2.1.37 (2024-09-20)
Merged pull requests:
2.1.36 (2024-08-27)
Merged pull requests:
2.1.35 (2024-08-17)
Merged pull requests:
- fixes #705 update security.yml for all frameworks #706 (stevehu)
- fixes #703 update the codegen-web with the new light-hybrid-4j updates #704 (stevehu)
- fixes #701 add cache-explorer to the maven and gradle dependency #702 (stevehu)
2.1.34 (2024-06-22)
Merged pull requests:
- Issue697 #698 (stevehu)
- fixes #695 Split the header to request/response and remove service.ym… #696 (stevehu)
- fixes #692 update the lambda-native README.md to remove proxy and vpc #693 (stevehu)
- fixes #690 add withIsBase64Encoded to false in BusinessHandler #691 (stevehu)
- fixes #688 update native lambda template.yaml and values.yml #689 (stevehu)
- fixes #686 update lambda native generator to make business handler si… #687 (stevehu)
- fixes #684 update lambda-native generator to add config and update te… #685 (stevehu)
- fixes #682 add lambda-native generator and upgrade lambda template #683 (stevehu)
- Fix NullPointerException in template file #681 (atmoshaman)
2.1.33 (2024-03-31)
Merged pull requests:
2.1.32 (2024-02-27)
Merged pull requests:
2.1.31 (2024-01-16)
Merged pull requests:
2.1.30 (2023-11-21)
Merged pull requests:
2.1.29 (2023-11-19)
Merged pull requests:
- fixes #671 add cache manager and cache configuration to values.yml in… #672 (stevehu)
- fixes #668 refactor based on the ServerConfig change #670 (stevehu)
- fixes #668 refactor based on the ServerConfig change #669 (stevehu)
- fixes #664 add addDefaultImplementationEntries to maven jar plugin #665 (stevehu)
2.1.28 (2023-10-24)
Merged pull requests:
2.1.27 (2023-10-04)
Merged pull requests:
2.1.26 (2023-08-17)
Merged pull requests:
2.1.25 (2023-08-08)
Merged pull requests:
2.1.24 (2023-08-07)
Merged pull requests:
2.1.23 (2023-07-11)
Merged pull requests:
2.1.22 (2023-06-22)
Merged pull requests:
2.1.21 (2023-06-22)
Merged pull requests:
2.1.20 (2023-06-17)
Merged pull requests:
2.1.19 (2023-06-05)
Merged pull requests:
2.1.18 (2023-05-06)
Merged pull requests:
2.1.17 (2023-05-05)
Merged pull requests:
2.1.16 (2023-04-28)
Merged pull requests:
- fixes #656 rollback client.truststore and client.keystore for generators #657 (stevehu)
- fixes #654 update hybrid generator for the junit 4 to junit 5 #655 (stevehu)
2.1.15 (2023-04-19)
Merged pull requests:
2.1.14 (2023-04-19)
Merged pull requests:
2.1.13 (2023-04-19)
Merged pull requests:
2.1.12 (2023-04-14)
Merged pull requests:
2.1.11 (2023-04-10)
Merged pull requests:
2.1.10 (2023-04-06)
Merged pull requests:
2.1.9 (2023-03-30)
Merged pull requests:
2.1.8 (2023-03-06)
Merged pull requests:
2.1.7 (2023-02-14)
Merged pull requests:
2.1.6 (2023-02-06)
Merged pull requests:
2.1.5 (2023-01-04)
Merged pull requests:
2.1.4 (2022-11-30)
Merged pull requests:
2.1.3 (2022-11-10)
Merged pull requests:
- fixes #640 add a values.yml file to the lambda generator template #641 (stevehu)
- fixes #638 remove most config files and use values.yml to overwrite #639 (stevehu)
2.1.2 (2022-10-22)
Merged pull requests:
- fixes #635 #636 (GavinChenYan)
- fixes #626 add logstash dependency to the pom.xml for rest generator #627 (stevehu)
- fixes #624 update rest template to sync the configuration changes #625 (stevehu)
2.1.1 (2022-04-26)
Merged pull requests:
2.1.0 (2022-02-27)
Merged pull requests:
- fixes #618 upgrade commons.io from 2.5 to 2.11.0 for master branch #619 (stevehu)
- fixes #610 sync kafka config and service.yml #611 (stevehu)
- fixes #608 sync client.yml, server.yml and kafka-producer.yml templat… #609 (stevehu)
- fixes #604 hybrid schema serviceId concat is incorrect #607 (stevehu)
- Issue594 #601 (GavinChenYan)
2.0.32 (2021-10-19)
Merged pull requests:
- fixes #599 update healthPath to remove serviceId in portal-registry.yml #600 (stevehu)
- fixes #597 add exec to the java command line in the Dockerfile #598 (stevehu)
2.0.31 (2021-09-22)
Merged pull requests:
2.0.30 (2021-08-23)
Merged pull requests:
2.0.29 (2021-07-25)
Merged pull requests:
2.0.28 (2021-06-27)
Merged pull requests:
