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Stephen Hawes edited this page Mar 31, 2023 · 36 revisions

Welcome to the LumenPnP wiki!

The LumenPnP is an open source pick and place machine.

You can build your own machine using the materials in this repository, or buy one from the Opulo site. Machines are being used in active production daily. If you decide to build one, please help find bugs and design issues by submitting GitHub issues.

In general, whatever is in the main branch represents the most stable and tested version of things. Feature branches are in progress, and in general, you shouldn't build from feature branch designs unless you're working on development! They could be completely non-functional or partway through edits.

Along with the LumenPnP itself, the project also includes feeders designed to work with the LumenPnP. Although they were designed with the LumenPnP in mind, they can work with any OpenPnP pick and place with a 20mm x 20mm rail for mounting. They can be found in their repository.

What's the goal?

The goal of this project is to create a machine that allows people to create products at a larger scale than they could have otherwise. This blog post explains the ethos of the project, but in summary: Consider breaking the scales of producing a product into three broad categories. The smallest scale is prototyping, where you make 1-100 a year, using all hand tools, and very manual fabrication processes. The largest scale is mass production, where you hire a contract manufacturer to manage production of your product, use machines that cost upwards of a few million dollars, and requires a tremendous capital investment. There currently isn't much to help facilitate the third category, mid-scale production. This is where you have a significant number of units to produce (100-5000 a year), but not enough to justify hiring a contract manufacturer to make them for you.

The goal of the LumenPnP (and other machines in the works) is to help folks bridge the gap between prototyping and mass production. They should help with the production of a product at a moderate scale, with a cost that is reasonable for a business that does not have the resources to invest in expensive contracts or machines.

Project Requirements

The following is a list of product requirements for the LumenPnP. These must be true for the project to be considered achieving the initial goal.

  • Automated - no human interaction necessary from attaching the paste-applied board to the machine to having a board ready for reflow
  • Capable of picking and placing components down to 0603 passives
  • Integrated up and down vision for fiducial scanning and on-nozzle component alignment
  • Automatic nozzle tip changer to support a wide range of component sizes
  • Frame and motherboard design capable of future upgrades
  • Expansion ports for hacking and interfacing with the machine
  • Feeder Implementation - System supports banks of intelligent, powered feeders
    • Feeders can handle down to 4mm pitch components
    • Feeders can handle 8mm, 12mm, 16mm, and 24mm tape, both paper and plastic
    • Feeders can hold a standard 7" diameter reels of components.
    • Support for feeder communication in Marlin and OpenPnP


The following are milestones for the project. These are technical definitions of where things stand with the design and testing of the LumenPnP.

Milestone 1 - Proof of Concept

Status: ✅ COMPLETE

Core functionality of all basic PnP actions working as tests, using final architecture, but not necessarily integrated with each other or lifetime tested. This includes:

  • X, Y, and Z linear motion, and two auxiliary axis for each nozzle
  • Feeder design operational, moving tape and peeling film
  • Integrated up and down vision, along with part lighting
  • Vacuum system operational and able to pick parts
  • Driving the machine using OpenPnP
  • Motherboard that supports these functions

Milestone 2 - Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

Status: ✅ COMPLETE

Fully working and tested machine with all core functionality. This milestone includes:

  • LumenPnP
    • XYZ and rotation motion precise enough for 0603 placement
    • All printed parts designed for minimal/zero support material
    • All machine actuators (motors, pumps, lights, etc) lifetime tested
  • OpenPnP
    • Tuned and validated machine.xml file
  • Docs
    • Complete and accurate Bill of Materials, tracked and updated with the repository
    • Complete and accurate build guide
    • Complete and accurate usage guide
  • Lifetime testing across all of these subsections, picking and placing full panels, utilizing a tuned vision pipeline

Milestone 3 - Feeder Integration

Status: ✅ COMPLETE

Fully working and tested machine with integrated LumenPnP Feeder support. This milestone includes:

  • Feeder
    • Communication protocol implemented and tested in feeder firmware
    • Lifetime testing and validation of mechanical functions
  • OpenPnP
    • Custom LumenPnP Feeder type merged into mainline OpenPnP
  • Marlin
    • Full support for communicating with feeders using RS-485
  • Docs
    • Complete and accurate Bill of Materials, tracked and updated with the repository
    • Complete and accurate build guide
    • Complete and accurate usage guide
  • Lifetime testing across all of these subsections, picking and placing full panels using multiple feeders

Milestone 4 - Reflow Integration


Creating, modifying, or supporting a reflow solution. This could mean recommending an off-the-shelf oven that can be used with the LumenPnP, modifying an existing open source project, or building a reflow oven from scratch.

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