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SPHYNX gakkossphynx
Neither Me Nor You


Resit Baris Ferah barisferah
Game Developer

Holago Games Istanbul, TR

Safa safabulat
Software Developer

Turkey / Istanbul

Jack moto2002
Game Designer

NetEase Guangzhou

MichaelO michael811125
Game Developer (Gaming can make a better world)

Taipei, Taiwan

Marlon Romero Castro mromerocastro
3D and VFX Technical Artist | Crafting Interactive Experiences | I leverage cutting-edge technologies like Computer Vision to create interactive and immersive X

BII XR Costa Rica

sunguangdong SunGuangdong

Game Development Laboratory Bei jing

Yusuf H. Durkaya yhdurkaya
Trying to be a C++ developer. Tinkers with mostly OpenCV, sometimes PCL and ROS.
Ahmet Burak Kurt Burakkurt29
Computer Engineer | TOBB ETU


Güner Acet Adatorm
software engineer


Alpeen AlperenDirik
A passionate one

Konak Belediyesi İzmir/Turkey

Sercan KASLI skasli

@cdmvision Izmir, Turkey