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OpenTech Awesome List

OpenTech Awesome List

Recopilación de links de guías, artículos, tutoriales, vídeos, charlas, conferencias, podcasts, cursos y libros sobre el mundo tecnológico.

¿Quieres contribuir con algún recurso? ¡Excelente! Por favor, lea nuestra guía de contribución antes de contribuir.

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Tabla de Contenido

🇪🇸📹 EDteam: No seas un estudiante eterno

🇪🇸🍎 Elixir School: Aprendamos Elixir

🇪🇸✍️🛠️ Las mejores aplicaciones y herramientas gratis para GNU/Linux

🇪🇸✍️ Es hora de regresar a un mejor balance de hombres y mujeres en tecnología

🇪🇸🗣️ Como ser emocionalmente profesional | Crecer duele

🇪🇸✍️ Como superar el sindrome del impostor.

🇪🇸✍️ En tecnología, tu profesión puede no ser lo más importante

🇺🇸✍️ New to JAMstack? Everything You Need to Know to Get Started - Mathieu Dionne

🇺🇸✍️🤔 What the JAMstack means for marketing - Kym Ellis

🇺🇸✍️🤔 Pick the Best Static Site Generator for your 2020 Projects - Mathieu Dionne

🇺🇸✍️🤔 How to design an ergonomic workspac - Szymon Michalak

🇺🇸🎫 JAMStack Conference

🇺🇸💰🛠️ Descargar las mejores imagenes exclusivas, de manera gratuita.

🇺🇸🛠️ Galería de iconos Free en Github.

🇺🇸🗣️ Como los lideres inspiran a la acción

🇺🇸✍️ How to become a Fullstack Web Developer in 2020

🇺🇸🍎 JAMStack: Introduction to the Jamstack

🇺🇸🍎 JAMStack: Create a Blog Using the Jamstack

🇺🇸🍎 JAMStack: Create an E-Commerce App with Gatsby

🇺🇸🍎 JAMStack: Pre-Generate Static Pages With Dynamic Content

🇺🇸🍎 JAMStack: Authentication in the Jamstack

🇺🇸🍎 JAMStack: Gatsby Cloud with CosmicJS

🇺🇸🍎 JAMStack: Jamstack and Serverless

🇺🇸🍎 JAMStack: Serverless Functions and Databases

🇺🇸🍎 JAMStack: Gatsby Cloud with Contentful CMS

🇺🇸🍎 JAMStack: Create a Jamstack app with Nuxt.js and Firebase

🇺🇸🛠️ CodeMyUI: Web Design & UI Inspiration with Code Snippets

🇺🇸🛠️ Badgen: Fast badge generating service

🇺🇸🛠️ Quality metadata badges for open source projects

🇺🇸🛠️ Find the Best Programming Courses & Tutorials

🇺🇸✍️ Redux for React: A Simple Introduction

🇺🇸✍️💼 How to write a killer Softare Engineering résumé

🇺🇸✍️ How to stand out with your Github Profile

🇺🇸✍️ Todas la etiquetas HTML, de manera interactiva.

🇺🇸✍️🍎 700 Free Online Programming & Computer Science Courses

🇺🇸🍎 CSS Reference: A free visual guide to CSS

🇺🇸📹 How I learned to code - and got I job at google

🇺🇸✍️ Onboarding a junior developer to your team

🛠️🎫 List hackaton code of the world

🇺🇸🎫 Hack Nigth club

🇺🇸🍎 TryRuby: Learn programming with Ruby

🇺🇸✍️ 10 Extraordinary GitHub Repos for All Developers

🇺🇸🛠️ unDraw: Open-source illustrations

🇺🇸🛠️ Humaaans: Mix-&-Match illustration library

🇺🇸🍎 Codedamn: Learn to code online

🇺🇸📖 A Beginner's Guide to Getting Started in UX Research

🇺🇸📖 LaunchSchool: Introduction to Programming with Ruby

🇺🇸📖 LaunchSchool: Introduction to the Command Line

🇺🇸📖 LaunchSchool: A Guide to Git and Github

🇺🇸📖 LaunchSchool: Object Oriented Programming with Ruby

🇺🇸📖 LaunchSchool: Core Ruby Tools

🇺🇸📖 LaunchSchool: Introduction to HTTP

🇺🇸📖 LaunchSchool: Introduction to SQL

🇺🇸📖 LaunchSchool: Introduction to Regular Expressions

🇺🇸📖 LaunchSchool: Working with Web APIs

🇺🇸📖 LaunchSchool: Agile Planning: From Ideas to Story Cards

🇺🇸📖 LaunchSchool: Demystifying Rails

🇺🇸📖 LaunchSchool: Introduction to Programming with JavaScript

🇺🇸✍️🍎 Free GitHub Learning Labs A to Z of Web Development

🇺🇸🍎 Execute Program: TypeScript

🇺🇸🍎 Execute Program: SQL

🇺🇸🍎 Execute Program: Regular Expressions

🇺🇸🍎 Execute Program: Modern JavaScript

🇺🇸🍎 Execute Program: JavaScript Concurrency

🇺🇸🍎 Execute Program: JavaScript Arrays

🇺🇸📖 FrontMasters: Front-end Developer Handbook 2019

🇪🇸📹 PlatziConf: Ahorrar no te va a salvar del futuro

🇪🇸📹 PlatziConf: Git, la base la colaboración más allá del código

🇺🇸🍎 mlcourse: Open Machine Learning Course

🇺🇸🍎 React School: React Native

🇺🇸🛠️✍️ 8 VSCode extensions you might love

🇺🇸✍️ These four “clean code” tips will dramatically improve your engineering team’s productivity

🇺🇸✍️💼 10 Great Programming Projects to Improve Your Resume and Learn to Program

🇺🇸✍️ 65 UX methods and when to use them

🇺🇸🛠️ Mentimeter: Create interactive presentations & meetings

🇺🇸🛠️ H5P: Create and Compartir Rich HTML5 Content and Applications

🇪🇸🛠️ Genially: La herramienta para crear contenidos interactivos que enamoran a tu audiencia.

