-acre, 1 acre = 10 ch
-acre-foot, 1 acre ft = 43560 ft
3, aliases: acre-ft, acre ft
-ampere (20 prefixes), symbol: A, alias: A
-ampere 90 (20 prefixes), 1 A
90 = 1 V
90, alias: A(90)
-angstrom, 1 Å = 1.0 × 10
-10 m, alias: Å
-arcminute, 1' = 0.016 666 666 666 7°, aliases: arcmin, '
-arcsecond, 1" = 0.016 666 666 666 7', aliases: arcsec, "
-astronomical unit, 1 au = 1.495 978 707 × 10
11 m, aliases: au, ua
-bar (20 prefixes), 1 bar = 100 000 Pa
-barn, 1 b = 1.0 × 10
-28 m
2, alias: b
-barrel, 1 bbl = 31.5 gal, aliases: bbl, liquid barrel, liquid bbl
-becquerel (20 prefixes), 1 Bq = 1 1/s, alias: Bq
-bel (log base 10), 0 B = 1.0
-bit (16 prefixes), symbol: bit, alias: shannon
-board-foot, 1 board-foot = 1 ft
2 in, alias: board-ft
-bohr, 1
a0 =
5.291 772 106 8(12) × 10-11 m, aliases: a0, a(0)
-bushel, 1 bu = 4 pk, alias: bu
-byte (16 prefixes), 1 B = 8 bit, alias: B
-cable, 1 cb = 120 ftm, alias: cb
-calorie, 1 cal = 4.184 J, aliases: cal, calth, thermochemical calorie
-candela (20 prefixes), symbol: cd, alias: cd
-chain, 1 ch = 4 rd, alias: ch
-coulomb (20 prefixes), 1 C = 1 s A, alias: C
-coulomb 90 (20 prefixes), 1 C
90 = 1 V
90 s/Ω
90, alias: C(90)
-cubic foot, 1 cu ft = 1 ft
3, aliases: cu-ft, cu ft
-cubic inch, 1 cu in = 1 in
3, aliases: cu-in, cu in
-cubic yard, 1 cu yd = 1 yd
3, aliases: cu-yd, cu yd
-cup, 1 cp = 0.5 pt, alias: cp
-dalton (20 prefixes), 1 Da =
1.660 539 040(20) × 10-27 kg, alias: Da
-day, 1 d = 24 h, aliases: d, D
-decibel (log base 10), 0 dB = 1.0, aliases: dB, dB power, dB-p
-decibel femtowatt (log base 10), 0 dBf = 1.0 fW, aliases: dBf, dB(fW)
-decibel field (log base 10), 0 dB = 1.0, aliases: dB-f, dB field, dB root-power
-decibel hertz (log base 10), 0 dB-Hz = 1.0 Hz, aliases: dB-Hz, dB(Hz)
-decibel joule (log base 10), 0 dBJ = 1.0 J, aliases: dBJ, dB(J)
-decibel kelvin (log base 10), 0 dBK = 1.0 K, aliases: dBK, dB(K)
-decibel kilowatt (log base 10), 0 dBk = 1.0 kW, aliases: dBk, dB(kW)
-decibel microvolt (log base 10), 0 dBμV = 1.0 μV, aliases: dBuV, dB(uV), dBμV
-decibel microvolt per metre (log base 10), 0 dBμ = 1.0 μV/m, aliases: dBμ, dB(uV/m), decibel microvolt per meter
-decibel millivolt (log base 10), 0 dBmV = 1.0 mV, aliases: dBmV, dB(mV)
-decibel milliwatt (log base 10), 0 dBm = 1.0 mW, aliases: dBm, dB(mW)
-decibel reciprocal kelvin (log base 10), 0 dB(K
-1) = 1.0 1/K, aliases: dB(K**-1), dB(K⁻¹)
-decibel reciprocal metre (log base 10), 0 dB(m
-1) = 1.0 1/m, aliases: dB(m**-1), dB(m⁻¹), decibel reciprocal meter
-decibel sound intensity level (log base 10), 0 dB = 1.0 × 10
-12 W/m
2, alias: dB(SIL)
-decibel sound power level (log base 10), 0 dB = 1.0 × 10
-12 W, aliases: dB(SWL), dB(pW)
-decibel sound pressure level (log base 10), 0 dB = 20.0 μPa, aliases: dB(SPL), dB(20uPa)
-decibel square metre (log base 10), 0 dBsm = 1.0 m
2, aliases: dBsm, dB(m**2), decibel square meter
