- Changed: Update Interface version (classic)
- Changed: Update item database (classic era)
- Fixed: Lockbox opening with keys not checking for key quantity
- Fixed: Lockbox opening with keys showing incorrect tooltip
- Changed: Resort to tooltip scanning for profession keys' usability
- Changed: Update Interface version
- Fixed: Item matching for profession keys when on the edge of usability
- Removed: Profession scanning on retail
- Removed: Hack to force-load profession info on retail
- Changed: Update item database for retail
- Fixed: Taint issue while holding modifier in combat
- Changed: Update Interface version (retail)
- Changed: Update Interface version (classic)
- Changed: Update Interface version (classic)
- Changed: Updated item database (classic)
- Changed: Update Interface version (classic)
- Fixed: Sometimes not working on first login
- Fixed: Relics not being disenchantable
- Fixed: Addon blocked error
- Fixed: Error on login on cataclysm
- Changed: Updated item database
- Changed: Updated zhCN translations
- Changed: Update Interface versions
- Changed: Updated item database for cataclysm
- Fixed: Localization not working
- Changed: Updated shatterable items (Gleaming Shatter support)
- Fixed: Error on cataclysm
- Fixed: Profession items not being disenchantable
- Added: Support for shattering (Enchanting)
- Added: koKR translations (thanks @Kim4858)
- Changed: Cleaned up and updated item database
- Changed: Improved performance by a few hundred millisecond
- Changed: Improved tooltip help lines positioning and spacing
- Fixed: Cosmetic items and shirts are not disenchantable
- Fixed: Errors on Classic Era
- Fixed: Settings for classic
- Fixed: Settings colliding or not loading/saving properly
- Fixed: Compatibility with 11.0.2 patch
- Fixed: Errors when using profession keys to open lockboxes
- Added: Tooltip information in retail if the item can't be processed, and why
- Changed: Update item database
- Changed: New animations for retail
- Changed: Tweaked animation colors
- Changed: Updated settings to fit with the new templates
- Changed: Update Interface versions
- Fixed: API deprecations and changes
- Removed: Item blocklist in settings (use item restoration if you mess up)
- Changed: Update item database for all flavors
- Fixed: Several ores in classic not being prospectable
- Fixed: Thrumming Powerstone in retail not being disenchantable
- Fixed: Thousands of items not correctly flagged as non-disenchantable
- Changed: Update item database for cataclysm
- Removed: Skill check for disenchanting in cataclysm
- Changed: Update Interface versions
- Changed: Update item databases
- Changed: Removed deprecated wrapper from Dashi
- Changed: Rename files to match generic game version codenames
- Changed: Update Interface versions
- Changed: Update item databases
- Changed: Updated deDE translations
- Fixed: Incorrect skill check for disenchanting on classic era
- Fixed: Anchoring on weird bag addon slots (e.g. BetterBags)
- Changed: Update Interface versions
- Changed: Updated item databases
- Changed: Update Interface version (retail)
- Fixed: Not working with items in the reagent bag
- Fixed: Titanium Ore not considered prospectable (wrath)
- Changed: Update non-disenchantable database (wrath)
- Changed: Update Interface version (wrath)
- Fixed: Errors when attempting to disenchant items that were not cached yet
- Fixed: Disenchanting not working on a lot of items (classic/wrath)
- Added: deDE translations
- Changed: Update non-disenchantable database (wrath)
- Fixed: Error after learning first profession (retail)
- Fixed: Disenchanting wrong item when holding shift
- Fixed: Sparkles not respecting modifiers and settings
- Fixed: Errors caused by other addons scanning tooltips
- Changed: Improved compatibility with bag addons (Retail)
- Fixed: Clicking not working for some players
- Fixed: Sounds and frame spikes when moving after login (Retail)
- Changed: Now makes sure the player has enough skill to disenchant the item (Classic)
- Fixed: Glow showing up in flyouts
- Fixed: Modifier not updating attribute handler
- Fixed: Various errors on Classic
- Added: Special disenchantable items from 10.1
- Fixed: Settings not loading correctly
- Fixed: Disenchanting error in Wrath
- Added: Support for gem crushing (Jewelcrafting)
