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Samir Gyawali SamirGyawali
turning features into bugs!!!


James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Shyam Sunder shyamSiyer

Bartleby Technologies Pvt Ltd Karnataka

Michael Vododokhov Brol0l
Proud Belarusian 🇧🇾 English Teacher. Polyglot. Nietzschean Marxist. Deleuzian Nomad. Žižekian Communist. Cognitive Linguist My intellectual vanity will be my

MSLU Minsk, Belarus

Jason Wentworth jwentworth

Course Hero San Mateo, CA

Ayoub Elmohamedi ayoubelmohamedi
| One has to be a poet 🍵
