diff --git a/.editorconfig b/.editorconfig
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6c8b36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.editorconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+root = true
+indent_style = space
+indent_size = 2
+end_of_line = lf
+charset = utf-8
+trim_trailing_whitespace = true
+insert_final_newline = true
diff --git a/.github/README.md b/.github/README.md
index 5038a9b..963bfe9 100644
--- a/.github/README.md
+++ b/.github/README.md
@@ -84,6 +84,7 @@ import Share from 'fe-pilot/Share';
> ###
> 01. :white_check_mark: AutoFillOtp [Implementation & Structure](https://github.com/opensrc0/fe-pilot/blob/main/__app/component/AutoFillOtp/README.md)
+> 00. :white_check_mark: ColorPicker [Implementation & Structure](https://github.com/opensrc0/fe-pilot/blob/main/__app/component/ColorPicker/README.md)
> 00. :white_check_mark: CopyToClipboard [Implementation & Structure](https://github.com/opensrc0/fe-pilot/blob/main/__app/component/CopyToClipboard/README.md)
> 00. :white_check_mark: FaceDetector [Implementation & Structure](https://github.com/opensrc0/fe-pilot/blob/main/__app/component/FaceDetector/README.md)
> 00. :white_check_mark: LiveLocation [Implementation & Structure](https://github.com/opensrc0/fe-pilot/blob/main/__app/component/LiveLocationTracking/README.md)
@@ -193,14 +194,23 @@ Thanks goes to these wonderful people
- Pass Copy Icon here
+ Pass clickable(button, anchor, icon etc) element here to bind onClick event
@@ -50,7 +50,9 @@ const successCb = ({ msgType, msg, data }) => {
successMsg="Copied Successfully"
elementToBeCopy={`Fe-pilot library offers component like scanner, voice search, autofill otp, phonebook, share`}
+ Click here to copy (Element, String, etc)
> [!Note]
> **successCb** will get an object contains the property ```msgType```, ```msg```, ```data```
diff --git a/__app/component/CopyToClipboard/index.js b/__app/component/CopyToClipboard/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00802d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/__app/component/CopyToClipboard/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+import CopyToClipboard from './CopyToClipboard';
+export { CopyToClipboard };
+export default CopyToClipboard;
diff --git a/__app/component/FaceDetector/FaceDetector.js b/__app/component/FaceDetector/FaceDetector.js
index 4521552..3962517 100644
--- a/__app/component/FaceDetector/FaceDetector.js
+++ b/__app/component/FaceDetector/FaceDetector.js
@@ -1,18 +1,224 @@
-import FaceDetectorInit from './FaceDetectorInit';
-import FaceDetectorFlash from './FaceDetectorFlash';
-import FaceDetectorClose from './FaceDetectorClose';
-import FaceDetectorFacing from './FaceDetectorFacing';
-export {
- FaceDetectorInit,
- FaceDetectorFlash,
- FaceDetectorClose,
- FaceDetectorFacing,
+/* eslint-disable no-inner-declarations */
+import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
+import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
+import { handleError, handleLoading } from '../services/handlerService';
+import Wrapper from '../Wrapper/Wrapper';
+let mediaStream = null;
+let videoUnmount = null;
+let unmoutRenderLoop = null;
+const failureMsgDefault = {
+ unSupported: 'Face Detector is not supporting in your device',
+ streamingFailed: 'Camera streaming failed',
+ barCodeDetectionFailed: 'Bar code detection failed',
+ flashUnsupported: 'Flash is not supporting in your device',
+function FaceDetector({
+ // successCb,
+ failureCb,
+ loadingCb,
+ // successMsg,
+ failureMsg: failureMsgProps,
+ cameraType,
+ zIndex,
+ children,
+}) {
+ const failureMsg = { ...failureMsgDefault, ...failureMsgProps };
+ let list = null;
+ let video = null;
+ let facingMode;
+ const [flash, setFlash] = useState(false);
+ const [isBrowser, setIsBrowser] = useState(false);
+ const [faces, setFaces] = useState([]);
+ const stopStreaming = () => {
+ if (mediaStream) {
+ mediaStream.getTracks().forEach((track) => {
+ track.stop();
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ const allClear = () => {
+ cancelAnimationFrame(videoUnmount);
+ stopStreaming();
+ clearTimeout(unmoutRenderLoop);
+ };
+ const detectCodes = async () => {
+ const WindowFaceDetector = globalThis.FaceDetector;
+ const faceDetector = new WindowFaceDetector();
+ // eslint-disable-next-line consistent-return
+ async function render() {
+ try {
+ const getFaces = await faceDetector.detect(video);
+ if (getFaces[0]) {
+ setFaces(getFaces);
+ // cancelAnimationFrame(videoUnmount);
+ // stopStreaming();
+ // clearTimeout(unmoutRenderLoop);
+ }
+ } catch (error) {
+ return handleError({ msgType: 'BAR_CODE_DETECTION_FAILED', msg: failureMsg.barCodeDetectionFailed || JSON.stringify(error), failureCb });
+ }
+ }
+ unmoutRenderLoop = setTimeout(() => {
+ (function renderLoop() {
+ videoUnmount = requestAnimationFrame(() => {
+ setTimeout(renderLoop, 1500);
+ });
+ render();
+ }());
+ }, 100);
+ };
+ const createVideo = async (id) => {
+ document.getElementById('streaming-video')?.remove();
+ video = document.createElement('video');
+ video.id = 'streaming-video';
+ video.srcObject = mediaStream;
+ video.autoplay = true;
+ video.play();
+ // video.style.width = '100vh';
+ // video.style.height = '100%';
+ video.style.position = 'absolute';
+ // video.style.overflow = 'hidden';
+ // video.style.display = 'block';
+ video.style.zIndex = zIndex;
+ video.style.top = '0';
+ video.style.left = '0';
+ video.style.objectFit = 'fill';
+ list = document.getElementById(id);
+ list.before(video);
+ };
+ const startStreaming = async () => {
+ try {
+ mediaStream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({
+ video: {
+ // deviceId: camera.deviceId,
+ facingMode,
+ zoom: true,
+ resizeMode: true,
+ focusDistance: true,
+ focusMode: true,
+ },
+ });
+ } catch (error) {
+ return handleError({ msgType: 'STREAMING_FAILED', msg: failureMsg.streamingFailed || JSON.stringify(error), failureCb });
+ }
+ return mediaStream;
+ };
+ const startVideo = async (id = 'camera') => {
+ mediaStream = await startStreaming();
+ createVideo(id);
+ detectCodes();
+ };
+ const toggleFlash = async () => {
+ const track = mediaStream.getVideoTracks()[0];
+ try {
+ await track.applyConstraints({
