diff --git a/swecommon/standard/sections/annex-examples.adoc b/swecommon/standard/sections/annex-examples.adoc
index 4068302..dc9ef9c 100644
--- a/swecommon/standard/sections/annex-examples.adoc
+++ b/swecommon/standard/sections/annex-examples.adoc
@@ -10,38 +10,51 @@
 The following example shows how elements of an array defined as a “DataRecord” can be encoded inline with the text method:
-<swe:DataArray definition="http://sweet.jpl.nasa.gov/2.0/mathFunction.owl#Function">
-  <swe:description>Measurement error vs. temperature</swe:description>
-  <swe:elementCount>
-    <swe:Count>
-      <swe:value>5</swe:value>
-    </swe:Count>
-  </swe:elementCount>
-  <swe:elementType name="point">
-    <swe:DataRecord>
-      <swe:label>Error vs. Temperature</swe:label>
-      <swe:field name="temp">
-        <swe:Quantity definition="http://sweet.jpl.nasa.gov/2.0/physThermo.owl#Temperature">
-          <swe:label>Temperature</swe:label>
-          <swe:uom code="Cel"/>
-        </swe:Quantity>
-      </swe:field>
-      <swe:field name="error">
-        <swe:Quantity definition="http://sweet.jpl.nasa.gov/2.0/sciUncertainty.owl#Error">
-          <swe:label>Relative Error</swe:label>
-          <swe:uom code="%"/>
-        </swe:Quantity>
-      </swe:field>
-    </swe:DataRecord>
-  </swe:elementType>
-  <swe:encoding>
-    <swe:TextEncoding blockSeparator=" " tokenSeparator=","/>
-  </swe:encoding>
-  <swe:values>0,5 10,2 50,2 80,5 100,15</swe:values>
+  "type": "DataArray",
+  "definition": "http://sweet.jpl.nasa.gov/2.0/mathFunction.owl#Function",
+  "description": "Measurement error vs. temperature",
+  "elementCount": { "value": 5 },
+  "elementType": {
+    "type": "DataRecord",
+    "name": "point",
+    "label": "Error vs. Temperature",
+    "fields": [
+      {
+        "type": "Quantity",
+        "name": "temp",
+        "label": "Temperature",
+        "definition": "http://sweet.jpl.nasa.gov/2.0/physThermo.owl#Temperature",
+        "uom": { "code": "Cel" }
+      },
+      {
+        "type": "Quantity",
+        "name": "error",
+        "label": "Relative Error",
+        "definition": "http://sweet.jpl.nasa.gov/2.0/sciUncertainty.owl#Error",
+        "uom": { "code": "%" }
+      }
+    ]
+  },
+  "encoding": {
+    "type": "TextEncoding",
+    "blockSeparator": " ",
+    "tokenSeparator": ","
+  }
+The data array values encoded using the text encoding method as shown below:
+0,5 10,2 50,2 80,5 100,15
 In this example, each element consists of a record of two values. The array element structure also corresponds to one block so that tuples are separated by block separators (here the ‘,’ character). Since the array is of size 5, there are 5 tuples listed sequentially in the data block, each one composed of the two values of the data record separated by the token separator. The pattern is “temp,error temp,error …” since values have to be listed in the same order as the fields.
