 11.1333 \N S 903 Johnson, Master Harold Theodor 4 St. Charles, Illinois, US Southampton St. Charles, Illinois, US 15 \N 3
871 0 3 Balkic, Mr. Cerin male 26 0 0 349248 7.8958 \N S 667 Bakić, Mr. Kerim 26 Bosanska Krupa, Bosnia Southampton Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, US \N \N 3
872 1 1 Beckwith, Mrs. Richard Leonard (Sallie Monypeny) female 47 1 1 11751 52.5542 D35 S 27 Beckwith, Mrs. Sallie (née Monypeny) 46 New York, New York, US Southampton New York, New York, US 5 \N 1
873 0 1 Carlsson, Mr. Frans Olof male 33 0 0 695 5 B51 B53 B55 S 54 Carlsson, Mr. Frans Olof 33 New York, New York, US Southampton New York, New York, US \N \N 1
874 0 3 Vander Cruyssen, Mr. Victor male 47 0 0 345765 9 \N S 1278 Vandercruyssen, Mr. Victor 46 Zwevezele, Belgium Southampton Detroit, Michigan, US \N \N 3
875 1 2 Abelson, Mrs. Samuel (Hannah Wizosky) female 28 1 0 P/PP 3381 24 \N C 328 Abelson, Mrs. Anna (née Wizosky?) 28 Russia Cherbourg New York, New York, US 10 \N 2
876 1 3 Najib, Miss. Adele Kiamie "Jane" female 15 0 0 2667 7.225 \N C 1311 Zajib Qiyamah, Miss Adal "Jane" 15 El Shweir, Lebanon Cherbourg Brooklyn, New York, US C \N 3
877 0 3 Gustafsson, Mr. Alfred Ossian male 20 0 0 7534 9.8458 \N S 842 Gustafsson, Mr. Alfred Ossian 19 Kokkola, Finland Southampton Waukegan, Illinois, US \N \N 3
878 0 3 Petroff, Mr. Nedelio male 19 0 0 349212 7.8958 \N S 1131 Petroff, Mr. Nadjalko 19 Gumostnik, Lovec, Bulgaria Southampton Chicago, Illinois, US \N \N 3
879 0 3 Laleff, Mr. Kristo male \N 0 0 349217 7.8958 \N S 951 Laleff, Mr. Kristo 23 Knezhni Lak, Troyan, Bulgaria Southampton Chicago, Illinois, US \N \N 3
880 1 1 Potter, Mrs. Thomas Jr (Lily Alexenia Wilson) female 56 0 1 11767 83.1583 C50 C 232 Potter, Mrs. Lily Alexenia (née Wilson) 56 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US Cherbourg Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US 7 \N 1
881 1 2 Shelley, Mrs. William (Imanita Parrish Hall) female 25 0 1 230433 26 \N S 563 Shelley, Mrs. Imanita (née Parrish Hall) 25 Deer Lodge, Montana, US Southampton Deer Lodge, Montana, US 12 \N 2
882 0 3 Markun, Mr. Johann male 33 0 0 349257 7.8958 \N S 1004 Markun, Mr. Johann 33 Milje, Slovenia Cherbourg New York City \N \N 3
883 0 3 Dahlberg, Miss. Gerda Ulrika female 22 0 0 7552 10.5167 \N S 752 Dahlberg, Miss Gerda Ulrika 22 Stockholm, Sweden Southampton Chicago, Illinois, US \N \N 3
884 0 2 Banfield, Mr. Frederick James male 28 0 0 C.A./SOTON 34068 10.5 \N S 337 Banfield, Mr. Frederick James 28 Plymouth, Devon, England Southampton Houghton, Michigan, US \N \N 2
885 0 3 Sutehall, Mr. Henry Jr male 25 0 0 SOTON/OQ 392076 7.05 \N S 1242 Sutehall Jr., Mr. Henry 25 London, England Southampton Buffalo, New York, US \N \N 3
886 0 3 Rice, Mrs. William (Margaret Norton) female 39 0 5 382652 29.125 \N Q 1146 Rice, Mrs. Margaret (née Norton) 39 Athlone, Westmeath, Ireland Queenstown Spokane, Washington, US \N 12MB 3
887 0 2 Montvila, Rev. Juozas male 27 0 0 211536 13 \N S 514 Montvila, Father Juozas 27 Gudinė, Lithuania [76] Southampton Worcester, Massachusetts, US \N \N 2
888 1 1 Graham, Miss. Margaret Edith female 19 0 0 112053 30 B42 S 137 Graham, Miss Margaret Edith 19 Greenwich, Connecticut, US Southampton Greenwich, Connecticut, US 3 \N 1
