Choo is a framework for creating sturdy frontend applications. You can use the Feathers client to add backend services to a choo application. Let choo
take care of the client and let Feathers
do the heavy lifting for communicating with your server and managing your data. In this guide we will create a choo
front-end for the chat API built in the Your First App section.
If you haven't done so you'll want to go through that tutorial or you can find a working example here.
The first step is getting the HTML skeleton for the chat application up. You can do so by pasting the following HTML into public/chat.html
(which is the page the guide app redirects to after a successful login):
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=0"/>
<title>Feathers Chat</title>
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="../favicon.png">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../base.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../chat.css">
<script src="app.js"></script>
The styles might also be included in the app using sheetify
but, for the purpose of this example, we will leave them where they are and focus on the app.js
Our chat functionality will live in the public/app.js
which will be generated from the src
folder. We will use the choo-cli generator to bootstrap the src
npm install choo-cli -g
cd public
choo new src
This installs the choo-cli
generator and generates a new choo
project inside the src
folder, see the src/
file for further details about the structure of the generated project.
Next we need to install the fethers-client
dependencies and some other dev-dependencies for building and logging:
cd src
npm i -S feathers-client moment choo-log
npm i -D envify unassertify uglifyify sheetify
Add the following lines to the public/src/package.json
file, inside the scripts
"build:prod": "NODE_ENV=production browserify -e client.js -o ../app.js -t envify -t sheetify/transform -g unassertify -g es2040 -g uglifyify | uglifyjs",
"build:dev": "NODE_ENV=development browserify -d -e client.js -o ../app.js -t sheetify/transform -g es2040"
Now you can build the public/app.js
bundle by running, inside the public/scr
npm run build:dev
ProTip: If you want to build a minified file, or if you want to watch the files while you develop and automatically generate the bundle when you save changes you can run:
npm run build:prod
# npm install nodemon -g
nodemon -x 'npm run build:dev'
We are now done with bootstrapping the project and we can start building the chat functionality.
The main entry to your app is the src/client.js
const choo = require('choo')
const app = choo()
// this block of code will be eliminated by any minification if
// NODE_ENV is set to "production"
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
const log = require('choo-log')
app.router((route) => [
route('/', require('./pages/home'))
const tree = app.start()
This sets up your choo app by importing the chat-app model and redirecting to the main page, which is then injected into the document. See the choo documentation for further details.
The src/pages/home.js
file is the main page containing the client chat functionality:
const html = require('choo/html')
const messageList = require('../elements/message-list')
const userList = require('../elements/user-list')
module.exports = (state, prev, send) => html`
<div id="app" class="flex flex-column">
<header class="title-bar flex flex-row flex-center">
<div class="title-wrapper block center-element">
<img class="logo" src="" alt="Feathers Logo">
<span style="font-size: xx-large; font-family: monospace; opacity: 0.7;">
<g-emoji alias="steam_locomotive" fallback-src=""> <img src="" alt=":steam_locomotive:" class="emoji" height="20" width="20"></g-emoji><g-emoji alias="train" fallback-src=""><img src="" alt=":train:" class="emoji" height="20" width="20"></g-emoji>choo</span>
<span class="title">Chat </span>
<span style="font-size: medium; margin-left: 7px; opacity: 0.7;">
Logged in as: ${
: state.currentUser
<div class="flex flex-row flex-1 clear">
${userList(state, prev, send)}
${messageList(state, prev, send)}
This contains the page frame and includes the two main ui components userList
and messageList
The src/models/app.js
file manages the application state, the flow of data from feathers
services users
and messages
, and user actions from the page components:
// Initialize Feathers app
const fapp = require('./feathers-app')
// Get the Feathers services we want to use
const userService = fapp.service('users')
const messageService = fapp.service('messages')
module.exports = {
subscriptions: [
// asynchronous read-only operations that don't modify state directly.
// Can call actions. Signature of (send, done).
(send, done) => {
// do stuff
(send, done) => {
.then((res) => {
send('authenticate', {value: true}, () => {
send('setUser', {user: fapp.get('user')}, () => {})
// Find all users
.then((data) => {
send('concatUsers', {value:}, () => {})
.catch((err) => { console.error(err) })
// We will also see when new users get created in real-time
userService.on('created', user => {
send('concatUsers', {value: [ user ]}, () => {})
// Find the latest 10 messages. They will come with the newest first
// which is why we have to reverse before adding them
query: {
$sort: {createdAt: -1},
$limit: 25
}).then(page => {
send('concatMessages', {value:}, () => {})
send('scrollToBottom', {}, () => {})
// Listen to created events and add the new message in real-time
messageService.on('created', message => {
send('concatMessages', {value: [message]}, () => {})
send('scrollToBottom', {}, () => {})
// On errors we just redirect back to the login page
.catch(error => {
if (error.code === 401) window.location.href = '/login.html'
effects: {
// asynchronous operations that don't modify state directly.
// Triggered by actions, can call actions. Signature of (data, state, send, done)
myEffect: (data, state, send, done) => {
// do stuff
logOut: (data, state, send, done) => {
.then(() => {
send('setUser', { user: 'anonymous guest' }, () => {})
send('authenticate', { value: data.value }, () => {})
// send('location:setLocation', { location: href })
window.location.href = '/login.html'
.catch(error => {
createMessage: (data, state, send, done) => {
// Create a new message from the input field
messageService.create({text: data.value})
// Local choo client only version
// send('concatMessages', { value: [{
// sentBy: {
// avatar: state.currentUser.avatar,
// email:
// },
// createdAt: time,
// text: data.value
// }] }, () => {})
scrollToBottom: () => setTimeout(() => {
document.querySelector('#app > div > div > main > div:last-child').scrollIntoView(true)
}, 500)
reducers: {
/* synchronous operations that modify state. Triggered by actions. Signature of (data, state). */
concatUsers: (action, state) => ({
usersList: state.usersList.concat(action.value)
concatMessages: (action, state) => ({
messagesList: state.messagesList.concat(action.value)
updateCurentMessage: (action, state) => ({
currentMessage: action.value
authenticate: (action, state) => ({ authenticated: action.value }),
setUser: (action, state) => ({ currentUser: action.user })
state: {
/* initial values of state inside the model */
usersList: [ ],
authenticated: false,
currentUser: 'anonymous guest',
messagesList: [ ],
currentMessage: ''
The subscriptions
manage the flow of data from the server, these are handled by setting up a fapp
subapp with feathers
and using the bundled services from inside the choo
The feathers
application is set up to redirect from login.html
to the chat.html
page on successful login. This means that we already know what user is logged in so we just have to call fapp.authenticate
to authenticate that user (and redirect back to the login
page if it fails). Then we retrieve the 25 newest messages, all the users and listen to created
events on the user
and message
services to make real-time updates. In the effects
section we also set up event handlers, for logout and when someone submits the message form. We also have a method that will scroll this view to the bottom after we've added a new message to the view. Finally, the reducers
cahnge the applicationstate
. See the choo documentation for further details.
The src/models/feathers-app.js
file sets up a familiar client-side feathers
// Setting up
const io = require('')
// Establish a connection
const socket = io('http://localhost:3030')
// Setting up Feathers
const feathers = require('feathers-client')
// Initialize our Feathers client application through
// with hooks and authentication.
const app = feathers()
// Use localStorage to store our login token
storage: window.localStorage
module.exports = app
Real time socket-io
events, hooks
and authentication
are handled by the feathers
Next we will generate the needed page elements:
choo generate element message-list
choo generate element message
choo generate element compose-message
choo generate element user-list
The src/elements/message-list.js
file will display the messages received from the server:
// Element: messageList
// We can use bel instead of choo/html to keep elements modular
// and allow them to easily move outisde of the app.
const html = require('bel')
const composeMessage = require('../elements/compose-message')
const message = require('../elements/message')
function messageList (state, prev, send) {
return html`
<div class="flex flex-column col col-9">
<main class="chat flex flex-column flex-1 clear">
${ => {
return message(x)
${composeMessage(state, prev, send)}
module.exports = messageList
The messageList
element is responsible for displaying a list of messages, whenever a new message has been created on the backend, it's sent to the client via websockets and added to the messages array. Within the messageList
element we have a message
element, the src/elements/message.js
file is:
// Element: message
// We can use bel instead of choo/html to keep elements modular
// and allow them to easily move outisde of the app.
const html = require('bel')
const moment = require('moment')
const PLACEHOLDER = ''
function message (msg) {
return html`
<div class="message flex flex-row">
<img src=${msg.sentBy ? msg.sentBy.avatar : PLACEHOLDER} alt=${msg.sentBy ? : 'Anonymous'} class="avatar">
<div class="message-wrapper">
<p class="message-header">
<span class="username font-600">${msg.sentBy ? : 'Anonymous'}</span>
<span class="sent-date font-300">${msg.createdAt ? moment(msg.createdAt).format('MMM Do, hh:mm:ss') : moment(0).format('MMM Do, hh:mm:ss')}</span>
<p class="message-content font-300">${msg.text ? msg.text : 'default text'}</p>
module.exports = message
Its job is to simply render each message correctly. As the messageList
component maps over the messages list, it passes the current message into the message
element as a prop and we use a moment
to format the date.
The src/elements/user-list.js
file displays the users and hadles the logout
// Element: userList
// We can use bel instead of choo/html to keep elements modular
// and allow them to easily move outisde of the app.
const html = require('bel')
// A placeholder image if the user does not have one
// const PLACEHOLDER = ''
const PLACEHOLDER = ''
// An anonymous user if the message does not have that information
const dummyUser = {
email: 'Anonymous'
function userList (state, prev, send) {
return html`
<aside class="sidebar col col-3 flex flex-column flex-space-between">
<header class="flex flex-row flex-center">
<h4 class="font-300 text-center"><span class="font-600 online-count">{{ users.length }}</span> users</h4>
<ul class="flex flex-column flex-1 list-unstyled user-list">
${ => html`
<a class="block relative" href="#">
<img src=${x.avatar || dummyUser.avatar} alt="avatar" class="avatar">
<span class="absolute username">
${ ||}
<footer class="flex flex-row flex-center">
<a href="/login.html" class="logout button button-primary"
onclick=${(e) => {
send('logOut', { value: false })
Sign Out
module.exports = userList
We then have a userList
component which displays the users. The logout
button dispatches a logOut
action which will redirect to the index page after successfully logging-out.
Finally, we have the src/elements/compose-message.js
// Element: composeMessage
// We can use bel instead of choo/html to keep elements modular
// and allow them to easily move outisde of the app.
const html = require('bel')
function composeMessage (state, prev, send) {
return html`
<form class="flex flex-row flex-space-between" id="send-message" action="">
<input type="text" name="text" class="flex flex-1"
oninput=${e => send('updateCurentMessage', { value: })}
<button class="button-primary" type="submit"
onclick=${(e) => {
send('createMessage', { value: state.currentMessage }, () => {})
send('updateCurentMessage', { value: '' })
module.exports = composeMessage
The composeMessage
component shows a form that when submitted creates a new message on the feathers
messages service and clears out the input field.
That's it. We now have a real-time chat application front-end built in choo.
You can now open the chat app by running the feathers
server from the root of the chat
npm start
and then opening the choo-chat
client page in your browser:
chromium-browser http://localhost:3030/chat.html --new-window --auto-open-devtools-for-tabs