This lab shows:
- how to install and use MiniKF
- how to solve problems while installing MiniKF
- MiniKF is a virtual machine that is created by Arrikto.
- MiniKF = Minikube + Kubeflow + ROK (Rok: Data Management Platform on Kubernetes, developed by Arrikto)
- It is free and easy to use quickly for learning and developing Kubeflow pipelines in a one-virtual-machine.
Install Virtualbox 6.1.40 (stable with Vagrant and MiniKF)=>
Install Vagrant =>
What is Vagrant?
- Vagrant is the command line utility for managing the lifecycle of virtual machines.
On the powershell:
vagrant init arrikto/minikf
vagrant up
On browser, open
With Kubectl on the host PC, we can see the running Kubernetes Objects. Download "kubectl" application, add the path of "kubectl" in the environment variables.
Download kubeconfig file as described below, hence it is possible to see the Kubernetes objects (pods, deployments, etc.)
Run commands on the powershell on the host PC:
kubectl -n kubeflow get pods
- Delete the pod that is 'CrashLoopBackOff', deleted service is restarted automatically.
kubectl delete pod notebook-controller-deployment-7c46fdd957-87zfw -n kubeflow
Can't connect to MiniKF landing page on after installing MiniKF
According to this post:
Stop VM using VirtualBox GUI and run 'vagrant up' again, then
According to this post:
Go to this file (VagrantFile), if your installation is default path: C:\HashiCorp\Vagrant\embedded\gems\2.3.4\gems\vagrant-2.3.4\Vagrantfile
In the root directory of your Vagrant install, there's the Vagrantfile file. There, I added config.vm.boot_timeout = 600 just after Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config|.
config.vm.boot_timeout = 600