889 0 3 Johnston, Miss. Catherine Helen "Carrie" female \N 1 2 W./C. 6607 23.45 \N S 910 Johnston, Miss Catherine Nellie 7 Thornton Heath, London, England Southampton New London, Connecticut, US \N \N 3
890 1 1 Behr, Mr. Karl Howell male 26 0 0 111369 30 C148 C 28 Behr, Mr. Karl Howell 26 New York, New York, US Cherbourg New York, New York, US 5 \N 1
891 0 3 Dooley, Mr. Patrick male 32 0 0 370376 7.75 \N Q 783 Dooley, Mr. Patrick J. 43 Patrickswell, Limerick, Ireland Queenstown New York City \N \N 3
892 \N 3 Kelly, Mr. James male 34.5 0 0 330911 7.8292 \N Q 928 Kelly, Mr. James 19 Unknown, Ireland Southampton New York City \N 70MB 3
893 \N 3 Wilkes, Mrs. James (Ellen Needs) female 47 1 0 363272 7 \N S 1297 Wilkes, Mrs. Ellen 47 Penzance, Cornwall, England Southampton Akron, Ohio, US 16 \N 3
894 \N 2 Myles, Mr. Thomas Francis male 62 0 0 240276 9.6875 \N Q 518 Myles, Mr. Thomas Francis 63 Fermoy, Ireland[note 1] Queenstown Waban, Massachusetts, US \N \N 2
895 \N 3 Wirz, Mr. Albert male 27 0 0 315154 8.6625 \N S 1303 Wirz, Mr. Albert 27 Uster, Switzerland Southampton Beloit, Wisconsin, US \N 131MB 3
896 \N 3 Hirvonen, Mrs. Alexander (Helga E Lindqvist) female 22 1 1 3101298 12.2875 \N S 871 Hirvonen, Mrs. Helga Elisabeth (née Lindqvist) 22 Taalintehdas, Finland Southampton Monessen, Pennsylvania, US 15 \N 3
897 \N 3 Svensson, Mr. Johan Cervin male 14 0 0 7538 9.225 \N S 1244 Svensson, Mr. Johan Cervin 14 Knäred, Halland, Sweden Southampton Beresford, South Dakota, US 13 \N 3
898 \N 3 Connolly, Miss. Kate female 30 0 0 330972 7.6292 \N Q 733 Connolly, Miss Catherine "Kate" 35 Bank Place, Tipperary, Ireland Queenstown Dobbs Ferry, New York, US \N \N 3
899 \N 2 Caldwell, Mr. Albert Francis male 26 1 1 248738 29 \N S 364 Caldwell, Mr. Albert Francis 26 Bangkok, Siam[note 5] Southampton Roseville, Illinois, US 13 \N 2
900 \N 3 Abrahim, Mrs. Joseph (Sophie Halaut Easu) female 18 0 0 2657 7.2292 \N C 616 Abrahim, Mrs. Mary Sophie Halaut (née Easu) 18 Shwayhad, Syria Cherbourg Greensburg, Pennsylvania, US C \N 3
901 \N 3 Davies, Mr. John Samuel male 21 2 0 A/4 48871 24.15 \N S 763 Davies, Mr. John Samuel 21 West Bromwich, Staffordshire, England Southampton Pontiac, Michigan, US \N \N 3
902 \N 3 Ilieff, Mr. Ylio male \N 0 0 349220 7.8958 \N S 1308 Ylieff, Mr. Ylio 32 Unknown, Bulgaria Southampton Chicago, Illinois, US \N \N 3
903 \N 1 Jones, Mr. Charles Cresson male 46 0 0 694 26 \N S 173 Jones, Mr. Charles Cresson 46 Bennington, Vermont, US Southampton Bennington, Vermont, US \N 80MB 1
904 \N 1 Snyder, Mrs. John Pillsbury (Nelle Stevenson) female 23 1 0 21228 82.2667 B45 S 268 Snyder, Mrs. Nellie (née Stevenson) 23 Minneapolis, Minnesota, US Southampton Minneapolis, Minnesota, US 7 \N 1
905 \N 2 Howard, Mr. Benjamin male 63 1 0 24065 26 \N S 460 Howard, Mr. Benjamin 63 Swindon, Wiltshire, England Southampton Idaho, US \N \N 2
906 \N 1 Chaffee, Mrs. Herbert Fuller (Carrie Constance Toogood) female 47 1 0 W.E.P. 5734 61.175 E31 S 70 Chaffee, Mrs. Carrie Constance (née Toogood) 47 Amenia, North Dakota, US Southampton Amenia, North Dakota, US 4 \N 1
907 \N 2 del Carlo, Mrs. Sebastiano (Argenia Genovesi) female 24 1 0 SC/PARIS 2167 27.7208 \N C 397 del Carlo, Mrs. Argene (née Genovesi)[62][74] 24 Montecarlo, Lucca, Tuscany, Italy Cherbourg Chicago, Illinois, US 11 \N 2