@@ -51,48 +64,59 @@ In this example, each element consists of a record of two values. The array elem
 The following snippet defines a datastream with an element of type record:
-  <swe:label>Weather Data</swe:label>
-  <swe:elementType name="weatherData">
-    <swe:DataRecord>
-      <swe:field name="time">
-        <swe:Time definition="http://www.opengis.net/def/property/OGC/0/SamplingTime"
-                  referenceFrame="http://www.opengis.net/def/trs/BIPM/0/UTC">
-          <swe:uom xlink:href="http://www.opengis.net/def/uom/ISO-8601/0/Gregorian"/>
-        </swe:Time>
-      </swe:field>
-      <swe:field name="temp">
-        <swe:Quantity definition="http://mmisw.org/ont/cf/parameter/air_temperature">
-          <swe:label>Air Temperature</swe:label>
-          <swe:uom code="Cel"/>
-        </swe:Quantity >
-      </swe:field>
-      <swe:field name="press">
-        <swe:Quantity definition="http://mmisw.org/ont/cf/parameter/air_pressure_at_mean_sea_level">
-          <swe:label>Atmospheric Pressure</swe:label>
-          <swe:uom code="HPa"/>
-        </swe:Quantity >
-      </swe:field>
-       <swe:field name="windSpeed">
-        <swe:Quantity definition="http://mmisw.org/ont/cf/parameter/wind_speed">
-          <swe:label>Wind Speed</swe:label>
-          <swe:uom code="km/h"/>
-        </swe:Quantity>
-      </swe:field>
-      <swe:field name="windDir">
-        <swe:Quantity definition="http://mmisw.org/ont/cf/parameter/wind_to_direction">
-          <swe:label>Wind Direction</swe:label>
-          <swe:uom code="deg"/>
-        </swe:Quantity>
-      </swe:field>
-    </swe:DataRecord>
-  </swe:elementType>
-  <swe:encoding>
-    <swe:TextEncoding blockSeparator="&#10;" tokenSeparator=","/>
-  </swe:encoding>
+  "type": "DataStream",
+  "label": "Weather Data",
+  "elementType": {
+    "type": "DataRecord",
+    "name": "weatherData",
+    "fields": [
+      {
+        "type": "Time",
+        "name": "time",
+        "label": "Time",
+        "definition": "http://www.opengis.net/def/property/OGC/0/SamplingTime",
+        "referenceFrame": "http://www.opengis.net/def/trs/BIPM/0/UTC",
+        "uom": { "href": "http://www.opengis.net/def/uom/ISO-8601/0/Gregorian" }
+      },
+      {
+        "type": "Quantity",
+        "name": "temp",
+        "label": "Air Temperature",
+        "definition": "http://mmisw.org/ont/cf/parameter/air_temperature",
+        "uom": { "code": "Cel" }
+      },
+      {
+        "type": "Quantity",
+        "name": "press",
+        "label": "Atmospheric Pressure",
+        "definition": "http://mmisw.org/ont/cf/parameter/air_pressure_at_mean_sea_level",
+        "uom": { "code": "HPa" }
+      },
+      {
+        "type": "Quantity",
+        "name": "windSpeed",
+        "label": "Wind Speed",
+        "definition": "http://mmisw.org/ont/cf/parameter/wind_speed",
+        "uom": { "code": "km/h" }
+      },
+      {
+        "type": "Quantity",
+        "name": "windDir",
+        "label": "Wind Direction",
+        "definition": "http://mmisw.org/ont/cf/parameter/wind_to_direction",
+        "uom": { "code": "deg" }
+      }
+    ]
+  },
+  "encoding": {
+    "type": "TextEncoding",
+    "blockSeparator": "\n",
+    "tokenSeparator": ","
+  }
 The datastream records are encoded using the Text encoding method as shown below:
@@ -110,51 +134,78 @@ The datastream records are encoded using the Text encoding method as shown below
 ==== Datastream with records and optional fields (navigation data)
 The following snippet defines a datastream with an element of type record that contains optional fields:
-  <swe:label>Aircraft Navigation</swe:label>
-  <swe:elementType name="navData">
