AzerothCore-lua-MultiVendor script written by Psychonautek(Krisande#5411 on Discord)
Multivendor Module written in Lua for Azerothcore with SQL file to insert the npc into your AzerothCore database!
The code is well documented so you easily can edit and extend it! You will also have to state vendor id's in the script first. so open it up and look where stuff is to change (it is highlighted with a comment line)!
If u want to use the LUA script on TrinityCore read the description to get it working!
!!Description for TrinityCore!!
After you have downloaded the repo you will need to unpack the trinity only 7z file!
Follow the Instructions given inside the Readme.txt and recompile your server!
LuaEngine change for TrinityCore got cherrypicked from Noisiver's pullreqeust which was for the mod-eluna for AzerothCore.
Thanks to the LuaEngine maintainer and the team of... AzerothCore as well as TrinityCore and Mangos... without them none of all these would be even possible! <3