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index 7fa3669..25c41c4 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ The following chapters provide a formal description of the format to describe so
* 4.4.2 [Digest Algorithms](doc/04-extensions/04-algorithms/label-merge-algorithms.md)
* 4.4.3 [Label Merge Algorithm](doc/04-extensions/04-algorithms/digest-algorithms.md)
* 4.4.4 [Component Descriptor Normalization Algorithms](doc/04-extensions/04-algorithms/component-descriptor-normalization-algorithms.md)
- * 4.4.5 [Signing Algorithms](doc/04-algorithms/04-algorithms/signing-algorithms.md)
+ * 4.4.5 [Signing Algorithms](doc/04-extensions/04-algorithms/signing-algorithms.md)
### Guidelines and Conventions
diff --git a/doc/01-model/06-conventions.md b/doc/01-model/06-conventions.md
index df3cfc4..46d761c 100644
--- a/doc/01-model/06-conventions.md
+++ b/doc/01-model/06-conventions.md
@@ -26,6 +26,6 @@ If platform specific images are described as separate resources instead of using
## Selection of Usage Scenarios
-Usage scenarios for sets of described artifacts are best described by a dedicated [description artifacts](../../specification/contract/README.md#how-does-it-look-like-in-the-open-component-model) with a dedicated tool-specific artifact type. Here, there is the complete freedom to describe the conditions and environments artifacts are to be used. The artifacts are described by [relative resource references](../05-guidelines/03-references.md#relative-artifact-references) in relation to the component version containing the description artifact.
+Usage scenarios for sets of described artifacts are best described by a dedicated description artifact with a dedicated tool-specific artifact type. Here, there is the complete freedom to describe the conditions and environments artifacts are to be used. The artifacts are described by [relative resource references](../05-guidelines/03-references.md#relative-artifact-references) in relation to the component version containing the description artifact.
Another possibility is to use dedicated [labels](./03-elements-sub.md#labels) to describe the usage scenario for dedicated artifacts. Here, the tool working on a component versions does not read a description artifact, but has to analyse the label settings of all the provided artifacts. In both cases there is a dedicated OCM specific interpretation of content provided by the component model. But while the first solution allows to describe a closed scenario in a dedicated resource, where resources from dependent component version can be described by relative resource references and multiple scenarios can be separated by multiple flavors of this resource, the label-based approach is restricted to a local component version and a single scenario. Instead of an artifact type for the description, labels with a defined [name structure](./03-elements-sub.md#labels) are required.
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+++ b/doc/02-processing/03-signing-process.md
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ Normalization algorithm types may be versioned and SHOULD match the following re
For example: `ociArtifactDigest/v1` or `jsonNormalisationV2`
-The normalization algorithms are listed in the [extensible parts](../04-extensions/01-extensions.md#normalization-algorithms) of the specification
+The normalization algorithms are listed in the [extensible parts](../04-extensions/04-algorithms/component-descriptor-normalization-algorithms.md) of the specification
## Serialization Format
diff --git a/doc/02-processing/05-component-descriptor-normalization.md b/doc/02-processing/05-component-descriptor-normalization.md
index 2b8c551..10a7db4 100644
--- a/doc/02-processing/05-component-descriptor-normalization.md
+++ b/doc/02-processing/05-component-descriptor-normalization.md
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ A normalized component descriptor is a subset of its elements containing only th
Like for signature algorithms, the model offers the possibility to work with
different normalization algorithms and formats.
-The algorithms used for normalization are listed in the [extensible parts](../04-extensions/01-extensions.md#normalization-algorithms) of the specification.
+The algorithms used for normalization are listed in the [extensible parts](../04-extensions/04-algorithms/component-descriptor-normalization-algorithms.md) of the specification.
## Signing-relevant Information in Component Descriptors
diff --git a/doc/03-persistence/02-mappings.md b/doc/03-persistence/02-mappings.md
index a21bee9..f1a23c5 100644
--- a/doc/03-persistence/02-mappings.md
+++ b/doc/03-persistence/02-mappings.md
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ This chapter describes how OCM model elements are mapped to elements of a persis
OCM model elements are mapped to various storage technologies. The interoperability layer for a client tool is typically the API of the storage backend. This avoids the need for providing an OCM server infrastructure.
-An implementation of this layer MUST implement this mapping by supporting the [mandatory abstract model operations](./01-operations#mandatory-operations). It SHOULD implement the [optional operations](./01-operations#optional-operations) too.
+An implementation of this layer MUST implement this mapping by supporting the [mandatory abstract model operations](./01-operations.md#mandatory-operations). It SHOULD implement the [optional operations](./01-operations#optional-operations) too.