- fixes #579 update test cases to leverage Http2Client connection pool #580 (stevehu)
- fixes #577 fix the handleTest template with http and http2 enabled #578 (stevehu)
- fixes #575 Remove the first empty line in the pom.xml generated #576 (stevehu)
- fixes #573 Resolve the service package name for the OpenApiLightGener… #574 (stevehu)
2.0.27 (2021-05-25)
Merged pull requests:
2.0.26 (2021-04-27)
Merged pull requests:
- fix #564 avoid security list empty #565 (BalloonWen)
- fix #560 tests with gradle #561 (BalloonWen)
- fix #557 json property in enum #559 (BalloonWen)
2.0.25 (2021-03-28)
Merged pull requests:
- Fix/#554 model module is not creating correct path #555 (BalloonWen)
- fixes #552 update the TestServer in the generator template #553 (stevehu)
- Issue548 #549 (stevehu)
- fixes #546 upgrade to gradle from 5.2.1 to 6.8.3 in rest #547 (stevehu)
- fixes #540 give users an option to use Gradle vs Maven #545 (stevehu)
- fixes #541 separate the model, rest and domain to three modules in th… #544 (stevehu)
- fixes #542 remove the openapi sub folder from rest as only OpenAPI 3.… #543 (stevehu)
2.0.24 (2021-02-24)
Merged pull requests:
- fixes #538 support buildMaven flag with default true to open the door… #539 (stevehu)
- Feat/#532 use sidecar #537 (BalloonWen)
- fixes #535 update templates to use artifactId for name #536 (stevehu)
- fixes #533 upgrade jackson to 2.12.1 for security #534 (stevehu)
- switch to jackson and refactor to support more generators #531 (stevehu)
- Feature/add bin to gitignore #530 (jaswalkiranavtar)
- Adding bin folder to gitignore #529 (jaswalkiranavtar)
- Issue525 #526 (stevehu)
- fixes #523 add gradleProperties.rocker.raw to externalize the depende… #524 (stevehu)
- Fix/#521 response reflection #522 (BalloonWen)
2.0.23 (2021-01-29)
Merged pull requests:
- fixes #34 add graalvm native image for the lambda functions #520 (stevehu)
- Issue517 #518 (stevehu)
- Fix/#497 change default handler chain sequence for audit handler #513 (BalloonWen)
- fixes #515 generate app.yml for the lambda funcation #516 (stevehu)
2.0.22 (2020-12-22)
Merged pull requests:
- fixes #505 update README.md tempate in lambda codegen #506 (stevehu)
- fixes #503 update aws lambda template.yaml and generator #504 (stevehu)
- fixes #500 add aws-lambda generator under light-rest-4j #501 (stevehu)
- fixes #498 add config to the dependency for test case #499 (stevehu)
- fixes #493 update the server.yml template to add more parameters #494 (stevehu)
2.0.21 (2020-11-25)
Merged pull requests:
- fixes #491 make the environment tag a template so that it can be inje… #492 (stevehu)
- fixes #489 update logback.xml in the template to output line number o… #490 (stevehu)
- fixes #487 add java.net.http for the HttpClient for JDK11 to the Dock… #488 (stevehu)
- fixes #484 update all generators to add enableHttp2 and server.yml te… #485 (stevehu)
- fixes #482 update handler test to separate http and https connection … #483 (stevehu)
- fixes #480 update server.yml to add keystore and truststore passwords #481 (stevehu)
- fixes #477 remove secret.yml from the light-codegen master branch for… #479 (stevehu)
2.0.20 (2020-11-05)
Merged pull requests:
2.0.19 (2020-11-01)
Merged pull requests:
- Issue470 #473 (stevehu)
- fixes #471 add appStatusYml to the codegen to allow users to separate… #472 (stevehu)
- fixes #468 switch to init() from start() in the generated TestServer #469 (stevehu)
- Bump junit from 4.12 to 4.13.1 #467 (dependabot)
2.0.18 (2020-10-01)
Merged pull requests:
- fixes #464 remove SwaggerGenerator from the service.yml file #465 (stevehu)
- fixes #460 support light-kafka for event sourcing and CQRS in rest an… #461 (stevehu)
2.0.17 (2020-08-28)
Merged pull requests:
2.0.16 (2020-08-01)
Merged pull requests:
- fixes #455 update config.yml in testing for typos #456 (stevehu)
- fixes #450 remove fastscanner and upgrade snakeyaml to 1.26 #451 (stevehu)
- fixes #448 change the authorization code redirect uri in client.yml f… #449 (stevehu)
2.0.15 (2020-07-01)
Merged pull requests:
- Issue444 #445 (stevehu)
- fixes #442 update hybrid generator to leverage handler.yml #443 (stevehu)
