diff --git a/CONTRIBUTING.rst b/CONTRIBUTING.rst index 772b17f3..850bae79 100644 --- a/CONTRIBUTING.rst +++ b/CONTRIBUTING.rst @@ -51,11 +51,33 @@ If you are unsure what that means, here is a set-up workflow you may wish to fol git push -u origin topic_of_your_contribution - (If any of the above seems overwhelming, you can look up the `Git documentation `_ on the web.) +Releases and Changelog +---------------------- + +HeuDiConv uses the `auto `_ tool to generate the changelog and automatically release the project. + +`auto` is used in the HeuDiConv GitHub actions, which monitors the labels on the pull request. +HeuDiConv automation can add entries to the changelog, cut releases, and +push new images to `dockerhub `_. + +The following pull request labels are respected: + + * major: Increment the major version when merged + * minot: Increment the minot version when merged + * patch: Increment the patch version when merged + * skip-release: Preserve the current version when merged + * release: Create a release when this pr is merged + * internal: Changes only affect the internal API + * documentation: Changes only affect the documentation + * tests: Add or improve existing tests + * dependencies: Update one or more dependencies version + * performance: Improve performance of an existing feature + + Development environment -----------------------