## Storage Backend Mappings for the Open Component Model
diff --git a/doc/04-extensions/01-artifact-types/README.md b/doc/04-extensions/01-artifact-types/README.md
index e8fd144..b435b97 100644
--- a/doc/04-extensions/01-artifact-types/README.md
+++ b/doc/04-extensions/01-artifact-types/README.md
@@ -31,5 +31,5 @@ Some additional types are defined, but not part of the core specification. Suppo
| [`blueprint`](blueprint.md) | An installation description for the [landscaper](https://github.com/gardener/landscaper) installation |
-| [`toiExecutor`](toiExecutor.md) | A toolset for simple installation in the [OCM CLI](https://github.com/open-component-model/ocm/blob/cm_toi.md) installation environment. |
-| [`toiPackage`](toiPackackage.md) | A YAML resource describing the installation for the [OCM CLI](https://github.com/open-component-model/ocm/blob/main/docs/reference/ocm_toi.md) TOI installation. |
+| [`toiExecutor`](toiexecutor.md) | A toolset for simple installation in the [OCM CLI](https://github.com/open-component-model/ocm/blob/main/docs/reference/ocm_toi.md) installation environment. |
+| [`toiPackage`](toipackage.md) | A YAML resource describing the installation for the [OCM CLI](https://github.com/open-component-model/ocm/blob/main/docs/reference/ocm_toi.md) TOI installation. |
diff --git a/doc/04-extensions/01-artifact-types/helmchart.md b/doc/04-extensions/01-artifact-types/helmchart.md
index 4c0fbf7..7ddd41e 100644
--- a/doc/04-extensions/01-artifact-types/helmchart.md
+++ b/doc/04-extensions/01-artifact-types/helmchart.md
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ A Kubernetes installation resource representing a Helm chart, either stored as O
- **OCI Artifact**
- A Helm chart might be stored as OCI artifact following the [Artifact Set Archive Format](../common/formatspec.md#artifact-set-archive-format). This format is for example provided by the access method type [`ociArtifact`](../02-access-types/oci-artifact.md)
+ A Helm chart might be stored as OCI artifact following the [Artifact Set Archive Format](../common/formatspec.md#artifact-set-archive-format). This format is for example provided by the access method type [`ociArtifact`](../02-access-types/ociartifact.md)
Media types:
- `application/vnd.oci.image.manifest.v1+tar`
diff --git a/doc/04-extensions/01-artifact-types/toiexecutor.md b/doc/04-extensions/01-artifact-types/toiexecutor.md
index a848329..ec74d17 100644
--- a/doc/04-extensions/01-artifact-types/toiexecutor.md
+++ b/doc/04-extensions/01-artifact-types/toiexecutor.md
@@ -11,5 +11,5 @@ steps based on content described by the Open Component Model
A TOI executor is YAML resource describing the features of an
TOI executor image.
-It is used by a [`toiPackage` resource](toiPackage.md), which
+It is used by a [`toiPackage` resource](./toipackage.md), which
describes its instantiation for a dedicated installation object.
diff --git a/doc/04-extensions/README.md b/doc/04-extensions/README.md
index 60d443a..9fbf309 100644
--- a/doc/04-extensions/README.md
+++ b/doc/04-extensions/README.md
@@ -18,18 +18,18 @@ addendums or for customer-specific environments.
* 1.8 [executable](01-artifact-types/executable.md)
* 1.9 [sbom](01-artifact-types/sbom.md)
* 2 [Access Method Types](02-access-types/README.md)
- * 2.1 [localBlob](02-access-typeslocalblob.md)
- * 2.2 [ociArtifact](02-access-typesociartifact.md)
- * 2.3 [ociBlob](02-access-typesociblob.md)
- * 2.4 [helm](h02-access-typeselm.md)
- * 2.5 [gitHub](02-access-typesgithub.md)
- * 2.6 [s3](02-access-typess3.md)
- * 2.7 [npm](02-access-typesnpm.md)
+ * 2.1 [localBlob](02-access-types/localblob.md)
+ * 2.2 [ociArtifact](02-access-types/ociartifact.md)
+ * 2.3 [ociBlob](02-access-types/ociblob.md)
+ * 2.4 [helm](h02-access-types/elm.md)
+ * 2.5 [gitHub](02-access-types/github.md)
+ * 2.6 [s3](02-access-types/s3.md)
+ * 2.7 [npm](02-access-types/npm.md)
* 3 [Storage Backend Mappings](03-storage-backends/README.md)
- * 3.1 [OCIRegistry](03-storage-backendsoci.md)
- * 3.2 [FileSystem (CTF)](03-storage-backendsctf.md)
- * 3.3 [FileSystem (Component Archive)](03-storage-backendscomponent-archive.md)
- * 3.4 [AWS S3](03-storage-backendss3.md)
+ * 3.1 [OCIRegistry](03-storage-backends/oci.md)
+ * 3.2 [FileSystem (CTF)](03-storage-backends/ctf.md)
+ * 3.3 [FileSystem (Component Archive)](03-storage-backends/component-archive.md)
+ * 3.4 [AWS S3](03-storage-backends/s3.md)
* 4 [Algorithms](04-algorithms/README.md)
* 4.1 [Artifact Normalization](04-algorithms/artifact-normalization-types.md)
* 4.2 [Digest Algorithms](04-algorithms/label-merge-algorithms.md)
diff --git a/doc/04-extensions/common/formatspec.md b/doc/04-extensions/common/formatspec.md
index 6017c6c..ce0fb36 100644
--- a/doc/04-extensions/common/formatspec.md
+++ b/doc/04-extensions/common/formatspec.md
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ It is a directory containing
- **`component-descriptor.yaml`** *YAML file*
- This yaml is the serialized form of a [component descriptor](../../specification/elements#component-descriptor).
