Node client library for IVONA Speech Cloud API. Yes, this is up-to-date and uses the most recent AWS Signature 4 scheme (thanks to aws4). All you need is your Ivona access and secret (the one only given to you once upon creating it) keys.
- CreateSpeech
- ListVoices
npm install ivona-node
No current documentation, as the entire extent of the API can be viewed below.
var ivona = new Ivona({
accessKey: 'IVONA_ACCESS_KEY',
.on('complete', function(voices) {
// ivona.createVoice(text, config)
// [string] text - the text to be spoken
// [object] config (optional) - override Ivona request via 'body' value
ivona.createVoice('This is the text that will be spoken.', {
body: {
voice: {
name: 'Salli',
language: 'en-US',
gender: 'Female'
var ivona = new Ivona({
accessKey: 'IVONA_ACCESS_KEY',
secretKey: 'IVONA_SECRET_KEY',
proxy: {
host: '',
port: 12345
- @kuzzmi