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Meeting Notes (2020 06 02)

Alex McLain edited this page Jun 3, 2020 · 6 revisions


  • An animation could start as a seed which has a motion vector and color vector.
  • Pixel-based animations could use keyframes and tweening.
  • Does chameleon in its current state help us with pixel blending?
  • Animation vs Effect - Should frame-based animations be a different system than the math-based animations?
  • Should an animation have a black box state field that it can store state in that nothing else can access?
  • Animations as a black box in general?
    • The overall consensus seems to be yes, conceptually.
    • Implementation: Should an animation be a GenServer?
      • Pro: It could be a completely isolated component that can store its own internal state and emits messages (frames) to be rendered.
      • Con: Emitting messages introduces concurrency between an animation and the renderer and leaves the frames to the mercy of the scheduler (unpredictable timing -- and ordering if we support multiple animations running at once). Frame pile-up.
  • How can an animation know when to draw the next frame, and/or what the frame's content should be, when an event is received?
  • Do we need a render Engine to control timing, which animations are running, animation blending?
    • Should we have the concept of "base" properties that live inside an animation and have a "global" scaling factor for those properties that the engine can control?
      • Probably not. It would be cool if each animation could receive events and modify its own properties.
    • There are some animations that don't actually need to animate (solid colors). Do we really need to be requesting a next frame for these animations?
      • An animation could return a term for not having a new frame to render.
      • The compiler may already optimize for this case if the current frame is passed to the renderer as the next frame because it should be passing a pointer to the same data.
    • What if the animation sent out a "program" (instruction set) to the render engine instead of frames?
  • Integer rollover is a potential issue in a tick-based system, which could cause an animation glitch when the rollover happens.
    • It should be very infrequent, but we know it will happen at some point.
    • If we care about mitigating this, one way we could solve it is by allowing an animation designer to specify the tick where resetting the tick counter is seamless.
    • We could also use a timestamp rather than an integer.
    • Another option is to compute a delta value every time a frame is received rather than using a tick number.
  • How do we integrate key presses into the system?
    • Pub/sub system? A "key publisher"?
    • An animation could subscribe to the key presses it cares about, for example.
    • Bus architecture is also great for time-of-day based events.
  • If blending animations, do we need an alpha channel?
  • Should we have a Game type of animation that gives some kind of more direct access to the frame buffer(s)?


  • There are runners and animations.
  • Solid reactive cross (animation). link
    • It returns an effect_runner that determines how the animation plays.
    • There is an animation function that takes input params determined by the effect runner and outputs an HSV a pixel color.
  • The rainbow animation (nexus). link
  • Hit tracker - Coordinates of the keys that have been pressed in the past.
  • QMK does animation blending by looping over an animation and calculating the effect for each hit in the hit tracker. One effect's output is the next effect's input.
  • The code for an effect is really complex and hard to understand what an effect is rendering.

Action Items

  • Spike some of the ideas from today's call.