- Changed: Should no longer activate on items that can't be disenchanted
- Changed: Update Interface version
- Fixed: Inaccuracy for certain processes such as milling and prospecting
- Removed: Dependency on LibProcessable
- Removed: Support for Draenic Mortar (item was removed)
- Fixed: Update LibProcessable embed
- Added: Support for scrapping with engineering
- Added: Support for disenchanting Sophic Amalgamation
- Changed: Update Interface version(s)
- Fixed: Milling and Prospecting without opening tradeskill first
- Changed: Update LibProcessable embed
- Added: Support for disenchanting even more special items
- Changed: Update LibProcessable embed
- Added: Support for disenchanting profession equipment
- Added: Support for disenchanting "mystic" special items
- Fixed: Error from mousing over items in ElvUI chat
- Changed: Update Interface version
- Fixed: Compatibility with 10.0.2 patch
- Fixed: More errors on non-bag items
- Fixed: Errors on non-bag items
- Changed: Update LibProcessable embed
- Fixed: Unintended global leak
- Added: Tooltip warning users of changes to milling/prospecting
- Added: Support for combined bags
- Changed: Update Interface version
- Changed: Support for Dragonflight settings API
- Fixed: API changes for Dragonflight
- Fixed: Support for Wrath of the Lich King
- Changed: Typo in locale string
- Fixed: Incorrect interface versions
- Added: Support for Wrath of the Lich King
- Changed: Update LibProcessable embed
- Changed: Update Interface version
- Added: Support for 9.1 lockboxes
- Added: Preliminary support for 9.2 lockboxes, ores, and herbs
- Fixed: Incorrect ID used for Tiny Titanium Lockbox
- Changed: Update Interface version
- Fixed: Packager not releasing correctly to classic/tbc (again)
- Fixed: Disenchanting two-handed maces not working (classic/tbc)
- Fixed: Disenchanting shirts not prevented (classic/tbc)
- Fixed: Packager not releasing correctly to classic/tbc
- Fixed: Disenchanting two-handed maces not working (classic/tbc)
- Fixed: Disenchanting shirts not prevented (classic/tbc)
- Changed: Update LibProcessable embed
- Fixed: Disenchanting two-handed maces not working
- Fixed: Disenchanting shirts not prevented
- Changed: Update Interface version
- Fixed: Regression from BCC update on Classic
- Added: Support for Burning Crusade Classic
- Changed: Updated Interface version for Classic
- Added: Support for disenchanting Shadowlands profession world quest items
- Changed: Update LibProcessable embed
- Changed: Update Interface version
- Changed: Update LibProcessable embed
- Fixed: Opening lockboxes previously thought to be unobtainable
- Fixed: Opening lockboxes for Rogues and Mechagnomes
- Fixed: Opening lockboxes using Blacksmithing
- Fixed: Opening lockboxes using Inscription
- Fixed: Incorrect Interface version
- Fixed: Missing libraries
- Fixed: Incorrect game version for retail
- Changed: Update Interface version
- Changed: Replaced custom config with Ace3
- Changed: Item blocklist is now sorted
- Fixed: Shadowlands compatibility
- Fixed: Taint when changing modifier option in combat
- Fixed: Classic client detection
- Added: Support for Mechagnome lockpicking skill
- Changed: Update Interface version
- Changed: Update LibProcessable embed
- Fixed: Errors from updated Classic client
- Fixed: Errors on initial logins in Classic
- Fixed: Enchanting not being recognized in Classic
- Fixed: Regression resulting in nil table lookups
- Added: Support for Classic
- Added: Support for 8.2 ores, herbs and lockboxes
- Changed: Update LibProcessable embed
- Fixed: Incompatibilities with bag addons (thanks @deNoor)
- Changed: Update LibProcessable embed
- Fixed: All incompatibilities with other addons
- Fixed: Errors when logging in or opening certain professions
- Changed: Update LibProcessable embed
- Fixed: Error when opening secondary professions
- Fixed: Error when the player has Blacksmithing as one of the primary professions
- Added: Support for Battle for Azeroth items
- Changed: Update LibProcessable embed
- Fixed: Compatibility issues (on our end) with TradeSkillMaster
- Added: Warning if the skill requirement to process an item is not met
- Changed: Update LibProcessable embed
- Fixed: Herbs/ores not being detected correctly
- Changed: Update LibProcessable embed