-decibel u (log base 10), 0 dBu = 0.774 596 669 241 V, alias: dBu
-decibel volt (log base 10), 0 dBV = 1.0 V, aliases: dBV, dB(V)
-decibel watt (log base 10), 0 dBW = 1.0 W, aliases: dBW, dB(W)
-decibel Z (log base 10), 0 dBZ = 1.0 mm
3, aliases: dBZ, dB(Z)
-decibel μPa (log base 10), 0 dB = 1.0 μPa, alias: dB(uPa)
-degree, 1° = 0.017 453 292 519 9 rad, aliases: deg, °
-degree Celsius, 0 °C = 273.15 K, aliases: degC, deg C, degree C, °C
-degree Fahrenheit, 0 °F = 459.67 °R, aliases: degF, deg F, degree F, °F
-degree Rankine, 1 °R = 0.555 555 555 556 K, aliases: degR, deg R, degree R, °R
-dram, 1 dr = 0.0625 oz, alias: dr
-dry barrel, 1 bu = 7056 in
3, alias: dry-bbl
-dry gallon, 1 gal = 268.8025 in
3, alias: dry-gal
-dry pint, 1 pt = 0.5 qt, alias: dry-pt
-dry quart, 1 qt = 0.25 gal, alias: dry-qt
-dyne (20 prefixes), 1 dyn = 1.0 × 10
-5 N, alias: dyn
-Earth mass, 1
M⊕ =
5.972 37(28) × 1024 kg, aliases: M(E), M⊕
-electon mass, 1
me =
9.109 383 56(11) × 10-31 kg, alias: m(e)
-electronvolt (20 prefixes), 1 eV = 1.602 176 634 × 10
-19 J, alias: eV
-elementary charge, 1
e = 1.602 176 634 × 10
-19 C, alias: e
-erg (20 prefixes), 1 erg = 1.0 × 10
-7 J
-farad (20 prefixes), 1 F = 1 C/V, alias: F
-farad 90 (20 prefixes), 1 F
90 = 1 s/Ω
90, alias: F(90)
-fathom, 1 ftm = 2 yd, alias: ftm
-fluid dram, 1 fl dr = 60 min, aliases: fl-dr, fl dr
-fluid ounce, 1 fl oz = 0.25 gi, aliases: fl-oz, fl oz
-foot, 1 ft = 12 in, alias: ft
-foot-pound, 1 ft·lb = 1 ft lbf, aliases: ft-lb, ft-lbf, ft·lb, ft·lbf
-furlong, 1 fur = 10 ch, alias: fur
-galileo (20 prefixes), 1 Gal = 1 cm/s
2, alias: Gal
-gallon, 1 gal = 231 in
3, aliases: gal, liquid gal, liquid gallon
-gasoline gallon equivalent, 1 gasoline-gallon-equivalent = 33.7 kW h, alias: gasoline-gallon-equivalent
-gauss (20 prefixes), 1 G = 1.0 × 10
-4 T, alias: G
-gill, 1 gi = 0.5 cp, alias: gi
-grain, 1 gr = 1.428 571 428 57 × 10
-4 lb, alias: gr
-gray (20 prefixes), 1 Gy = 1 J/kg, alias: Gy
-hand, 1 hand = 4 in
-hartley, 1 Hart = 3.321 928 094 89 bit, aliases: Hart, ban, dit
-hartree, 1
Eh = 1 ℏ
a02 me), aliases: E_h, Ha
-hectare, 1 ha = 1 hm
2, alias: ha
-henry (20 prefixes), 1 H = 1 Wb/A, alias: H
-henry 90 (20 prefixes), 1 H
90 = 1 Ω
90 s, alias: H(90)
-hertz (20 prefixes), 1 Hz = 1 1/s, alias: Hz
-hogshead, 1 hogshead = 65 gal
-horsepower, 1 hp = 550 ft lbf/s, alias: hp
-hour, 1 h = 60 min, alias: h
-hundredweight, 1 cwt = 100 lb, alias: cwt
-inch (1 prefix), 1 in = 0.0254 m, alias: in
-international prototype kilogram, 1
m(𝒦) =
1.000 000 000(12) kg, aliases: m(K), IPK
-IT British thermal unit, 1 BTU = 1055.055 852 62 J, aliases: BTU, Btu
-jansky, 1 Jy = 1.0 × 10
-26 W/(Hz m
2), alias: Jy
-joule (20 prefixes), 1 J = 1 N m, alias: J
-Julian year (4 prefixes), 1 a = 365.25 d, aliases: a, annum, year, yr
-Jupiter mass, 1
MJ =
1.898 580(88) × 1027 kg, aliases: M(J), M(Jup)
-katal (20 prefixes), 1 kat = 1 mol/s, alias: kat
