➡️ Sterra's main function is to export lists of followers | following | mutuals from Instagram to excel | csv | json with informations on accounts
National Geographic following list under excel format
➡️ It can also analyse exported lists to search for personnal account (which means estimating which accounts are in the close circle of your target)
dregufevia3 | rute_alves3 | hicham_rt | ricardo.piloto.7 | j_nyusi_258/ |
barbaravara | pregufe | delgad0_andre | dgh1 | rodrigoptf |
Personnal accounts analysis for Christiano Ronaldo following list. All the upper accounts are followed by Ronaldo himself. Data exportable.
➡️ Finaly, it can compare two lists in order to find commons or not commons users
Common usernames between Kylie Jenner following list and Travis Scott following list. Data exportable.
pip install sterra
# or
git clone https://github.com/novitae/sterraxcyl/
cd sterraxcyl
python setup.py install
Wiki | The home page of the Wiki |
Basic Usage Wiki | The Wiki page to start using Sterra |
- This tool have been made as an alternative of the Chrome extension export List of Followers from Instagram that has been killed for some ""reasons"". It was made to export data on the accounts as sterra's export module does. This is the main inspiration.
I was using it to do manually the job of sterra's analyse module. - The export module uses the Instagram GraphQL API to get the lists of usernames. The architecture of it is based on the get_instagram_followers-following_list one.
- My twitter messages are open -> meakaaet
- Sterra and Sterraxcyl are the same program; Sterraxcyl is the old name, but it was weird afterall, so i changed it as i could to Sterra