908 \N 2 Keane, Mr. Daniel male 35 0 0 233734 12.35 \N Q 475 Keane, Mr. Daniel 35 Limerick, Ireland[note 1] Queenstown St Louis, Missouri, US \N \N 2
909 \N 3 Assaf, Mr. Gerios male 21 0 0 2692 7.225 \N C 822 Gerios Thamah, Mr. Assaf 21 Kafr Mishki, Lebanon Cherbourg Ottawa, Ontario, Canada \N \N 3
910 \N 3 Ilmakangas, Miss. Ida Livija female 27 1 0 STON/O2. 3101270 7.925 \N S 881 Ilmakangas, Miss Ida Livija 27 New York City, New York, US Southampton New York City \N \N 3
911 \N 3 Assaf Khalil, Mrs. Mariana (Miriam")" female 45 0 0 2696 7.225 \N C 656 Assaf, Mrs. Mariyam (née Khalil) 45 Kafr Mishki, Lebanon Cherbourg Ottawa, Ontario, Canada C \N 3
912 \N 1 Rothschild, Mr. Martin male 55 1 0 PC 17603 59.4 \N C 243 Rothschild, Mr. Martin 46 New York, New York, US Cherbourg New York, New York, US \N \N 1
913 \N 3 Olsen, Master. Artur Karl male 9 0 1 C 17368 3.1708 \N S 1094 Olsen, Master Arthur Carl 9 Trondheim, Norway Southampton Brooklyn, New York, US 13 \N 3
914 \N 1 Flegenheim, Mrs. Alfred (Antoinette) female \N 0 0 PC 17598 31.6833 \N S 110 Flegenheim, Mrs. Antoinette (née Wendt) 48 New York, New York, US Cherbourg New York, New York, US 7 \N 1
915 \N 1 Williams, Mr. Richard Norris II male 21 0 1 PC 17597 61.3792 \N C 323 Williams, Mr. Richard Norris II 21 Geneva, Switzerland Cherbourg Radnor, Pennsylvania, US A \N 1
916 \N 1 Ryerson, Mrs. Arthur Larned (Emily Maria Borie) female 48 1 3 PC 17608 262.375 B57 B59 B63 B66 C 247 Ryerson, Mrs. Emily Maria (née Borie) 48 Cooperstown, New York, US Cherbourg Cooperstown, New York, US 4 \N 1
917 \N 3 Robins, Mr. Alexander A male 50 1 0 A/5. 3337 14.5 \N S 1157 Robins, Mr. Alexander A. 50 St Austell, Cornwall, England Southampton Yonkers, New York, US \N 119MB 3
918 \N 1 Ostby, Miss. Helene Ragnhild female 22 0 1 113509 61.9792 B36 C 221 Ostby, Miss Helene Ragnhild 22 Providence, Rhode Island, US Southampton Providence, Rhode Island, US 5 \N 1
919 \N 3 Daher, Mr. Shedid male 22.5 0 0 2698 7.225 \N C 1203 Shadid, Mr. Dahir Abu 19 Ibrin[85], Syria or Lebanon Cherbourg Kulpmont, Pennsylvania, US \N 9MB 3
920 \N 1 Brady, Mr. John Bertram male 41 0 0 113054 30.5 A21 S 39 Brady, Mr. John Bertram 41 Pomeroy, Washington, US Southampton Pomeroy, Washington, US \N \N 1
921 \N 3 Samaan, Mr. Elias male \N 2 0 2662 21.6792 \N C 1190 Sa'maan, Mr. Ilyas 17 Hardîne, Lebanon Cherbourg Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, US \N \N 3
922 \N 2 Louch, Mr. Charles Alexander male 50 1 0 SC/AH 3085 26 \N S 495 Louch, Mr. Charles Alexander 50 Weston-super-Mare, North Somerset, England Southampton New York City \N 121MB 2
923 \N 2 Jefferys, Mr. Clifford Thomas male 24 2 0 C.A. 31029 31.5 \N S 468 Jefferys, Mr. Clifford Thomas 24 Guernsey, Channel Islands Southampton Elizabeth, New Jersey, US \N \N 2
924 \N 3 Dean, Mrs. Bertram (Eva Georgetta Light) female 33 1 2 C.A. 2315 20.575 \N S 771 Dean, Mrs. Eva Georgetta (née Light) 32 Bartley Farm, Hampshire, England Southampton Wichita, Kansas, US 10 \N 3
925 \N 3 Johnston, Mrs. Andrew G (Elizabeth Lily" Watson)" female \N 1 2 W./C. 6607 23.45 \N S 908 Johnston, Mrs. Elizabeth (née Watson) "Eliza" 34 Thornton Heath, London, England Southampton New London, Connecticut, US \N \N 3
926 \N 1 Mock, Mr. Philipp Edmund male 30 1 0 13236 57.75 C78 C 208 Mock, Mr. Philipp Edmund 30 New York, New York, US Cherbourg New York, New York, US 11 \N 1
927 \N 3 Katavelas, Mr. Vassilios (Catavelas Vassilios")" male 18.5 0 0 2682 7.2292 \N C 925 Katavelos, Mr. Vassilios G. 19 Agios Sostis, Greece Cherbourg Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US \N 58MB 3
928 \N 3 Roth, Miss. Sarah A female \N 0 0 342712 8.05 \N S 1164 Roth, Miss Sarah A. 26 London, England Southampton New York City C \N 3
929 \N 3 Cacic, Miss. Manda female 21 0 0 315087 8.6625 \N S 707 Čačić, Miss Manda 21 Široka Kula, Croatia Southampton Chicago, Illinois, US \N \N 3
930 \N 3 Sap, Mr. Julius male 25 0 0 345768 9.5 \N S 1195 Sap, Mr. Julius (Jules) 21 Zwevezele, Belgium Southampton Detroit, Michigan, US 11 \N 3
931 \N 3 Hee, Mr. Ling male \N 0 0 1601 56.4958 \N S 961 Lee, Mr. Ling 28 Hong Kong, China Southampton New York City \N \N 3
932 \N 3 Karun, Mr. Franz male 39 0 1 349256 13.4167 \N C 923 Karun, Mr. Franz 39 Milje, Slovenia Southampton Galesburg, Illinois, US 15 \N 3
933 \N 1 Franklin, Mr. Thomas Parham male \N 0 0 113778 26.55 D34 S 119 Franklin, Mr. Thomas Parnham 37 London, England, UK Southampton New York, New York, US \N \N 1
934 \N 3 Goldsmith, Mr. Nathan male 41 0 0 SOTON/O.Q. 3101263 7.85 \N S 830 Goldsmith, Mr. Nathan 41 Unknown, Russia Southampton Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US \N \N 3
935 \N 2 Corbett, Mrs. Walter H (Irene Colvin) female 30 0 0 237249 13 \N S 387 Corbett, Mrs. Irene (née Colvin) 30 Provo, Utah, US Southampton Provo, Utah, US \N \N 2
936 \N 1 Kimball, Mrs. Edwin Nelson Jr (Gertrude Parsons) female 45 1 0 11753 52.5542 D19 S 179 Kimball, Mrs. Gertrude (née Parsons) 45 Boston, Massachusetts, US Southampton Boston, Massachusetts, US 5 \N 1
937 \N 3 Peltomaki, Mr. Nikolai Johannes male 25 0 0 STON/O 2. 3101291 7.925 \N S 1125 Peltomäki, Mr. Nikolai Johannes 25 Helsinki, Finland Southampton New York City \N \N 3
938 \N 1 Chevre, Mr. Paul Romaine male 45 0 0 PC 17594 29.7 A9 C 74 Chevré, Mr. Paul Romaine Marie Léonce 45 Paris, France Cherbourg Ottawa, Ontario, Canada 7 \N 1
939 \N 3 Shaughnessy, Mr. Patrick male \N 0 0 370374 7.75 \N Q 1201 Shaughnessy, Mr. Patrick 24 Tynagh, Galway, Ireland Queenstown New York City \N \N 3
940 \N 1 Bucknell, Mrs. William Robert (Emma Eliza Ward) female 60 0 0 11813 76.2917 D15 C 45 Bucknell, Mrs. Emma Eliza (née Ward) 59 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US Cherbourg Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US 8 \N 1
941 \N 3 Coutts, Mrs. William (Winnie Minnie" Treanor)" female 36 0 2 C.A. 37671 15.9 \N S 742 Coutts, Mrs. Mary Winnie (née Trainer) 36 London, England Southampton Brooklyn, New York, US 2 \N 3
942 \N 1 Smith, Mr. Lucien Philip male 24 1 0 13695 60 C31 S 264 Smith, Mr. Lucien Philip 24 Huntington, West Virginia, US Cherbourg Huntington, West Virginia, US \N \N 1
943 \N 2 Pulbaum, Mr. Franz male 27 0 0 SC/PARIS 2168 15.0333 \N C 544 Pulbaum, Mr. Franz 27 New York City Southampton New York City \N \N 2
944 \N 2 Hocking, Miss. Ellen Nellie"" female 20 2 1 29105 23 \N S 453 Hocking, Miss Ellen "Nellie" 20 Penzance, Cornwall, England Southampton Akron, Ohio, US 4 \N 2
945 \N 1 Fortune, Miss. Ethel Flora female 28 3 2 19950 263 C23 C25 C27 S 115 Fortune, Miss Ethel Flora 28 Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada Southampton Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada 10 \N 1