Below are some of the amazing things built with Feathers or for the Feathers ecosystem.
Submit yours by creating a pull request.
- A series of small, example apps
- Feathers + Apollo
- Feathers + React + Mobx
- Feathers + React + Webpack
Submit yours by creating a pull request.
- feathers-accounts - Token-Based User Account System for FeathersJS (configure)
- feathers-service-verify-reset - Adds user email verification and password reset capabilities to local feathers-authentication (service)
- feathers-batch - Batch multiple Feathers service calls into one (service)
- amity-mongodb - Use various FeatherJS services to manage a MongoDB server with Amity.
- can-connect-feathers - Feathers client library for DoneJS and can-connect (feathers-client)
- canjs-feathers - CanJS model implementation that connects to Feathers services through feathers-client. (feathers-client)
- feathers-blob - Feathers abstract blob store service (service)
- feathers-blueprints - Add some of the Sails.js blueprints functionality to Feathers. (configure)
- feathers-bookshelf - A bookshelf ORM service adapter. (service)
- feathers-connect - Feathers client library for DoneJS and can-connect (feathers-client)
- feathers-filemaker - Filemaker adapter for feathers.js
- feathers-linvodb - Create an LinvoDB Service for FeatherJS. (service)
- feathers-mongo-collections - MongoDB collections service for FeathersJS. (service)
- feathers-mongo-databases - Create a MongoDB database service for FeathersJS. (service)
- feathers-mongodb-revisions - This Feathers database adapter extends the basic MongoDB adapter, adding revision support. (service)
- feathers-mongoose-advanced - Create a flexible Mongoose Service for FeathersJS. (service)
- feathers-mongoose-service - Easily create a Mongoose Service for Featherjs. (service)
- feathers-nedb-dump - Middleware for Feathers.js - dumps and restores NeDB database for a given service (middleware)
- feathers-objection - A service adapter for Objection.js - A minimal SQL ORM built on top of Knex.
- feathers-orm-service - Easily create a Object Relational Mapping Service for Featherjs.
- feathers-rethinky - Thinky.js RethinkDB Adaptor for Feathers JS
- feathers-seeder - Straightforward data seeder for FeathersJS services.
- feathers-skypager - A skypager ORM service adapter (service)
- feathers-solr - Solr Adapter for Feathersjs
- feathers-swagger - Add documentation to your Featherjs services and feed them to Swagger UI. (configure)
- feathers-cluster - Easily take advantage of multi-core systems for Featherjs. (configure)
- feathers-sync - Synchronize service events between application instances using MongoDB publish/subscribe (configure)
The Feathers client works with React Native but here is a collection of native libraries/SDKs.
- FeathersjsClientSwift - An iOS client written in Swift.
- feathers-android - A native Android client.
- feathers-mailer - Feathers mailer service using nodemailer (service)
- feathers-mailgun - A Mailgun Service for FeatherJS. (service)
- feathers-sendgrid - A SendGrid Service for FeatherJS. (service)
- feathers-action - use feathers services with redux (connector)
- feathers-action-creators - redux action creators for feathers services
- feathers-action-reducer - redux reducer for feathers service actions
- feathers-action-types - flux action types for feathers services (connector)
- feathers-react-redux - Unofficial Feathers bindings for React-Redux.
- feathers-reduxify-services - Wrap Feathers services so they work transparently and perfectly with Redux.
- feathers-tests-fake-app-users - Fake some feathers dependencies in service unit tests. Starter for your customized fakes (service)
- feathers-populate-hook - Feathers hook to populate multiple fields with n:m, n:1 or 1:m relations. (hook)
- feathers-transform-hook - Feathers hook for transform parameters (hook)
- feathers-virtual-attribute-hook - Feathers hook for add virtual attributes to your service response (hook)
- feathers-hooks-common - Useful hooks for use with Feathersjs services. (hooks)
- feathers-hooks-utils - Utility library for writing Feathersjs hooks. (hooks)
- feathers-hooks-validate-joi - Feathers hook utility for schema validation, sanitization and client notification using Joi. (hook)
- feathers-hook-validation-jsonschema - Validate Feathers resources using JSON Schema. (hook)
- feathers-tcomb - validate feathers services using tcomb (app.service)
- feathers-validate-hook - Feathers hook for validate json-schema with is-my-json-valid (hook)
- feathers-validator - A validator for Feathers services. (service)
- donejs-feathers - A generator to quickly add FeathersJS to your DoneJS project. Includes Auth! (generator)
- feathers-done-ssr - a set of Express middleware that allows Feathers JWT tokens to work with DoneJS's built-in SSR.
- feathers-mithril - Connect feathers.js to mithril.js (connector)
- feathers-reactive - Turns a Feathers service call into an RxJS observables that automatically updates on real-time events. (configure)
- ng-feathers - Feathers client for AngularJS. FeatherJS for plain old AngularJS (1.X)
- vue-syncers-feathjers - Synchronises feathers services with vue objects, updated in real time (connector)