🇺🇸🛠️💰 Miro: Interactive board

🇺🇸🍎 MongoDB University

🇺🇸✍️ CodeSource: Build a simple E-Commerce App with React Native

🇺🇸✍️ CodeSource: Build a CRUD Application with React and Apollo GraphQL

🇺🇸✍️ CodeSource: 7 Python coding practices every developer should know

🇺🇸🍎 CodeSource: Learn Git, Github, and Opensource

🇺🇸🍎 CodeSource: Learn SOLID Principles of Object-Oriented Design

🇺🇸💰🛠️ Flock: makes communication and collaboration effortless

🇪🇸💰🛠️ Todoist: Organízalo todo

🇺🇸💰🛠️ Citrix Podio: Get your teams working in sync

🇪🇸🛠️ Trello: trabajar de forma más colaborativa y ser más productivo.

🇪🇸💰🛠️ Workep: La herramienta de colaboración remota entre empresas.

🇪🇸💰🛠️ Atlassian: Herramienta de desarrollo de software.

🇺🇸🛠️ OBS Studio: Free and open source software for video recording and live streaming.

🇺🇸🛠️ AlternativeTo: Crowdsourced software recommendations

🇺🇸🛠️ LastPass: Recuerda todas sus contraseñas de forma segura para que usted no tenga que hacerlo.

🇺🇸🛠️ Boxy SVG Editor: Editing SVG files.

🇺🇸🛠️ CloudConvert: The converter of all types of files, online

🇺🇸🛠️ PlayFilm: Genera más leads cualificados e incrementa tu conversión a venta con Video Quizzes.

🇪🇸💰🛠️ WeVideo: El editor de vídeo en línea para todos.

🇺🇸💰🛠️ RawShorts: Transform Text into Animated Videos.

🇪🇸💰🛠️ Powtoon: Crear videos profesionales y totalmente personalizados

🇺🇸🛠️ Magisto: Make outstanding social videos in minutes with the power of Magisto’s smart video editor.

🇺🇸🛠️ Mixer Factory: Cloud native video editing solution.

🇪🇸💰🛠️ Renderforest: Plataforma de branding todo en uno.

🇪🇸🛠️ OpenShot: Editor de vídeo, fácil de usar y rápido de dominar.

🇪🇸💰🛠️ Kizoa: Aplicación de montaje de vídeos en línea,edición y creación de presentaciones.

🇪🇸💰🛠️ Clipchamp: Editor, compresor y convertidor de vídeo y la grabadora webcam

🇪🇸✍️ Especificidad en CSS with Dark side.

🇪🇸🛠️ Calculadora de especificidad CSS.

🇺🇸✍️ The Self-Taught Developer's Guide to Learning How to Code

🇪🇸🍎 Juego interactivo para aprender sobre seguridad informática - Básico

🇺🇸✍️ Remote Work: Over communicate with context

🇪🇸✍️ Cambiamos a Figma?

🇺🇸🍎 Challenges: Turn your tech skills into superpowers

🇺🇸✍️ How to Contribute to Open Source | Open Source Guides.

🇺🇸🐙📖 A to Z Resources for Students

🇺🇸🐙📖 Awesome First PR Opportunities

🇺🇸🐙📖 Awesome lists about all kinds of interesting topics

🇺🇸💼🐙📖 A long list of (advanced) JavaScript questions, and their explanations

🇺🇸💼🐙📖 Various technical concepts for interviews

🇺🇸🐙📖 Awesome for non-programmers

🇺🇸🐙📖 A collection of various awesome lists for hackers

🇺🇸💼🐙📖 33 concepts every JavaScript developer should know.

🇺🇸🐙📖 A collective list of free APIs for use in software and web development.

🇺🇸🐙📖 Roadmap to becoming a web developer in 2020

🇺🇸🐙📖 Freely available programming books

🇺🇸🐙📖 A complete computer science study plan to become a software engineer.

🇪🇸🐙📹 Taller de grabación y transmisión de vídeo con OBS

🇺🇸🐙📖 Build your own (insert technology here)

🇺🇸🐙🍎 Beginner Network Pentesting Course

🇺🇸🐙📖 Algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript.

🇺🇸🐙📖 Carefully curated list of awesome JAMstack resources

🇺🇸🐙📖 Creative Coding: Generative Art, Data visualization, Interaction Design, Resources.

🇺🇸🐙📖 A book series on JavaScript. @YDKJS on twitter.

🇺🇸🐙🍎 Git-it is a (Mac, Win, Linux) Desktop App for Learning Git and GitHub

🇺🇸🐙🍎 An interactive git visualization to challenge and educate!

🇪🇸🍎👾 TwilioQuest: videojuego de rol para Windows, Linux y macOS para aprender a programar

🇺🇸🐙🍎 Aprende GitHub con cursos de GitHub.

🇺🇸🍎👾 Flexbox Zombies: An interactive game to learn Flexbox

🇺🇸🍎👾 Flexbox Froggy: Educational game to learn css

🇺🇸🍎 CSS-Tricks: A complete guide to learn Grid CSS.

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