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459 lines (325 loc) · 10.1 KB

File metadata and controls

459 lines (325 loc) · 10.1 KB



./ext_skel --extname=globals


A) SG() SAPI Globals (main/SAPI.h)

typedef struct {
	const char *request_method;
	char *query_string;
	char *post_data, *raw_post_data;
	char *cookie_data;
	long content_length;
	uint post_data_length, raw_post_data_length;

	char *path_translated;
	char *request_uri;

	const char *content_type;

	zend_bool headers_only;
	zend_bool no_headers;
	zend_bool headers_read;

	sapi_post_entry *post_entry;

	char *content_type_dup;

	/* for HTTP authentication */
	char *auth_user;
	char *auth_password;
	char *auth_digest;

	/* this is necessary for the CGI SAPI module */
	char *argv0;

	char *current_user;
	int current_user_length;

	/* this is necessary for CLI module */
	int argc;
	char **argv;
	int proto_num;
} sapi_request_info;

typedef struct _sapi_globals_struct {
	void *server_context;
	sapi_request_info request_info;
	sapi_headers_struct sapi_headers;
	int read_post_bytes;
	unsigned char headers_sent;
	struct stat global_stat;
	char *default_mimetype;
	char *default_charset;
	HashTable *rfc1867_uploaded_files;
	long post_max_size;
	int options;
	zend_bool sapi_started;
	double global_request_time;
	HashTable known_post_content_types;
	zval *callback_func;
	zend_fcall_info_cache fci_cache;
	zend_bool callback_run;
} sapi_globals_struct;

#ifdef ZTS
# define SG(v) TSRMG(sapi_globals_id, sapi_globals_struct *, v)
SAPI_API extern int sapi_globals_id;
# define SG(v) (sapi_globals.v)
extern SAPI_API sapi_globals_struct sapi_globals;

#include "main/SAPI.h"
php_printf("default_mimetype : %s\n", SG(default_mimetype));

B) EG() 这个宏可以用来访问符号表,函数,资源信息和常量。 (zend/zend_globals_macros.h)

struct _zend_executor_globals {
	zval **return_value_ptr_ptr;

	zval uninitialized_zval;
	zval *uninitialized_zval_ptr;

	zval error_zval;
	zval *error_zval_ptr;

	/* symbol table cache */
	HashTable *symtable_cache[SYMTABLE_CACHE_SIZE];
	HashTable **symtable_cache_limit;
	HashTable **symtable_cache_ptr;

	zend_op **opline_ptr;

	HashTable *active_symbol_table;
	HashTable symbol_table;		/* main symbol table */

	HashTable included_files;	/* files already included */

	JMP_BUF *bailout;

	int error_reporting;
	int orig_error_reporting;
	int exit_status;

	zend_op_array *active_op_array;

	HashTable *function_table;	/* function symbol table */
	HashTable *class_table;		/* class table */
	HashTable *zend_constants;	/* constants table */

	zend_class_entry *scope;
	zend_class_entry *called_scope; /* Scope of the calling class */

	zval *This;

	long precision;

	int ticks_count;

	zend_bool in_execution;
	HashTable *in_autoload;
	zend_function *autoload_func;
	zend_bool full_tables_cleanup;

	/* for extended information support */
	zend_bool no_extensions;

#ifdef ZEND_WIN32
	zend_bool timed_out;
	OSVERSIONINFOEX windows_version_info;

	HashTable regular_list;
	HashTable persistent_list;

	zend_vm_stack argument_stack;

	int user_error_handler_error_reporting;
	zval *user_error_handler;
	zval *user_exception_handler;
	zend_stack user_error_handlers_error_reporting;
	zend_ptr_stack user_error_handlers;
	zend_ptr_stack user_exception_handlers;

	zend_error_handling_t  error_handling;
	zend_class_entry      *exception_class;

	/* timeout support */
	int timeout_seconds;

	int lambda_count;

	HashTable *ini_directives;
	HashTable *modified_ini_directives;
	zend_ini_entry *error_reporting_ini_entry;	                

	zend_objects_store objects_store;
	zval *exception, *prev_exception;
	zend_op *opline_before_exception;
	zend_op exception_op[3];

	struct _zend_execute_data *current_execute_data;

	struct _zend_module_entry *current_module;

	zend_property_info std_property_info;

	zend_bool active; 

	zend_op *start_op;

void *saved_fpu_cw_ptr;
	XPFPA_CW_DATATYPE saved_fpu_cw;



C) CG() 用来访问核心全局变量。(zend/zend_globals_macros.h)

struct _zend_compiler_globals {
	zend_stack bp_stack;
	zend_stack switch_cond_stack;
	zend_stack foreach_copy_stack;
	zend_stack object_stack;
	zend_stack declare_stack;

	zend_class_entry *active_class_entry;

	/* variables for list() compilation */
	zend_llist list_llist;
	zend_llist dimension_llist;
	zend_stack list_stack;

	zend_stack function_call_stack;

	char *compiled_filename;

	int zend_lineno;

	zend_op_array *active_op_array;

	HashTable *function_table;	/* function symbol table */
	HashTable *class_table;		/* class table */

	HashTable filenames_table;

	HashTable *auto_globals;

	zend_bool parse_error;
	zend_bool in_compilation;
	zend_bool short_tags;
	zend_bool asp_tags;

	zend_declarables declarables;

	zend_bool unclean_shutdown;

	zend_bool ini_parser_unbuffered_errors;

	zend_llist open_files;

	long catch_begin;

	struct _zend_ini_parser_param *ini_parser_param;

	int interactive;

	zend_uint start_lineno;
	zend_bool increment_lineno;

	znode implementing_class;

	zend_uint access_type;

	char *doc_comment;
	zend_uint doc_comment_len;

	zend_uint compiler_options; /* set of ZEND_COMPILE_* constants */

	zval      *current_namespace;
	HashTable *current_import;
	zend_bool  in_namespace;
	zend_bool  has_bracketed_namespaces;

	zend_compiler_context context;
	zend_stack context_stack;