- Changed: Update Interface version
- Changed: Update LibProcessable embed
- Fixed: Legion enchanting quest line items not disenchantable
- Changed: Update LibProcessable logic
- Changed: Update LibProcessable embed
- Changed: Update LibProcessable embed
- Added: Argus material support
- Added: Legion enchanting questline item disenchanting support
- Changed: Update LibProcessable embed
- Changed: Update Interface version
- Fixed: Lockpicking in trade window
- Fixed: Items not showing up in the blacklist on first load
- Changed: Updated embedded libraries
- Changed: Updated embedded libraries
- Added: Support for an additional modifier
- Changed: Update Interface version
- Changed: Update LibProcessable embed
- Fixed: Not accounting for effective item level when disenchanting
- Fixed: Errors encountered while at a vendor
- Fixed: Libraries path
- Changed: Tooltip now anchors depending on screen corners
- Added: Support for artifact relics
- Fixed: Issue with LibProcessible library
- Fixed: Libraries not being loaded correctly
- Fixed: Parent click handlers not getting the correct frame
- Added: Item blacklist and options
- Added: Localization support (please contribute!)
- Changed: Update Interface version
- Changed: Made the license readable by mortal beings
- Changed: Using a new library to handle options
- Added: Support for the Draenic Mortar
- Changed: Update LibProcessable embed
- Fixed: Rare issue with misbehaving click passthrough
- Changed: Update LibProcessable embed with updated Draenor data
- Changed: Internal simplifications
- Fixed: Missing self reference
- Changed: Loading procedure to make sure other addons don't disrupt functionality
- Changed: Update Interface version
- Changed: Update embedded libraries
- Fixed: Disenchantable items comparison error
- Removed: Disable while at the mailbox
- Fixed: Button showing when it's not supposed to
- Fixed: Skeleton keys are not usable in the TradeFrame
- Added: New library to validate which items are processable
- Added: Support for lockpicking and skeleton keys in the TradeFrame
- Added: Metadata file for the curseforge packager
- Changed: Disable while in a vehicle
- Changed: Disable while at the mailbox
- Changed: Disable if ore/herb stack is less than 5
- Changed: Now using secure methods for hiding
- Changed: Update license
- Changed: Update Interface version
- Fixed: Leaked variable
- Added: Click bypass for 3rd party support
- Fixed: Issue that caused items to be equipped instead of disenchanted
- Changed: Update Interface version
- Changed: Update disenchantable database
- Changed: Update skeleton keys database
- Fixed: Error when skeleton keys are not cached yet
- Added: Skeleton keys support for lockboxes
- Changed: Update Interface version
- Fixed: Taints caused by Blizzard leaking a global variable
- Changed: Update Interface version
- Changed: Update disenchantable database
- Changed: Update container database
- Fixed: Don't show when we can't process the item
- Changed: Use a database for containers instead of a faulty localization check
- Changed: Added support for packagers to set the version automatically
- Changed: Update license
- Changed: Update disenchantable database
- Changed: Disable while at the auction house
- Fixed: Error caused by bad lockbox tooltips
- Changed: Update Interface version
- Changed: Update disenchantable database
- Fixed: Russian client support using a new global string
- Added: Pick Lock support
- Changed: Update disenchantable database
- Changed: Update Interface version
- Fixed: Make sure the disenchantable database is available on load
- Added: Sparkles are back!
- Changed: Update Interface version
- Changed: Update disenchantable database
- Fixed: Button is now always on top
- Fixed: Make sure the quality check is correct
- Added: Disenchanting support
- Added: Texture to replace the glow
- Changed: Update Interface version
- Changed: Use alpha to temporarily hide the button when entering combat
- Fixed: Make sure the item is in a bag
- Changed: Update license
- Removed: Disenchanting support
- Fixed: Add custom translation for russian client support
- Fixed: Delay the spell checks until PLAYER_LOGIN
- Changed: Simplify the click arguments
- Fixed: Don't enable on the character inventory
- Changed: Update Interface version