We are trying to provide a fast and dedicated framework to the industry users who requires high-efficiency solution of their online or offline CTR training. HugeCTR is also a reference design for the framework developers to help them enhance their current GPU CTR training solutions.
HugeCTR v2.1 is flexible. We support DNN / WDL / DCN / DeepFM models which are widely used in industrial recommender systems. The users can find useful samples from “samples” folder of HugeCTR
HugeCTR v2.1 has no TF interface, but the Trained model is compatible with TensorFlow. It's encouraged to deploy the trained model to TensorFlow for inference. See more details in tutorial
Yes. HugeCTR supports single-gpu, or multi-gpu single-node, or multi-gpu multi-node for CTR training. Please refer to samples/dcn2node for more details.
Embedding table in HugeCTR is model-parallel stored across GPUs and nodes. So if you have very large size of embedding table, just use as many GPUs as you need to store it. That’s why we have the name “HugeCTR”. Suppose you have 1TB embedding table and 16xV100-32GB in a GPU server node, you can take 2 nodes for such case.
HugeCTR supports GPUs with Compute Compatibility > 6.0, for example P100, P4, P40, P6, V100, T4.
DGX is not required, but recommended, because the performance of CTR training highly relies on the performance of inter-GPUs transactions. DGX has NVLink and NVSwitch inside, so that you can expect 150GB/s per direction per GPU. It’s 9.3x to PCI-E 3.0.
For multi-node training, InfiniBand is recommended but not required. You can use any solution with UCX support. InfiniBand with GPU RDMA support will maximize performance of inter-node transactions.
HugeCTR has very low CPU requirements, because it offload almost all the computation to GPUs where CPU is only used in file reading.
We have specific file format support. Please refer to the tutorial in HugeCTR.
Not currently. We will consider to add Python interface in the future version.
HugeCTR only supports synchronous training.
Yes, hashtable based embedding in HugeCTR supports dynamic insertion, which is designed for stream training. New features can be added into embedding in runtime. HugeCTR also support data check. Error data will be skipped in training.
In HugeCTR, slot is feature field or table. The features in a slot can be one-hot or multi-hot. Number of features in different slots can be variant. There are slot_num
of slots in one sample of training dataset. This item is configurable in data layer of configuration file.
There are two sub-classes of Embedding layer, LocalizedSlotEmbedding and DistributedSlotEmbedding. They are distinguished by different method of distributing embedding table on multiple GPUs as model parallelism. For LocalizedSlotEmbedding, the features in the same slot will be stored in one GPU (that is why we call it “localized slot”), and different slots may be stored in different GPUs according to the index number of the slot; For DistributedSlotEmbedding, all the features are distributed to different GPUs according to the index number of the feature, regardless of the index number of the slot. That means the features in the same slot may be stored in different GPUs (that is why we call it “distributed slot”).
16. For multi-node,is DataReader required to read the same batch of data on each node for each step?
Yes, each node in training will read the same data in each iteration.
17. As model parallelism in embedding layer, how does it get all the embedding lookup features from multi-node / multi-gpu?
After embedding lookup, the embedding features in one slot need to be combined (or reduced) into one embedding vector. There are 2 steps: 1) local reduction in single GPU in forward kernel function; 2) global reduction across multi-node / multi-gpu by collective communications libraries such as NCCL.
There should only be one source where the "sparse" is an array. Suppose there are 26 features (slots), first 13 features belong to the first embedding and the last 13 features belong to the second embedding, you can have two elements in "sparse" array as below:
"sparse": [
"top": "data1",
"type": "DistributedSlot",
"max_feature_num_per_sample": 30,
"slot_num": 13
"top": "data2",
"type": "DistributedSlot",
"max_feature_num_per_sample": 30,
"slot_num": 13
In HugeCTR, the model is saved in binary raw format. For model saving, you can set the “snapshot” in .json file to set the intervals of saving a checkpoint in file with the prefix of “snapshot_prefix”; For model loading, you can just modify the “dense_model_file”, “sparse_model_file” in .json file (in solver clause) according to the name of the snapshot.
20. Could the post training model from HugeCTR be imported into other frameworks such as TensorFlow for inference deployment?
Yes. The training model in HugeCTR is saved in raw format, and you can import it to other frameworks by writing some scripts . We provide a tutorial to demonstrate how to import HugeCTR post training model to TensorFlow. Please refer to the tutorial .
Features in different slots must be unique (no overlap). You may want to preprocess the data if you have overlaps e.g. offset or use hash function.
nnz=0 is supported in HugeCTR input. That means no features will be looked up.
Firstly, you should construct your own configure file. You can refer to our User Guide and samples. Secondly, using our data_generator
to generate a random dataset. Seeing introductions.
Thirdly, run with ./huge_ctr --train ./your_config.json
Plan_file is used by Gossip communication library. the GPUs topology and connection in the server are defined in this file. We provide a plan_file generator tool for users to generate plan_file easily based on your server configuration. Please refer to dcn or dcn2nodes. Please note that if you prefer NCCL library other than Gossip here you don't have to provide a plan_file. Please refer to our README "Build with NCCL All2All Supported".
As embedding is model parallel in HugeCTR, it's a reference number for HugeCTR to allocate GPU memory accordingly and not necessarily the exact number of features in your dataset. In practice we usually set it larger than the real size because of the uniform distribution of the keys.
In DistributedSlotEmbedding
, HugeCTR will allocate the same size of memory on each GPU which is max_vocabulary_size_per_gpu
. Users have to set vocabulary_size
big enough to make sure no overflow in any GPUs.
In LocalizedSlotEmbedding
, we suppose each of the slots has the same number of features. If the size of each slot has large differences, we recommend the users give a big enough number since we will calculate the max_vocabulary_size_per_gpu
according to this formula.
in hashtable means the filled rate of embedding. HugeCTR will allocate a hashtable with the size of vocabulary_size
. load_factor
is important in the performance of hashtable get() / insert() operation. 0.75 is recommended for better performance.
GPU with nvlink is not required, but recommended because the performance of CTR training highly relies on the performance of inter-GPUs communication. GPU servers with PCIE connections are also supported.