+ advanced: [{ torch: !flash }],
+ });
+ setFlash((s) => !s);
+ } catch (error) {
+ return handleError({ msgType: 'FLASH_UPSUPPORTED', msg: failureMsg.flashUnsupported, failureCb });
+ }
+ return true;
+ };
+ const toggleCamera = () => {
+ facingMode = facingMode === 'user' ? 'environment' : 'user';
+ stopStreaming();
+ cancelAnimationFrame(videoUnmount);
+ clearTimeout(unmoutRenderLoop);
+ startVideo();
+ };
+ const handleBrowserSupport = () => {
+ if (FaceDetector.isBrowserSupport()) {
+ facingMode = cameraType === 'back' ? 'environment' : 'user';
+ handleLoading({ loadingCb });
+ startVideo();
+ } else {
+ return handleError({ msgType: 'UN_SUPPORTED_FEATURE', msg: failureMsg.unSupported, failureCb });
+ }
+ return true;
+ };
+ useEffect(() => {
+ setIsBrowser(true);
+ handleBrowserSupport();
+ return () => {
+ allClear();
+ };
+ }, []);
+ return isBrowser && FaceDetector.isBrowserSupport() && (
+ {
+ React.Children.map(children, (child) => React.cloneElement(child, {
+ zIndex,
+ allClear,
+ toggleCamera,
+ toggleFlash,
+ }))
+ }
+ {
+ faces.map((face) => (
+ ))
+ }
+ );
+FaceDetector.isBrowserSupport = () => navigator?.mediaDevices && globalThis.FaceDetector;
+FaceDetector.propTypes = {
+ // successCb: PropTypes.func,
+ failureCb: PropTypes.func,
+ loadingCb: PropTypes.func,
+ // successMsg: PropTypes.string,
+ failureMsg: PropTypes.object,
+ zIndex: PropTypes.number,
+ cameraType: PropTypes.oneOf(['back', 'front']),
-export default {
- Init: FaceDetectorInit,
- Flash: FaceDetectorFlash,
- Close: FaceDetectorClose,
- Facing: FaceDetectorFacing,
+FaceDetector.defaultProps = {
+ // successCb: () => {},
+ failureCb: () => {},
+ loadingCb: () => {},
+ // successMsg: '',
+ failureMsg: { ...failureMsgDefault },
+ zIndex: 9,
+ cameraType: 'back',
+export default Wrapper(FaceDetector);
diff --git a/__app/component/FaceDetector/FaceDetectorInit.js b/__app/component/FaceDetector/FaceDetectorInit.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 894da6a..0000000
--- a/__app/component/FaceDetector/FaceDetectorInit.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,224 +0,0 @@
-/* eslint-disable no-inner-declarations */
-import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
-import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
-import { handleError, handleLoading } from '../services/handlerService';
-import Wrapper from '../Wrapper/Wrapper';
-let mediaStream = null;
-let videoUnmount = null;
-let unmoutRenderLoop = null;
-const failureMsgDefault = {
- unSupported: 'Face Detector is not supporting in your device',
- streamingFailed: 'Camera streaming failed',
- barCodeDetectionFailed: 'Bar code detection failed',
- flashUnsupported: 'Flash is not supporting in your device',
-function FaceDetectorInit({
- // successCb,
- failureCb,
- loadingCb,
- // successMsg,
- failureMsg: failureMsgProps,
- cameraType,
- zIndex,
- children,
-}) {
- const failureMsg = { ...failureMsgDefault, ...failureMsgProps };
- let list = null;
- let video = null;
- let facingMode;
- const [flash, setFlash] = useState(false);
- const [isBrowser, setIsBrowser] = useState(false);
- const [faces, setFaces] = useState([]);
- const stopStreaming = () => {
- if (mediaStream) {
- mediaStream.getTracks().forEach((track) => {
- track.stop();
- });
- }
- };
- const allClear = () => {
- cancelAnimationFrame(videoUnmount);
- stopStreaming();
- clearTimeout(unmoutRenderLoop);
- };
- const detectCodes = async () => {
- const WindowFaceDetector = globalThis.FaceDetector;
- const faceDetector = new WindowFaceDetector();
- // eslint-disable-next-line consistent-return
- async function render() {
- try {
- const getFaces = await faceDetector.detect(video);
- if (getFaces[0]) {
- setFaces(getFaces);
- // cancelAnimationFrame(videoUnmount);
- // stopStreaming();
- // clearTimeout(unmoutRenderLoop);
- }
- } catch (error) {
- return handleError({ msgType: 'BAR_CODE_DETECTION_FAILED', msg: failureMsg.barCodeDetectionFailed || JSON.stringify(error), failureCb });
- }
- }
- unmoutRenderLoop = setTimeout(() => {
- (function renderLoop() {
- videoUnmount = requestAnimationFrame(() => {
- setTimeout(renderLoop, 1500);
- });
- render();
- }());
- }, 100);
- };
- const createVideo = async (id) => {
- document.getElementById('streaming-video')?.remove();
- video = document.createElement('video');
- video.id = 'streaming-video';
- video.srcObject = mediaStream;
- video.autoplay = true;
- video.play();
- // video.style.width = '100vh';
- // video.style.height = '100%';
- video.style.position = 'absolute';
- // video.style.overflow = 'hidden';
- // video.style.display = 'block';
- video.style.zIndex = zIndex;
- video.style.top = '0';
- video.style.left = '0';
- video.style.objectFit = 'fill';
- list = document.getElementById(id);
- list.before(video);
- };
- const startStreaming = async () => {
- try {
- mediaStream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({
- video: {
- // deviceId: camera.deviceId,
- facingMode,
- zoom: true,
- resizeMode: true,
- focusDistance: true,
- focusMode: true,
- },
- });
- } catch (error) {
- return handleError({ msgType: 'STREAMING_FAILED', msg: failureMsg.streamingFailed || JSON.stringify(error), failureCb });
- }
- return mediaStream;
- };
- const startVideo = async (id = 'camera') => {
- mediaStream = await startStreaming();
- createVideo(id);
- detectCodes();
- };
- const toggleFlash = async () => {
- const track = mediaStream.getVideoTracks()[0];
- try {
- await track.applyConstraints({
- advanced: [{ torch: !flash }],
- });
- setFlash((s) => !s);
- } catch (error) {
- return handleError({ msgType: 'FLASH_UPSUPPORTED', msg: failureMsg.flashUnsupported, failureCb });
- }
- return true;
- };
- const toggleCamera = () => {
- facingMode = facingMode === 'user' ? 'environment' : 'user';
- stopStreaming();
- cancelAnimationFrame(videoUnmount);
- clearTimeout(unmoutRenderLoop);
- startVideo();
- };
- const handleBrowserSupport = () => {
- if (FaceDetectorInit.isBrowserSupport()) {
- facingMode = cameraType === 'back' ? 'environment' : 'user';
- handleLoading({ loadingCb });
- startVideo();
- } else {
- return handleError({ msgType: 'UN_SUPPORTED_FEATURE', msg: failureMsg.unSupported, failureCb });
- }
- return true;
- };
- useEffect(() => {
- setIsBrowser(true);
- handleBrowserSupport();
- return () => {
- allClear();
- };
- }, []);
- return isBrowser && FaceDetectorInit.isBrowserSupport() && (
- {
- React.Children.map(children, (child) => React.cloneElement(child, {
- zIndex,
- allClear,
- toggleCamera,
- toggleFlash,
- }))
- }
- {
- faces.map((face) => (
- ))
- }
- );
-FaceDetectorInit.isBrowserSupport = () => navigator?.mediaDevices && globalThis.FaceDetector;
-FaceDetectorInit.propTypes = {
- // successCb: PropTypes.func,
- failureCb: PropTypes.func,
- loadingCb: PropTypes.func,
- // successMsg: PropTypes.string,
- failureMsg: PropTypes.object,
- zIndex: PropTypes.number,
- cameraType: PropTypes.oneOf(['back', 'front']),
-FaceDetectorInit.defaultProps = {
- // successCb: () => {},
- failureCb: () => {},
- loadingCb: () => {},
- // successMsg: '',
- failureMsg: { ...failureMsgDefault },
- zIndex: 9,
- cameraType: 'back',
-export default Wrapper(FaceDetectorInit);
diff --git a/__app/component/FaceDetector/index.js b/__app/component/FaceDetector/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42a4287
--- /dev/null
+++ b/__app/component/FaceDetector/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+import FaceDetector from './FaceDetector';
+import FaceDetectorFlash from './FaceDetectorFlash';
+import FaceDetectorClose from './FaceDetectorClose';
+import FaceDetectorFacing from './FaceDetectorFacing';
+export {
+ FaceDetector,
+ FaceDetectorFlash,
+ FaceDetectorClose,
+ FaceDetectorFacing,
+export default {
+ Init: FaceDetector,
+ Flash: FaceDetectorFlash,
+ Close: FaceDetectorClose,
+ Facing: FaceDetectorFacing,
diff --git a/__app/component/LiveLocationTracking/index.js b/__app/component/LiveLocationTracking/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b230cdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/__app/component/LiveLocationTracking/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+import LiveLocationTracking from './LiveLocationTracking';
+export { LiveLocationTracking };
+export default LiveLocationTracking;
diff --git a/__app/component/LocateMe/index.js b/__app/component/LocateMe/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68aa381
--- /dev/null
+++ b/__app/component/LocateMe/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+import LocateMe from './LocateMe';
+export { LocateMe };
+export default LocateMe;
diff --git a/__app/component/PhoneBook/index.js b/__app/component/PhoneBook/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c401a42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/__app/component/PhoneBook/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+import PhoneBook from './PhoneBook';
+export { PhoneBook };
+export default PhoneBook;
diff --git a/__app/component/Scanner/Scanner.js b/__app/component/Scanner/Scanner.js
index 11878f2..dcdd2c9 100644
--- a/__app/component/Scanner/Scanner.js
+++ b/__app/component/Scanner/Scanner.js
@@ -1,28 +1,216 @@
-import ScannerInit from './ScannerInit';
-import ScannerScanBox from './ScannerScanBox';
-import ScannerFlash from './ScannerFlash';
-import ScannerClose from './ScannerClose';
-import ScannerFacing from './ScannerFacing';
-import ScannerGallery from './ScannerGallery';
-import ScannerCamera from './ScannerCamera';
-export {
- ScannerInit,
- ScannerFlash,
- ScannerClose,
- ScannerScanBox,
- ScannerFacing,
- ScannerGallery,
- ScannerCamera,
+/* eslint-disable no-inner-declarations */
+import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
+import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
+import { handleSuccess, handleError, handleLoading } from '../services/handlerService';
+import Wrapper from '../Wrapper/Wrapper';
+let mediaStream = null;
+let videoUnmount = null;
+let unmoutRenderLoop = null;
+const failureMsgDefault = {
+ unSupported: 'QR-Code/Bar-Code/UPI Scanner is not supporting in your device',
+ streamingFailed: 'Camera streaming failed',
+ barCodeDetectionFailed: 'Bar code detection failed',
+ invalidImage: 'Invalid Images',
+ flashUnsupported: 'Flash is not supporting in your device',
+ unableToScan: 'Unable to scan',
-export default {
- Init: ScannerInit,
- Flash: ScannerFlash,
- Close: ScannerClose,
- ScanBox: ScannerScanBox,
- Facing: ScannerFacing,
- Gallery: ScannerGallery,
- Camera: ScannerCamera,
+function Scanner({
+ successCb,
+ failureCb,
+ loadingCb,
+ successMsg,
+ failureMsg: failureMsgProps,
+ cameraType,
+ zIndex,
+ children,
+}) {
+ let list = null;
+ let video = null;
+ let facingMode;
+ const failureMsg = { ...failureMsgDefault, ...failureMsgProps };
+ const [flash, setFlash] = useState(false);
+ const [isBrowser, setIsBrowser] = useState(false);
+ const stopStreaming = () => {
+ if (mediaStream) {
+ mediaStream.getTracks().forEach((track) => {
+ track.stop();
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ const detectCodes = async () => {
+ const WindowBarcodeDetector = globalThis.BarcodeDetector;
+ const barcodeDetector = new WindowBarcodeDetector();
+ const itemsFound = [];
+ // eslint-disable-next-line consistent-return
+ async function render() {
+ try {
+ const barcodes = await barcodeDetector.detect(video);
+ barcodes.forEach((barcode) => {
+ if (!itemsFound.includes(barcode.rawValue)) {
+ itemsFound.push(barcode.rawValue);
+ handleSuccess({
+ msgType: 'SUCCESSFUL',
+ msg: successMsg,
+ successCb,
+ data: { barCodeValue: barcode.rawValue, barCodeType: barcode.format },
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ } catch (error) {
+ return handleError({ msgType: 'BAR_CODE_DETECTION_FAILED', msg: failureMsg.barCodeDetectionFailed || JSON.stringify(error), failureCb });
+ }
+ }
+ unmoutRenderLoop = setTimeout(() => {
+ (function renderLoop() {
+ videoUnmount = requestAnimationFrame(renderLoop);
+ render();
+ }());
+ }, 1000);
+ };
+ const createVideo = async (id) => {
+ document.getElementById('streaming-video')?.remove();
+ video = document.createElement('video');
+ video.id = 'streaming-video';
+ video.srcObject = mediaStream;
+ video.autoplay = true;
+ video.play();
+ video.style.width = '100%';
+ video.style.height = '100%';
+ video.style.position = 'absolute';
+ video.style.overflow = 'hidden';
+ video.style.display = 'block';
+ video.style.zIndex = zIndex;
+ video.style.top = '0';
+ video.style.left = '0';
+ video.style.objectFit = 'fill';
+ list = document.getElementById(id);
+ list.before(video);
+ };
+ const startStreaming = async () => {
+ try {
+ mediaStream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({
+ video: {
+ // deviceId: camera.deviceId,
+ facingMode,
+ zoom: true,
+ resizeMode: true,
+ focusDistance: true,
+ focusMode: true,
+ },
+ });
+ } catch (error) {
+ return handleError({ msgType: 'STREAMING_FAILED', msg: failureMsg.streamingFailed || JSON.stringify(error), failureCb });
+ }
+ return mediaStream;
+ };
+ const startVideo = async (id = 'camera') => {
+ mediaStream = await startStreaming();
+ createVideo(id);
+ detectCodes();
+ };
+ const allClear = () => {
+ cancelAnimationFrame(videoUnmount);
+ stopStreaming();
+ clearTimeout(unmoutRenderLoop);
+ };
+ const toggleFlash = async () => {
+ const track = mediaStream.getVideoTracks()[0];
+ try {
+ await track.applyConstraints({
+ advanced: [{ torch: !flash }],
+ });
+ setFlash((s) => !s);
+ } catch (error) {
+ return handleError({ msgType: 'FLASH_UPSUPPORTED', msg: failureMsg.flashUnsupported, failureCb });
+ }
+ return true;
+ };
+ const toggleCamera = () => {
+ facingMode = facingMode === 'user' ? 'environment' : 'user';
+ stopStreaming();
+ cancelAnimationFrame(videoUnmount);
+ clearTimeout(unmoutRenderLoop);
+ startVideo();
+ };
+ const handleBrowserSupport = () => {
+ if (Scanner.isBrowserSupport()) {
+ facingMode = cameraType === 'back' ? 'environment' : 'user';
+ handleLoading({ loadingCb });
+ startVideo();
+ } else {
+ return handleError({ msgType: 'UN_SUPPORTED_FEATURE', msg: failureMsg.unSupported, failureCb });
+ }
+ return true;
+ };
+ useEffect(() => {
+ setIsBrowser(true);
+ handleBrowserSupport();
+ return () => {
+ allClear();
+ };
+ }, []);
+ return isBrowser && Scanner.isBrowserSupport() && (
+ {
+ React.Children.map(children, (child) => React.cloneElement(child, {
+ zIndex,
+ allClear,
+ toggleCamera,
+ toggleFlash,
+ successCb,
+ successMsg,
+ failureCb,
+ failureMsg,
+ }))
+ }
+ );
+Scanner.isBrowserSupport = () => navigator?.mediaDevices && globalThis.BarcodeDetector;
+Scanner.propTypes = {
+ successCb: PropTypes.func,
+ failureCb: PropTypes.func,
+ loadingCb: PropTypes.func,
+ successMsg: PropTypes.string,
+ failureMsg: PropTypes.object,
+ zIndex: PropTypes.number,
+ cameraType: PropTypes.oneOf(['back', 'front']),
+Scanner.defaultProps = {
+ successCb: () => {},
+ failureCb: () => {},
+ loadingCb: () => {},
+ successMsg: '',
+ failureMsg: { ...failureMsgDefault },
+ zIndex: 9,
+ cameraType: 'back',
+export default Wrapper(Scanner);
diff --git a/__app/component/Scanner/ScannerInit.js b/__app/component/Scanner/ScannerInit.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 56f4ea9..0000000
--- a/__app/component/Scanner/ScannerInit.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,216 +0,0 @@
-/* eslint-disable no-inner-declarations */
-import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
-import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
-import { handleSuccess, handleError, handleLoading } from '../services/handlerService';
-import Wrapper from '../Wrapper/Wrapper';
-let mediaStream = null;
-let videoUnmount = null;
-let unmoutRenderLoop = null;
-const failureMsgDefault = {
- unSupported: 'QR-Code/Bar-Code/UPI Scanner is not supporting in your device',
- streamingFailed: 'Camera streaming failed',
- barCodeDetectionFailed: 'Bar code detection failed',
- invalidImage: 'Invalid Images',
- flashUnsupported: 'Flash is not supporting in your device',
- unableToScan: 'Unable to scan',
-function ScannerInit({
- successCb,
- failureCb,
- loadingCb,
- successMsg,
- failureMsg: failureMsgProps,
- cameraType,
- zIndex,
- children,
-}) {
- let list = null;
- let video = null;
- let facingMode;
- const failureMsg = { ...failureMsgDefault, ...failureMsgProps };
- const [flash, setFlash] = useState(false);
- const [isBrowser, setIsBrowser] = useState(false);
- const stopStreaming = () => {
- if (mediaStream) {
- mediaStream.getTracks().forEach((track) => {
- track.stop();
- });
- }
- };
- const detectCodes = async () => {
- const WindowBarcodeDetector = globalThis.BarcodeDetector;
- const barcodeDetector = new WindowBarcodeDetector();
- const itemsFound = [];
- // eslint-disable-next-line consistent-return
- async function render() {
- try {
- const barcodes = await barcodeDetector.detect(video);
- barcodes.forEach((barcode) => {
- if (!itemsFound.includes(barcode.rawValue)) {
- itemsFound.push(barcode.rawValue);
- handleSuccess({
- msgType: 'SUCCESSFUL',
- msg: successMsg,
- successCb,
- data: { barCodeValue: barcode.rawValue, barCodeType: barcode.format },
- });
- }
- });
- } catch (error) {
- return handleError({ msgType: 'BAR_CODE_DETECTION_FAILED', msg: failureMsg.barCodeDetectionFailed || JSON.stringify(error), failureCb });
- }
- }
- unmoutRenderLoop = setTimeout(() => {
- (function renderLoop() {
- videoUnmount = requestAnimationFrame(renderLoop);
- render();
- }());
- }, 1000);
- };
- const createVideo = async (id) => {
- document.getElementById('streaming-video')?.remove();
- video = document.createElement('video');
- video.id = 'streaming-video';
- video.srcObject = mediaStream;
- video.autoplay = true;
- video.play();
- video.style.width = '100%';
- video.style.height = '100%';
- video.style.position = 'absolute';
- video.style.overflow = 'hidden';
- video.style.display = 'block';
- video.style.zIndex = zIndex;
- video.style.top = '0';
- video.style.left = '0';
- video.style.objectFit = 'fill';
- list = document.getElementById(id);
- list.before(video);
- };
- const startStreaming = async () => {
- try {
- mediaStream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({
- video: {
- // deviceId: camera.deviceId,
- facingMode,
- zoom: true,
- resizeMode: true,
- focusDistance: true,
- focusMode: true,
- },
- });
- } catch (error) {
- return handleError({ msgType: 'STREAMING_FAILED', msg: failureMsg.streamingFailed || JSON.stringify(error), failureCb });
- }
- return mediaStream;
- };
- const startVideo = async (id = 'camera') => {
- mediaStream = await startStreaming();
- createVideo(id);
- detectCodes();
- };
- const allClear = () => {
- cancelAnimationFrame(videoUnmount);
- stopStreaming();
- clearTimeout(unmoutRenderLoop);
- };
- const toggleFlash = async () => {
- const track = mediaStream.getVideoTracks()[0];
- try {
- await track.applyConstraints({
- advanced: [{ torch: !flash }],
- });
- setFlash((s) => !s);
- } catch (error) {
- return handleError({ msgType: 'FLASH_UPSUPPORTED', msg: failureMsg.flashUnsupported, failureCb });
- }
- return true;
- };
- const toggleCamera = () => {
- facingMode = facingMode === 'user' ? 'environment' : 'user';
- stopStreaming();
- cancelAnimationFrame(videoUnmount);
- clearTimeout(unmoutRenderLoop);
- startVideo();
- };
- const handleBrowserSupport = () => {
- if (ScannerInit.isBrowserSupport()) {
- facingMode = cameraType === 'back' ? 'environment' : 'user';
- handleLoading({ loadingCb });
- startVideo();
- } else {
- return handleError({ msgType: 'UN_SUPPORTED_FEATURE', msg: failureMsg.unSupported, failureCb });
- }
- return true;
- };
- useEffect(() => {
- setIsBrowser(true);
- handleBrowserSupport();
- return () => {
- allClear();
- };
- }, []);
- return isBrowser && ScannerInit.isBrowserSupport() && (
- {
- React.Children.map(children, (child) => React.cloneElement(child, {
- zIndex,
- allClear,
- toggleCamera,
- toggleFlash,
- successCb,
- successMsg,
- failureCb,
- failureMsg,
- }))
- }
- );
-ScannerInit.isBrowserSupport = () => navigator?.mediaDevices && globalThis.BarcodeDetector;
-ScannerInit.propTypes = {
- successCb: PropTypes.func,
- failureCb: PropTypes.func,
- loadingCb: PropTypes.func,
- successMsg: PropTypes.string,
- failureMsg: PropTypes.object,
- zIndex: PropTypes.number,
- cameraType: PropTypes.oneOf(['back', 'front']),
-ScannerInit.defaultProps = {
- successCb: () => {},
- failureCb: () => {},
- loadingCb: () => {},
- successMsg: '',
- failureMsg: { ...failureMsgDefault },
- zIndex: 9,
- cameraType: 'back',
-export default Wrapper(ScannerInit);
diff --git a/__app/component/Scanner/index.js b/__app/component/Scanner/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94f4375
--- /dev/null
+++ b/__app/component/Scanner/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+import Scanner from './Scanner';
+import ScannerScanBox from './ScannerScanBox';
+import ScannerFlash from './ScannerFlash';
+import ScannerClose from './ScannerClose';
+import ScannerFacing from './ScannerFacing';
+import ScannerGallery from './ScannerGallery';
+import ScannerCamera from './ScannerCamera';
+// Helps in tree shaking
+export {
+ Scanner,
+ ScannerFlash,
+ ScannerClose,
+ ScannerScanBox,
+ ScannerFacing,
+ ScannerGallery,
+ ScannerCamera,
+export default {
+ Init: Scanner,
+ Flash: ScannerFlash,
+ Close: ScannerClose,
+ ScanBox: ScannerScanBox,
+ Facing: ScannerFacing,
+ Gallery: ScannerGallery,
+ Camera: ScannerCamera,
diff --git a/__app/component/Share/index.js b/__app/component/Share/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5429b11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/__app/component/Share/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+import Share from './Share';
+export { Share };
+export default Share;
diff --git a/__app/component/TextToSpeech/TextToSpeech.js b/__app/component/TextToSpeech/TextToSpeech.js
index ded764d..f94165e 100644
--- a/__app/component/TextToSpeech/TextToSpeech.js
+++ b/__app/component/TextToSpeech/TextToSpeech.js
@@ -1,15 +1,94 @@
-import TextToSpeechInit from './TextToSpeechInit';
-import TextToSpeechStart from './TextToSpeechStart';
-import TextToSpeechStop from './TextToSpeechStop';
-export {
- TextToSpeechInit,
- TextToSpeechStart,
- TextToSpeechStop,
+import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
+import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
+import Wrapper from '../Wrapper/Wrapper';
+import textToSpeech from './textToSpeechService';
+import { handleSuccess, handleError, handleLoading } from '../services/handlerService';
+const failureMsgDefault = {
+ unSupported: 'Text To Speech feature is not supporting in your device',
+ badRequest: 'Missing props',
+ error: 'Unable to convert text to voice',
-export default {
- Init: TextToSpeechInit,
- Start: TextToSpeechStart,
- Stop: TextToSpeechStop,
+function TextToSpeech({
+ successCb,
+ failureCb,
+ loadingCb,
+ successMsg,
+ failureMsg: failureMsgProps,
+ children,
+ text,
+}) {
+ const failureMsg = { ...failureMsgDefault, ...failureMsgProps };
+ const [isAudioOn, setIsAudioOn] = useState(false);
+ const handlePlay = async () => {
+ if (TextToSpeech.isBrowserSupport()) {
+ if (text) {
+ handleLoading({ loadingCb });
+ setIsAudioOn(true);
+ try {
+ const utteranceCbk = await textToSpeech(text);
+ utteranceCbk.onend = () => {
+ setIsAudioOn(false);
+ handleSuccess({ msgType: 'SUCCESSFULFUL', msg: successMsg, successCb, data: text });
+ };
+ utteranceCbk.onerror = () => setIsAudioOn(false);
+ } catch (error) {
+ return handleError({ msgType: 'ERROR', msg: failureMsg.error, failureCb });
+ }
+ } else {
+ return handleError({ msgType: 'MISSING_PARAMS', msg: failureMsg.badRequest, failureCb });
+ }
+ } else {
+ return handleError({ msgType: 'UN_SUPPORTED_FEATURE', msg: failureMsg.unSupported, failureCb });
+ }
+ return true;
+ };
+ const handleStop = () => {
+ globalThis.speechSynthesis.cancel();
+ setIsAudioOn(false);
+ };
+ useEffect(() => {
+ globalThis.speechSynthesis.cancel();
+ return () => {
+ globalThis.speechSynthesis.cancel();
+ };
+ }, []);
+ return React.Children.map(children, (child) => React.cloneElement(child, {
+ handleStop,
+ handlePlay,
+ isAudioOn,
+ successCb,
+ successMsg,
+ failureCb,
+ failureMsg,
+ }));
+TextToSpeech.isBrowserSupport = () => globalThis.speechSynthesis
+ && globalThis.speechSynthesis?.cancel
+ && globalThis.speechSynthesis?.speak
+ && true;
+TextToSpeech.propTypes = {
+ successCb: PropTypes.func,
+ failureCb: PropTypes.func,
+ loadingCb: PropTypes.func,
+ successMsg: PropTypes.string,
+ failureMsg: PropTypes.object,
+TextToSpeech.defaultProps = {
+ successCb: () => {},
+ failureCb: () => {},
+ loadingCb: () => {},
+ successMsg: 'Converted text to voice Successfully',
+ failureMsg: { ...failureMsgDefault },
+export default Wrapper(TextToSpeech);
diff --git a/__app/component/TextToSpeech/TextToSpeechInit.js b/__app/component/TextToSpeech/TextToSpeechInit.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b71c23..0000000
--- a/__app/component/TextToSpeech/TextToSpeechInit.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
-import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
-import Wrapper from '../Wrapper/Wrapper';
-import textToSpeech from './textToSpeechService';
-import { handleSuccess, handleError, handleLoading } from '../services/handlerService';
-const failureMsgDefault = {
- unSupported: 'Text To Speech feature is not supporting in your device',
- badRequest: 'Missing props',
- error: 'Unable to convert text to voice',
-function TextToSpeechInit({
- successCb,
- failureCb,
- loadingCb,
- successMsg,
- failureMsg: failureMsgProps,
- children,
- text,
-}) {
- const failureMsg = { ...failureMsgDefault, ...failureMsgProps };
- const [isAudioOn, setIsAudioOn] = useState(false);
- const handlePlay = async () => {
- if (TextToSpeechInit.isBrowserSupport()) {
- if (text) {
- handleLoading({ loadingCb });
- setIsAudioOn(true);
- try {
- const utteranceCbk = await textToSpeech(text);
- utteranceCbk.onend = () => {
- setIsAudioOn(false);
- handleSuccess({ msgType: 'SUCCESSFULFUL', msg: successMsg, successCb, data: text });
- };
- utteranceCbk.onerror = () => setIsAudioOn(false);
- } catch (error) {
- return handleError({ msgType: 'ERROR', msg: failureMsg.error, failureCb });
- }
- } else {
- return handleError({ msgType: 'MISSING_PARAMS', msg: failureMsg.badRequest, failureCb });
- }
- } else {
- return handleError({ msgType: 'UN_SUPPORTED_FEATURE', msg: failureMsg.unSupported, failureCb });
- }
- return true;
- };
- const handleStop = () => {
- globalThis.speechSynthesis.cancel();
- setIsAudioOn(false);
- };
- useEffect(() => {
- globalThis.speechSynthesis.cancel();
- return () => {
- globalThis.speechSynthesis.cancel();
- };
- }, []);
- return React.Children.map(children, (child) => React.cloneElement(child, {
- handleStop,
- handlePlay,
- isAudioOn,
- successCb,
- successMsg,
- failureCb,
- failureMsg,
- }));
-TextToSpeechInit.isBrowserSupport = () => globalThis.speechSynthesis
- && globalThis.speechSynthesis?.cancel
- && globalThis.speechSynthesis?.speak
- && true;
-TextToSpeechInit.propTypes = {
- successCb: PropTypes.func,
- failureCb: PropTypes.func,
- loadingCb: PropTypes.func,
- successMsg: PropTypes.string,
- failureMsg: PropTypes.object,
-TextToSpeechInit.defaultProps = {
- successCb: () => {},
- failureCb: () => {},
- loadingCb: () => {},
- successMsg: 'Converted text to voice Successfully',
- failureMsg: { ...failureMsgDefault },
-export default Wrapper(TextToSpeechInit);
diff --git a/__app/component/TextToSpeech/index.js b/__app/component/TextToSpeech/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..48b2230
--- /dev/null
+++ b/__app/component/TextToSpeech/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+import TextToSpeech from './TextToSpeech';
+import TextToSpeechStart from './TextToSpeechStart';
+import TextToSpeechStop from './TextToSpeechStop';
+export {
+ TextToSpeech,
+ TextToSpeechStart,
+ TextToSpeechStop,
+export default {
+ Init: TextToSpeech,
+ Start: TextToSpeechStart,
+ Stop: TextToSpeechStop,
diff --git a/__app/component/Vibrate/index.js b/__app/component/Vibrate/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aacb0e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/__app/component/Vibrate/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+import Vibrate from './Vibrate';
+export { Vibrate };
+export default Vibrate;
diff --git a/__app/component/VoiceRecognition/VoiceRecognition.js b/__app/component/VoiceRecognition/VoiceRecognition.js
index 33752d7..4cf84b2 100644
--- a/__app/component/VoiceRecognition/VoiceRecognition.js
+++ b/__app/component/VoiceRecognition/VoiceRecognition.js
@@ -1,15 +1,104 @@
-import VoiceRecognitionInit from './VoiceRecognitionInit';
-import VoiceRecognitionIcon from './VoiceRecognitionIcon';
-import VoiceRecognitionModal from './VoiceRecognitionModal';
-export {
- VoiceRecognitionInit,
- VoiceRecognitionIcon,
- VoiceRecognitionModal,
+import React, { useState } from 'react';
+import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
+import Wrapper from '../Wrapper/Wrapper';
+import { handleSuccess, handleError, handleLoading } from '../services/handlerService';
+const failureMsgDefault = {
+ unSupported: 'Voice Recognition feature is not supporting in your device',
+ error: 'Unable to convert your voice to text',
+function VoiceRecognition({
+ successCb,
+ failureCb,
+ loadingCb,
+ successMsg,
+ failureMsg: failureMsgProps,
+ children,
+}) {
+ const failureMsg = { ...failureMsgDefault, ...failureMsgProps };
+ const [isModalVisible, setIsModalVisible] = useState(false);
+ const [isVoiceStarted, setIsVoiceStarted] = useState(false);
+ const [voiceText, setVoiceText] = useState('');
+ const listen = () => {
+ if (VoiceRecognition.isBrowserSupport()) {
+ handleLoading({ loadingCb });
+ const SpeechRecognition = globalThis.SpeechRecognition || globalThis.webkitSpeechRecognition;
+ const recognition = new SpeechRecognition();
+ recognition.continuous = false;
+ recognition.lang = 'en-US';
+ recognition.interimResults = true;
+ recognition.maxAlternatives = 1;
+ recognition.onresult = (event) => {
+ const text = event.results[0][0].transcript;
+ setVoiceText(text);
+ if (event.results[0].isFinal) {
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ handleSuccess({ msgType: 'SUCCESSFUL', msg: successMsg, successCb, data: text });
+ setIsModalVisible(false);
+ setVoiceText('');
+ }, 1500);
+ }
+ };
+ recognition.start();
+ recognition.onsoundstart = () => {
+ setIsVoiceStarted(true);
+ };
+ recognition.onsoundend = () => {
+ setIsVoiceStarted(false);
+ };
+ recognition.onerror = () => {
+ setIsModalVisible(false);
+ return handleError({ msgType: 'ERROR', msg: failureMsg.error, failureCb });
+ };
+ recognition.onend = () => {
+ recognition.abort();
+ recognition.onresult = () => {};
+ recognition.stop();
+ setTimeout(() => setIsModalVisible(false), 1500);
+ };
+ setIsModalVisible(true);
+ } else {
+ return handleError({ msgType: 'UN_SUPPORTED_FEATURE', msg: failureMsg.unSupported, failureCb });
+ }
+ return true;
+ };
+ return React.Children.map(children, (child) => React.cloneElement(child, {
+ successCb,
+ successMsg,
+ failureCb,
+ failureMsg,
+ listen,
+ isVoiceStarted,
+ isModalVisible,
+ voiceText,
+ onClose: () => setIsModalVisible(false),
+ }));
+VoiceRecognition.isBrowserSupport = () => globalThis.SpeechRecognition
+ || globalThis.webkitSpeechRecognition;
+VoiceRecognition.propTypes = {
+ successCb: PropTypes.func,
+ failureCb: PropTypes.func,
+ loadingCb: PropTypes.func,
+ successMsg: PropTypes.string,
+ failureMsg: PropTypes.object,
-export default {
- Init: VoiceRecognitionInit,
- Icon: VoiceRecognitionIcon,
- Modal: VoiceRecognitionModal,
+VoiceRecognition.defaultProps = {
+ successCb: () => {},
+ failureCb: () => {},
+ loadingCb: () => {},
+ successMsg: 'Successfully converted your voice to text',
+ failureMsg: { ...failureMsgDefault },
+export default Wrapper(VoiceRecognition);
diff --git a/__app/component/VoiceRecognition/VoiceRecognitionInit.js b/__app/component/VoiceRecognition/VoiceRecognitionInit.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 4cf84b2..0000000
--- a/__app/component/VoiceRecognition/VoiceRecognitionInit.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-import React, { useState } from 'react';
-import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
-import Wrapper from '../Wrapper/Wrapper';
-import { handleSuccess, handleError, handleLoading } from '../services/handlerService';
-const failureMsgDefault = {
- unSupported: 'Voice Recognition feature is not supporting in your device',
- error: 'Unable to convert your voice to text',
-function VoiceRecognition({
- successCb,
- failureCb,
- loadingCb,
- successMsg,
- failureMsg: failureMsgProps,
- children,
-}) {
- const failureMsg = { ...failureMsgDefault, ...failureMsgProps };
- const [isModalVisible, setIsModalVisible] = useState(false);
- const [isVoiceStarted, setIsVoiceStarted] = useState(false);
- const [voiceText, setVoiceText] = useState('');
- const listen = () => {
- if (VoiceRecognition.isBrowserSupport()) {
- handleLoading({ loadingCb });
- const SpeechRecognition = globalThis.SpeechRecognition || globalThis.webkitSpeechRecognition;
- const recognition = new SpeechRecognition();
- recognition.continuous = false;
- recognition.lang = 'en-US';
- recognition.interimResults = true;
- recognition.maxAlternatives = 1;
- recognition.onresult = (event) => {
- const text = event.results[0][0].transcript;
- setVoiceText(text);
- if (event.results[0].isFinal) {
- setTimeout(() => {
- handleSuccess({ msgType: 'SUCCESSFUL', msg: successMsg, successCb, data: text });
- setIsModalVisible(false);
- setVoiceText('');
- }, 1500);
- }
- };
- recognition.start();
- recognition.onsoundstart = () => {
- setIsVoiceStarted(true);
- };
- recognition.onsoundend = () => {
- setIsVoiceStarted(false);
- };
- recognition.onerror = () => {
- setIsModalVisible(false);
- return handleError({ msgType: 'ERROR', msg: failureMsg.error, failureCb });
- };
- recognition.onend = () => {
- recognition.abort();
- recognition.onresult = () => {};
- recognition.stop();
- setTimeout(() => setIsModalVisible(false), 1500);
- };
- setIsModalVisible(true);
- } else {
- return handleError({ msgType: 'UN_SUPPORTED_FEATURE', msg: failureMsg.unSupported, failureCb });
- }
- return true;
- };
- return React.Children.map(children, (child) => React.cloneElement(child, {
- successCb,
- successMsg,
- failureCb,
- failureMsg,
- listen,
- isVoiceStarted,
- isModalVisible,
- voiceText,
- onClose: () => setIsModalVisible(false),
- }));
-VoiceRecognition.isBrowserSupport = () => globalThis.SpeechRecognition
- || globalThis.webkitSpeechRecognition;
-VoiceRecognition.propTypes = {
- successCb: PropTypes.func,
- failureCb: PropTypes.func,
- loadingCb: PropTypes.func,
- successMsg: PropTypes.string,
- failureMsg: PropTypes.object,
-VoiceRecognition.defaultProps = {
- successCb: () => {},
- failureCb: () => {},
- loadingCb: () => {},
- successMsg: 'Successfully converted your voice to text',
- failureMsg: { ...failureMsgDefault },
-export default Wrapper(VoiceRecognition);
diff --git a/__app/component/VoiceRecognition/index.js b/__app/component/VoiceRecognition/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80a169c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/__app/component/VoiceRecognition/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+import VoiceRecognition from './VoiceRecognition';
+import VoiceRecognitionIcon from './VoiceRecognitionIcon';
+import VoiceRecognitionModal from './VoiceRecognitionModal';
+export {
+ VoiceRecognition,
+ VoiceRecognitionIcon,
+ VoiceRecognitionModal,
+export default {
+ Init: VoiceRecognition,
+ Icon: VoiceRecognitionIcon,
+ Modal: VoiceRecognitionModal,
diff --git a/__app/component/WakeLock/WakeLock.js b/__app/component/WakeLock/WakeLock.js
index 48a05a8..6d81707 100644
--- a/__app/component/WakeLock/WakeLock.js
+++ b/__app/component/WakeLock/WakeLock.js
@@ -1,26 +1,57 @@
+import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import { handleError, handleSuccess } from '../services/handlerService';
function WakeLock(props = {}) {
- const successCb = props.successCb || (() => {});
- const failureCb = props.failureCb || (() => {});
+ const successCb = props.successCb || (() => { });
+ const failureCb = props.failureCb || (() => { });
const successMsg = props.successMsg || '';
const failureMsg = props.failureMsg || {};
if (WakeLock.isBrowserSupport()) {
- // const abort = new AbortController();
- // abortAutoFill(abort, 3);
- // navigator.credentials.get({
- // otp: { transport: ['sms'] },
- // signal: abort.signal,
- // }).then((otp) => {
- // const { code } = otp;
- // handleSuccess({ msgType: 'SUCCESSFUL', msg: successMsg, successCb, data: code });
- // }).catch((error) => handleError({ msgType: 'ERROR', msg: error, failureCb }));
+ let wakeLocker = null;
+ wakeLocker = navigator.wakeLock.request('screen');
+ try {
+ if (wakeLocker) {
+ handleSuccess({ msgType: 'SUCCESSFUL', msg: successMsg, successCb });
+ } else {
+ return handleError({
+ msgType: 'CANCELLED',
+ failureCb,
+ });
+ }
+ } catch (error) {
+ return handleError({
+ msgType: 'ERROR',
+ msg: failureMsg.error || JSON.stringify(error),
+ failureCb,
+ });
+ }
} else {
- return handleError({ msgType: 'UN_SUPPORTED_FEATURE', msg: failureMsg.unSupported || 'WakeLock is not supporting in your device', failureCb });
+ return handleError({
+ msg:
+ failureMsg.unSupported || 'WakeLock is not supporting in your device',
+ failureCb,
+ });
WakeLock.isBrowserSupport = () => 'wakeLock' in navigator;
+WakeLock.propTypes = {
+ successCb: PropTypes.func,
+ failureCb: PropTypes.func,
+ successMsg: PropTypes.string,
+ failureMsg: PropTypes.object,
+WakeLock.defaultProps = {
+ successCb: () => { },
+ failureCb: () => { },
+ successMsg: 'WakeLock successfully!!',
+ failureMsg: {
+ unSupported: 'Your browser does not support the WakeLock fetaure',
+ error: 'Unable to apply WakeLock',
+ },
export default WakeLock;
diff --git a/__app/component/WakeLock/index.js b/__app/component/WakeLock/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c33f38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/__app/component/WakeLock/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+import WakeLock from './WakeLock';
+export { WakeLock };
+export default WakeLock;
diff --git a/__app/script/boilerPlate.js b/__app/script/boilerPlate.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..508feb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/__app/script/boilerPlate.js
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+// console.log('Boiler Plate');
+// console.log(process.env.COMPONENT);
+const fs = require('fs');
+const path = require('path');
+const { mkdirp } = require('mkdirp');
+const { COMPONENT } = process.env;
+// const srcPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '__app/component');
+const componentDir = path.resolve(`${__dirname}`, `../component/${COMPONENT}`);
+mkdirp(componentDir).then(() => {
+ const componentContent = `import React from 'react';
+import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
+import { handleSuccess, handleError, handleLoading } from '../services/handlerService';
+import Wrapper from '../Wrapper/Wrapper';
+const failureMsgDefault = {
+ unSupported: '${COMPONENT} is not supporting in your device',
+ error: 'Unable to fetch details from ${COMPONENT}',
+function ${COMPONENT}({
+ successCb,
+ failureCb,
+ loadingCb,
+ successMsg,
+ failureMsg: failureMsgProps,
+ children,
+}) {
+ const failureMsg = { ...failureMsgDefault, ...failureMsgProps };
+ const get${COMPONENT} = () => {
+ };
+ return (
+ React.Children.map(children || 'PhoneBook', (child) => React.cloneElement(typeof child === 'string' ? {child} : child, {
+ onClick: get${COMPONENT},
+ }))
+ );
+${COMPONENT}.isBrowserSupport = () => globalThis && true;
+${COMPONENT}.propTypes = {
+ successCb: PropTypes.func,
+ failureCb: PropTypes.func,
+ loadingCb: PropTypes.func,
+ successMsg: PropTypes.string,
+ failureMsg: PropTypes.object,
+${COMPONENT}.defaultProps = {
+ successCb: () => {},
+ failureCb: () => {},
+ loadingCb: () => {},
+ successMsg: 'Phonebook details fetch Successfully',
+ failureMsg: { ...failureMsgDefault },
+export default Wrapper(${COMPONENT});
+ const IndexContent = `import ${COMPONENT} from './${COMPONENT}';
+export { ${COMPONENT} };
+export default ${COMPONENT};
+ const READMEContent = `## 1. Happy Flow
+#### a) Passing child
+## 2. Success: successCb callBack Fn along with success msg
+> [!Note]
+> **successCb** will get an object contains the property **msgType**, **msg**, **data**
+## 3. Failure: failureCb callBack Fn along with failure msg
+> [!Note]
+> **failureCb** will get an object contains the property **msgType**, **msg**
+> [!Important]
+Failure can happend due to multiple reasons, due to that reason **failureMsg** is an object having different kind of error property according to the error can occur in component
+## 4. Failure: Device don't support the feature and you want to hide the feauture from User
+> [!Note]
+> if **showForever** props value is false, feature will be hidden in case of unSupported by the device
+## 5. Combine with all props
+ `;
+ fs.writeFile((`${componentDir}/${COMPONENT}.js`), componentContent, () => {});
+ fs.writeFile((`${componentDir}/index.js`), IndexContent, () => {});
+ fs.writeFile((`${componentDir}/README.md`), READMEContent, () => {});
diff --git a/__app/script/generateIndex.js b/__app/script/generateIndex.js
index 653d668..24a00d8 100644
--- a/__app/script/generateIndex.js
+++ b/__app/script/generateIndex.js
@@ -29,11 +29,15 @@ const srcPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '../component');
const components = fs.readdirSync(srcPath).filter((files) => !ignoreFiles.includes(files) && !files.includes('WIP-'));
let count = 0;
+let indexImport = '';
+let indexExport = '\nexport {';
components.forEach((component) => {
+ indexImport += `import ${component} from './${component}';\n`;
+ indexExport += `\n ${component},`;
const componentDir = path.resolve(`${__dirname}`, `../../${component}`);
mkdirp(componentDir).then(() => {
const componentFile = path.resolve(componentDir, 'index.js');
- const componentContent = `export { default } from '../__build/${component}/${component}';\nexport * from '../__build/${component}/${component}';\n`;
+ const componentContent = `export { default } from '../__build/${component}';\nexport * from '../__build/${component}';\n`;
// const componentContent = `import ${component}
// from '../__build/${component}/${component}';\nexport default ${component};\n`;
fs.writeFile(componentFile, componentContent, (writeFileErr) => {
@@ -50,3 +54,5 @@ components.forEach((component) => {
+indexExport += '\n};\n';
+fs.writeFile(('index.js'), indexImport + indexExport, () => {});
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index f15fadf..7e2133f 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -2,9 +2,10 @@
"name": "fe-pilot",
"version": "1.0.65",
"description": "Advance JS features, Plug & Play",
- "main": "",
+ "main": "index.js",
"scripts": {
"test": "echo \"Success: Verified\"",
+ "create": "node ./__app/script/boilerPlate.js",
"start": "npm run local",
"local": "npm run local:indexfile && npm run local:component",
"local:indexfile": "node ./__app/script/generateIndex.js",
@@ -57,7 +58,8 @@
- "colorpicker"
+ "colorpicker",
+ "wakelock"
"config": {
"commitizen": {
@@ -80,7 +82,9 @@
"files": [
+ "./index.js",
+ "ABCD/",