TBD - this is something Rhonda's generally interested in, so we should find a way to contribute. Motivation: Seeing people’s faces when they don’t have access - makes her sad; affected by smells and stuff on public transit. Has to do with dignity, but also quality of life for everyone.
- What work has there been on public bathrooms?
- Correlation/overlay with violence/drugs
- Lit Review - Areas of the country (or world) where there is success. (What is the metric of success?)
- Is there a ratio of income to public bathrooms?
- https://americanrestroom.org/about-us/
- https://www.phlush.org/
- The book “The Sum of Us” talks about how we used to have really cool public things - pools, parks, libraries, etc. But we keep taking them away. - Rhonda
- "Restroom Access Act" https://www.crohnscolitisfoundation.org/patientsandcaregivers/get-involved/be-an-advocate/restroom-access
- "We Can't Wait" app (Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.markedprivate.cantwait&hl=en_US&gl=US) (iOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/we-cant-wait/id1555000039)