The DDPG (Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient) algorithm is used to train both agents at the same time.
The figure below illustrates the average score over the last 100 episodes obtained during training.
It is observed that, with the proposed network architecture and hyperparameters, the learning is stable. The environment is solved in 603 episodes and the final score converges to a maximum of 1.26.
Both agent states and actions are combined for training. Actor and critic networks with continuous action space are used. The tables below summarize the architecture used.
Type | Input | Output |
Fully Connected | State (2x24) | 256 |
Fully Connected | 256 + Action (2x2) | 128 |
Fully Connected | 128 | 1 |
Type | Input | Output |
Fully Connected | States (2x24) | 256 |
Fully Connected | 256 | 128 |
Fully Connected | 128 | Action (2x2) |
The hyperparameters used during training are:
Parameter | Value | Description |
Episodes | 1500 | Number of training episode |
Steps | 2000 | Maximum number of steps per episode |
Learning rate, critic | 1e-3 | Learning rate of the critic network |
Learning rate, actor | 1e-4 | Learning rate of the actor network |
Tau | 0.01 | Target network soft update rate |
Gamma | 0.99 | Discount rate |
Batch size | 256 | Size of each training batch sampled from the replay buffer |
Buffer size | 100 | Size of the replay buffer |
Exploration mu | 0.0 | Ornstein-Uhlenbeck mu |
Exploration theta | 0.15 | Ornstein-Uhlenbeck theta |
Exploration sigma | 0.20 | Ornstein-Uhlenbeck sigma |
Noise decay rate | 0.99995 | Decay rate used to scale the noise level per episode |
- Use a multi-agent training algorithm such as MMADPG.
- Modify the DDPG to use a prioritied experience replay to accelerate and stabilize training.
- Modify the exploration behavior of the agent to favorise exploration. For example, use parameter noise.