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OW tools usage Overview

Jiří Malák edited this page Apr 18, 2023 · 7 revisions

Open Watcom tools usage


Open Watcom comes with a very efficient native 16-bit compiler supporting DOS and Win16 targets and a 32-bit x86 compiler targetting many different OSes (NT/Win32, OS/2, NetWare, Linux, ...). A major aim for the v2 development is support for x86_64 and ARM architectures. The two most obvious "competitors" of Open Watcom would be the GCC-based Mingw for Win32-targets and DJGPP for DOS targets.

Comparisons to other (cross-)compilers

A striking difference compared to the binutils-based compilers (gcc, clang, pcc) when used as a cross compiler is that Open watcom only uses a single compiler (one for each target CPU architecture) and the target OS is determined by a compilation flag (see "cross compiling" below). Further, many OS-independent libraries lives in a generic architecture-specific location ($WATCOM/lib286 and $WATCOM/lib386) and only libraries with OS-specific features are put into OS-specific sub-directories - this is thanks to the Open Watcom C runtime that is distributed together with the compiler. This means that it is very easy to use a single install of Open Watcom as a cross compiler for a wide range of OSes. In contrast, a cross-compile toolchain based on binutils typically requires building a target-specific "trinity" of binutils, compiler and libc. Another advantage of Open Watcom as a cross compiler is that the resulting binaries and libraries integrate nicely with the target OS. For example, Python compiled with Open Watcom can load plugins compiled with Visual_C++. This is similar to how the different binutils-based compilers (often) can use libraries built with another binutils-based compiler. At this moment, the resulting binaries are not as optimized as those made by GCC.

OW tools description

16-bit x86 compilers

  • wcc : the 16-bit "compile only" C compiler
  • wpp : the 16-bit "compile only" C++ compiler
  • wfc : the 16-bit "compile only" Fortran compiler
  • wcl : the 16-bit "compile and link" utility for C/C++
  • wfl : the 16-bit "compile and link" utility for Fortran
  • owcc: the POSIX compatible "compile and link" utility. Set CC=owcc in a project depending on GNU makefiles.

The 16-bit x86 compilers finds its OS-independent libraries in the $WATCOM/lib286 directory and its OS-dependent libraries in $WATCOM/lib286/${target_os} sub-directory. Some OSes might need extra library paths, which can be added by the LIBPATH environment variable.

32-bit x86 compilers

  • wcc386: the 32-bit "compile only" C compiler
  • wpp386: the 32-bit "compile only" C++ compiler
  • wfc386: the 32-bit "compile only" Fortran compiler
  • wcl386: the 32-bit "compile and link" utility for C/C++
  • wfl386: the 32-bit "compile and link" utility for Fortran
  • owcc  : the POSIX compatible "compile and link" utility. Set CC=owcc in a project depending on GNU makefiles.

The 32-bit x86 compilers finds its OS-independent libraries in the $WATCOM/lib386 directory and its OS-dependent libraries in $WATCOM/lib386/${target_os} sub-directory. Some OSes might need extra library paths, which can be added by the LIBPATH environment variable.

(Cross-)compilation : Common settings

To cross compile, set the correct environment variables and a compile flag telling the compiler which target is intended. Without compile flags defining target, a native build is assumed.

By default OW is setup for native compilation "<compilation target> == <host system>" that for such compilation no extra setup is necessary. Following environment variables are setup per <installation>.

Variable Value Description
WATCOM <path> where OW installation is located <OW root>
WIPFC <path> where wipfc compiler supplementaly files are located <wipfc subdirectory>
EDPATH <path> where vi editor script files are located <eddat subdirectory>

Following environment variables are setup per <host system>.

Variable Value Description
PATH <path> add to PATH where OW host binaries are located, by example %WATCOM%\binw for DOS

For cross compilation following environment variables must be changed per <target system>.

Variable Value Description
INCLUDE <path> where target header files are located, by example %WATCOM%\h for DOS

DOS 16-bit target

compiler target option
wcc -bt=dos
wpp -bt=dos
wcl -bcl=dos
wfl -l=dos or -lr
owcc -bdos
Variable host Value
INCLUDE non-Linux %WATCOM%\h

DOS 32-bit target (with DOS 32-bit Extender)

compiler target option DOS Extender
wcc386 -bt=dos any
wpp386 -bt=dos any
wfc386 any
wcl386 -bt=dos -l=dos4g DOS4GW
wcl386 -bt=dos -l=causeway Causeway
wcl386 -bt=dos -l=dos32a DOS32A
wfl386 -l=dos4g DOS4GW
wfl386 -l=causeway Causeway
wfl386 -l=dos32a DOS32A
owcc -bdos4g DOS4GW
owcc -bcauseway Causeway
owcc -bdos32a DOS32A
Variable host Value
INCLUDE non-Linux %WATCOM%\h

Windows WIN16 16-bit or 32-bit targets

16-bit target

compiler target option
wcc -bt=windows
wpp -bt=windows
wcl -bcl=windows
wfl -l=windows
owcc -bwindows

32-bit target (with OW 32-bit WIN386 Extender)

compiler target option
wcc386 -bt=windows
wpp386 -bt=windows
wcl386 -bt=windows -l=win386
wfl386 -l=win386
owcc -bwin386
Variable host Value
INCLUDE non-Linux %WATCOM%\h;%WATCOM%\h\win

Windows WIN32 target (32-bit) Console Application

compiler target option
wcc386 -bt=nt -bc
wpp386 -bt=nt -bc
wcl386 -bcl=nt -bc
wfl386 -l=nt
owcc -bnt -bc
Variable host Value
INCLUDE non-Linux %WATCOM%\h;%WATCOM%\h\nt

Windows WIN32 target (32-bit) Windowed Application

compiler target option
wcc386 -bt=nt -bg
wpp386 -bt=nt -bg
wcl386 -bt=nt -l=nt_win -bg
wfl386 -l=nt
owcc -bnt_win -bg
Variable host Value
INCLUDE non-Linux %WATCOM%\h;%WATCOM%\h\nt

Linux target (32-bit only)

compiler target option
wcc386 -bt=linux
wpp386 -bt=linux
wcl386 -bcl=linux
wfl386 -l=linux
owcc -blinux
Variable host Value
INCLUDE non-Linux %WATCOM%\lh

OS/2 16-bit target

compiler target option
wcc -bt=os2
wpp -bt=os2
wcl -bcl=os2
wfl -l=os2 or -lp
owcc -bos2
Variable host Value
INCLUDE non-Linux %WATCOM%\h;%WATCOM%\h\os21x

OS/2 32-bit target

compiler target option
wcc386 -bt=os2
wpp386 -bt=os2
wcl386 -bt=os2 -l=os2v2
wfl386 -l=os2v2
owcc -bos2v2
Variable host Value
INCLUDE non-Linux %WATCOM%\h;%WATCOM%\h\os2

Netware target (32-bit)

compiler target option
wcc386 -bt=netware
wpp386 -bt=netware
wcl386 -bcl=netware
wfl386 -l=netware
owcc -bnetware
Variable host Value
INCLUDE non-Linux %WATCOM%\h;%WATCOM%\novh

Some packages may need a proprietary set of libraries and headers from Novell.

RDOS target (32-bit)

compiler target option
wcc386 -bt=rdos
wpp386 -bt=rdos
wcl386 -bcl=rdos
wfl386 -l=rdos
owcc -brdos
Variable host Value
INCLUDE non-Linux %WATCOM%\rh
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