-    <swe:DataRecord>
-      <swe:field name="time">
-        <swe:Time definition="http://www.opengis.net/def/property/OGC/0/SamplingTime"
-                  referenceFrame="http://www.opengis.net/def/trs/OGC/0/GPS">
-          <swe:uom xlink:href="http://www.opengis.net/def/uom/ISO-8601/0/Gregorian"/>
-        </swe:Time>
-      </swe:field>
-      <swe:field name="speed">
-        <swe:Quantity definition="http://sweet.jpl.nasa.gov/2.0/humanTransportAir.owl#GroundSpeed">
-          <swe:uom code="m/s"/>
-        </swe:Quantity >
-      </swe:field>
-      <swe:field name="location">
-        <swe:Vector optional="true" referenceFrame="http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/4979">
-          <swe:coordinate name="lat">
-            <swe:Quantity definition="http://sweet.jpl.nasa.gov/2.0/spaceCoordinates.owl#Latitude" axisID="Lat">
-              <swe:uom code="deg"/>
-            </swe:Quantity>
-          </swe:coordinate>
-          <swe:coordinate name="lon">
-            <swe:Quantity definition=" http://sweet.jpl.nasa.gov/2.0/spaceCoordinates.owl#Longitude" axisID="Long">
-              <swe:uom code="deg"/>
-            </swe:Quantity>
-          </swe:coordinate>
-          <swe:coordinate name="alt">
-            <swe:Quantity definition="http://sweet.jpl.nasa.gov/2.0/spaceExtent.owl#Altitude" axisID="h">
-              <swe:uom code="m"/>
-            </swe:Quantity>
-          </swe:coordinate>
-        </swe:Vector>
-      </swe:field>
-    </swe:DataRecord>
-  </swe:elementType>
-  <swe:encoding>
-    <swe:TextEncoding blockSeparator="&#10;" tokenSeparator=","/>
-  </swe:encoding>
+  "type": "DataStream",
+  "label": "Aircraft Navigation",
+  "elementType": {
+    "type": "DataRecord",
+    "name": "navData",
+    "fields": [
+      {
+        "type": "Time",
+        "name": "time",
+        "label": "time",
+        "definition": "http://www.opengis.net/def/property/OGC/0/SamplingTime",
+        "referenceFrame": "http://www.opengis.net/def/trs/OGC/0/GPS",
+        "uom": {
+          "href": "http://www.opengis.net/def/uom/ISO-8601/0/Gregorian"
+        }
+      },
+      {
+        "type": "Quantity",
+        "name": "speed",
+        "label": "speed",
+        "definition": "http://sweet.jpl.nasa.gov/2.0/humanTransportAir.owl#GroundSpeed",
+        "uom": { "code": "m/s" }
+      },
+      {
+        "type": "Vector",
+        "name": "location",
+        "label": "location",
+        "definition": "http://sweet.jpl.nasa.gov/2.0/spaceCoordinates.owl#Location",
+        "referenceFrame": "http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/4979",
+        "optional": true,
+        "coordinates": [
+          {
+            "type": "Quantity",
+            "name": "lat",
+            "label": "lat",
+            "definition": "http://sweet.jpl.nasa.gov/2.0/spaceCoordinates.owl#Latitude",
+            "axisID": "Lat",
+            "uom": { "code": "deg" }
+          },
+          {
+            "type": "Quantity",
+            "name": "lon",
+            "label": "lon",
+            "definition": "http://sweet.jpl.nasa.gov/2.0/spaceCoordinates.owl#Longitude",
+            "axisID": "Long",
+            "uom": { "code": "deg" }
+          },
+          {
+            "type": "Quantity",
+            "name": "alt",
+            "label": "alt",
+            "definition": "http://sweet.jpl.nasa.gov/2.0/spaceExtent.owl#Altitude",
+            "axisID": "h",
+            "uom": { "code": "m" }
+          }
+        ]
+      }
+    ]
+  },
+  "encoding": {
+    "type": "TextEncoding",
+    "tokenSeparator": ",",
+    "blockSeparator": "\n"
+  }
+// FIXME the Y/N values are actually not part of the record...