- fixes #438 remove the temporary version.jackson-databind in the pom.xml #439 (stevehu)
2.0.14 (2020-05-29)
Merged pull requests:
2.0.13 (2020-05-01)
Merged pull requests:
- fixes #433 add jdk.crypto.ec model to Dockerfile with jlink to resolv… #434 (stevehu)
- fixes #431 remove fast-classpath-scanner from hybrid dependency #432 (stevehu)
2.0.12 (2020-03-31)
Merged pull requests:
- fixes #429 resolve a defect in client.yml for the oauth2 urls #430 (stevehu)
- fixes #427 remove the light-eventuate-4j generator #428 (stevehu)
- fixes #425 update client.yml template to disable server_url in favour… #426 (stevehu)
- fixes #423 update hybrid generator in master to reflect the removal o… #424 (stevehu)
- fixes #421 generate client.truststore and client.keystore for unit te… #422 (stevehu)
- fixes #419 only generate .classpath and .project if eclipseIDE is true #420 (stevehu)
2.0.11 (2020-02-29)
Merged pull requests:
2.0.10 (2020-01-31)
Merged pull requests:
- fixes #414 remove lds.org maven repository from the pom.xml #415 (stevehu)
- fix #409 Update light4j to snapshot version in Kotlin REST template #413 (fredriv)
- fixes #409 #410 (fredriv)
- fixes #407 complete the client.yml parameterization #408 (stevehu)
- fixes #404 parameterize client.yml template for values.yml overwritten #406 (stevehu)
2.0.9 (2019-12-30)
Merged pull requests:
2.0.8 (2019-11-27)
Merged pull requests:
- fixes #402 service id out-of-sync since it is located two places #403 (stevehu)
- fixes #396 manually sync PR 400 from 1.6.x to master #401 (stevehu)
- fixes #397 compilation fails due to to problems with jar plugin; poss… #398 (stevehu)
- fixes #393 add module-info.class to the exclude list in maven-shade-p… #395 (stevehu)
- fixes #394 #399 (chenyan71)
2.0.7 (2019-10-26)
Merged pull requests:
- Feat/388 generation of one of artifacts #389 (jiachen1120)
- add NPE check before get "properties" property inside allOf/$ref/ #387 (BalloonWen)
2.0.6 (2019-09-13)
Merged pull requests:
- fixes #382 update light-hybrid-4j server pom.xml to always build a fa… #383 (stevehu)
- fixes #380 update the openapi-validator.yml template for nullable flag #381 (stevehu)
- fixes #378 #379 (chenyan71)
2.0.5 (2019-08-30)
Merged pull requests:
- fixes #375 upgrade to the latest graphql-java library #376 (stevehu)
- Fixes #370 - Update handler.yml template in Handler module to support audit on demand #374 (ddobrin)
- fixes #372 #373 (chenyan71)
- fixes #367 update light-graphql-4j template to leverage handler.yml #371 (stevehu)
- Fixes #368 - update template for openapi-security code generation after code changes in light-rest-4j #369 (ddobrin)
- fixes #365 add full curl command with JWT token in the header in rest… #366 (stevehu)
2.0.4 (2019-08-16)
Merged pull requests:
- fixes #363 upgrade jackson-databind to #364 (stevehu)
- fixes #361 ugprade codegen-web view with the latest create-react-app #362 (stevehu)
2.0.3 (2019-07-31)
Merged pull requests:
- Merge #355 to master #357 (BalloonWen)
2.0.2 (2019-07-10)
Merged pull requests:
- fixes #348 add injectOpenTracing flag into the client.yml template #349 (stevehu)
- fixes #342 add release to the codegen-web form for the env_tag #343 (stevehu)
- fixes #338 update codegen-web to handler.yml and change the path to c… #339 (stevehu)
- fixes #328 The debug agent in exec-maven prevents from starting multi… #336 (stevehu)
- Feat/#299 kube deployment #311 (BalloonWen)
- fixes #326 update server.yml template for keystore and truststore pas… #327 (stevehu)
- fixes #324 update client.yml template to sync with the latest changes #325 (stevehu)
- fixes #322 update dockerfile to use oepnjdk11 as base image #323 (stevehu)
2.0.1 (2019-06-13)
Merged pull requests:
- fixes #312 update openapi readme template for maven command line #313 (stevehu)
- fixes #308 add both release and snapshot repositories #309 (stevehu)
- fixes #304 update values.yml to ensure that the newly generated proje… #305 (stevehu)
- fixes #301 service running error caused by config.yml file #303 (stevehu)
- fixes #300 decryptor module is missing in the generated pom.xml file #302 (stevehu)
