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Question: Are location points buffered while off-line? #1106

Answered by growse
muety asked this question in Q&A
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If the app fails to send a location message, it's retried (with an exponential backoff capped at every 2 mins, I think). It will retry to send each message a fixed number of times, before dropping it and moving onto the next message. For location messages, it's actually retried effectively for a week (about 10,000 times), because there are some users who are out of network contact for multiple days.

You should be able to see the size of the current location queue in the status page. The maximum size of the queue is currently 10,000 points.

Neither of these two values are configurable - I'd be interested in understanding the reasons behind a desire to make them configurable?

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This discussion was converted from issue #1105 on October 25, 2021 09:22.