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FR4’s Internal Design

This document outlines the major data structures and control flows in the FR4 application. It is probably mostly of interest for people hacking on FR4 itself.


Most computer aided design tools use a visual paradigm where the user interacts with a graphical interface to modify their model. This approach is reasonably intuitive, and with practice users can become quite proficient with these tools. It does have a few downsides, however: high resource requirements, large amounts of interface code, proprietary file formats, inconsistent conceptual models, and limited flexibility make these types of CAD applications difficult for hobbyists and hackers to use and extend.

Fortunately alternative approaches exist. OpenSCAD, for example, is a tool for create three dimensional solid models which is built around a programming language. Users control the tool by writing a program which describes solid geometry operations such as taking two bodies and joining them together; subtracting one solid from another; resizing, reorienting, and repositioning objects as needed, all from a text-based interface. A related method was used by Charles Moore, the creator of the Forth programming language, to design microprocessor chips. He wrote a Very Large Scale Integration design tool in Forth, running on the bare metal of a PC, which allowed him to model his chips using the same language.

FR4 draws inspiration from these systems heavily in order to provide a printed circuit board design tool which is low in its resource needs, easily extended, and (I hope) easy to use. The core system is implemented in the Rust programming language, providing a high level and safe programming language while retaining high performance. Graphics displays are generated using the SDL2 library, enabling FR4 to make use of GPU acceleration and operate across platforms.

Of course, the primary user interface is of the most concern. To design a board, users write an FR4 program in a Forth-inspired language, which is interpreted by the FR4 application. You may be asking, “why Forth?” The reason is because Forth is a very simple language at its core, and this enables FR4 to simultaneously provide a very expressive system while not burdening users with learning a complex syntax or semantics, and while keeping the resource requirements for the system to a minimum.


  1. Provide a powerful design tool which can be easily extended.
  2. Run comfortably on consumer-grade devices, including systems such as the Raspberry Pi.
  3. Generate standards-compliant Gerber outputs which can be sent to any fabrication house for manufacture.
  4. Provide instant feedback on the design through visualization and analysis.


  • Interpreter design
    • Word set
    • Built-in words
    • User-defined words
    • Memory safety
    • Runtime checks
    • Type checking
  • Internal model representation
  • Conversion to Gerber format
  • Use of SDL/Piston/GFX
    • Vector graphics to bitmap graphics conversion
  • Use of Dear IMGUI, etc.

Built-in Words

  • Basic arithmetic operators: +, -, *, /
  • Basic stack manipulations: dup, swap, drop, pick
  • I/O: ., .S
  • Interpreter: abort, words

Differences from BoardForth

  • Well, first, it’s not ANS Forth.
  • Components are defined in the model. Words are provided for defining them, including:
    • pad
    • silk
    • trace
    • via
    • group
  • Components may have BOM entries down the line.
  • Forth code describes the model, it doesn’t describe how to render it. Geometry is important and goes in the description but the layer assignments and such are fluid.
  • Geometry manipulations are more standardized and semantically cleaner:
    • translate
    • rotate
    • flip
    • layer
  • Units of measure support

Model Structure

FR4 programs construct a digital model of the printed circuit board to be fabricated. The model represents the board as a set of components, each of which is either atomic (e.g. a pad) or a composite structure of other sub-components. Components can contain many shapes, each on a separate board layer, giving a full description of the placement of each relevant geometry in the board. For example, the component representing an SMD resistor may need to specify the location of pads on the top copper layer, the windows in the soldermask for those pads, and the silkscreen pattern around the device. Each can be represented as a collection of primitive shapes assigned to specific layers in the design.