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How to make a release

Eric Larson edited this page Sep 26, 2017 · 5 revisions
  1. Update changelog.

  2. Build the doc (cd doc; make html_stable), make sure all examples work.

  3. Change the version number in, and push branch upstream.

  4. Add a tag (git tag 0.5).

  5. Commit the tag (git push --tag).

  6. Upload the doc to pysurfer website, which is the repo This should be something like:

cp -r _build/html_stable/* ../../
cd ../../
git add *
git add */*
git ci -m "sync with pysurfer/pysurfer/master"
git push origin master
  1. Make release on PyPi: python sdist followed by python sdist register upload.

  2. Test pip install to make sure PyPi worked.

  3. Email the Freesurfer ([email protected]) and Nipy-devel ([email protected]) mailing lists with something like:

Dear All,

We are pleased to announce the 0.4 release of PySurfer, a Python-based package for visualizing Freesurfer data. This release includes bugfixes and multiple enhancements, including:

- Displaying data from both hemispheres simultaneously
- Displaying multiple views simultaneously
- Toggling Mayavi toolbars
- Using nibabel for IO functions
- A variety of minor improvements here and there

Please see our website ( for information on installation, documentation, and the example gallery.

We hope you find it useful in your research!

Eric Larson, Michael Waskom, Alexandre Gramfort, and the Nipy team
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