 The datastream records are encoded using the Text encoding method as shown below:
@@ -175,52 +226,76 @@ In this example, the whole location “Vector” is marked as optional and thus
 This is illustrated by the following example:
-  <swe:elementType name="message">
-    <swe:DataChoice>
-      <swe:item name="TEMP">
-        <swe:DataRecord>
-          <swe:label>Temperature Measurement</swe:label>
-          <swe:field name="time">
-            <swe:Time definition="http://www.opengis.net/def/property/OGC/0/SamplingTime">
-              <swe:uom xlink:href="http://www.opengis.net/def/uom/ISO-8601/0/Gregorian"/>
-            </swe:Time>
-          </swe:field>
-          <swe:field name="temp">
-            <swe:Quantity definition="http://mmisw.org/ont/cf/parameter/air_temperature">
-              <swe:uom code="Cel"/>
-            </swe:Quantity>
-          </swe:field>
-        </swe:DataRecord>
-      </swe:item>
-      <swe:item name="WIND">
-        <swe:DataRecord>
-          <swe:label>Wind Measurement</swe:label>
-          <swe:field name="time">
-            <swe:Time definition="http://www.opengis.net/def/property/OGC/0/SamplingTime">
-              <swe:uom xlink:href="http://www.opengis.net/def/uom/ISO-8601/0/Gregorian"/>
-            </swe:Time>
-          </swe:field>
-          <swe:field name="wind_speed">
-            <swe:Quantity definition="http://mmisw.org/ont/cf/parameter/wind_speed">
-              <swe:uom code="km/h"/>
-            </swe:Quantity>
-          </swe:field>
-          <swe:field name="wind_dir">
-            <swe:Quantity definition="http://mmisw.org/ont/cf/parameter/wind_to_direction">
-              <swe:uom code="deg"/>
-            </swe:Quantity>
-          </swe:field>
-        </swe:DataRecord>
-      </swe:item>
-    </swe:DataChoice>
-  </swe:elementType>
-  <swe:encoding>
-    <swe:TextEncoding blockSeparator="&#10;" tokenSeparator=","/>
-  </swe:encoding>
+  "type": "DataStream",
+  "elementType": {
+    "type": "DataChoice",
+    "name": "message",
+    "label": "Message",
+    "items": [
+      {
+        "type": "DataRecord",
+        "name": "TEMP",
+        "label": "Temperature Measurement",
+        "fields": [
+          {
+            "type": "Time",
+            "name": "time",
+            "label": "Time",
+            "definition": "http://www.opengis.net/def/property/OGC/0/SamplingTime",
+            "uom": {
+              "href": "http://www.opengis.net/def/uom/ISO-8601/0/Gregorian"
+            }
+          },
+          {
+            "type": "Quantity",
+            "name": "temp",
+            "label": "Temperature",
+            "definition": "http://mmisw.org/ont/cf/parameter/air_temperature",
+            "uom": { "code": "Cel" }
+          }
+        ]
+      },
+      {
+        "type": "DataRecord",
+        "name": "WIND",
+        "label": "Wind Measurement",
+        "fields": [
+          {
+            "type": "Time",
+            "name": "time",
+            "label": "Time",
+            "definition": "http://www.opengis.net/def/property/OGC/0/SamplingTime",
+            "uom": {
+              "href": "http://www.opengis.net/def/uom/ISO-8601/0/Gregorian"
+            }
+          },
+          {
+            "type": "Quantity",
+            "name": "wind_speed",
+            "label": "Wind Speed",
+            "definition": "http://mmisw.org/ont/cf/parameter/wind_speed",
+            "uom": { "code": "km/h" }
+          },
+          {
+            "type": "Quantity",
+            "name": "wind_dir",
+            "label": "Wind Direction",
+            "definition": "http://mmisw.org/ont/cf/parameter/wind_to_direction",
+            "uom": { "code": "deg" }
+          }
+        ]
+      }
+    ]
+  },
+  "encoding": {
+    "type": "TextEncoding",
+    "blockSeparator": "\n",
+    "tokenSeparator": ","
+  }
