Zet de hele zaak op met Docker.
Clone the repo:
git clone https://github.com/openstad/openstad-headless
And go to that directory and initialize:
cd openstad-headless
npm i
npm run create-docker-config
You may want to note the login code that is shown for later use.
You can re-run this command, but you may want to read the notes first.
docker-compose up --build
You now have four servers, running on localhost:31410, 31430, 31450 and 31470. These urls should work:
You are now done. Everything below this line is extra information for the incurably curious.
Each widget management page shows a preview of how the widget will look given a set of configurations. To make this work however, one must first use the command "npm run build" in the specific widget (in the packages > [widget] folder). This is only neccesary in development. In production these widgets are already prebuild.
There are a few steps to follow when trying to get a new widget rendered for the preview component:
- In widget-settings.js define the way the api-server should bundle the widget. For example:
resourceoverview: { js: ['@openstad-headless/resource-overview/dist/resource-overview.iife.js'], css: ['@openstad-headless/resource-overview/dist/style.css'], functionName: 'OpenstadHeadlessResourceOverview', componentName: 'ResourceOverview', //naam moet gelijk zijn aan de daadwerkelijke component naam defaultConfig: { projectId: null, }, }
- In widget-preview.tsx you will need to make sure that the widget-type is in the [type] key of the Props definition. This will be the key how the widget-preview route in the api-server decides which and how the widget should be packaged in a .js script.
type Props = {
| 'likes'
| 'comments'
| 'resourceoverview'
| 'resourceform'
| 'begrootmodule'
| 'resourcesmap'
| 'map'
| 'keuzewijzer';
- In the api-server add the name at the top of the package.json file of the widget, to the dependencies like so:
"@openstad-headless/resource-overview": "file:../../packages/resource-overview"
- The last thing you will need to do, is tell vite how you wish to build the react widget. You can do this by adding the following code to the
file (replace the name of the widget):
import { defineConfig } from 'vite';
import react from '@vitejs/plugin-react';
// https://vitejs.dev/config/
export default defineConfig(({ command }) => {
// When running in dev mode, use the React plugin
if (command === 'serve') {
return {
plugins: [react()],
// During build, use the classic runtime and build as an IIFE so we can deliver it to the browser
} else {
return {
plugins: [react({ jsxRuntime: 'classic' })],
build: {
lib: {
formats: ['iife'],
entry: 'src/resource-overview.tsx',
name: 'OpenstadHeadlessResourceOverview',
rollupOptions: {
external: ['react', 'react-dom', 'remixicon/fonts/remixicon.css'],
output: {
globals: {
react: 'React',
'react-dom': 'ReactDOM',
In Development, the preview will only work if you have builded the widget with. npm run build, afterwards you should see the widget being rendered, given that you have given it the required config and the widget is not faulty. If you get an error regarding a dependency (for example rollup), try to run npm install for the specific widget.
The code is mounted from the /apps
dirs in the repo, and run using nodemon
. That means that changes in the code will immediately be available.
Six docker containers have been created:
- openstad-mysql
- openstad-mailhog
- openstad-api-server
- openstad-auth-server
- openstad-image-server
- openstad-admin-server
- openstad-cms-server
During setup the databases are filled with some initial data, as described in the databases documentation.
To rerun the database initialisation, e.g. for the api, run
docker exec openstad-api-server bash -c "npm run init-database"
To connect directly to the database use
mysql -h -u root -p
You can find the password in the .env
The npm run create-docker-config
command above uses the .env
file to overwrite default settings.
You can use this to create a simpler initial login code:
or mysql password:
or use an existing database server:
Try deleting your existing containers and volumes:
docker-compose down -v
- Verzin een oplossing voor het issue onder notes
- Mailen doet ie nog helemaal niet. Er is wel een mailhog server, dus dat is vermoedelijk vrij simpel
- Configuratie opties zijn nu nog beperkt (gerelateerd: API config/local.js moet er uit)
- Ik wil er eigenlijk nog een nginx server voor zetten
- De db's zijn nu een kopie van docker-compose.deps-only.yml; die zou je willen hergebruiken ipv kopieren
- Ik heb de Dockerfiles in de apps wat opgeschoond, maar er moet natuurlijk gechecked of die nou nog goed werken