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Nizar Blass neezr
computational linguist and semitist + video editor creating scripts for davinci resolve

Munich, Germany

Bashar Alhafni balhafni
PhD student at NYU. Doing NLP @CAMeL-Lab. Formerly: @isi-nlp @usc-isi-i2

NYU New York

Professor of Near Eastern Studies and History. Cairo Geniza researcher. I also do digital humanities projects.

Princeton University

Jérémie Lumbroso jlumbroso
Faculty at Penn CIS. Loves automation, markets, information systems, policy and thinking "at scale."

Department of Computer & Information Sciences, @upenn Pennington, NJ

Rebecca Sutton Koeser rlskoeser
Lead Research Software Engineer @Princeton-CDH. Previously software engineer at @emory-libraries and contributor to @ecds, @emory-lits-labs