- Generate decryption methods #297 (jiachen1120)
- switch codegen web to react schema form for the UI and upgrade to the latest react #294 (stevehu)
- Fix/API-86: generate eclipse files based on the config flag #286 (santoshaherkar)
- fixes #282 update pom.xml template for error-prone #283 (stevehu)
- fixes #291 update regeneratePomFile to skipPomFile with default value… #293 (stevehu)
- fixes #291 update regeneratePomFile to skipPomFile with default value… #293 (stevehu)
- Issue 287 #289 (chenyan71)
- add openAPI spec generator - #197 #260 (dz-1)
- fixed NPE for param description feature #285 (BalloonWen)
- fixes #159 ensure light-codegen can be compile on both jdk8 and jdk11 #281 (stevehu)
- fixes #278 resolve error prone warnings #279 (stevehu)
- fixes #276 upgrade pom.xml template to have only one light-4j version #277 (stevehu)
- fixes #273 add maven wrapper to light-codegen #274 (stevehu)
- generate code on win10 got error #272 (stevehu)
- fixes #265 Failed test cases on Windows #271 (stevehu)
- fix escaping - #265 #270 (dz-1)
- Issue266 #269 (stevehu)
- fixes #266 disable the failed test cases for Windows #267 (stevehu)
- fixes #263 comment out kotlin and swagger wrappers as test cases fail #264 (stevehu)
- fixes #261 temporary disable the maven wrapper for OpenAPI #262 (stevehu)
- enable rocker hot reloading - #225 #241 (dz-1)
- Feat/#239 when generate test cases for handler, now will use example of request body to test. #240 (BalloonWen)
1.6.4 (2019-06-10)
Merged pull requests:
- fixes #312 update openapi readme template for maven command line #313 (stevehu)
- fixes #308 add both release and snapshot repositories #309 (stevehu)
- fixes #304 update values.yml to ensure that the newly generated proje… #305 (stevehu)
- fixes #301 service running error caused by config.yml file #303 (stevehu)
- fixes #300 decryptor module is missing in the generated pom.xml file #302 (stevehu)
1.6.2 (2019-05-17)
Merged pull requests:
- Generate decryption methods #297 (jiachen1120)
- switch codegen web to react schema form for the UI and upgrade to the latest react #294 (stevehu)
- Fix/API-86: generate eclipse files based on the config flag #286 (santoshaherkar)
- fixes #282 update pom.xml template for error-prone #283 (stevehu)
- fixes #291 update regeneratePomFile to skipPomFile with default value… #293 (stevehu)
1.6.1 (2019-05-03)
Merged pull requests:
- Issue 287 #289 (chenyan71)
- add openAPI spec generator - #197 #260 (dz-1)
- fixed NPE for param description feature #285 (BalloonWen)
- fixes #159 ensure light-codegen can be compile on both jdk8 and jdk11 #281 (stevehu)
- fixes #278 resolve error prone warnings #279 (stevehu)
- fixes #276 upgrade pom.xml template to have only one light-4j version #277 (stevehu)
1.6.0 (2019-04-05)
Merged pull requests:
- fixes #273 add maven wrapper to light-codegen #274 (stevehu)
- generate code on win10 got error #272 (stevehu)
- fixes #265 Failed test cases on Windows #271 (stevehu)
- fix escaping - #265 #270 (dz-1)
- Issue266 #269 (stevehu)
- fixes #266 disable the failed test cases for Windows #267 (stevehu)
- fixes #263 comment out kotlin and swagger wrappers as test cases fail #264 (stevehu)
- fixes #261 temporary disable the maven wrapper for OpenAPI #262 (stevehu)
- enable rocker hot reloading - #225 #241 (dz-1)
- Feat/#239 when generate test cases for handler, now will use example of request body to test. #240 (BalloonWen)
1.5.32 (2019-03-19)
Implemented enhancements:
- change shell script to executable on Linux and Mac #224
Closed issues:
- add skipBodyValidation flag to the openapi-validator.yml #245
Merged pull requests:
- #158 binary format string - fix the handling of binary and byte forma… #254 (stevehu)
- Revert "#158 binary format string - fix the handling of binary and byte forma…" #253 (stevehu)
- #158 binary format string - fix the handling of binary and byte forma… #252 (stevehu)
- 242 devel friendly pom to separate release tasks into release profile #251 (243826)
- Revert Make pom.xml developer friendly by seggragating shading, java… #250 (stevehu)
