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Harry Ye harryeqs
Third-year Information and Computer Engineer @ University of Cambridge
LonghaiZHAO LonghaiZHAO
Parallel Robot, Nonrigid Registration, Learning from Demonstrations
Maxence Boels maxboels
PhD Candidate in Computer Vision & ML at King's College London

King's College London London, UK

jiacheng Tang tjc609
Southeast University major in digital information

Southeast University 江苏省无锡市菱湖大道99号

孔乙己 JiangShangJiu
How can you call a scholar a thief?

The three Great gods GuangDong China

Blackbird ProNeverFake
We must move quickly. We don't have much time.

Technische Universität München München

Jiahao Shao jiahao-shao1

Zhejiang University Zhejiang Hangzhou, china

MJ maxQterminal
I ❤️ open-source

pale blue dot

Shengyi Liang Henry-lsy
Pursuing a Ph.D. at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou)


EdLou ba1Sta
in a good way

Nanyang Technological University Singapore

醉舟 Hansoluo
The dream of love and hope shall never die.


Ziyad Sheebaelhamd ziyadsheeba
PhD student - Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems

Max-Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems Tübingen

Michael Feldman mfeldman143
ML Operations and AI Cloud engineer

Energy Pager

Chen Gao chengaopro
Research Fellow @ National University of Singapore

National University of Singapore Singapore

Avinash Subramanian avinashresearch1
Modeling, Simulation, Optimization & Control

Trondheim, Norway

Vertax Vertax42

YJH Tech Co, Ltd. NJUST

Weilv Chi shitoujie
Xidian University/Major in Robotics Engineering

Xidian University 陕西西安

Sony AnnemSony
Hyeonjae Park jaep99

Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, GA

Yuchen Zhu ZhuYuChenNO1

ShanghaiTech University Shanghai

Zhao JIe Jerrisk
Computer vision, Recommendation System, NLP

Tongji University Hangzhou, China

TANG ZhiXiong district10
Vim user under dvorak. (Hiring for SLAM/GIS/C++/Python talents)

Momenta Suzhou, China

physicist4AI guotong1988
efficiently get 99% accuracy models