These endpoints will allow you to easily manage zones. Base URI is /api/v1/zones
If you request a zone via API, you will receive an object with the following fields:
| Field | Description |
| id | Id of the zone |
| code | Unique zone identifier |
| name | Name of the zone |
| type | Type of the zone |
If you request for more detailed data, you will receive an object with the following fields:
| Field | Description |
| id | Id of the zone |
| code | Unique zone identifier |
| name | Name of the zone |
| type | Type of the zone |
| scope | Scope of the zone |
| members | Members of the zone |
| createdAt | Date of creation |
| updatedAt | Date of last update |
Read more about the Zone model in the component docs.
To create a new zone you will need to call the /api/v1/zones/{type}
endpoint with the POST
POST /api/v1/zones/{type}
| Parameter | Parameter type | Description |
| Authorization | header | Token received during authentication |
| type | url attribute | Type of a creating zone |
| code | request | **(unique)** Zone identifier |
| name | request | Name of the zone |
| scope | request | Scope of the zone |
| members | request | Members of the zone |
Read more about Zone types in the component docs.
To create a new country zone use the below method:
curl \
-H "Authorization: Bearer SampleToken" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '
"code": "EU",
"name": "European Union",
"scope": "all",
"members": [
"code": "PL"
"id": 2,
"code": "EU",
"name": "European Union",
"type": "country",
"scope": "all",
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "\/api\/v1\/zones\/EU"
If you try to create a zone without name, code, scope or member, you will receive a 400 Bad Request
error, that will contain validation errors.
curl \
-H "Authorization: Bearer SampleToken" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
STATUS: 400 Bad Request
"code": 400,
"message": "Validation Failed",
"errors": {
"errors": [
"Please add at least 1 zone member."
"children": {
"name": {
"errors": [
"Please enter zone name."
"type": {},
"scope": {
"errors": [
"Please enter the scope."
"code": {
"errors": [
"Please enter zone code."
"members": {}
To retrieve the details of a zone you will need to call the /api/v1/zone/{code}
endpoint with the GET
GET /api/v1/zones/{code}
| Parameter | Parameter type | Description |
| Authorization | header | Token received during authentication |
| code | url attribute | Unique zone identifier |
To see the details of the zone with code = EU
use the below method:
curl \
-H "Authorization: Bearer SampleToken" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
The EU code is an exemplary value. Your value can be different. Check in the list of all zones if you are not sure which code should be used.
"id": 2,
"code": "EU",
"name": "European Union",
"type": "country",
"scope": "all",
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "\/api\/v1\/zones\/EU"
To retrieve a paginated list of zones you will need to call the /api/v1/zones/
endpoint with the GET
GET /api/v1/zones/
| Parameter | Parameter type | Description |
| Authorization | header | Token received during authentication |
| limit | query | *(optional)* Number of items to display per page, |
| | | by default = 10 |
| sorting['nameOfField']['direction'] | query | *(optional)* Field and direction of sorting, |
| | | by default 'desc' and 'createdAt' |
To see the first page of all zones use the below method:
curl \
-H "Authorization: Bearer SampleToken" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
"page": 1,
"limit": 10,
"pages": 1,
"total": 2,
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "\/api\/v1\/zones\/?page=1&limit=10"
"first": {
"href": "\/api\/v1\/zones\/?page=1&limit=10"
"last": {
"href": "\/api\/v1\/zones\/?page=1&limit=10"
"_embedded": {
"items": [
"id": 1,
"code": "US",
"name": "United States of America",
"type": "country",
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "\/api\/v1\/zones\/US"
"id": 2,
"code": "EU",
"name": "European Union",
"type": "country",
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "\/api\/v1\/zones\/EU"
To fully update a zone you will need to call the /api/v1/zones/{code}
endpoint with the PUT
PUT /api/v1/zones/{code}
| Parameter | Parameter type | Description |
| Authorization | header | Token received during authentication |
| code | url attribute | Unique zone identifier |
| name | request | Name of the zone |
| scope | request | Scope of the zone |
| members | request | Members of the zone |
To fully update the zone with code = EU
use the below method:
curl \
-H "Authorization: Bearer SampleToken" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-X PUT \
--data '
"name": "European Union Zone",
"scope": "shipping",
"members": [
"code": "DE"
STATUS: 204 No Content
If you try to perform a full zone update without all the required fields specified, you will receive a 400 Bad Request
curl \
-H "Authorization: Bearer SampleToken" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
STATUS: 400 Bad Request
"code": 400,
"message": "Validation Failed",
"errors": {
"errors": [
"Please add at least 1 zone member."
"children": {
"name": {
"errors": [
"Please enter zone name."
"type": {},
"scope": {
"errors": [
"Please enter the scope."
"code": {},
"members": {}
To update a zone partially you will need to call the /api/v1/zones/{code}
endpoint with the PATCH
PATCH /api/v1/zones/{code}
| Parameter | Parameter type | Description |
| Authorization | header | Token received during authentication |
| code | url attribute | Unique zone identifier |
| scope | request | Scope of the zone |
To partially update the zone with code = EU
use the below method:
curl \
-H "Authorization: Bearer SampleToken" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '
"scope": "tax"
STATUS: 204 No Content
To delete a zone you will need to call the /api/v1/zones/{code}
endpoint with the DELETE
DELETE /api/v1/zones/{code}
| Parameter | Parameter type | Description |
| Authorization | header | Token received during authentication |
| code | url attribute | Unique zone identifier |
To delete the zone with code = EU
use the below method:
curl \
-H "Authorization: Bearer SampleToken" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
STATUS: 204 No Content