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Jonathan Souza jralison

@qstione João Pessoa, PB

Matheus Ferreira matheusguifer
Beginner front-end developer interested in joining my life experiences with deafness and accessibility and my passion for design to UI/UX projects.

Belo Horizonte, Brasil

Mickael Rocha mickaelxd
I'm a developer who loves 10 things: coffee and binary.

Blumenau, Brazil

Jodavid Ferreira Jodavid
I'm a Professor at UFPE | AI and Open-Source software enthusiast

UFPE João Pessoa - PB

Marcelo Maurin Martins marcelomaurin
Someone trying to help the others, in my possibilities. Linux programmer (c/Lazarus), make do with C#, Delphi and industrial mechanic with passion in arduino

Maurinsoft Jardinopolis/SP/Brazil

Ricardo da Rocha ricardodarocha
Sou designer com experiência em produtos, softwares e interfaces. Sou desenvolvedor Delphi|Quiu e estudo novas tecnologias como Rust e Python

Ubá, MG

Rafael Gontijo Winter rafaelgontijo
Brazilian Python developer, tech enthusiast, and movie lover. Geek at heart with a fascination for all things innovation.

Framework Digital Brazil

João Paulo Gonzaga Garcia jpaulogg
Formado em Economia pela UFMG.

Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil.

Saulo Mendes Santos saulo-smendes
Linguistics/Computer Sciences PhD Student at UFMG (Brazil) and UPSaclay (France) researching prosodic characteristics of discourse markers.

LEEL/UFMG and LISN/UPSaclay Paris

Mohamed Mesto MohamedMesto
Software Engineer | Front-End Developer.


Alef Iury alefiury
Machine learning researcher and computer science graduate student focusing mostly on automatic speech recognition, sound event detection and bioacoustics.

Universidade Federal de Goiás Goiânia, Goiás - Brasil

Vicnuel vicnuel
Olá, meu nome é Victor (Vicnuel). Sou programador full stack e analista de dados. Cursando TI - UFMS @vicnuels

UFMS Barra do Corda MA

Zhu Hongning@NUS
Jonantha Willian JonanthaW
🚫 Só um cara e seus códigos.


Vinícius de Souza souzadevinicius

EBI - European Bioinformatics Institute Cambridge, UK

Nilo RIver niloriver

Nilo River São Paulo

John Carneiro johnwmcarneiro
Empreendedor, Programador, Botafoguense. Ruby, Python e PHP = ❤️ Cuiabá, Mato Grosso

João Antunes joao8tunes
Helping companies make better strategic data-driven decisions.

@Capgemini Pindamonhangaba, SP, Brazil

SMARTIUM smartium
Consulting, Projects, R&D in Technology for Events.


Marcos Lohmann mcloh

@mcloh São Paulo