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Hai Kukoten haikukoten
Learning and Developing


Nicholas Resendez nirholas
founder @Golden-Celestial-Ratio

Los Angeles, CA

Jiro Matsumoto codeninja819
Web3 or Nothing

@hashninjas Tokyo, Japan

Tamjid tamjid0x01
SmartContracts Security Research. Love hacking for more secure Web3.

@AIT-s | @code-423n4 | @sherlock-audit | @immunefi-team | Web3

bloc13k bloc13k
blockchain developer
Paolo Diomede pdiomede
Ecosystem Manager at @graphprotocol

The Graph Foundation Rome, Italy

Jesse Lucus jesse-lucus
Passionate about blockchain technologies
Khelil khelil
Creative Geek, Tech Lead & Full-Stack Developer.

Freelance Nantes, FRANCE

Tom tomuky
Ethereum is the world's immutable digital vending machine.
Nwankwo Victory Victorydev5
I am really passionate about the Blockchain space and the technology that is hidden from the rest of the world. I'm currently learning cybersecurity


Evan Mullins ecmulli
Data Scientist M.S. Operations Research