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ZMK_BEHAVIOR(name, type, specification)

Create a behavior instance of type type and make it accessible under &name.

  • name: a unique string to reference the behavior.
  • type: any valid ZMK behavior; e.g., hold_tap. Multiword behaviors are separated by underscores (_).
  • specification: the configuration of the behavior without the #binding-cells and compatible properties and without the surrounding node specification.



This creates a custom "homerow mod" that can be added to the keymap using &hrm. For example, &hrm LSHIFT T creates a key that yields T on tap and LSHIFT on hold.

ZMK_BEHAVIOR(hrm, hold_tap,
    flavor = "balanced";
    tapping-term-ms = <280>;
    quick-tap-ms = <125>;
    bindings = <&kp>, <&kp>;

This creates a behavior that yields sticky-shift on tap and caps-word on double tap. It can be added to the keymap using &ss_cw.

ZMK_BEHAVIOR(ss_cw, tap_dance,
    tapping-term-ms = <200>;
    bindings = <&sk LSHFT>, <&caps_word>;

This creates a "Windows sleep macro" that can be added to the keymap using &win_sleep.

ZMK_BEHAVIOR(win_sleep, macro,
    wait-ms = <100>;
    tap-ms = <5>;
    bindings = <&kp LG(X) &kp U &kp S>;

ZMK_BEHAVIOR (explicit variants)

Instead of using ZMK_BEHAVIOR(name, type, specification), each behavior type also has an explicit variant accessible under ZMK_type(name, specification).

For instance, ZMK_MOD_MORPH(name, ...) is equivalent to ZMK_BEHAVIOR(name, mod_morph, ...).


By default, sourcing helper.h will replace the native implementation of ZMK_MACRO. To work reliably, helper.h should be included after behaviors.dtsi. To keep the native implementation of ZMK_MACRO, set #define ZMK_HELPER_KEEP_NATIVE 1 before including helper.h.




Apply a non-default matrix transform to the keymap.

  • transform: node name of a valid matrix_transform without the leading &


This applies the five_column_transform on a Corne that has the last columns snapped off.




ZMK_COMBO(name, bindings, keypos, layers, timeout, prior_idle, extra)

Create a combo that triggers binding if all keys in position keypos are pressed.

  • name: a unique identifier string
  • binding: a behavior instance that is triggered by the combo
  • keypos: a list of 2 or more key positions that activate the combo
  • layers (optional): a list of layers on which the combo can be activated (defaults to All)
  • timeout (optional): combo timeout in ms (defaults to COMBO_TERM, see below)
  • prior_idle (optional): require-prior-idle timout in ms (disabled by default)
  • extra (optional): additional configuration options (e.g., slow-release;)

If not specified, timeout defaults to the COMBO_TERM, which in turn default to 30ms. The default can be globally overwritten with:

#define COMBO_TERM 50


Simple combo

This creates an "escape" combo that is active on all layers and which is triggered when the 0th and 1st keys are pressed jointly within 25ms.

ZMK_COMBO(esc,  &kp ESC, 0 1, ALL, 25)
Using `key-labels` to define combos

This sources key-labels for a 34-keys board like the Sweep. It then creates a "copy"-combo for the middle + ring finger on the left bottom row, and a "paste"-combo for the index + middle finger on the left bottom row. Both combos are active on all layers.

#include "zmk-helpers/key-labels/34.h" // replace with layout file for your keyboard
ZMK_COMBO(copy,  &kp LC(C), LB2 LB3)
ZMK_COMBO(paste, &kp LC(V), LB1 LB2)



ZMK_CONDITIONAL_LAYER(name, if_layers, then_layer)

Set up a tri-layer condition, which activates then_layer if all layers in if_layers are active.

  • name: a unique identifier string
  • if_layers: a list of layers which trigger the then_layer if simultaneously active
  • then_layer: the layer which is activated when the if-condition is met. Due to ZMK's layering model, it should generally have a higher number than the if_layers


This triggers "layer 3" if layers "1" and "2" are simultaneously active.

