All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
2.0.2 - 2019-08-30
- Fix with asset loading in url domains with directories (i.e.
2.0.1 - 2019-08-27
- Fix vulnerable dependency with eslint-utils.
2.0.0 - 2019-08-07
- Code ported to current JavaScript standards (classes, import/export modules, etc)
- Linting now done with eslint
- Font.js lib updated to last version available
- Bundle building now done with browserify + babelify
1.0.0 - 2019-07-30
After resuming work in the project, the architecture is going to change, so here it is the original content of the readme file. contents when reaching version 1.0.0
A simple javascript 2D game engine.
Current list of features:
- Multiple scenes/levels
- Each level with its own hierarchy of items on screen
- Item positioning and rotation inside the hierarchy
- Independent background collection attached to the scene (with parallax)
- Image preloading
- GUI elements (text, console, menus, windows/frames)
- Css fonts rendering to images (only re-rendered when text changes)
- Simple item behaviour attaching it to a tracker (bezier curves, circles, sine movement, follow)
- Particle system
- Input controller per scene (key events subscribing or checking key status in real time)
- Input combos: consecutive or simultaneous keys
- Basic touch controls for touch devices
- Clock subcriptions to wait for certain events
- Basic audio support
Tests (in separate projects):
To do:
- Better audio system
- Item collections in the scene (multiple layers of items)
- Upload more examples of how to use the engine
- A manual/tutorial would be useful, don't you think?
I started this just to learn something about javascript, so...
- Is the code orthodox? Maybe not, as I'm not used to most javascript coding conventions. Feel free to point anything you found or to improve it.
- Did I learn a lot? Sure I did.
- Does it work? Yes it does.
0.1.0 - 2014-02-18
- Initial commit... a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away.