+ This yaml is the serialized form of a [component descriptor](../../01-model/01-model.md#components-and-component-versions).
- **`blobs`** *directory*
@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ It is a directory containing
Hereby the algorithm separator character is replaced by a dot (".").
Every file SHOULD be referenced, directly or indirectly, in the
component descriptor by a
- [`localBlob` access specification](../../appendix/B/localBlob.md). The `localReference` value is the file name of the blob file in the `blobs` directory.
+ [`localBlob` access specification](../../04-extensions/01-artifact-types/blob.md). The `localReference` value is the file name of the blob file in the `blobs` directory.
This format might be used in various technical forms: as structure of an
operating system file system, a virtual file system or as content of
diff --git a/doc/glossary.md b/doc/glossary.md
index 952ecdb..83071dd 100644
--- a/doc/glossary.md
+++ b/doc/glossary.md
@@ -8,11 +8,11 @@
defines how to access the content of an [artifact](#artifact)
-### [Access Method Operations](03-operations/01-operations.md#access-method-operations)
+### [Access Method Operations](01-model/07-extensions.md#access-method-operations)
the operations an implementation of an [access method](#accmeth) has to support.
-### [Access Method Type](01-model/02-elements.md/#access-types)
+### [Access Method Type](04-extensions/02-access-types/README.md)
the type of an [access specification](#accspec) determining the formal procedure
to use to access the blob content of an [artifact](#artifact).
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ the (logical) digest of an [artifact](#artifact).
the transformation of a technical blob content of an [artifact](#artifact) depending
on its type into a serialization-agnostic digest.
-### [Artifact Reference](02-processing/01-references#referencing)
+### [Artifact Reference](02-processing/01-references.md#referencing)
a relative or absolute reference to an [artifact](#artifact) described by a
[component version](#compvers).
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ the process of adapting content delivered as [artifacts](#artifacts) in a [compo
### [Mapping](./03-persistence/02-mappings.md#mappings-for-ocm-persistence)
-the mapping of the [elements](01-model/02-elements.md) of the Open Component Model onto a storage technology described by a [repository type](#repotype).
+the mapping of the [elements](01-model/02-elements-toplevel.md) of the Open Component Model onto a storage technology described by a [repository type](#repotype).
### [Model-Tool Contract](./05-guidelines/02-contract.md)
@@ -216,13 +216,13 @@ a reference to an [artifact](#artifact) described by a [component version](#comp
a given component version exploiting the [aggregation feature](#aggregation) of the Open Component
Model. It is part of the [model-tool contract](#contract).
-### [Repository Operations](03-persistence/0-operations.md)
+### [Repository Operations](03-persistence/01-operations.md#repository-operations)
abstract operations that have to be provided by a language binding for a
[mapping](#mapping) of the [Open Component Model](#ocm) to a dedicated storage
-### [Repository Type](./04-persistence/01-mappings.md#mappings-for-ocm-persistence)
+### [Repository Type](./03-persistence/02-mappings.md#mappings-for-ocm-persistence)
the type of a [mapping](#mapping) of the [Open Component Model](#ocm) specification
to a storage technology.
@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ a delivery artifact described by a [component version](#compvers).
## S
-### [Signature](02-processing/03-signing.md#signing)
+### [Signature](02-processing/02-signing.md#signing)
a [component version](#compvers) may be signed by an authority, the signature as
result of such a signing process is stored along with the component version.
@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ dedicated variants of some [extension points](#ext). See [access methods](#accme
## T
-### [Transport](02-guidelines/01-transport.md)
+### [Transport](05-guidelines/01-transport.md)
the operation on [component versions](#compvers) transferring content from
one OCM repository into another one.