ZMK_CONDITIONAL_LAYER(its_magic, 1 2, 3)

Mind that ZMK's layer numbering starts at 0. One can use layer definitions, as demonstrated in this example, to simplify life.



ZMK_LAYER(name, layout, sensors)

Create a layer with layout layout and add it to the keymap.

  • name: a unique identifier string (this also sets the display-name if available)
  • layout: the layout as specified by the bindings property of the ZMK keymap node
  • sensors (optional): sensor-specification if applicable

Multiple layers can be added with repeated calls of ZMK_LAYER. They will be ordered in the same order in which they are created, with the first-specified layer being the "lowest" one (see here for details).


     // ╭─────────────┬─────────────┬─────────────┬─────────────┬─────────────╮   ╭─────────────┬─────────────┬─────────────┬─────────────┬─────────────╮
          &kp Q         &kp W         &kp F         &kp P         &kp B             &kp J         &kp L         &kp U         &kp Y         &kp SQT
     // ├─────────────┼─────────────┼─────────────┼─────────────┼─────────────┤   ├─────────────┼─────────────┼─────────────┼─────────────┼─────────────┤
          &hrm LGUI A   &hrm LALT R   &hrm LCTRL S  &hrm LSHFT T  &kp G             &kp M         &hrm RSHFT N  &hrm LCTRL E  &hrm LALT I   &hrm LGUI O
     // ├─────────────┼─────────────┼─────────────┼─────────────┼─────────────┤   ├─────────────┼─────────────┼─────────────┼─────────────┼─────────────┤
          &kp Z         &kp X         &kp C         &kp D         &kp V             &kp K         &kp H         &kp COMMA     &kp DOT       &kp SEMI
     // ╰─────────────┼─────────────┼─────────────┼─────────────┼─────────────┤   ├─────────────┼─────────────┼─────────────┼─────────────┼─────────────┤
                                      &kp ESC       &lt NAV SPACE &kp TAB           &kp RET       &ss_cw        &bs_del_num
     //                             ╰─────────────┴──── ────────┴─────────────╯   ╰─────────────┴─────────────┴─────────────╯



ZMK_UNICODE_SINGLE(name, L0, L1, L2, L3)
ZMK_UNICODE_PAIR(name, L0, L1, L2, L3, U0, U1, U2, U3)

Create Unicode characters that can be added to the keymap with &name. ZMK_UNICODE_SINGLE creates a single character. ZMK_UNICODE_PAIR creates pairs of shifted/unshifted characters.

  • name: a unique string to reference the character
  • L0 to L3: a 4-digit sequence defining the Unicode string using standard ZMK key codes
  • U0 to U3 (only for ZMK_UNICODE_PAIR): a 4-digit sequence defining the shifted unicode string


The usage of the Unicode helpers is OS-specific. See the following instructions for details.


On your computer, install WinCompose.


In your keymap, set HOST_OS to 1 before sourcing helper.h:

#define HOST_OS 1
#include "zmk-helpers/helper.h"

On your computer, enable Unicode input in the system preferences by selecting Unicode Hex Input as input source. In your keymap, set HOST_OS to 2 before sourcing helper.h.

#define HOST_OS 2
#include "zmk-helpers/helper.h"
Other OS

For non-default input channels or for other operating systems, one can set the variables OS_UNICODE_LEAD and OS_UNICODE_TRAIL to the character sequences that initialize/terminate the Unicode input.


Euro sign (€)

This creates a Euro character that can be added to the keymap using &euro_sign.

ZMK_UNICODE_SINGLE(euro_sign, N2, N0, A, C)
German umlauts (ä/Ä, ö/Ö, ü/Ü)

The creates "umlaut" pairs that can be added to the keymap using &de_ae, &de_oe and &de_ue.

//                name     unshifted         shifted
ZMK_UNICODE_PAIR( de_ae,   N0, N0,  E, N4,   N0, N0,  C, N4 )
ZMK_UNICODE_PAIR( de_oe,   N0, N0,  F, N6,   N0, N0,  D, N6 )
ZMK_UNICODE_PAIR( de_ue,   N0, N0,  F,  C,   N0, N0,  D,  C )