 The datastream records are encoded using the Text encoding method as shown below:
@@ -242,33 +317,38 @@ This datastream interleaves different types of messages separated by the block s
 The following example illustrates how values of a fixed size 3x3 stress matrix can be text encoded inline:
-<swe:Matrix definition="http://sweet.jpl.nasa.gov/2.0/physPressure.owl#Stress">
-  <swe:elementCount>
-    <swe:Count>
-      <swe:value>3</swe:value>
-    </swe:Count>
-  </swe:elementCount>
-  <swe:elementType name="row">
-    <swe:Matrix definition="http://sweet.jpl.nasa.gov/2.0/info.owl#Row">
-      <swe:elementCount>
-        <swe:Count>
-          <swe:value>3</swe:value>
-        </swe:Count>
-      </swe:elementCount>
-      <swe:elementType name="coef">
-        <swe:Quantity definition="http://sweet.jpl.nasa.gov/2.0/mathVector.owl#Coordinate">
-          <swe:uom code="MPa"/>
-        </swe:Quantity>
-      </swe:elementType>
-    </swe:Matrix>
-  </swe:elementType>
-  <swe:encoding>
-    <swe:TextEncoding blockSeparator=" " tokenSeparator=","/>
-  </swe:encoding>
-  <swe:values>0.36,0.48,-0.8 -0.8,0.6,0.0 0.48,0.64,0.6</swe:values>
+  "type": "Matrix",
+  "definition": "http://sweet.jpl.nasa.gov/2.0/physPressure.owl#Stress",
+  "elementCount": { "value": 3 },
+  "elementType": {
+    "type": "Matrix",
+    "name": "row",
+    "definition": "http://sweet.jpl.nasa.gov/2.0/info.owl#Row",
+    "elementCount": { "value": 3 },
+    "elementType": {
+      "type": "Quantity",
+      "name": "coef",
+      "label": "Coefficient",
+      "definition": "http://sweet.jpl.nasa.gov/2.0/mathVector.owl#Coordinate",
+      "uom": { "code": "MPa" }
+    }
+  },
+  "encoding": {
+    "type": "TextEncoding",
+    "blockSeparator": " ",
+    "tokenSeparator": ","
+  }
+The matrix encoded using the Text encoding method as shown below:
+0.36,0.48,-0.8 -0.8,0.6,0.0 0.48,0.64,0.6
 Note that elements of the outer array (i.e. a matrix is a special kind of array) are separated by block separators (i.e. each block surrounded by spaces corresponds to one row of the matrix) while the inner array elements are separated by token separators.
@@ -279,46 +359,56 @@ Note that elements of the outer array (i.e. a matrix is a special kind of array)
 The following example shows how SWE Common can be used to encode a series of irregular length profiles by using a variable size array:
-  <swe:elementType name="profileData">
-    <swe:DataRecord>
-      <swe:field name="time">
-        <swe:Time definition="http://www.opengis.net/def/property/OGC/0/SamplingTime">
-          <swe:label>Sampling Time</swe:label>
-          <swe:uom xlink:href="http://www.opengis.net/def/uom/ISO-8601/0/Gregorian"/>
-        </swe:Time>
-      </swe:field>
-      <swe:field name="profilePoints">
-        <swe:DataArray definition="http://sweet.jpl.nasa.gov/2.0/info.owl#Profile">
-          <swe:elementCount>
-            <swe:Count/>
-          </swe:elementCount>
-          <swe:elementType name="point">
-            <swe:DataRecord>
-              <swe:field name="depth">
-                <swe:Quantity definition="http://mmisw.org/ont/cf/parameter/depth">
-                  <swe:label>Sampling Point Vertical Location</swe:label>
-                  <swe:uom code="m"/>
-                </swe:Quantity>
-              </swe:field>
-              <swe:field name="salinity">
-                <swe:Quantity definition="http://mmisw.org/ont/cf/parameter#sea_water_salinity">
-                  <swe:label>Salinity</swe:label>
-                  <swe:uom code="[ppth]"/>
-                </swe:Quantity>
-              </swe:field>
-            </swe:DataRecord>
-          </swe:elementType>
-        </swe:DataArray>
-      </swe:field>
-    </swe:DataRecord>
-  </swe:elementType>
-  <swe:encoding>
-    <swe:TextEncoding blockSeparator="@@&#10;" tokenSeparator=","/>
-  </swe:encoding>
+  "type": "DataStream",
+  "elementType": {
+    "type": "DataRecord",
+    "name": "profileData",
+    "fields": [
+      {
+        "type": "Time",
+        "name": "time",
+        "label": "Time",
+        "definition": "http://www.opengis.net/def/property/OGC/0/SamplingTime",
+        "uom": { "href": "http://www.opengis.net/def/uom/ISO-8601/0/Gregorian" }
+      },
+      {
+        "type": "DataArray",
+        "name": "profilePoints",
+        "definition": "http://sweet.jpl.nasa.gov/2.0/info.owl#Profile",
+        "elementType": {
+          "type": "DataRecord",
+          "name": "point",
+          "label": "Point",
+          "fields": [
+            {
+              "type": "Quantity",
+              "name": "depth",
+              "label": "Sampling Point Vertical Location",
+              "definition": "http://mmisw.org/ont/cf/parameter/depth",
+              "uom": { "code": "m" }
+            },
+            {
+              "type": "Quantity",
+              "name": "salinity",
+              "label": "Salinity",
+              "definition": "http://mmisw.org/ont/cf/parameter#sea_water_salinity",
+              "uom": { "code": "[ppth]" }
+            }
+          ]
+        }
+      }
+    ]
+  },
+  "encoding": {
+    "type": "TextEncoding",
+    "blockSeparator": "@@\n",
+    "tokenSeparator": ","
+  }
 The datastream records are encoded using the Text encoding method as shown below:
@@ -340,39 +430,46 @@ The example shows data for 3 profiles with a variable number of measurements alo
 The following snippet is an example of datastream that contains a geometry. Here, each datastream record represents a feature detected in a video stream, and is composed of a timestamp, a scalar field and the geometry of the geolocated feature.
-  <swe:label>Feature Detections</swe:label>
-  <swe:elementType name="detection">
-    <swe:DataRecord>
-      <swe:field name="time">
-        <swe:Time definition="http://www.opengis.net/def/property/OGC/0/SamplingTime"
-                  referenceFrame="http://www.opengis.net/def/trs/OGC/0/GPS">
-          <swe:uom xlink:href="http://www.opengis.net/def/uom/ISO-8601/0/Gregorian"/>
-        </swe:Time>
-      </swe:field>
-      <swe:field name="type">
-        <swe:Category definition="http://www.opengis.net/def/featureType">
-          <swe:codeSpace xlink:href="http://x-myorg.net/def/VehicleTypes"/>
-        </swe:Category>
-      </swe:field>
-      <swe:field name="geom">
-        <swe:Geometry definition="http://www.opengis.net/def/property/OGC/0/SamplingTime" srs="http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/4326">
-          <swe:constraint>
-            <swe:AllowedGeometries>
-              <swe:geomType>Point</swe:geomType>
-              <swe:geomType>Polygon</swe:geomType>
-            </swe:AllowedGeometries>
-          </swe:constraint>
-        </swe:Geometry>
-      </swe:field>
-    </swe:DataRecord>
-  </swe:elementType>
-  <swe:encoding>
-    <swe:TextEncoding blockSeparator="&#10;" tokenSeparator=";"/>
-  </swe:encoding>
+  "type": "DataStream",
+  "label": "Feature Detections",
+  "elementType": {
+    "type": "DataRecord",
+    "name": "detection",
+    "fields": [
+      {
+        "type": "Time",
+        "name": "time",
+        "label": "Time",
+        "definition": "http://www.opengis.net/def/property/OGC/0/SamplingTime",
+        "referenceFrame": "http://www.opengis.net/def/trs/OGC/0/GPS",
+        "uom": { "href": "http://www.opengis.net/def/uom/ISO-8601/0/Gregorian" }
+      },
+      {
+        "type": "Category",
+        "name": "type",
+        "label": "Feature Type",
+        "definition": "http://www.opengis.net/def/featureType",
+        "codeSpace": "http://x-myorg.net/def/VehicleTypes"
+      },
+      {
+        "type": "Geometry",