- fixes #224 add maven and gradle wrapper and make the script executable #249 (stevehu)
- #158 binary format string - fix the handling of binary and byte formats of strings #248 (243826)
- fixes #245 add skipBodyValidation flag to the openapi-validator.yml #246 (stevehu)
- sync codegen branches #244 (ddobrin)
- Make pom.xml developer friendly by seggragating shading, javadoc, sources into a non-default profile #243 (243826)
- #234 support for references for arrays #238 (243826)
- Fix/#236 Uncompilable code generation caused by invalid variable name #237 (jiachen1120)
1.5.31 (2019-03-02)
Closed issues:
- update jar filename to make them easy to be deployed to light-portal #235
- update client.yml to set the verifyHostname to true #233
1.5.30 (2019-02-21)
Implemented enhancements:
- Generate environment-based variables or plain default values, via flag #217
- Generate config file for each handler wired into the handler chain #216
- Generate environment variables with default values for configuration values #208
Closed issues:
- change verifyHostname to false in the generated client.yml #230
- remove the newly introduced regex library as it depends on a BSD 2 clause licensed library #209
- Exception thrown if servers not specified in openapi definition #184
- Supporting JUnit 5 and back port the Kotlin Test Sever #178
- generated OpenAPI petstore example is not shown up #175
- Support basic auth or without security in OpenAPI generator #166
- code generation fails from openapi/swagger yaml files #145
- How to customize the generator to add new templates #6
Merged pull requests:
- Issue230 #232 (stevehu)
- fixes #230 change verifyHostname to false in the generated client.yml #231 (stevehu)
- Propagate exception to impact return code of command #229 (NicholasAzar)
1.5.29 (2019-02-16)
Implemented enhancements:
- Codegen needs to trim Strings when read from the config files #212
- Generate exclusion file for the Config module #207
- Generate on-demand the values YML file for external configuration value injection #206
Closed issues:
- change codegen to not re-generate TestServer class if config value specChangeCodeReGenOnly is true #227
- add Kotlin OpenAPI generator #222
- add JsonPathStartupHookProvider to service.yml #220
- Explicitly set type in codegen when element is allOf #214
- Unable to divide main yaml file into separate yamls #181
Merged pull requests:
- issue fixes #227 #228 (chenyan71)
- Fix/issue216 and 217 #226 (dz-1)
- fixes #222 add Kotlin OpenAPI generator #223 (stevehu)
- Fix/#375 config gaps #221 (jiachen1120)
- Fix/type missing in specification #219 (jiachen1120)
- Fixes #212 and Fixes #214 #218 (ddobrin)
- Rename exclusions.yml to config.yml #215 (jiachen1120)
- Fixes #206 - Generate on-demand the values YML file for external conf… #211 (ddobrin)
- Fix/#209 remove generex library due to BSD license #210 (BalloonWen)
- added feature to generate test cases based on specification #205 (BalloonWen)
- Fixed unexpected model generation bug. #204 (jiachen1120)
1.5.28 (2019-01-12)
1.5.27 (2019-01-12)
Closed issues:
- Handle properties in Model Composition - using allOf in OpenAPI #201
- Add new functionality and updated config.json with new parameters #200
- Generation failure if schemas in API define allOf directly in the object #196
- Generation failure in 1.5.24 for allOf elements #195
- add a parameter for light-codegen for only re-generate code for spec change #180
- Add Fortify support to Maven script #76
Merged pull requests:
- Merge fixes from wip branch - support allOf, dump handler, properties handling #203 (ddobrin)
- comment out dump handler in generated handler.yml #202 (BalloonWen)
- upgrade jackson to 2.9.8 #199 (ddobrin)
- Added Dump Handler and Mask template to code-gen #198 (BalloonWen)
1.5.25 (2018-12-24)
1.5.24 (2018-12-15)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add javadoc descriptions for parameters in handler from codegen #188
Fixed bugs:
- update jackson-datatype-jdk8 artifactId for hybrid server pom.xml #186
- Enum java variable names do not add underscores when spaces are present #182
Closed issues:
- move generated openapi-test folder to tmp #194
- update version and dependency of qdox #193
- update logback templates to avoid duplicated logging records #191
- move service.yml and client.yml from hybrid service main to test #187
Merged pull requests:
- Fixed -Add underscores automatically when space are present #182 #192 (jiachen1120)
- Add javadoc descriptions for parameters in handlers #189 (BalloonWen)
1.5.23 (2018-12-01)
Fixed bugs:
- NPE when a type is not specified in allOf, oneOf, anyOf #183
Closed issues:
- possible to map number to BigDecimal in Java #140
Merged pull requests:
1.5.22 (2018-11-10)
1.5.21 (2018-10-16)
1.5.20 (2018-10-05)
Closed issues:
- got error on generated handler test case #179
1.5.19 (2018-09-22)
Implemented enhancements:
- OverwriteHandler flag needs to be at individual handler #165
Closed issues:
- OpenAPI spec Reusable Enums not supported #176
- remove openapi-parser validator mapping in service.yml #174
- upgrade to new openapi-parser API in openapi generator #173
- put serviceId into the health endpoint as path parameter #172
- update rest generator to use the openapi.yml/json and swagger.json directly #171
- remove XLogger dependencies #170
- Add support for variable/multi-handler chains in the generator #169
- generate framework specific security and validator config files #168
- flatten the config files into the same directory for k8s #167
- overwriteHandler=false does not create new handlers #164
- java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast to com.jsoniter.any.Any #163
- upgrade to undertow 2.0.11.Final #162
- update HandlerProvider package name #161
- NotDirectoryException during build of codegen-core #159
- Update generated handles to extend from LightHttpHandler #157
- Add a Build Number to the server.yml #155
- update client.yml, secret.yml and security.yml templates #154
- Swagger/OpenAPI specs: define proper data type based on the format of the definition type #153
- filter out signatures for signed jar files in fatjar creation #152
- Set java heap size to the cgroup memory limit in Dockerfile #150
- Generation of REST /health and /server/info endpoints shall be configurable #149
- .project file generated for swagger/openapi is invalid, cannot be opened with eclipse #147
- Code generation fails without "securitySchemes" section in openapi model #146
- light-codegen command line error handling #143
- Update dependencies for REST templates #141
- enable codegen-web service with cors so it can be consumed by SPA #139
- Light Codegen Web with express server #138
- upgrade graphql-java to version 8.0 #137
- remove unused properties from light-graphql-4j template #136
- remove unused properties from server and service templates of hybrid #135
- remove commons-text dependency and unused properties from light-rest-4j templates #134
- refactor codegen-web to take advantages of exchange access in hybrid handler #126
- codegen web generate handler only returns zip file name and not content #112
Merged pull requests:
- #176 support seperate enum classes #177 (auahmed)
- Removing commas from datasource config in service.yml templates. #156 (NicholasAzar)
- Updating view design to match doc site and supporting resources from codegen web light server #151 (NicholasAzar)
- Fixes #147, Fixes #146 #148 (b-gyula)
- fixes #143 #144 (b-gyula)
- get the latest from develop branch #142 (chenyan71)
- get the latest from develop #132 (chenyan71)
1.5.11 (2018-04-01)
Implemented enhancements:
- change the interface for handler with light-hybrid-4j #124
Fixed bugs:
- Codegen-Web generate code does not return anything to the UI #122
- fix request schema for generate request #111 (auahmed)
Closed issues:
- gracefully handle oneOf, anyOf and allOf in model generation #131
- replace jackson data type jsr310 with jdk8 #129
- update hybrid handler interface to add exchange as parameter #128
- remove parent section in pom.xml for all generators #127
- replace test openapi.json for openapi generator #125
- console output successful message after code generation #123
- skip path item parameters array in swagger generator #120
