Updated Ubuntu on x64 (markdown)
link to mqtt transport wiki page
Grammar, spelling, and other small adjustments.
I started by adjusting some Markdown-Based grammatical changes: - Proper spaces after “##” - Proper spacing between paragraphs For the “Addons” section, I took out the items that not everyone will need, such as: - The DSMR package, which is specific ONLY for Dutch users - The items for Philips Hue, Netatmo, Plex, etc., as not everyone has those items. - For the items not included, I moved them into their own, separate section with links to their bindings pages. - I also combined all of the “needed” items into one, easily copied line for running the installation For the SSL Certificate section for Mosquitto, it makes absolutely no sense, but I left it in there anyways so someone else can fix it. Same with the “Port Forward” Placed a link to the wiki’s “Items, sitemaps and rules” page in that section. Placed a link to the “Symlinks” wiki page in that section and took out the DSMR part.
Add command necessary to get autostart to work on UBUNTU 15.10 and Raspian Jessie
Updated Ubuntu on x64 (markdown)
Changed location of the additional the java parameters for serial devices, so they don't get overwritten in an update of the openhab-runtime deb package.
adding aeotec gen5 usb stick settings
Updated Ubuntu on x64 (markdown)
Initial version, made a little less specific to my own configuration