+        "definition": "http://www.opengis.net/def/property/OGC/0/Geometry",
+        "srs": "http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/4326",
+        "constraint": {
+          "geomTypes": ["Point", "Polygon"]
+        }
+      }
+    ]
+  },
+  "encoding": {
+    "type": "TextEncoding",
+    "blockSeparator": ";\n",
+    "tokenSeparator": ";"
+  }
 The datastream records are encoded using the Text encoding method as shown below:
@@ -484,7 +581,7 @@ The following snippet shows how this datastream records are encoded using the JS
 This example is based on the same datastream description as the one provided in <<enc_text_optional_fields_example,style=short%>>.
-The following snippet shows how this datastream records are encoded using the XML encoding method:
+The following snippet shows how this datastream records are encoded using the JSON encoding method:
diff --git a/swecommon/standard/sections/clause_7.2_uml_simple_components.adoc b/swecommon/standard/sections/clause_7.2_uml_simple_components.adoc
index 920b991..450962a 100644
--- a/swecommon/standard/sections/clause_7.2_uml_simple_components.adoc
+++ b/swecommon/standard/sections/clause_7.2_uml_simple_components.adoc
@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ The “constraint” attribute allows further restricting the range of possible
 The “value” attribute (or the corresponding value in out-of-band data) is a string that must match the constraint.
-NOTE: _The “Text” component can be used to wrap a string representing complex content such as an expression in a programming language, xml or html content. This practice should however be used only for systems that don’t require high level of interoperability since the client must know how to interpret the content. Also care must be taken to properly escape such content before it is inserted in a JSON or XML document or in a SWE Common data stream._
+NOTE: _The “Text” component can be used to wrap a string representing complex content such as an expression in a programming language, xml or html content. This practice should however be used only for systems that don’t require high level of interoperability since the client must know how to interpret the content. Also care must be taken to properly escape such content before it is inserted in a JSON document or in a SWE Common data stream._
diff --git a/swecommon/standard/sections/clause_7.7_uml_simple_encodings.adoc b/swecommon/standard/sections/clause_7.7_uml_simple_encodings.adoc
index d0f3713..a1e2d6a 100644
--- a/swecommon/standard/sections/clause_7.7_uml_simple_encodings.adoc
+++ b/swecommon/standard/sections/clause_7.7_uml_simple_encodings.adoc
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ Where `,` (comma) is the token separator and `¶` (carriage return) is the block
 Note that there could be many more values in a single block if the data set has a large number of fields, or if it contains an array of values.
-The “collapseWhiteSpaces” attribute is a boolean flag used to specify if extra white spaces (including line feeds, tabs, spaces and carriage returns) surrounding the token and block separators should be ignored (skipped) when processing the stream. This is useful for encoded blocks of data that are embedded in an XML document, since formatting (indenting with spaces or tabs especially) is often done in XML content.
+The “collapseWhiteSpaces” attribute is a boolean flag used to specify if extra white spaces (including line feeds, tabs, spaces and carriage returns) surrounding the token and block separators should be ignored (skipped) when processing the stream.
 This type of encoding is used when compactness is important but balanced by a desire of human readability. This type of encoding is easily readable (for debugging or manual usage) as well as easily imported in various spreadsheet, charting or scientific software.