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Divgun tekvyy
full stack developer in the morning, blockchain enthusiast by the night. #swift #reactnative #nft #solidity #substrate #rust

Mississauga , Canada

Matthias Möller moellus

Berlin, Germany

Ralph Schuler ralphschuler

InHausAI Limited Gelsenkirchen

Christopher Zénon-Fall czenon1

@Castellum - ZipCeption France

Adamo Blaze localartaction
...A traveling Artist and solution-finder. A web native and a skeleton key…. learning better methods to go with ALL the flows…

USA (all over)

Nina Breznik ninabreznik
P2P developer, entrepreneur and activist @datdotorg, @wizardamigos and

DatDot / Wizard Amigos UK & nomading

Alexander Praetorius serapath
Gradually migrating away from Microsoft GitHub due to their efforts to centralize (i.e. concentrate power) development tools and the open source community

DatDot & WizardAmigos UK & Nomading

Leslie Owusu-Appiah LeslieOA

Casa Famiglia | Novoda | localhost % Terra

Simon Emanuel Schmid schmidsi
Onchain Builder


adamo-in-motion adamo-in-motion
DIGITAL NOMAD seeking searching....

the MetaVerse