- handle dash in the path and dash in enum for openapi generator #119
- openapi generator check if examples map is not empty #118
- upgrade light-rest-4j openapi generator openapi-parser version to 1.5.11 #117
- handle OpenAPI 3.0 multiple examples in response #116
- server info scope injection only works with clientCredentials grant flow #114
- github scanner found a potential vulnerability in moment.js #113
- update codegen web service.yml to remove openapi-parser injection #110
- codegen-web cannot be published to maven central #109
- codegen-web will be compiled as a thin jar not a fat jar #56
Merged pull requests:
- Feature/refactor exchange responses #130 (NicholasAzar)
- feat(zip): Returning zip file for download from codegen-web generator #121 (NicholasAzar)
- Fix: Bump version of moment dependency #115 (gonzalovazquez)
1.5.10 (2018-03-02)
Merged pull requests:
1.5.9 (2018-02-21)
Closed issues:
- update server.yml to add dynamic port support #107
- generate build.sh for easy docker build with version #106
- move Dockerfile into docker folder #105
- enable travis ci only on master branch #102
- add rxjava 2.x dependency for light-graphql-4j template #101
- Help options (--help) should be made available #83
- Add build.sh template for docker build in generated project #70
Merged pull requests:
- Adding help option and descriptions to codegen-cli parameters. #104 (NicholasAzar)
1.5.8 (2018-02-03)
Closed issues:
- config null check #100
1.5.7 (2018-01-10)
Closed issues:
- Add dependency-reduced-pom.xml to .gitignore template #99
1.5.6 (2017-12-31)
Fixed bugs:
- The cli treat graphqls model file as JSON for light-graphql-4j generator #92
Closed issues:
- Add emailPassword to secret.yml for release 1.5.6 #98
- Fixes maven build warnings #97
- remove prerequisites maven version #96
- Update client.yml for client_id, client_secret and server_url #95
- Add bootstrapFromKeyService to false as default in security.yml #94
- Add keyClientSecret in secret.yml for service to access key distribution service in light-oauth2 #93
- Following docs to generate code openapi scaffolding #91
- OpenAPI validators are not loaded correctly on codegen-cli #90
- Allow codegen to generate code without security definitions being required #82
1.5.4 (2017-11-22)
Implemented enhancements:
- Switch to service IoC injection from Java SPI #89
Closed issues:
- Add OpenAPI generator to SPI config file #88
- Split RestGenerator to SwaggerGenerator and OpenApiGenerator #87
- Update all generators to replace Java Service Provider with service.yml #86
- Update security.yml template for new properties #85
1.5.0 (2017-10-21)
Closed issues:
- Update server.yml and secret.yml for environment tag and consul token #84
- Upgrade dependencies and add maven-version #81
1.4.6 (2017-09-24)
1.4.4 (2017-09-21)
1.4.3 (2017-09-10)
1.4.2 (2017-08-31)
1.4.1 (2017-08-31)
Closed issues:
- Upgrade to newer version of Undertow and Jackson #80
- Add key section in client.yml template to enable key distribution support for JWT #79
- Update server.yml to enableHttp2 by default #78
- Remove HTTP1.1 settings in client.yml in rest, graphql and hybrid generators #77
- Add Headers in test case import for rest and hybrid #75
- The test cases generated for post, put and patch missing a header paramete #74
- Change codegen-web testing httpPort and HttpsPort and update test cases #73
- Change test httpPort and httpsPort to something seldom used in hybrid and graphql #72
1.4.0 (2017-08-23)
Closed issues:
- Upgrade generate project test case to use Http2Client instead of Client #71
- Upgrade to Undertow 1.4.18.Final and remove jsonpath #69
- Add enableHttp2 to server.yml template for all frameworks #68
- Add server.yml into the generated src/test/resources/config with seldom used port #67
- Add Jackson datatype jsr310 into dependencies for all frameworks pom.xml #65
1.3.5 (2017-08-02)
Closed issues:
- Update hybrid and graphql to support databases and server configurations #64
- Update light-hybrid-server and light-hybrid-service generator to remove jsoniter and add json-schema-validator #63
