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Shivashish Jaishy jaishy420
Started as an enthusiast, got into a university, researched and published papers, graduated and started working ... (to be continued!)

Nagoya, Aichi, Japan

M_I ItsukiMatsunaga
graduate student(Aichi Institute Of Technology)


Sihab Sahariar SihabSahariar
Co Founder and CTO | Zenraa Inc. Limited

@Zenraa-Limited Dhaka

uj151133 uj151133
I was born in Nara. I'm a Ristumeikan University student now.
LiHao xixixixixxxx

中南大学 中国湖南

Manuel Gijón Agudo MGijon
Software Engineer and Data Scientist

Mundimoto Barcelona, Spain

Yuanfan Xu FarawaySail
PhD student in NICS-EFC of Tsinghua University, interested in Multi-Agent Systems and Hardware-Software Co-Design for UAV.

Tsinghua University Beijing, China

Igor Fernandes igorfersantos
Back-end Software Engineer from 🇧🇷 Messing around in game development 👾