	/* interned strings */
	char *interned_strings_start;
	char *interned_strings_end;
	char *interned_strings_top;
	char *interned_strings_snapshot_top;

	HashTable interned_strings;

	const zend_encoding **script_encoding_list;
	size_t script_encoding_list_size;
	zend_bool multibyte;
	zend_bool detect_unicode;
	zend_bool encoding_declared;

#ifdef ZTS
	zval ***static_members_table;
	int last_static_member;

typedef struct _zend_compiler_globals zend_compiler_globals;
#ifdef ZTS
# define CG(v) TSRMG(compiler_globals_id, zend_compiler_globals *, v)
int zendparse(void *compiler_globals);
# define CG(v) (compiler_globals.v)
extern ZEND_API struct _zend_compiler_globals compiler_globals;
int zendparse(void);

php_printf("compiled_filename : %s\n", CG(compiled_filename));

D) PG() PHP全局变量。我们知道php.ini会映射一个或者多个PHP全局结构。(main/php_globals.h)

struct _php_core_globals {
	zend_bool implicit_flush;

	long output_buffering;

	zend_bool sql_safe_mode;
	zend_bool enable_dl;

	char *output_handler;

	char *unserialize_callback_func;
	long serialize_precision;

	long memory_limit;
	long max_input_time;

	zend_bool track_errors;
	zend_bool display_errors;
	zend_bool display_startup_errors;
	zend_bool log_errors;
	long      log_errors_max_len;
	zend_bool ignore_repeated_errors;
	zend_bool ignore_repeated_source;
	zend_bool report_memleaks;
	char *error_log;

	char *doc_root;
	char *user_dir;
	char *include_path;
	char *open_basedir;
	char *extension_dir;
	char *php_binary;
	char *sys_temp_dir;

	char *upload_tmp_dir;
	long upload_max_filesize;

	char *error_append_string;
	char *error_prepend_string;

	char *auto_prepend_file;
	char *auto_append_file;

	arg_separators arg_separator;

	char *variables_order;

	HashTable rfc1867_protected_variables;

	short connection_status;
	short ignore_user_abort;

	unsigned char header_is_being_sent;

	zend_llist tick_functions;

	zval *http_globals[6];

	zend_bool expose_php;

	zend_bool register_argc_argv;
	zend_bool auto_globals_jit;

	char *docref_root;
	char *docref_ext;

	zend_bool html_errors;
	zend_bool xmlrpc_errors;

	long xmlrpc_error_number;

	zend_bool activated_auto_globals[8];

	zend_bool modules_activated;
	zend_bool file_uploads;
	zend_bool during_request_startup;
	zend_bool allow_url_fopen;
	zend_bool enable_post_data_reading;
	zend_bool always_populate_raw_post_data;
	zend_bool report_zend_debug;

	int last_error_type;
	char *last_error_message;
	char *last_error_file;
	int  last_error_lineno;

	char *disable_functions;
	char *disable_classes;
	zend_bool allow_url_include;
	zend_bool exit_on_timeout;
#ifdef PHP_WIN32
	zend_bool com_initialized;
	long max_input_nesting_level;
	long max_input_vars;
	zend_bool in_user_include;

	char *user_ini_filename;
	long user_ini_cache_ttl;

	char *request_order;

	zend_bool mail_x_header;
	char *mail_log;

	zend_bool in_error_log;

#ifdef PHP_WIN32
	zend_bool windows_show_crt_warning;
typedef struct _php_core_globals php_core_globals;
#ifdef ZTS
# define PG(v) TSRMG(core_globals_id, php_core_globals *, v)
extern PHPAPI int core_globals_id;
# define PG(v) (core_globals.v)
extern ZEND_API struct _php_core_globals core_globals;

php_printf("user_ini_filename : %s\n", PG(user_ini_filename));

E) FG() 文件全局变量。大多数文件I/O或相关的全局变量的数据流都塞进标准扩展出口结构。(ext/standard/file.h)

typedef struct {
	int pclose_ret;
	size_t def_chunk_size;
	long auto_detect_line_endings;
	long default_socket_timeout;
	char *user_agent; /* for the http wrapper */
	char *from_address; /* for the ftp and http wrappers */
	char *user_stream_current_filename; /* for simple recursion protection */
	php_stream_context *default_context;
	HashTable *stream_wrappers;			/* per-request copy of url_stream_wrappers_hash */
	HashTable *stream_filters;			/* per-request copy of stream_filters_hash */
	HashTable *wrapper_errors;			/* key: wrapper address; value: linked list of char* */
	int pclose_wait;
} php_file_globals;

#ifdef ZTS
#define FG(v) TSRMG(file_globals_id, php_file_globals *, v)
extern PHPAPI int file_globals_id;
#define FG(v) (file_globals.v)
extern PHPAPI php_file_globals file_globals;


#define TSRMLS_FETCH( )  void ***tsrm_ls = (void ***) ts_resource_ex(0, NULL)
#define TSRMG(id,type,el) (((type) (*((void ***) \
#define TSRMLS_D        void ***tsrm_ls
#define TSRMLS_DC       , TSRMLS_D
#define TSRMLS_C        tsrm_ls
#define TSRMLS_CC       , TSRMLS_C