-kelvin (20 prefixes), symbol: K, alias: K
-kelvin 54 (20 prefixes), 1 K
54 =
1.000 000 00(37) K, alias: K(54)
-kilogram (20 prefixes), symbol: kg, alias: kg
-knot, 1 kn = 1 M/h, alias: kn
-large calorie, 1 Cal = 1000 cal, aliases: Cal, Calorie, dietary calorie, kcal, kilocalorie
-league, 1 lea = 3 mi, alias: lea
-light hour, 1 light-hour = 1 h
c, alias: light-hour
-light minute, 1 light-minute = 1 min
c, alias: light-minute
-light second, 1 light-second = 1
c s, alias: light-second
-light year, 1 ly = 1 a
c, alias: ly
-link, 1 li = 0.66 ft, alias: li
-litre (20 prefixes), 1 L = 1 dm
3, aliases: L, liter
-long hundredweight, 1 long cwt = 112 lb, alias: long cwt
-long ton, 1 long ton = 2240 lb
-lumen (20 prefixes), 1 lm = 1 sr cd, alias: lm
-lux (20 prefixes), 1 lx = 1 lm/m
2, alias: lx
-maxwell (20 prefixes), 1 Mx = 1.0 × 10
-8 Wb, alias: Mx
-metre (20 prefixes), symbol: m, aliases: m, meter
-mile, 1 mi = 1760 yd, alias: mi
-millibel milliwatt (log base 10), 0 mBm = 1.0 mW, aliases: mBm, mB(mW)
-millimetre of mercury, 1 mmHg = 133.322 387 415 Pa, alias: mmHg
-minim, 1 min = 0.0125 tsp
-minute, 1 min = 60 s, alias: min
-mole (20 prefixes), symbol: mol, alias: mol
-moment magnitude (log base 10), 0
MW = 1.122 018 454 3 × 10
16 dyn cm, aliases: M(W), MMS
-monochromatic AB magnitude (log base 10), 0
mAB = 3631.0 Jy, alias: m(AB)
-natural unit of action, 1 ℏ = 1.054 571 817 65 × 10
-34 J s, aliases: h-bar, ℏ
-natural unit of information, 1 nat = 1.442 695 040 89 bit, aliases: nat, nepit, nit
-nautical mile, 1 M = 1852 m, aliases: M, NM, Nm, nmi
-neper (log base
e), 0 Np = 1.0, alias: Np
-newton (20 prefixes), 1 N = 1 kg m/s
2, alias: N
-nibble, 1 nibble = 4 bit, aliases: nybble, nyble
-oersted (20 prefixes), 1 Oe = 79.577 471 545 9 A/m, alias: Oe
-ohm (20 prefixes), 1 Ω = 1 V/A, alias: Ω
-ohm 90 (20 prefixes), 1 Ω
90 = 1.000 000 017 79 Ω, aliases: ohm(90), Ω(90)
-oil barrel, 1 bbl = 42 gal
-ounce, 1 oz = 0.0625 lb, aliases: oz, avdp oz, avoirdupois ounce
-parsec (3 prefixes), 1 pc = 206 264.806 247 au, alias: pc
-part per billion, 1 ppb = 1.0 × 10
-9, alias: ppb
-part per million, 1 ppm = 1.0 × 10
-6, alias: ppm
-part per quadrillion, 1 ppq = 1.0 × 10
-15, alias: ppq
-part per trillion, 1 ppt = 1.0 × 10
-12, alias: ppt
-pascal (20 prefixes), 1 Pa = 1 N/m
2, alias: Pa
-peck, 1 pk = 2 gal, alias: pk
-pennyweight, 1 dwt = 24 gr, alias: dwt
-percent, 1% = 0.01, alias: %
-phot (20 prefixes), 1 ph = 1 sr cd/cm
2, alias: ph
-pica, 1 P/ = 0.166 666 666 667 in, alias: P/
-pint, 1 pt = 0.5 qt, aliases: pt, liquid pint, liquid pt
-Planck charge, 1
qP =
1.875 546 038 15(22) × 10-18 C, alias: q(P)
-Planck length, 1
lP =
1.616 228(38) × 10-35 m, alias: l(P)
-Planck mass, 1
mP =
2.176 470(51) × 10-8 kg, alias: m(P)
-Planck temperature, 1
TP =
1.416 808(33) × 1032 K, alias: T(P)
-Planck time, 1
tP =
5.391 16(13) × 10-44 s, alias: t(P)
