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This wiki is a companion to the detailed technical documentation for participating in the Common Fund Data Ecosystem Portal. Use the sidebar to search for key words, error messages and more, or get started with our QuickStart below.
The Crosscut Metadata Model (C2M2), a flexible metadata standard for describing experimental resources in biomedicine and related fields. At the Common Fund Data Ecosystem (CFDE) we use the C2M2 as our centralized model of participating datasets in a rich relational database hosted at https://app.nih-cfde.org/. This portal supports faceted search of metadata concepts such as anatomical location, species, and assay type, across a wide variety of datasets using a controlled vocabulary. This allows researchers to find a wide variety of data that would otherwise need to be searched individually, using varying nomenclatures. Currently, the portal only accepts C2M2 datapackages from Common Fund Programs. If you represent the Data Coordination Center from a Common Fund Program, and would like to know more about joining the Common Fund Data Ecosystem please contact us by emailing [email protected]. Funding is available for Common Fund Programs who wish to participate, see Engagement Opportunities for Common Fund Programs for more information.
Graphic overview. White boxes are user steps, blue boxes are automated:
DCCs submit data packages to the CFDE Data Submission System using the cfde-submit
tool. This tool takes a directory as input, does some initial validation, then builds the directory into a bdbag and submits the data to an authenticated Globus endpoint. This process should take less than 30 seconds on your local computer, and the tool will report Your dataset has been submitted
Once your data is in the in the Globus endpoint, our database (Deriva) will automatically begin ingesting the datapackage, and doing further validation. This process will take several minutes, but is done completely on our servers, so you don't need to stay connected. However, you can check the status of your ingest using cfde-submit status
. When your Deriva finishes your ingest, you will receive an email that contains information about the datapackage, including a link to view the data in the CFDE data portal. You can also navigate directly to the Submission system by logging in at https://app.nih-cfde.org/ and clicking 'Data Review'. DCCs can have any number of submitted datapackages in the system, and can use the portal to view each submission in multiple ways and ensure it is structured as intended. No DCC submissions will be viewable or searchable by the public until they are approved for inclusion in the public release. Although DCCs can have any number of Reviewable Submissions, each can have only a single Approved Submission for public release. If a new submission is approved before a the next public release, the newly approved submission will completely replace the previously approved submission in the pending Release catalog. At each public release date, all approved datapackages will be rolled into the public catalog and will become searchable in the portal. If a DCC does not submit a new datapackage between releases, their current public datapackage will stay in the portal. If a DCC has submitted a new datapackage, it will completely replace any previous data that was available. We do not have the ability to accept updates to existing submissions at this time.
The Data Coordination Center (DCC) for each participating Common Fund Program needs to onboard with the CFDE-CC before we can accept submissions. You do not need to be funded by a CFDE award to participate, however awards are available (see Engagement Opportunities for Common Fund Programs for more information). To begin your onboarding, please email the helpdesk.
Each person who needs access to submit data on behalf of your DCC, see submitted your DCCs pending data submission, or approve a pending data submission will need to be onboarded to the Submission System.
A datapackage consists of 22 tab separated value (.tsv) files populated with interrelated metadata about the data assets owned by your DCC. Assuming you fill all of the tables, a datapackage submission will make your data searchable by concepts such as anatomical location, species, assay type, and other similar terms that are useful to researchers who are looking for new datasets. This datapackage can be created at several arbitrary levels of complexity, as many of the columns and several entire tables can be left empty and still produce a valid package. However, search-ability in the CFDE portal is highly correlated with model completeness, and as such the Coordination Center recommends making your datapackage as complete as possible. The full specification for all tables is available in the technical documentation. See the C2M2-Table-Summary for an abbreviated description of just the tables.
To submit your data you will need to install the cfde-submit
To avoid potential conflicts, we recommended installing cfde-submit from within a Python 3 virtual environment (more info)
To install the tool:
pip3 install cfde-submit
Full documentation is available here: https://github.com/nih-cfde/cfde-submit/blob/main/docs/index.md
Note that only users who have been onboarded as Data Submitters for a DCC will be able to successfully run the cfde-submit tool.
Our submission system runs the frictionless validator on our servers as part of the submission process. You do not need to install or run frictionless to use our tool, however if you would like to use the validator locally, you can install it using these commands:
pip install frictionless-py
frictionless validate data/datapackage.json
Once a datapackage has been submitted
C2M2 Table Guide
Table Summary
- analysis_type.tsv
- anatomy.tsv
- assay_type.tsv
- biofluid.tsv
- biosample.tsv
- biosample_disease.tsv
- biosample_from_subject.tsv
- biosample_gene.tsv
- biosample_in_collection.tsv
- biosample_substance.tsv
- collection.tsv
- collection_anatomy.tsv
- collection_biofluid.tsv
- collection_compound.tsv
- collection_defined_by_project.tsv
- collection_disease.tsv
- collection_gene.tsv
- collection_in_collection.tsv
- collection_phenotype.tsv
- collection_protein.tsv
- collection_substance.tsv
- collection_taxonomy.tsv
- compound.tsv
- data_type.tsv
- dcc.tsv (formerly
- disease.tsv
- file.tsv
- file_describes_biosample.tsv
- file_describes_collection.tsv
- file_describes_subject.tsv
- file_format.tsv
- file_in_collection.tsv
- gene.tsv
- id_namespace.tsv
- ncbi_taxonomy.tsv
- phenotype.tsv
- phenotype_disease.tsv
- phenotype_gene.tsv
- project.tsv
- project_in_project.tsv
- protein.tsv
- protein_gene.tsv
- subject.tsv
- subject_disease.tsv
- subject_in_collection.tsv
- subject_phenotype.tsv
- subject_race.tsv
- subject_role_taxonomy.tsv
- subject_substance.tsv
- substance.tsv
- Reference Tables
Table Summary