Releases: ngageoint/geopackage-core-java
Version 6.3.0:|mil.nga.geopackage|geopackage-core|6.3.0|jar
6.3.0 (04-18-2022)
- sf-wkb version 2.0.6
- sf-wkt version 1.0.3
- sf-proj version 4.1.2
- oapi-features-json version 2.0.2
- GeoPackageGeometryData non parsed raw byte support for faster inserts
- OGC Related Tables Extension relation methods
- NGA Feature Style Extension create table and relation methods
- Feature Style expanded pixel bounds
Full Changelog: 6.2.1...6.3.0
Version 6.2.1:|mil.nga.geopackage|geopackage-core|6.2.1|jar
6.2.1 (03-11-2022)
- Iterable result ids for User Results and User Paginated Results
Full Changelog: 6.2.0...6.2.1
Version 6.2.0:|mil.nga.geopackage|geopackage-core|6.2.0|jar
6.2.0 (02-03-2022)
- ormlite-core version 6.1
- sf-wkb version 2.0.5
- sf-wkt version 1.0.2
- sf-proj version 4.1.1
- oapi-features-json version 2.0.1
- Bounding Box world bounds shortcuts for WGS84 and Web Mercator
- Bounding Box centroid, geometry, and copy methods
- GeoPackageGeometryData bounding box methods
- SpatialReferenceSystem getProjectionDefinition method
- TileMatrixDao queryForTableName method
- Additional file name, tile bounding box, and date converter utilities
- Improved pagination query support
Full Changelog: 6.1.1...6.2.0
Version 6.1.1:|mil.nga.geopackage|geopackage-core|6.1.1|jar
6.1.1 (11-10-2021)
- Java 11
- ormlite-core version 5.7
Version 6.1.0:|mil.nga.geopackage|geopackage-core|6.1.0|jar
6.1.0 (11-04-2021)
- sf-proj version 4.1.0
- oapi-features-json version 2.0.0
- TileBoundingBoxUtils bounding box from WGS84 tile grid methods
Version 6.0.0:|mil.nga.geopackage|geopackage-core|6.0.0|jar
6.0.0 (07-06-2021)
- ormlite-core version 5.6
- sf-proj version 4.0.0
- Changes for sf-proj dependency, with new sub dependencies proj and crs
- maven plugin version updates
Version 5.0.0:|mil.nga.geopackage|geopackage-core|5.0.0|jar
5.0.0 (03-09-2021)
- ormlite-core version 5.3
- sf-wkb version 2.0.4
- sf-wkt version 1.0.1
- sf-proj version 3.0.4
- oapi-features-json version 1.0.3
- Tile table reprojections
- Alter Table fix for table names matching SQL prefixes
- Table and column constraints refactor
- st_geometry_columns view single quote fix
Version 4.0.0:|mil.nga.geopackage|geopackage-core|4.0.0|jar
4.0.0 (07-14-2020)
- GeoPackage spec version 1.3.0
- sf-wkb version 2.0.3
- sf-wkt version 1.0.0
- sf-proj version 3.0.3
- oapi-features-json version 1.0.2
- Community extensions decoupling and management, including class repackaging
- Contents Data Type refactor, core data types and expanded custom data type support
- Wider support for views in place of tables, including a new GeoPackageDao
- User table creation refactor with metadata objects
- GeoPackage application id, user version, contents type, and bounding box enhancements
- DAO options to enable modifying row ids or disable column value type validation
- DAO creation methods
- Distinct select statement queries and counts
- Aggregate functions (count, max, min) refactor
- Optional autoincrement support
- Columns constraints copy fix, resolving alter table schema information losses
- More lenient checks, logging errors in place of throwing exceptions and continuing
- Geometry Data build envelope, creation, byte, Well-Known Text, and transform methods
- Image Matters Portrayal and Vector Tiles extensions
- Ecere Tile Matrix Set extension
Version 3.5.0:|mil.nga.geopackage|geopackage-core|3.5.0|jar
3.5.0 (03-10-2020)
- Separation of columns from user tables to support custom column queries
- User DAO methods: query for specified columns, additional counts
- Bounding box utility methods
Version 3.4.0:|mil.nga.geopackage|geopackage-core|3.4.0|jar
3.4.0 (11-14-2019)
- sf-proj version 3.0.2
- oapi-features-json version 1.0.1
- Database Result utility updates
- Additional connection and DAO query and count methods
- Additional user result get value and id methods
- Removed default values on user tile table columns
- Add Contents Id Extension table to Contents table for use in related tables
- SQLite Query Builder, moved from GeoPackage Java