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raco test


Exploring Automatic Differentiation in Racket

Getting started

The code in this repository depends on a working Racket installation. To get started with Racket, see

To install the package, run (in this directory):

raco pkg install

You can also run raco pkg install to fetch the package and install it directly from GitHub.


This repository contains implementations of a few automatic differentiation algorithms.

Dual numbers

This is a straightfoward implementation of AD with dual-numbers.

#lang racket
(require ad/dual-numbers)

(define (f x y)
  (+ (* x x) (* x y)))

(f 10.0 2.0) ; => 120.0
((D/f f) 10.0 2.0) ; => #(22.0 10.0)

Known limitations

The implementation uses a single dual part, and so suffers from perturbation confusion in certain circumstances.

Program tracing

#lang ad/trace
(require ad/trace/diff)

;; ...

Known limitations

Program tracing has a large overhead. Each primitive operation does quite a lot of extra work to manage the trace.


Uses the same algorithm (and code) as for finding a derivative via a program trace, but at expansion time, and only on "straight line" code.


This is currently a single example, illustrating how reverse-mode AD can be implemented using dual numbers and continuations (with the shift/reset higher-order control operators). It is based on Wang et al (2018).

Additional Material

The slides for the presentation at Lambda Days 2020 (video) are available as a pdf or as a Racket slideshow program.


We follow the lead of the main Racket license: This code is distributed under the MIT license and the Apache version 2.0 license, at your option.