-point, 1 p = 0.083 333 333 333 3 P/, alias: p
-poise (20 prefixes), 1 P = 1 dyn s/cm
2, alias: P
-pound (1 prefix), 1 lb = 0.453 592 37 kg, aliases: lb, avdp lb, avoirdupois pound, lbm, pound mass
-pound force, 1 lbf = 9.806 65 lb m/s
2, alias: lbf
-pound per square inch, 1 psi = 1 lbf/in
2, alias: psi
-pound-foot, 1 lb·ft = 1 ft lbf, aliases: lb-ft, lbf-lft, lbf·ft, lb·ft
-proton mass, 1
mp =
1.672 621 898(21) × 10-27 kg, alias: m(p)
-quart, 1 qt = 0.25 gal, aliases: qt, liquid qt, liquid quart
-rack unit, 1 U = 1.75 in
-radian (20 prefixes), 1 rad = 1 m/m, alias: rad
-reduced compton wavelength, 1 ƛ
C = 1 ℏ/(
me c), aliases: lambda(C), ƛ(C)
-rod, 1 rd = 25 ft, alias: rd
-root hertz, 1 √
Hz = 1 Hz
1/2, aliases: sqrtHz, √Hz
-second (20 prefixes), symbol: s, alias: s
-section, 1 section = 640 acre
-short ton, 1 tn = 2000 lb, alias: tn
-shot, 1 jig = 3 Tbsp, alias: jig
-siemens (20 prefixes), 1 S = 1 A/V, aliases: S, mho
-sievert (20 prefixes), 1 Sv = 1 J/kg, alias: Sv
-siriometer, 1 Sm = 1 000 000 au
-slug, 1 slug = 1 lbf s
-solar mass, 1
M☉ =
1.988 475(92) × 1030 kg, aliases: M(solar), M(Sun), M☉
-speed of light, 1
c = 2.997 924 58 × 10
8 m/s, alias: c
-square, 1 square = 100 ft
-standard atmosphere, 1 atm = 101 325 Pa, alias: atm
-steradian (20 prefixes), 1 sr = 1 m
2, alias: sr
-stilb (20 prefixes), 1 sb = 1 cd/cm
2, alias: sb
-stokes (20 prefixes), 1 St = 1 cm
2/s, alias: St
-survey foot, 1 ft = 0.304 800 609 601 m
-survey mile, 1 mi = 8 fur, alias: statute mile
-survey township, 1 twp = 36 section, alias: twp
-tablespoon, 1 Tbsp = 0.5 fl oz, alias: Tbsp
-teaspoon, 1 tsp = 0.333 333 333 333 Tbsp, alias: tsp
-tesla (20 prefixes), 1 T = 1 Wb/m
2, alias: T
-thousandth of an inch, 1 mil = 0.001 in, aliases: mil, thou, thousandth
-tonne (12 prefixes), 1 t = 1000 kg, aliases: t, metric ton
-tons of TNT equivalent (3 prefixes), 1 t(TNT) = 4.184 GJ, aliases: t(TNT), tons of tnt, tons of TNT
-torr (1 prefix), 1 Torr = 133.322 368 421 Pa, alias: Torr
-troy ounce, 1 oz t = 20 dwt, aliases: oz-t, oz t
-troy pound, 1 lb t = 12 oz t, aliases: lb-t, lb t
-volt (20 prefixes), 1 V = 1 W/A, alias: V
-volt 90 (20 prefixes), 1 V
90 = 1.000 000 106 67 V, alias: V(90)
-volt ampere (20 prefixes), 1 VA = 1 V A, alias: VA
-volt ampere reactive (20 prefixes), 1 var = 1 V A, alias: var
-watt (20 prefixes), 1 W = 1 J/s, alias: W
-watt 90 (20 prefixes), 1 W
90 = 1 A
90 V
90, alias: W(90)
-wavenumber, alias for: 1/cm
-weber (20 prefixes), 1 Wb = 1 V s, alias: Wb
-yard, 1 yd = 3 ft, alias: yd
+- 1
+- acre, 1 acre = 10 ch2
+- acre-foot, 1 acre ft = 43560 ft3, aliases: acre-ft, acre ft
+- ampere (20 prefixes), symbol: A, alias: A
+- ampere 90 (20 prefixes), 1 A90 = 1 V90/Ω90, alias: A(90)
+- angstrom, 1 Å = 1 × 10-10 m, alias: Å
+- arcminute, 1' = 1/60°, aliases: arcmin, '
+- arcsecond, 1" = 1/60', aliases: arcsec, "
+- astronomical unit, 1 au = 1.495 978 707 × 1011 m, aliases: au, ua
+- bar (20 prefixes), 1 bar = 100 000 Pa
+- barn, 1 b = 1 × 10-28 m2, alias: b
+- barrel, 1 bbl = 31.5 gal, aliases: bbl, liquid barrel, liquid bbl
+- becquerel (20 prefixes), 1 Bq = 1 1/s, alias: Bq
+- bel (log base 10, multiplier = 1), 0 B = 1
+- bit (16 prefixes), symbol: bit, alias: shannon
+- board-foot, 1 board-foot = 1 ft2 in, alias: board-ft
+- bohr, 1 a0 = 5.291 772 106 8(12) × 10-11 m, aliases: a0, a(0)
+- bushel, 1 bu = 4 pk, alias: bu
+- byte (16 prefixes), 1 B = 8 bit, alias: B
+- cable, 1 cb = 120 ftm, alias: cb
+- calorie, 1 cal = 4.184 J, aliases: cal, calth, thermochemical calorie
+- candela (20 prefixes), symbol: cd, alias: cd
+- chain, 1 ch = 4 rd, alias: ch
+- coulomb (20 prefixes), 1 C = 1 s A, alias: C
+- coulomb 90 (20 prefixes), 1 C90 = 1 V90 s/Ω90, alias: C(90)
+- cubic foot, 1 cu ft = 1 ft3, aliases: cu-ft, cu ft
+- cubic inch, 1 cu in = 1 in3, aliases: cu-in, cu in
+- cubic yard, 1 cu yd = 1 yd3, aliases: cu-yd, cu yd
+- cup, 1 cp = 0.5 pt, alias: cp
+- dalton (20 prefixes), 1 Da = 1.660 539 040(20) × 10-27 kg, alias: Da
+- day, 1 d = 24 h, aliases: d, D
+- decibel (log base 10, multiplier = 10), 0 dB = 1, aliases: dB, dB power, dB-p
+- decibel femtowatt (log base 10, multiplier = 10), 0 dBf = 1 fW, aliases: dBf, dB(fW)
+- decibel field (log base 10, multiplier = 20), 0 dB = 1, aliases: dB-f, dB field, dB root-power
+- decibel hertz (log base 10, multiplier = 10), 0 dB-Hz = 1 Hz, aliases: dB-Hz, dB(Hz)
+- decibel joule (log base 10, multiplier = 10), 0 dBJ = 1 J, aliases: dBJ, dB(J)
+- decibel kelvin (log base 10, multiplier = 10), 0 dBK = 1 K, aliases: dBK, dB(K)
+- decibel kilowatt (log base 10, multiplier = 10), 0 dBk = 1 kW, aliases: dBk, dB(kW)
+- decibel microvolt (log base 10, multiplier = 20), 0 dBμV = 1 μV, aliases: dBuV, dB(uV), dBμV
+- decibel microvolt per metre (log base 10, multiplier = 20), 0 dBμ = 1 μV/m, aliases: dBμ, dB(uV/m), decibel microvolt per meter
+- decibel millivolt (log base 10, multiplier = 20), 0 dBmV = 1 mV, aliases: dBmV, dB(mV)
+- decibel milliwatt (log base 10, multiplier = 10), 0 dBm = 1 mW, aliases: dBm, dB(mW)
+- decibel reciprocal kelvin (log base 10, multiplier = 20), 0 dB(K-1) = 1 1/K, aliases: dB(K**-1), dB(K⁻¹)
+- decibel reciprocal metre (log base 10, multiplier = 10), 0 dB(m-1) = 1 1/m, aliases: dB(m**-1), dB(m⁻¹), decibel reciprocal meter
+- decibel sound intensity level (log base 10, multiplier = 10), 0 dB = 1.0 × 10-12 W/m2, alias: dB(SIL)
+- decibel sound power level (log base 10, multiplier = 10), 0 dB = 1.0 × 10-12 W, aliases: dB(SWL), dB(pW)
+- decibel sound pressure level (log base 10, multiplier = 20), 0 dB = 20 μPa, aliases: dB(SPL), dB(20uPa)
+- decibel square metre (log base 10, multiplier = 10), 0 dBsm = 1 m2, aliases: dBsm, dB(m**2), decibel square meter
+- decibel u (log base 10, multiplier = 20), 0 dBu = 0.774 596 669 241 V, alias: dBu
+- decibel volt (log base 10, multiplier = 20), 0 dBV = 1 V, aliases: dBV, dB(V)
+- decibel watt (log base 10, multiplier = 10), 0 dBW = 1 W, aliases: dBW, dB(W)
+- decibel Z (log base 10, multiplier = 10), 0 dBZ = 1 mm6/m3, aliases: dBZ, dB(Z)
+- decibel μPa (log base 10, multiplier = 20), 0 dB = 1 μPa, alias: dB(uPa)
+- degree, 1° = 0.017 453 292 519 943 295 rad, aliases: deg, °
+- degree Celsius (non-linear unit), 0 °C = 273.15 K, aliases: degC, deg C, degree C, °C
+- degree Fahrenheit (non-linear unit), 0 °F = 459.67 °R, aliases: degF, deg F, degree F, °F
+- degree Rankine, 1 °R = 5/9 K, aliases: degR, deg R, degree R, °R
+- dram, 1 dr = 1/16 oz, alias: dr
+- dry barrel, 1 bu = 7056 in3, alias: dry-bbl
+- dry gallon, 1 gal = 107521/400 in3, alias: dry-gal
+- dry pint, 1 pt = 0.5 qt, alias: dry-pt
+- dry quart, 1 qt = 0.25 gal, alias: dry-qt
+- dyne (20 prefixes), 1 dyn = 1 × 10-5 N, alias: dyn
+- Earth mass, 1 M⊕ = 5.972 37(28) × 1024 kg, aliases: M(E), M⊕
+- electon mass, 1 me = 9.109 383 56(11) × 10-31 kg, alias: m(e)
+- electronvolt (20 prefixes), 1 eV = 1.602 176 634 × 10-19 J, alias: eV
+- elementary charge, 1 e = 1.602 176 634 × 10-19 C, alias: e
+- erg (20 prefixes), 1 erg = 1 × 10-7 J
+- farad (20 prefixes), 1 F = 1 C/V, alias: F
+- farad 90 (20 prefixes), 1 F90 = 1 s/Ω90, alias: F(90)
+- fathom, 1 ftm = 2 yd, alias: ftm
+- fluid dram, 1 fl dr = 60 min, aliases: fl-dr, fl dr
+- fluid ounce, 1 fl oz = 0.25 gi, aliases: fl-oz, fl oz
+- foot, 1 ft = 12 in, alias: ft
+- foot-pound, 1 ft·lb = 1 ft lbf, aliases: ft-lb, ft-lbf, ft·lb, ft·lbf
+- furlong, 1 fur = 10 ch, alias: fur
+- galileo (20 prefixes), 1 Gal = 1 cm/s2, alias: Gal
+- gallon, 1 gal = 231 in3, aliases: gal, liquid gal, liquid gallon
+- gasoline gallon equivalent, 1 gasoline-gallon-equivalent = 33.7 kW h, alias: gasoline-gallon-equivalent
+- gauss (20 prefixes), 1 G = 1 × 10-4 T, alias: G
+- gill, 1 gi = 0.5 cp, alias: gi
+- grain, 1 gr = 1/7000 lb, alias: gr
+- gray (20 prefixes), 1 Gy = 1 J/kg, alias: Gy
+- hand, 1 hand = 4 in
+- hartley, 1 Hart = 3.321 928 094 89 bit, aliases: Hart, ban, dit
+- hartree, 1 Eh = 1 ℏ2/(a02 me), aliases: E_h, Ha
+- hectare, 1 ha = 1 hm2, alias: ha
+- henry (20 prefixes), 1 H = 1 Wb/A, alias: H
+- henry 90 (20 prefixes), 1 H90 = 1 Ω90 s, alias: H(90)
+- hertz (20 prefixes), 1 Hz = 1 1/s, alias: Hz
+- hogshead, 1 hogshead = 65 gal
+- horsepower, 1 hp = 550 ft lbf/s, alias: hp
+- hour, 1 h = 60 min, alias: h
+- hundredweight, 1 cwt = 100 lb, alias: cwt
+- inch (1 prefix), 1 in = 0.0254 m, alias: in
+- international prototype kilogram, 1 m(𝒦) = 1.000 000 000(12) kg, aliases: m(K), IPK
+- IT British thermal unit, 1 BTU = 1055.055 852 62 J, aliases: BTU, Btu
+- jansky, 1 Jy = 1 × 10-26 W/(Hz m2), alias: Jy
+- joule (20 prefixes), 1 J = 1 N m, alias: J
+- Julian year (4 prefixes), 1 a = 365.25 d, aliases: a, annum, year, yr
+- Jupiter mass, 1 MJ = 1.898 580(88) × 1027 kg, aliases: M(J), M(Jup)
+- katal (20 prefixes), 1 kat = 1 mol/s, alias: kat
+- kelvin (20 prefixes), symbol: K, alias: K
+- kelvin 54 (20 prefixes), 1 K54 = 1.000 000 00(37) K, alias: K(54)
+- kilogram (20 prefixes), symbol: kg, alias: kg
+- knot, 1 kn = 1 M/h, alias: kn
+- large calorie, 1 Cal = 1000 cal, aliases: Cal, Calorie, dietary calorie, kcal, kilocalorie
+- league, 1 lea = 3 mi, alias: lea
+- light hour, 1 light-hour = 1 h c, alias: light-hour
+- light minute, 1 light-minute = 1 min c, alias: light-minute
+- light second, 1 light-second = 1 c s, alias: light-second
+- light year, 1 ly = 1 a c, alias: ly
+- link, 1 li = 0.66 ft, alias: li
+- litre (20 prefixes), 1 L = 1 dm3, aliases: L, liter
+- long hundredweight, 1 long cwt = 112 lb, alias: long cwt
+- long ton, 1 long ton = 2240 lb
+- lumen (20 prefixes), 1 lm = 1 sr cd, alias: lm
+- lux (20 prefixes), 1 lx = 1 lm/m2, alias: lx
+- maxwell (20 prefixes), 1 Mx = 1 × 10-8 Wb, alias: Mx
+- metre (20 prefixes), symbol: m, aliases: m, meter
+- mile, 1 mi = 1760 yd, alias: mi
+- millibel milliwatt (log base 10, multiplier = 1000), 0 mBm = 1 mW, aliases: mBm, mB(mW)
+- millimetre of mercury, 1 mmHg = 133.322 387 415 Pa, alias: mmHg
+- minim, 1 min = 0.125 tsp
+- minute, 1 min = 60 s, alias: min
+- mole (20 prefixes), symbol: mol, alias: mol
+- moment magnitude (log base 10, multiplier = 2/3), -10.7 MW = 1.0 dyn cm, aliases: M(W), MMS
+- monochromatic AB magnitude (log base 10, multiplier = -2.5), 0 mAB = 3631.0 Jy, alias: m(AB)
+- natural unit of action, 1 ℏ = 1.054 571 817 646 156 5 × 10-34 J s, aliases: h-bar, ℏ
+- natural unit of information, 1 nat = 1.442 695 040 89 bit, aliases: nat, nepit, nit
+- nautical mile, 1 M = 1852 m, aliases: M, Nm, NM, nmi
+- neper (log base e, multiplier = 1), 0 Np = 1.0, alias: Np
+- newton (20 prefixes), 1 N = 1 kg m/s2, alias: N
+- nibble, 1 nibble = 4 bit, aliases: nybble, nyble
+- oersted (20 prefixes), 1 Oe = 79.577 471 545 947 67 A/m, alias: Oe
+- ohm (20 prefixes), 1 Ω = 1 V/A, alias: Ω
+- ohm 90 (20 prefixes), 1 Ω90 = 1.000 000 017 793 668... Ω, aliases: ohm(90), Ω(90)
+- oil barrel, 1 bbl = 42 gal
+- ounce, 1 oz = 1/16 lb, aliases: oz, avdp oz, avoirdupois ounce
+- parsec (3 prefixes), 1 pc = 206 264.806 247 096 36 au, alias: pc
+- part per billion, 1 ppb = 1 × 10-9, alias: ppb
+- part per million, 1 ppm = 1 × 10-6, alias: ppm
+- part per quadrillion, 1 ppq = 1 × 10-15, alias: ppq
+- part per trillion, 1 ppt = 1 × 10-12, alias: ppt
+- pascal (20 prefixes), 1 Pa = 1 N/m2, alias: Pa
+- peck, 1 pk = 2 gal, alias: pk
+- pennyweight, 1 dwt = 24 gr, alias: dwt
+- percent, 1% = 0.01, alias: %
+- phot (20 prefixes), 1 ph = 1 sr cd/cm2, alias: ph
+- pica, 1 P/ = 1/6 in, alias: P/
+- pint, 1 pt = 0.5 qt, aliases: pt, liquid pint, liquid pt
+- Planck charge, 1 qP = 1.875 546 038 15(22) × 10-18 C, alias: q(P)
+- Planck length, 1 lP = 1.616 228(38) × 10-35 m, alias: l(P)
+- Planck mass, 1 mP = 2.176 470(51) × 10-8 kg, alias: m(P)
+- Planck temperature, 1 TP = 1.416 808(33) × 1032 K, alias: T(P)
+- Planck time, 1 tP = 5.391 16(13) × 10-44 s, alias: t(P)
+- point, 1 p = 1/12 P/, alias: p
+- poise (20 prefixes), 1 P = 1 dyn s/cm2, alias: P
+- pound (1 prefix), 1 lb = 0.453 592 37 kg, aliases: lb, avdp lb, avoirdupois pound, lbm, pound mass
+- pound force, 1 lbf = 9.806 65 lb m/s2, alias: lbf
+- pound per square inch, 1 psi = 1 lbf/in2, alias: psi
+- pound-foot, 1 lb·ft = 1 ft lbf, aliases: lb-ft, lbf-lft, lbf·ft, lb·ft
+- proton mass, 1 mp = 1.672 621 898(21) × 10-27 kg, alias: m(p)
+- quart, 1 qt = 0.25 gal, aliases: qt, liquid qt, liquid quart
+- rack unit, 1 U = 1.75 in
+- radian (20 prefixes), 1 rad = 1 m/m, alias: rad
+- reduced compton wavelength, 1 ƛC = 1 ℏ/(me c), aliases: lambda(C), ƛ(C)
+- rod, 1 rd = 25 ft, alias: rd
+- root hertz, 1 √Hz = 1 Hz1/2, aliases: sqrtHz, √Hz
+- second (20 prefixes), symbol: s, alias: s
+- section, 1 section = 640 acre
+- short ton, 1 tn = 2000 lb, alias: tn
+- shot, 1 jig = 3 Tbsp, alias: jig
+- siemens (20 prefixes), 1 S = 1 A/V, aliases: S, mho
+- sievert (20 prefixes), 1 Sv = 1 J/kg, alias: Sv
+- siriometer, 1 Sm = 1 000 000 au
+- slug, 1 slug = 1 lbf s2/ft
+- solar mass, 1 M☉ = 1.988 475(92) × 1030 kg, aliases: M(solar), M(Sun), M☉
+- speed of light, 1 c = 2.997 924 58 × 108 m/s, alias: c
+- square, 1 square = 100 ft2
+- standard atmosphere, 1 atm = 101 325 Pa, alias: atm
+- steradian (20 prefixes), 1 sr = 1 m2/m2, alias: sr
+- stilb (20 prefixes), 1 sb = 1 cd/cm2, alias: sb
+- stokes (20 prefixes), 1 St = 1 cm2/s, alias: St
+- survey foot, 1 ft = 1200/3937 m
+- survey mile, 1 mi = 8 fur, alias: statute mile
+- survey township, 1 twp = 36 section, alias: twp
+- tablespoon, 1 Tbsp = 0.5 fl oz, alias: Tbsp
+- teaspoon, 1 tsp = 1/3 Tbsp, alias: tsp
+- tesla (20 prefixes), 1 T = 1 Wb/m2, alias: T
+- thousandth of an inch, 1 mil = 0.001 in, aliases: mil, thou, thousandth
+- tonne (12 prefixes), 1 t = 1000 kg, aliases: t, metric ton
+- tons of TNT equivalent (3 prefixes), 1 t(TNT) = 4.184 GJ, aliases: t(TNT), tons of tnt, tons of TNT
+- torr (1 prefix), 1 Torr = 20265/152 Pa, alias: Torr
+- troy ounce, 1 oz t = 20 dwt, aliases: oz-t, oz t
+- troy pound, 1 lb t = 12 oz t, aliases: lb-t, lb t
+- volt (20 prefixes), 1 V = 1 W/A, alias: V
+- volt 90 (20 prefixes), 1 V90 = 71207857995393/71207850400000 V, alias: V(90)
+- volt ampere (20 prefixes), 1 VA = 1 V A, alias: VA
+- volt ampere reactive (20 prefixes), 1 var = 1 V A, alias: var
+- watt (20 prefixes), 1 W = 1 J/s, alias: W
+- watt 90 (20 prefixes), 1 W90 = 1 A90 V90, alias: W(90)
+- wavenumber, alias for: 1/cm
+- weber (20 prefixes), 1 Wb = 1 V s, alias: Wb
+- yard, 1 yd = 3 ft, alias: yd