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#Lesson 3 - Express and Templating

##Express Now that we've explored Node.js a little, we will abstract the details away with the Express development framework. Before, in the Node Beginner's Book, our code looked a lot like this:

var http = require("http");

http.createServer(function(request, response) {
  response.writeHead(200, {"Content-Type": "text/plain"});
  response.write("Hello World");

Now let's see what the same app would look like using Express. To start we'll set up a new application using npm init. This will ask you a series of questions that will populate your package.json file, you can use the defaults for all of them. This file manages many things. If you publish your module on npm (like any of the modules which you npm install are published) this file will include the meta information about your module. We won't get into that much in this class, but that's why it seems like there are a lot of unnecessary fields. The main purpose we will use the package.json for is dependency management.

After you exit the init setup, run npm install express --save. If you check your package.json again, you'll see the following was added:

"dependencies": {
  "express": "^4.10.6"

The --save argument will add the module to your list of dependencies and is generally a good thing to use whenever adding a new module. If you just forked a cloned project that has its dependencies listed you can simply run npm install to install the required dependencies (at the right versions) for that project.

Now that we're set up, create a file called app.js and and paste in the following:

var express = require('express');
var app = express();

app.get('/', function(req, res){
  res.send('hello world');


Inside the folder in which you created the app.js file, run the command node app to start the server. Go to http://localhost:3000 in your web browser and you should see the following:

hello world

Awesome! You just ran your first application using Express!

Express makes writing web servers in Node much easier. Here are some of the important differences between the examples you did in the book and Express:

  • Routing: Instead of parsing the URL out of the request ourselves, we can have Express do that for us, and even assign a function to execute whenever a request asks for a specific path.
  • Sending a response: Express takes care of setting many obvious response headers for you. Express will also handle sending files like images, music, audio, or .html files from a folder easily.
  • Handling templates: Express can also be configured to populate HTML templates before sending them in a response. We'll cover this later. Let's go back to our app.js. We want more than just "hello world". Let's make Express show the string hello olin when we go to http://localhost:3000/olin.

Below the app.get('/',... statement, add the following:

app.get('/olin', function(req, res){
  res.send('hello olin');

###Routing Routing is the process of serving up different pages for different URLs. When you go to, your computer goes out on the internet and asks mycoolsite's server for a page. Mycoolsite's server then sees that request and sends back information to your computer in the form of html. This HTML is then rendered in your browser.

If you go to, mycoolsite's servers obviously can't send you the same data they sent So mycoolsite's servers needs to differentiate / from /olin. This process is known as routing.

In the Node Beginner Book, we did routing through something like

var pathname = url.parse(request.url).pathname;
route(handle, pathname, response, request);

With Express, we don't need to write the code to handle the route ourselves; Express does it for us with these statements:

app.get('/', function (req, res){
  res.send('hello world');

app.get('/olin', function (req, res){
  res.send('hello olin');

The two routes we created are for the index page (/) and the olin page (/olin).

So what does app.get do? It tells Express that every time that particular route (the first string argument) receives a HTTP GET request, we want to execute the anonymous function (the second argument). HTTP allows you to make different types of requests on a particular route, and these types are called methods. GET is just one of the methods you can perform, and is the most common (every time you request an image or a script for example). You can view the other types of HTTP methods on wikipedia. But for now, let's only consider these two:

  • GET returns a resource (such as an image or an html page). This is used for when your browser wants to read information from a server. Parameters and options are communicated in the request header as part of the path (/olin) and query string parameters (?pageid=12&button=2&coolsetting=super) which you may recognize from various websites.
  • POST is used when your browser wants to send information over to the server. For example, when you fill out an online form, that data is sent over to the server as POST data. This information is sent in the body of the request (not the header), and is therefore encrypted when communicating over an HTTPS connection.

Organizing an Express Application

Express offers a tool called the express-generator to get a new directory up a running. This is also an example of a node module that provides a command line tool. To run node modules in your console you must install them globally using the -g flag and sudo permissions. Whenever you install a node module using sudo, ensure to add -H to prevent your cache from saving write protected files.

$ express

   create : ./
   create : ./package.json
   create : ./app.js
   create : ./public
   create : ./public/images
   create : ./public/stylesheets
   create : ./public/stylesheets/style.css
   create : ./routes
   create : ./routes/index.js
   create : ./routes/users.js
   create : ./public/javascripts
   create : ./views
   create : ./views/index.jade
   create : ./views/layout.jade
   create : ./views/error.jade
   create : ./bin
   create : ./bin/www

   install dependencies:
     $ cd . && npm install

This creates a series of directories public, routes, and views. The public directory is used for client side assets such as images, stylesheets, and client side javacript. Views are used to store template files which we will cover later. Routes, which we will focus on first, contain all the routing logic of our applications. More often then not, I find the generated app provides more structure and example files then you actually want and you end up deleting much of it. Feel free to explore the generator if you're curious, but for now we'll steal the folder structure and build the contents ourselves.

Create this folder structure in the same directory as your app.js file by running mkdir views routes public public/images public/javascripts public/stylesheets. Then create a new file index.js in the routes folder. This is where we will add some of the main routing logic for our app. You will often see another file like users.js in the routes folder which would contain routes that might manage login, logout, view profile, or other actions like that. You may even see /routes/cat.js in your near future!

To move the "hello world" routing into this new structure, paste the following into the routes/index.js file:

var home = function(req, res){
  res.send("Welcome home!");

module.exports.home = home;

Then replace the contents of app.js with:

var express = require('express');
var index = require('./routes/index');
var app = express();

app.get('/', index.home);


Note that this time we require the new route file as the variable index then instead of defining the route function inline we just write index.home, which is the function we defined in the index.js file. This structure helps to keep the app.js file a bit leaner and makes it more clear where in the project our routes are defined.

Application Configuration and Useful Settings

There are some initial configurations we want our app to have, such as running on a specific port, using routes, and setting up the public directory as well as some useful tricks to add to our app.js file.

First, we're going to install 3 more modules that are used in pretty much every Express app: npm install --save body-parser cookie-parser morgan. Next we'll use them in app.js by doing the following: Add these lines to the top of the file, next to the rest of the requires:

var path = require('path');
var logger = require('morgan');
var cookieParser = require('cookie-parser');
var bodyParser = require('body-parser');

We add path here which we did not need to install because it is included within node. It gives us some useful directory path functionality you'll see in a second. Add these lines of configuration below the line var app = express();:

app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: false }));
app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'public')));

This sets up some basic command line logging functionality using the Morgan module, request body parsing, cookie parsing, and establishes the public directory as a static folder. This means that going to http://localhost:3000/images/foo.jpg will load the file ./public/images/foo.jpg without any additional work from us. The same will work for javascript files, stylesheets, static html files, or anything else you may want to serve directly.

If you run the app again (node app) upon navigating to http://localhost:3000 you will notice a new line in your console:

GET / 304 6.892 ms - -

This is Morgan logging the request. This will really come in handy while trying to debug in the future.

Now go ahead and copy the image cat.jpg from the expressintro/public/images folder in this directory and place it in your new images folder. Then navigate to http://localhost:3000/images/cat.jpg. That is your static folder doing work!


Now I imagine you may be asking yourself, "This is a web-dev course, right? Where's the HTML?" Well its coming, but doing it smart is not as simple as putting some <p> tags in a file and calling it a day. We will be using a technique called templating. Templating allows us to put some logic behind what is otherwise entirely a layout language. This will greatly reduce the overall quantity of HTML you write, thereby reducing errors, and making it much easier to make a change to an element that appears on many pages in your app. Most importantly however, it allows us to dynamically customize the contents of our HTML. Think about Facebook profiles. When you load your profile, you are looking at a static page of HTML. But Facebook's servers aren't full of files called ben-kahle-profile.html, and evan-simpson-profile.html; that wouldn't exactly scale very well. They have a single profile template into which they inject your personal profile information, render it as HTML and then send it to your browser. Let's learn the basics!

First off, we will be using Handlebars as a templating engine. The default templating engine of Express is actually Jade. We're going to use Handlebars for a few reasons:

  • It more closely resembles the HTML result you will see on the client. Some people consider this a negative, but we like it and it can make debugging your views much easier. It also makes it easier while you are learning HTML.
  • It supports pre-compiled templates and client side rendering. We won't get to these for a while, but they provide some great performance boosts and some awesome flexibility when it comes to designing and building dynamic front-ends.
  • Jade's whitespace dependency and style can be a bit too dense and harder to understand. Handlebars may be more "cluttered", but it can also be very nicely structured and layed out in an easy to read manner.

At the end of the day, templating engines-like most things-come down to personal preference, and that's why we're forcing you to like Handlebars! (At least for the duration of this course).

Making Express Render Handlebars

To get Express to render handlebars, as well as to add some useful templating features which we will get into later, we are going to use the Express-Handlebars module. So go ahead and npm install --save express-handlebars to get it installed.

Now two more things to know about are layouts and partials.

  • Layouts: Basically meta-templates. They are handlebars documents that allow you to create a wrapper around all the templates that use them. You might see different layouts that include different css or js files for different sections of applications.
  • Partials: Basically mini-reusable templates. They are handlebars documents that can be written once and "included" within other templates. For example, the Facebook chat module is a chunk of HTML that is included in many different pages.

We're going to build a layout and leave utilizing partials as an exercise for later.

To render a template the first thing we want is a base layout. To start we'll make a very simple one:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>Express Intro</title>

This is some of the boilerplate for HTML where the center bit {{{body}}} signifies where templates will be inserted into this layout. Go ahead and copy that code into a file main.handlebars and put it in a new folder /layouts within the /views directory of your application.

Now for the template itself. Starting off simple:

<h1>Welcome Home!</h1>

Save that in a file called home.handlebars and put in the /views directory as a sibling to the new /layouts directory you just made. Your folder structure should look like this:

├── app.js
└── views
    ├── home.handlebars
    └── layouts
        └── main.handlebars

2 directories, 3 files

All of this organization is completely customizable, but we'll leave it as the default for now.

Now let's hook it all up!

Add the line var exphbs = require('express-handlebars'); to the top of your app.js file. Then add these two lines after the var app = express(); line:

app.engine('handlebars', exphbs({defaultLayout: 'main'}));
app.set('view engine', 'handlebars');

Note that you're setting the default layout for the application to the main.handlebars file you just created. You can change the layout for a single template at render time with a simple option.

Lastly, within the index.js routing file, replace:

res.send("Welcome home!");



Restart your server, visit http://localhost:3000 and behold your template!

At this point you are basically just writing plain HTML, let's fix that! Start by adding the following to your home.handlebars template:

{{#each classes}}

Then change the contents of your index.js route again. This time to this:

res.render("home", {"classes": [
  "other class 1",
  "other class 2",
  "other class 3"]

The second parameter that we are passing to the render function is the context for the template. That means that the word classes in the handlebars file is looking for an array named classes and it will create a new list item for each of the elements in the array. There's plenty more power in templates and we'll see them shortly.