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chapterjason chapterjason
I'm probably a human developer. I develop in PHP with the popular Symfony framework.


d3ssy d3ssea
🎮 Just a gamer trying to find life’s next save point. 💯 Powered by caffeine and memes.

Disability Pension Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

João Pedro joaominghelli
Currently studying data analysis at EBAC.


StefanistStefan Stefanistkuhl
@Pikacell wann sew 1?

Idioten Inc Wien

Benjamin Zhuo bnjmnzh
Computer science student at the University of Toronto
Giorgi Chakhidze 0xfeeddeadbeef
Developer • R&D @TBCBank

@TBCBank საქართველო (Georgia)

Dario Pinto RadioPotin
Graduated from 42Paris. Software & Systems Engineer at OCamlPro.

OCamlPro Paris

Lucas Soeiro lukidzx
designer front-end
Shiao Qu ranni0225
typo fixer / code formatter / full automatic bug generator

Qihoo 360 China

Moliere suniven


Xr Rin Scinanene
communication engineering

XD univercity

y11en y11en
1F Y0U CAN'7 H0DL, Y0U W1LL N0T 8E P00R


PedroAS PedroHAlvesS
Estudante de Eng. de software, e muito disposto a aprender mais.