- Update light-rest-4j pom.xml template to remove jsonpath and add json-schema-validator #62
- Add JsonProperty annotation for generated getters #61
- Handle special character "@" as part of the variable name in swagger in light-rest-4j generator. #60
- Generate model (POJO) from swagger.json for light-rest-4j generator #59
- Replace jsonpath with jsoniter in the dependencies and StartupHookProvider config #58
- Create a build.sh script to build docker image and push to docker hub automatically #57
- Form-data request content support #55
- Expose port in Dockerfile is not updated based on config.json like server.yml #54
- light-rest-4j generator handler test extract statusCode and body as variables for easy debugging #53
- A typo in httpsPort needs to be fixed in light-rest-4j generator #52
- Summary review of schema/config json to be issued for codgen. #31
- Allow configuration by file upload #30
1.3.3 (2017-06-14)
Fixed bugs:
- Need to skip extensions in operation list. #16
Closed issues:
- Add serviceId (sId) into logback.xml as part of MDC in slf4j #51
- Update client and server keystore and truststore along with secret.yml for rest generator #50
- Update hybrid generator for server and client keystore and truststore along with secret.yml #49
- Update graphql generator server and client keystore and truststore and secret.yml #48
- update server and client trust stores and key stores along with secret.yml #47
- Add support for example in light-hybrid-4j service generator. #46
- Move schema.json to resources folder from resources/config folder for light-hybrid-4j service #45
- Fix the error when swagger.json has no definitions for models in light-rest-4j generator #44
- Fix the classpath for services to /service/* in light-hybrid-4j server Dockerfile #43
- Make http port and https port configurable in codegen #42
- Add server and service module into light-hybrid server pom.xml template #41
- Add json-schema-validator dependency into light-hybrid service generator as it is used in the test cases. #40
- Update generated Dockerfile to pass in externalized logback.xml in order to override the default logging config. #39
- Add rpc-security dependency for light-hybrid-4j service generator pom.xml template #38
- implement logic to control overwritten handlers and handler tests with config #37
- inject /server/info and /health into swagger.json for light-rest-4j generator #36
- Upgrade graphql-java to 3.0.0 with IDL schema #35
- Add zookeeper dependencies to light-rest-4j and exclude log4j #33
- Add rpc-security in light-hybrid-4j server generator for 1.3.1 release. #32
- Retrieve configuration from the server given a selected generator. #28
- Add and display multiple pairings of generator/schema combinations. #25
- README.md updates pending review and merge #24
- Update light-hybrid-4j pom and readme #22
- Add another handler in codegen-web to handler multiple generator requests. #20
- Add schema for each generator and serve the schema from codegen-web for UI #19
- Remove swagger-annotation dependency as it is not in use #17
- Update light-rest-4j generated pom.xml for swagger and mockito version #15
- change all project names to remove java #14
- Change the codegen-cli jar to a fixed name without version number #13
- Name space issue with templates #12
- create a generator for light-java-graphql #11
- Move toByteBuffer from String to light-java utility module in order to share #10
- Add schema for light-java-hybrid service #9
- create a generator for light-java-hybrid #8
- create a generator for light-java-hybrid-server platform #7
- light-java-rest generator data model generation from swagger.json #5
- Update each individual generator to SPI so that they can be looked up by framework name. #4
- Inject server info into the swagger.json as well as in generated code #3
- Accept yaml format for both config and swagger specification #2
- Build web service with light-java-hybrid framework in codegen-web module #1
Merged pull requests:
- View initial commit #18 (NicholasAzar)
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator