16 nov, 2024:
- fix ident sanitization bug identified by Lucas.
- move statistics counting to after type-checking for greater accuracy.
22 oct, 2024:
fix bug with existenials occuring in other variables' skolem function
- rewrite the entire elim_a functionality.
- fix issue with order of adding vs typechecking of mutually dependent skolems
add another assertion for ISC that quantifies over the actual value, not just location
exhale order of clause witness computation bug
formalize masks
introduce fold existential witness notation
move injectivity check outside.
reorder rewrite passes to do inj checks for preds before rewriting fold/unfold
- maybe by adding new lemmas
sweep to add default triggers for every Quant
- fix missing triggers in all
- fix missing triggers in all
add forks
toy around with preds as macros
Ensure that return variables are not allowed in pre-conditions
Check that openAU, commitAU having right number of arguments
Check that assertion expressions having the right format -- conditionals in ternary expr being pure, etc
Ensure that return variables of functions are not used in the function body
Ensure that predicates don't have implicit ghost args
Ensure that left-hand side of bindAU is well-typed (number of vars matches number of implicit args; types match, etc.)
Implement mask computation to check interface <-> module compatibility
Improve expression matching algorithm
Revamp witness computation code
return proc()
stmts -
Allow parsing of
expressions (Thomas did implement a fix for this, but needs review) -
Parse field reads/writes/cas/fpu separately
Allow types to be used as modules implementing Library.Type
- Fix dependency analysis wrt auto lemmas
- Investigate spurious "unknown"s in the middle of log files