SAMPLE-09: Running Gitlab Server using Docker on Local Machine and Making Connection to Provisioned Gitlab Runner on EC2 in Home Internet without Using VPN
This sample shows:
- how to run Gitlab Server using Docker on WSL2 on-premise,
- how to redirect external traffic to docker container port (Gitlab server),
- how to configure on-premise PC network configuration,
- how to run EC2 and install docker, gitlab-runner on EC2,
- how to register Gitlab runner on EC2 to Gitlab Server on-premise (in Home),
- how to run job on EC2 and returns artifacts to Gitlab Server on-premise (in Home).
- You should have a look following lab:
- Run Gitlab Server on WSL2, run: docker-compose up -d
# docker-compose.yml
version: '3.6'
image: 'gitlab/gitlab-ee:latest'
restart: always
hostname: ''
external_url ''
#external_url ''
- '150:80'
- '443:443'
- '22:22'
- '/home/omer/gitlab-tmp/config:/etc/gitlab'
- '/home/omer/gitlab-tmp/logs:/var/log/gitlab'
- '/home/omer/gitlab-tmp/data:/var/opt/gitlab'
shm_size: '256m'
- Run the following in where the dockercompose.yml is present:
docker-compose up -d
# if u don't know the username and password
docker container ls -a
docker exec -it git-server_web_1 bash
> gitlab-rake gitlab:password:reset # run in the container
> username: root
> password:987aws12345
> Password successfully updated for user with username root.
> exit
If you run docker in the WSL, call browser in the WSL: "sensible-browser"
This runs on when you run "netstat -an" on windows, but we want to run it on the host machine IP ""
Use PORT Proxy from to
netsh interface portproxy add v4tov4 listenport=150 connectaddress= connectport=150 listenaddress= protocol=tcp
# for delete: netsh interface portproxy delete v4tov4 listenport=150 listenaddress= protocol=tcp
Now, when it runs on both hostIP:150 and This requires to NAT Forwarding
On Network Config, make connection (ethernet or wireless) to static IP
On the modem switch, enable NAT Forwarding, this enables that external traffic redirects to the host machine: => Internet.Permit Access => PC, TCP Port 150 through 150, external 150.
Test on browser (gitlab server runs) on
On 'C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\host' file, add '', test with '' on browser on-premise:
Close/pause the firewall to reach the service from outside.
Learn the external IP with googling 'what is my IP', and test 'externalIP:150' on browser:
Create EC2 on AWS with:
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply
- Make SSH to Ubuntu
ssh -i .\testkey.pem ubuntu@UbuntuPublicIP
While launching the EC2, docker and gitlab-runner were installed on it.
Run 'curl http://externalIP:150', if it works, the connection was done to gitlab server on-premise
Register gitlab-runner using 'sudo gitlab-runner register', url:, token from Gitlab Server > Admin > CI > Runners > Register new Runner (for shared-runner), add tag: ec2-shared, executable: docker, and alpine.
Runners was added, to configure to see the local URL:
- 'nano /etc/gitlab-runner/config.toml', url = "", add extra => 'clone_url = "http://88.xx.xx.xx:150"' (externalIP:150),
- Restart gitlab-runner on EC2: 'sudo gitlab-runner restart'
List runners on EC2 'sudo gitlab-runner list':
Builds => gitlab runners run on EC2, responds to results to Gitlab Server on-premise:
Running jobs on EC2: